
Russian Conspiracy Theory Iceberg | Level 2 (1/3)

Moving forward to the second level of our Russian conspiracy theories iceberg! There's still more than 450 different topics in this one, and of course, all of them are related to Russia or Soviet Union. Today we will have a lot of exciting stories. For example, did you know that there was a gigantic empire that stretched throughout Siberia? Or that the great Genghis Khan is buried somewhere in the mountains of Russia? Or that there was an infant emperor of Russia who was locked behind the bars for 20 years and then killed? And not only that, but for some reason the entire Romanov family after him decided to just...erase the boy from history? Let's go! Level 2 of the Iceberg: 00:00 - Introduction 00:18 - Tartary 02:46 - Party Gold 06:07 - Ninel Kulagina 08:22 - The Hum 10:21 - Zagorsky Experiment 13:07 - The Tale of Igor's Campaign is Fake 15:42 - Tomb of Genghis Khan 17:42 - Alexander Column 19:38 - Height 611 21:48 - Mother of God Center 23:52 - Tesak's Death 26:51 - Pushkin's Photo 27:45 - Lizards vs. Russes 29:40 - Dead Depth 31:11 - AllatRa 34:01 - Lake in Solnechnogords 35:58 - Ten's Anthropogenesis 37:39 - Viktor Baranov 40:48 - Yeltsin Bridge Incident 42:57 - Ivan VI of Russia 46:26 - Global Predictor Special thanks to my Patrons: Mike Pearce, Kirill Klimuk, Ravenghast, Yelizaveta Zakharova, Adam Stakhanov, Devon Hodgson, Sarah McMaster, Yuval Carmon, Jason Vanin, Simon Böse, Triskelia, Niels Dowgwillo, Michael, Jordan LaMothe, Eli, Jimmy Albin, Petar Ilic, College Russian, Bruce Eternick, Matei. If you'd like to support the channel: 💵 Patreon (early access to videos) - 🪙 BTC - bc1qh8szz62crxu9ylg2jx9dz3t6vzzjdw2rheft2m 🪙 ETH - 0x19F11A86adf1ec4DDebEC0f27982805B1d1aba67 🪙 USDT (TRC20) - TYG76yndvrDD8WM9TtkBGauT7682esKZfu 🪙 Other crypto - Links: Discord - Twitter - Hey there. Somehow you found my video and decided to watch it. So let me introduce myself. I'm Sergei and I'm from Russia. My channel is about my native country. I want to tell English-speaking viewers about the real Russia, about its past and present. Unfortunately, you can find a lot of propaganda about Russia on the Internet, both from the Russian media and from the Western ones. I want to tell you about Russia, as it really is, the country in which I was born, grew up, and lived all my life. Free Stock Footage provided by and


3 weeks ago

Greetings, comrades! I won't torment you with long intros - today we move to the second level of the Russian Conspiracy Iceberg. There are 65 different stories in it, so I will probably have to break this level into 3 videos. And trust me, by the end of this level you will definitely find at least one conspiracy theory that you'll love. Let's go! Tartary is a transcontinental proto-state that existed in the past, inhabited by Hyperboreans and descendants of the inhabitants of Atlantis. Great Tar
tary supposedly was one of two parts of the Slavic-Aryan Empire (the largest state in the history of mankind). The capital of Great Tartary was Asgard Irian (on a place of modern Omsk), founded in the beginning of 6th millennium from so-called Great Resettlement from Daaria (mythmakers are convinced, that about 105 thousand years ago people have moved from the North Pole to Eurasia).At one point the enemies of the Slav-Aryans forcibly baptized Kievan Rus of Moscow Tartary into the "slave" Christ
ian faith, left only 3 million people from the population of twelve alive, destroyed nearly three hundred cities and kept only 30. The entire world history was rewritten to hide the "truth". Well, at least that's what alternative historians say, but what about real ones? Tartary is the kind of historical term that was used by Europeans to describe vast lands that were WAY beyond their reach and knowledge. A kind of Terra Inkognita in the heart of Eurasia. Actually, as you could guess by the name
, it was...not very complimentary and came from the Greek Tartarus - the deepest levels of hell. And if at first Tartary was considered simply as "some distant country from which hordes of barbarians periodically come to Europe", then gradually it was identified on maps and in encyclopedias quite clearly. Here's a quote from the 1771 Encyclopedia Britannica- TARTARY a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded by Siberia on the north". It goes on to list the parts of Tartary south of Mu
scovy in the west and as far east as Tibet. Or here is a map of Asia from 1754. Note that "wild Moscovia" belongs to Europe there - but next goes some "Great Tartary", which occupies a bigger territory than any empire in history. The conspiracy theory was born from this - After all, Europeans could not simply unite hundreds of Turkic and Mongolian peoples in one giant country on their maps, call them the descendants of hell and reprint it for hundreds of years? . In fact, apparently they could.
Unfortunately, no archaeological excavations prove the existence of "Great Tartary". Or do they just hide the truth from us very well? There are dozens of stories about gigantic gold reserves of this or that person or society that mysteriously disappeared. Montezuma's gold, Napoleon's gold, Titanic's gold, Nazi's gold...of course, there is such a story for the CPSU. Communist Party of the USSR was one of the richest organizations in the world, as it actually controlled one of the richest countri
es in the world. In 1991, the State Bank of the USSR published data on the amount of gold stored in it for the first time. It turned out that the USSR's gold reserve had shrunk several times and only 240 tons of gold remained. This information amazed Western experts, who estimated the USSR's gold reserves to be at least 1-3 thousand tons. It turned out that even Venezuela had more gold than the Soviet Union. Rumors immediately spread that the gold had been secretly exported by airplanes to Switz
erland, and that these processes were supervised by high party officials. On August 26, 1991, Nikolai Kruchina, the CPSU administrator of affairs, fell out of the window of his house. The death of the party's chief treasurer raised many questions. A month or so later, Georgy Pavlov, a longtime Brezhnev associate and Kruchina's predecessor as administrator of affairs, died in a similar manner. Both Pavlov and Kruchina were undoubtedly well aware of the party's financial dealings. A few days later
, Dmitry Lisovolik, head of the American sector of the International Department of the Central Committee, fell out of the window of his apartment. The mysterious deaths of three high-ranking officials who were well aware of the Party's hidden financial activities gave rise to a very convincing myth about the Party's gold, which mysteriously disappeared in the last year of the USSR's existence. What is interesting here is that the story about the "disappeared gold of the party" was launched not b
y some conspiracy theorists, but by Yegor Gaidar, the head of the government of the Russian Federation in 1992, right after the collapse of the USSR. Not only did he accuse CPSU and KGB figures of looting the country and taking all the proceeds to an unknown destination, but he also signed a contract with Kroll Associates to track down and locate very large sums of money that had been taken out of the Soviet Union prior to August 1991. The investigation was not successful - the government droppe
d the case after a couple of months, and the report handed over by the Americans disappeared without a trace. Later, an employee of the detective agency stated that the Russian government gave the impression of people who did not really need the requested information, and the whole operation was organized for the sake of "diversion" to receive the next tranche from the IMF. The issue of "Party Gold" was dealt with by many public and political figures, but researchers have not come to a definite
conclusion as to whether the party money existed at all and who got it. Most likely, there really was no mountain of gold bars guarded by a red dragon. Something from the CPSU budget was certainly “borrowed” by its members. something was simply spent in attempts to keep the Soviet economy of the perestroika period afloat, and something was taken by the new government. But I wouldn’t be surprised if some billions still lie in secret accounts in the mountains with Swiss gnomes, sorry, bankers. Nin
el Kulagina is another prominent character of the USSR era who possessed (or claimed to possess) supernatural abilities. In Ninel's case, telekinesis. Kulagina gained international fame in the 1960s when her abilities began to be studied. According to Kulagina herself, she inherited her psychokinetic abilities from her mother and knew all her life what she was capable of. Sometimes her psychokinetic abilities manifested themselves in the form of poltergeists, when in moments of anger, objects fe
ll out of cupboards or moved around. The lights turned on and off involuntarily, and objects seemed to be gravitating toward her. And not only metal objects, but also, for example, matches. In this case, the peculiarity of Kulagina is that her abilities were actively studied at the state level and were even captured on film. In particular, Kulagina was studied by employees of the Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics. For several years, they conducted experiments during which she
"extinguished" a laser beam, moved various objects and burned holes in them with her gaze, overexposed photographic film and made the magnetic arrow rotate, heated the skin of other people with one touch almost to burns, separated egg white from yolk in water and even stopped the heart of a frog. Then there were claims that Kulagina could feel any illness, could visualize what disease was affecting whom. However, each such session had a bad effect on Ninel's health - during each session she los
t up to two kilograms of weight. Her abilities were indeed studied by major scientists, and some of them are really convinced that Ninel had supernatural abilities. But, for example, according to the memoirs of academicians Alexei Ivanitsky and Evgeny Alexandrov, Kulagina was repeatedly accused of fraud - allegedly she moved objects with the help of cleverly tied thin nylon-6 threads under her clothes, and the compass arrow was moved by a magnet hidden under a bandage on her finger. But, for exa
mple, the experiment with matches under a glass hood - the thread can not slip there, the magnet does not affect them. How did she do it? Or How do you explain that some protocols of the experiments with Kulagina are still classified? Another phenomenon, not unique to Russia and the post-Soviet space. The Hum is a constant or periodic low-frequency stationary noise, not distinguishable by all people, periodically heard in various places in the world. Usually in cool weather with light winds and
often early in the morning. The first cases of noises of uncertain origin were recorded back in the 19th century. In Russia, the most well-known variation of this phenomenon is called "Earth Moan" or "Earth hum", observed since 2011. There are many videos on YouTube with unexplained frightening sounds in Russian cities. There are still no explanations for this phenomenon - some say it's the sound of the Earth's crust, some blame power lines, some blame atmospheric pressure. Or even the change of
the Earth's magnetic poles. There is even a version of the cosmic nature of these sounds, that the source of this unexplained noise, comes from the very heart of our galaxy "Milky Way", from a supermassive black hole. And the sound is made when the solar system approaches that center. Or maybe it's the Earth moaning because of the way mankind treats it. And the most frightening theory about the end of the world, or rather the seven trumpets of the Apocalypse. They are mentioned in the Revelatio
n of John the Theologian, where the end of the world is described, and these incomprehensible sounds are a harbinger of the near Apocalypse. Finally, there is a version that all these videos are a hoax to gain views on YouTube. I'll be honest, once I also heard such an obscure frightening rumble at 5 am at a deserted pier in the middle of thick fog. The feeling was quite unforgettable, but then it turned out that it was just the hum of a pumping station, which was 5 kilometers downstream and whi
ch is usually not heard because of other background sounds. Imagine living in total darkness without a single sound coming from outside. Is it life at all? It's actually quite an inspiring story about how the USSR decided to set up an experiment and prove that people with complete loss of sight and hearing can achieve great things with the right training. Under the leadership of Ivan Sokolyansky and Alexander Meshcheryakov, the Zagorsky boarding school for deaf-blind children conducted an experi
ment that was revolutionary for that time - four boarding school pupils were given the opportunity to go through the higher education program at Moscow State University on par with ordinary people. All these children had lost their hearing and sight at about 4-5 years of age. At the boarding school they completed the high school program, and then in 1971 they entered the Psychology Department of Moscow State University, passing the exams on an equal footing with other applicants. They were provi
ded with interpreters and special devices in which printed text could be translated into braille and vice versa, which were used to communicate during seminars. All participants successfully graduated in 6 years, one year later than regular students. Then one of the participants became a sculptor, one became a candidate of sciences in philosophy, and another became a doctor of psychology. It would seem an unprecedented success, but in fact the Zagorsky experiment is not just the foursome from MS
U. It is all the pupils of the boarding school for at least a dozen years. And the idea was not to show the capabilities of the Soviet system of higher education, but to understand human nature. It was more of a philosophical experiment. It was about the laws of formation of the psyche, about what the psyche and personality are. Scientists wanted to prove that humans do not have innate intellectual abilities in principle, and that any individual, even one who does not have a full "set" of feelin
gs, is capable of developing a full-fledged personality. That there is no "soul" and that man arises only through social labor.That the human psyche emerges as a result of object-practical activity, as Grandpa Marx said. That matter is primary, not idea. In fact, Soviet scientists wanted to destroy the ancient Gospel thesis "In the beginning was the word, and the word was God". And the experiment was successfully completed - no words. Only hard work. But it is still criticized, because for some
reason all 4 children that were selected for it, were not born with a lack of sight and hearing, but lost it at a fairly conscious age. So their "soul" could have been already formed even then. The tale of Igor’s campaign - is a symbol of Ancient Rus' literature written in the Old East Slavic language. The poem gives an account of a failed raid of Knyaz Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsians of the Don River region. The poem is known to every Russian and is considered a classic of Old Russia
n literature. Apart from "The Tale..." there has never been anything even comparable in terms of the level of Old Russian poetic talent, the work is absolutely unique. But nothing is known about when and how the "Tale of Igor's Campaign" was created. Most scholars believe that it was written in the last quarter of the XII century. The text of the "Tale", included in a manuscript collection of the 16th century, was accidentally discovered at the end of the 18th century, and the first publication
took place in 1800. Moreover, Count Alexei Musin-Pushkin himself, who found the manuscript, was extremely reluctant to describe the circumstances of this discovery. The manuscript soon was lost in the Great Fire of Moscow, and this, along with the uniqueness of the "Tale" became a reason for hypotheses about a literary hoax. The first doubters appeared even before the poem was first published. The controversy has not subsided to this day - for example there were great writers among the supporter
s and opponents of the authenticity of the "Tale". Alexander Pushkin fiercely defended the authenticity of this manuscript, and his main argument was that in the 17th and 18th centuries there were simply no such talented poets (except for himself) with such a knowledge of Old Slavonic, who could write such a magnificent masterpiece. Leo Tolstoy, on the other hand, argued in private conversations that it could be a forgery, citing the weak logic of the poem and the fact that it is difficult to at
tribute it to any particular genre. A serious argument in favor of the authenticity of the "Tale" was the discovery of "Zadonshchina" in 1852 - a work of the 14th century, which had several quotes from the "Tale of Igor's Campaign" and whose authenticity is not questioned. However, skeptics did not give up and put forward the assumption that it was not in "Zadonshchina" that "The Tale" was quoted, but "Zadonshchina" became a source of inspiration for the forger. Now scientists after many linguis
tic examinations have come to a consensus that most likely the manuscript was indeed written in the 12th century. And one of the main arguments is actually Pushkin's argument - the forger needed to have a brilliant knowledge of the language of the time, and such knowledge in the 18th century was simply not available. Another legend that unites several countries. But in Russia, many people are sure that the tomb of the great Mongol commander is located on the territory of our country. According t
o legend, after Genghis Khan's death, his body was returned to Mongolia, and he was buried somewhere in the vicinity of the Onon River. The funeral escort killed anyone they encountered along the way. After the burial, thousands of horses were driven over the mound to raze it to the ground. The slaves who performed the burial were put to the sword, and then the soldiers who executed them were also killed. In general, they had as much fun as they could. The perfect breeding ground for a legend. I
n addition, according to legend, in the tomb of the founder of the Mongol Empire rest his untold riches. But it's not clear where to look. One of the clues was given by the famous traveler Marco Polo. In his youth he served three years at the court of the great khan Khubilai - the grandson of Genghis Khan. The ruler was buried at the "great mountain" to the north of the capital, Karakorum, he claims. And he gives its name - "Alkhai". Sounds like "Altai," doesn't it? And half of this mountain ran
ge is just on the territory of Russia. In addition, there were rumors about the existence of some keys to the tomb of the great Khan, which were taken to the USSR from a Buddhist monastery in 1937, and rumors about a curse that led to the death of two French archaeologists searching for it. In at least two dozen places in the Zabaykalsky Krai and Buryatia you will find villages where people would claim that Genghis Khan's tomb is definitely right there. And they will even give you some beautiful
ancient legend as proof. But the Mongols themselves are not in a hurry to look for this grave. Firstly, it was Genghis Khan's last will, and secondly, he was buried according to local customs at a depth of about 20 meters - so you can't dig it even if you want to. Alexander Column is a monument in the Empire style, located in the center of the Palace Square of St. Petersburg, erected in 1834. It is quite an unusual monument, so it has always been associated with a lot of myths. After the column
was unveiled, the citizens of St. Petersburg were very afraid that it would fall and tried not to go near it. These fears were based on the fact that the column was not anchored in any way - and to allay their fears, the French architect Montferrand took long walks around the column in the evenings with his dog until his death. It is said that nowadays their ghosts can sometimes still be seen walking the palace square on dark evenings. In addition, the French envoy to the St. Petersburg court r
eported that in the original version it was planned to drill a spiral-shaped staircase along the entire height of the column.And for this the architect required only two workers: a man and a boy with a hammer, a chisel and a basket in which the boy would carry the fragments of granite. In 10 years, he claimed, the worker and the boy would have completed their spiral staircase. True, this project was never implemented. Other sources, however, claim that it was started but then hastily abandoned,
and the boy and the worker were bricked up in this column for eternity. In perestroika times, newspapers published information that during the years of Soviet power the Communists repeatedly intended to replace the statue of the angel with a bust of one of the leaders of the world proletariat, but never chose whether to place Lenin or Stalin there. Now there is a romantic tradition connected with the column - newlyweds come to the Alexander Column and the groom carries the bride in his arms arou
nd it. According to the belief, how many times the groom with the bride in his arms will go around the column, so many children they will have. Incident at Height 611 - alleged crash of an unidentified flying object in Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, January 29, 1986 at 7:55 PM. A reddish orb was spotted by residents of the town at 7:50 PM. Eyewitnesses say that the orb appeared to be the size of half the disk of the Moon. It flew parallel to the ground without making any sound. When the object reac
hed the Height 611 (also known as Mount Izvestkovaya), it rose and dropped several times before crashing into a mountain. All but one of the witnesses say there was also no sound when the object reached the ground. Ah yes, the classic - for some reason no one was able to photograph this phenomenon properly. Three days after the incident, a group of ufologists climbed the hill. They found a 2 square meter site with traces of high-temperature impact. The rocks on it were covered with a thin black
film, and the site itself was covered with black ash. Remnants of charred wood that had turned to porous embers were found. A surviving part of the orb’s outer skin, made of ultrapure molybdenum, which is not used as a structural material in terrestrial conditions, was also found, as well as melted spherical droplets with a metallic appearance. Similar flying orbs were observed throughout the territory of Dalnegorsky, Kavalerovsky, Olginsky and Terneisky districts of Primorsky Krai; the descript
ions of these orbs coincide with the description of the UFO that crashed at the Height 611. This height is still a legendary place for the residents of Dalnegorsk - For example, the explosion site is strictly avoided by all animals, including insects. According to some reports, when staying for more than 90-100 minutes, one starts to see clinical changes in blood parameters, blood pressure increases. Walking coordination disorders and loss of orientation in space have also been confirmed. Now th
e city authorities have decided to make this height a tourist attraction and put a monument to the flying saucer there. The Mother of God Center is a religious movement recognized as a destructive Orthodox sect. Now it is called "Orthodox Church of the Mother of God Derzhavnaya". This sect is run by Father John Bereslavsky, aka Veniamin Yankelman. He is a former patient of a psychiatric hospital, where he underwent inpatient treatment with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia twice . The total
number of adherents is about 20,000 people. Actually, quite a boring organization, no parrot-god, no strange rituals, no wild orgies. The only thing that is fun about them is their philosophy. According to the teachings of the Mother of God Center, the world's evil is concentrated in a woman. They introduce a mystical concept of “The Whore" (yes, with a capital letter) - a collective image of female sinful beginning in the world. For example, one of the prominent figures of the center writes tha
t "Satan gnawed a hole in the thin body of Eve between her legs, dishonored her and infiltrated into her flesh, creating his throne there, made the genitals the center of Eve's personality; That's why the wicked mother spreads around her sodom bacchanalia, being unconsciously or consciously the proxy of the prince of darkness, his priestess. Gynocentrism is a disease of diseases, the spawn of evil, the harbinger of decay."And also that "it was the Whores who were at the origin of the communist r
evolution - charging, inspiring, and strangling men..... and established the reign of the naked slut." Yes, let me remind you that they still call themselves the Center of the Mother of God for some reason In general, a regular sect like dozens of them, I'm not quite sure why they are in this iceberg, but whatever. Now that's a full-fledged conspiracy theory. Although trivial, and having hundreds of analogs in the form of "That dude didn't kill himself". By the way, it is children that unite Tes
ak (aka Maxim Marcinkiewicz) with Epstein. But if the latter used them to populate his island, Tesak used them as bait for pedophiles. This is how he became known to the general public - as a youtuber, kind of a Russian Chris Hansen. Except that his "prophylactic conversations" with those who got caught were usually tougher. After all, in addition to his creative works, Tesak in his youth was also a well-known neo-Nazi, the leader of his own National Socialist group. In fact, he ended up going t
o prison for this - incitement of interethnic hatred. While in prison, he was charged with new cases , this time much more serious - participation in the murders of migrants in the mid-2000s - and his sentence gradually grew to as much as 10 years.On September 16, 2020, Marcinkiewicz was found dead in the cell of SIZO No. 3 in Chelyabinsk. According to official preliminary data, he committed s****de. Marcinkievich had two s****de notes with him, which contained apologies to the administration of
the Chelyabinsk pre-trial detention center for inconvenience, as well as a request to send a letter to his girlfriend and hand over a book about communism and a personal diary to her. Actually, I don't even know where to start, maybe with the fact that before he went to prison, he repeatedly said he wasn't going to kill himself..Or from the Daily Mail quoting a handwriting expert's opinion that one of the notes was written by a woman. Or with the fact that he was only about six months away from
possible parole. Or the fact that shortly before his death he was moved to solitary confinement for some reason and no witnesses were present. Or with the fact that his lawyer Alexei Mikhalchik said that on September 9, 2020, Maxim met with him in Novosibirsk, where he said that he had been tortured for the last three months, forced to sign confessions of guilt for murders in Moscow in the nineties. And a couple months later, videos of Tesak confessing to more murders surfaced. Finally, on Dece
mber 3, 2020, it became known that a third s****de note of Marcinkevich had been found earlier. "During the examination of the corpse of Marcinkevich ... another s****de note was found in his mouth, wrapped in polymer material, written by Marcinkevich M. S. From its content it appears that he did not commit the murders he confessed to committing, and he denounced himself, as well as other persons mentioned in his testimony”. In general, Tesak was not the most pleasant character - either he was r
eally a skinhead who killed people, or he was an scandalous showman who yelled fascist slogans for fun and filmed staged executions for the sake of hype. Did he kill himself? Now, that's a good question. There are many theories connected with Pushkin, here is another one for you. The thing is that at one time in social networks there was a popular story that the only lifetime PHOTO portrait of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was found, probably made by Louis Daguerre himself! The photo is not sharp
, but in general...there are some similarities! But let's start with the fact that Pushkin died in 1837 - exactly the year when Daguerre finally managed to achieve a breakthrough in his inventions and invented daguerreotype - the first practically applicable method of photography. True, he tweaked it for another two years - until 1839. So the chances that he and his entire lab went to photograph a not-so-famous Russian poet...are pretty slim. So yes, as unfortunate as it is, there are no photogr
aphs of Pushkin (like Napoleon, for example) in existence. Lizards vs. Russes! Russes against lizards! Once upon a time ancient Russes lived on Earth along with the dinosaurs and protected the planet from lizards. At least, that's what Professor Bagirov, author of the YouTube channel of the same name, PhD in history with 4 higher education degrees, says. One look at the preview of this channel is enough to realize that this is nothing more than a joke on YouTube conspiracy theories.. However, fr
om a simple joke the whole world has arisen! Ancient Russes - that’s how professor calls inhabitants of Ancient Rus’. According to Bagirov, they made friends with dinosaurs and baptized them into Orthodoxy, and also laid a great sea way to Africa, where Rus' of South Africa, abbreviated as RSA, was founded. Russes hunted on mammoths and repelled attacks of Mongols: in both cases dinosaurs helped them. Lizards lived on island Atlantis and professed lizardism. Bagirov says that they have invented
mathematics that became the tool of influence on Russes and have sent their missionaries Pythagoras, Euclid and Plato to Russia. All details of centuries-old confrontation of Russes and lizards are not clear, but once lizards have bombed a trading way in South Africa and that’s how the great war for Hyperborea began. Unfortunately, on May 30, 2023, the authors of the channel revealed that the professor died in his 70th year of life due to lung cancer. So we will never know the whole story. By th
e way, there is a computer game "Russes against lizards" based on this story - in English translation the name for some reason is LIZARDS MUST DIE. I highly recommend it. And the authors also announced a sequel with the title - "Russes are not against lizardesses". The game will focus strictly on the mature audience. Why is the Black Sea called the Black Sea? There are several versions of the origin of the name, but according to one of them it was called so by the ancient Greeks because of the d
ifficulties of navigation in it, as well as the fact that ships were constantly sinking there. Black - mysterious, unexplored, deadly. There’s also another name of the Black Sea, which frightened ancient travelers - the sea of dead depths. It's all about the fact that deeper than 150-200 meters in the Black Sea there is practically no life due to the abnormally high content of hydrogen sulfide in its deep layers. This dead zone occupies about 87% of the volume of the sea, which makes it one of t
he largest dead zones in the world ocean. According to one version, the very appearance of the Black Sea (only 7500 years ago) was associated with the mass death of freshwater inhabitants of the former Black Sea Lake. One wonderful (or not so wonderful) day, something simply swallowed all the inhabitants of this peaceful lake, and as a result, hydrogen sulfide and methane began to accumulate at the bottom of the lake. In addition, there is a theory that the very sharp expansion of the Black Sea
led to huge casualties among the coastal population, because the water level rose almost 140 meters at once. There is a version that this very event served as the basis for the myth of the Flood, which is present in many cultures, and that the mythical Atlantis was flooded there and then. And yet another religious movement that has signs of a totalitarian cult. This time it originated in Ukraine, but was also active in Russia. They still have several YouTube channels aimed at different audiences
. The doctrine is a mixture of elements of Middle Eastern mythology, Zoroastrianism, Gnosticism, Theosophy, and Agni Yoga. The messiah of this " doctrine" is Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. Before declaring himself a prophet, he was a masseur in Makeyevka, Donetsk region. Danilov also calls himself an academician and professor, but...he cannot prove this with anything. Very briefly, the followers of AllatRa believe that there are forces of light in the world - the arhat and forces of evil - the archo
ns. Archons are evil bricklayers. We are talking, of course, about the Masons. And the center of these forces of evil, of course, is in the United States. To save the planet, people must give up material values, engage in spiritual enlightenment and learn about the Anunnaki. The alien Anunnaki help people on Earth to cope with problems, but they cannot solve them all for people, for people must come to this decision themselves. The Anunnaki can be recognized by their vertical blinking, like some
reptiles. Yes, yes, good reptiloids! All of this would be funny if various Ukrainian politicians and celebrities did not attend the interviews on the YouTube channel of "AllatRa" (there were about 500 thousand subscribers). For example, the first president of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk, the current Minister of Reintegration Iryna Vereshchuk, the former head of the SBU Ivan Bakanov. In addition, one of the girls who was at AllatRa told Ukrainian TV channel 1+1 that the "messiah" had a country house
where twelve women lived permanently. Danilov came there several times a week: he had sex with the girls, and sometimes organized lesbian orgies, while watching. The whole point was that these girls were declared knights of light, one of their tasks was to produce Allat energy. Which only happens during lovemaking. Classic! Amusingly, in August 2023, the activities of the organization were recognized by the Prosecutor General's Office as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation. A
mong other things, for the fact that "activists of the Allatra on the territory of the Russian Federation receive instructions from their Ukrainian curators". And in December 2023 the Security Service of Ukraine announced the liquidation of the "pro-Russian cult" "Allatra, acting in the interests of the special services of the Russian Federation". whose interests was the cult operating? Russia or Ukraine? But something tells me that it was in the interests of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, w
ho liked to watch lesbian orgies and tell tales about reptiloids. Just a hunch. Lake "Bezdonnoye" in Solnechnogorsk (Moscow region) is one of the most mysterious places in Russia. The shape of the lake is perfectly round (do you remember what I told you about round lakes?) Diameter - about 160-170 meters. Depth...unknown. There is a legend that Dmitry Mendeleev, who lived in the estate nearby, tried to measure its depth with the help of a rope with a weight at the end, but his 97-meter rope neve
r reached the bottom. Even in our days divers with the help of modern equipment and gear tried to determine the depth of the lake, but when diving to a depth of 4.5 meters met a layer of compaction, the so-called "false bottom", which seemed to push them out. One of the legends tells about clergymen whose church was sunk to the bottom of the Bottomless Lake for their sins, and the "false bottom" prevents them from escaping punishment. The locals have always been afraid to swim to the middle of t
he lake, and the mysterious findings only added to the fear. Many times the wrecks of sailing ships with foreign names have been found here, once the children discovered the remains of a ship and saved a plaque with the inscription "Santa Maria". The mysterious legend might have remained a local story if it were not for the 2003 find, which was reported by almost all Russian media. In 2003, a local truck driver Vladimir Saychenko fished a life jacket out of the water. It seems, what's the big de
al? However, the vest was labeled... of the U.S. Navy. As it turned out, this life preserver belonged to Sam Belowski, a sailor from the USS Cole. This American warship was blown up by terrorists three years earlier off the coast of Yemen. In the process, several crew members went missing, among them Sailor Belowski. How did this vest travel thousands of kilometers and end up in a random Russian body of water? The beginning of the 21st century. Historian, publicist Victor Ten makes a revolutiona
ry breakthrough in the most complex and controversial issue of human cognition, our evolution and ancestors. The inversion theory of anthropogenesis raises the question of the universal nature of man and asserts that man did not originate from an ape and in general was born not on land, but in the sea. In short, the concept is that some kind of aquatic creatures, like dolphins but with arms, were cut off in small shoaling bodies of water during the retreat of the Tethys ocean and forced to make
their way onto land. And already 7-5 million years ago they evolved almost to the modern human form. To support this version of events, Ten cites three or so dozens of "exclusive" features present in humans, but not found in other land animals. For example, the fact that a thick layer of subcutaneous fat is only characteristic of marine mammals. Or that modern humans can arbitrarily control their breathing processes like marine mammals and birds. All animals living on the surface of the earth ca
n drink water and breathe at the same time. Only humans cannot do it, because water gets into the lungs, and we begin to choke. A baby, if you throw it in the water, will swim! Humans have an innate ability to swim! Or the fact that humans have mastered stone tools, stone tools are also used by sea otters! All in all, an interesting theory. And is it worth mentioning that the brilliant anthropologist "Victor Ten" has no scientific degrees, of course. Viktor Baranov rightfully bears the title of
the USSR's Chief Counterfeiter and there is actually nothing mystical about his story. From the point of view of law enforcement agencies, this story began in the mid-70s. By 1977, in 76 regions of the USSR, from Vilnius to Tashkent, 46 counterfeit fifty-rouble bills and 415 counterfeit twenty-five-rouble bills were detected, which, according to experts, had a single source of origin. The exceptionally high quality of the forgeries made counterintelligence immediately suspect the CIA. Along with
the spy version, the traditional version was also checked - it was assumed that the counterfeiters received the technology directly from Goznak. A year later the KGB realized that Goznak had nothing to do with it, but someone in the country was simply too well versed in the process of printing money. Gradually, it was determined that in the south of Russia high quality forgeries appear more often than in other regions and the counterfeiter was caught in Stavropol. Generally, such a crime in the
USSR was punishable by execution. But Viktor Baranov lived until 2016. The whole point is that Viktor Baranov was making fake money...for the sake of the process itself. He was interested in money as a work of art. In addition, since childhood he was an experimenter - even in his youth Baranov constantly offered his inventions (from a device for sorting potatoes to a one-wheeled car) to various enterprises, but he was not taken seriously anywhere. And then he decided to prove himself to everyon
e - to do something that seemed unthinkable. All by himself. In 1965, having studied the literature on the history of money printing, Baranov realized that to create his own ruble he would have to thoroughly master almost 20 specialties.In fact, the task was impossible: he had to repeat alone what was created by the entire state industry, which had classified technologies, hard-to-find materials and unique human resources at its disposal. But for some reason Baranov paid no attention to this, lo
cked himself in his shed and began his experiments. Finally, in 1976, having printed another sample of fifty rubles, he could not find any differences from the real banknote. Only Lenin on the watermark gave away the forgery. Baranov made him 15 years younger - he did not like the old Lenin aesthetically. At the same time, Baranov was not looking for enrichment - he was looking for recognition. Therefore, when he was captured, Viktor Ivanovich began to willingly share his achievements. For twelv
e years he was hiding, and finally there were people who could appreciate his talent and titanic labor. The king of counterfeiters gladly gave the recipe for his own solution that allowed etching copper several times faster than it was done in Goznak - and his solution was used to print rubles in the next 15 years. For the Minister of Internal Affairs Shchelokov, Baranov outlined recommendations to improve the protection of rubles from counterfeiting on ten pages. In general, he shared all his k
nowledge, for which he received only 12 years in a penal colony instead of a firing squad. If you think peak Boris Yeltsin is dancing on stage in 1996 or drinking a beer in one go, no. Peak Boris Yeltsin fell off a bridge into the Moskva River in 1989, before he was even president of Russia. The whole incident is shrouded in mystery. If the politician himself is to be believed, he was attacked by unknown miscreants near the village of Uspenskoye in the Moscow region, had a bag put over his head
and was thrown off a bridge into the Moskva River. Yeltsin, who was a good swimmer, managed to free himself and reach the shore. However, he made the details of the assassination attempt public only a few years later in his autobiography, explaining that he did not want to immediately alarm the public and provoke protests. Due to the significant resonance back in 1989, Mikhail Gorbachev himself discussed the incident at a meeting of the Supreme Soviet in mid-October, but constantly referred to t
he incident as "allegedly having taken place". And in Yeltsin's version there were clearly inconsistencies - firstly, the strange killers did not simply shoot him in the middle of the forest and did not make sure that the victim was dead after being thrown off the bridge, and secondly, the height of the bridge was about 6 meters, and the depth of the river - only one and a half. Yeltsin should have hit the bottom hard, but no injuries were reported, as even his personal bodyguard Korzhakov confi
rmed. Therefore, there was a popular rumor that Yeltsin actually visited his mistress in Uspenskoye, with whom he had a conflict, and she threw a bucket of water at him, slapped him in the face, or simply threw him out, after which he, being drunk, fell into a ditch or a river at dusk. According to political opponents Boris Yeltsin was humiliated and crushed in the eyes of the people. It was a sure political death. But, paradoxically, after the fall from the bridge, people not only were not disa
ppointed in their idol, but began to love Yeltsin even more. A year and a half later, the country elected him president - our simple Russian man Boris! He got drunk and fell into a ditch! Happens to the best of us! "The Forgotten Emperor" and "the most unfortunate among Russian rulers". An absolutely tragic figure of the era of palace coups in Russia. After the death of Empress Anna Ioannovna, the son of her niece, two-month-old Ivan Antonovich was proclaimed Emperor under the regency of Duke of
Courland Biron. However, two weeks later Biron was dethroned, and a year later the infant emperor himself was overthrown by Elizaveta Petrovna. He spent the rest of his life in solitary confinement, and was killed by guards at the age of 23 during an attempt to free him. Even his name was strictly tabooed - Ivan Antonovich's name was actively removed from historical chronicles and events, throughout the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna Lomonosov's odes in his honor were banned, decrees and orders wi
th his name were confiscated and burned. Moreover, even keeping coins with his face on them since 1745 was considered a state offense and severely punished. Even more than a century and a half later, during the jubilee events of 1913-1914, the infant emperor was omitted on the Romanov obelisk in Alexander Garden and on the Faberge Easter egg "The Tercentenary of the House of Romanov". The Romanovs decided to erase the infant from their history. The boy grew up separated from his surviving family
until the age of 16, not even knowing about the death of his own mother. In 1756, having reached formal adulthood, the young man became a real danger to Elizabeth, and he was transported to a dungeon in Shlisselburg, where all the remaining years of Ivan VI's life were spent. The deposed emperor was placed in a cramped casemate, the only window of which was covered with gray paint so that no one would even accidentally see the prisoner. The guards were ordered not to tell anyone anything about
the prisoner - what age he was, his sex, and so on. The prisoner himself was forbidden to disclose his origin or even his real name. However, it is very likely that the young man knew who he was. It is also likely that someone had taught him to read and write, despite all the prohibitions. He was becoming angry, attacking the guards with his fists, constantly talking to himself. When Peter III, who succeeded Elizabeth, ascended the throne, the guards were authorized to beat the prisoner and chai
n him to the wall. For the next empress Catherine II, who was not related to the Romanov dynasty by blood, the prisoner from Schlisselburg also posed a great danger. In 1762, she accompanied Peter III on a visit to the prisoner and was convinced of his excellent physical health and that Ivan knew who he really was. And the next turn of fate of Ivan VI became fatal for him. July 4, 1764, serving in the garrison of the Shlisselburg fortress, Lieutenant Vasily Mirovich made an attempt to arrange th
e prisoner's escape. He raised the guards, ordered to close the gates of the fortress, arrested the commandant and moved his soldiers to the barracks where Ivan VI was kept. The guards stationed with him had explicit instructions to kill the prisoner at any attempt to free him, and he was put to death before Vasily could reach him. Why Mirovich did this is still unknown, many believe that he was encouraged to stage a fake escape by Catherine herself. The death of Ivan VI Antonovich was soon forg
otten. His place of burial is still unknown, there is a version that the body by order of Catherine II without any publicity was buried right there, in the Shlisselburg fortress. Global Predictor is a conspiracy term from the political movement Public Safety Concept referring to the Earth's governing authorities who are engaged in the imposition of globalization. We will talk more about the movement itself later, because it is very productive and has given birth to many theories. The Predictor i
s associated with some secret occult rulers, which, according to representatives of this movement (or cult), control the financial elites of the world and thus occupy the top of the hierarchy. The global predictor is just another ZOG-type government,that is responsible for all of humanity's current troubles. The symbol of the Global Predictor is the All-Seeing Eye. It is believed that it rules the world according to the principles set forth in the Bible and the works of Marx. The main goal of th
e GP is said to be the enslavement of humanity and the establishment of a New World Order in which all human rights will be revoked. It is implied that the GP determines the future by its actions. It was created 3500 years ago by 22 ancient Egyptian priests-hierophants, who supervised the "World Masonic Government" (yes, it also exists in this concept). The "Global Predictor" is a subject that realizes "conceptual power" (the power of ideas that dominate society and of people who form, understan
d and realize these ideas) in relation to the whole society to the extent of its understanding. Accordingly, in order to escape from the power of this evil global predictor, Russia needs to wake up from sleep and acquire its own "conceptual power". Well, in general, here is a scheme of how all this schizo stuff is organized, figure it out by yourself somehow. And that's it for today, there are two more parts of this level of the iceberg to come. And, of course, a huge thank you to my biggest sup
porters - Yelizaveta Zakharova, Kirill Klimuk, Simon Bose, Jimmy Albin, Eli, Petar Ilic and Bruce Eternick. See you guys next time.



Watching this baked was excellent trip down this rabbit hole


My favorite Russian conspiracy is that we don't drink vodka, vodka drinks you....


but what if the photo was not of Pushkin but of "Pushkin-Dumas"?


Great content my man! Been watching you for several months now and its the best youtube recommendation Much love from Bulgaria


Love your videos man, thanks for another upload on this iceberg😊


Man these videos are a treasure trove


There is one about the conqueror Timur. Soviets arqueologists were ordered by Stalin to open the tomb of Timur where it says: "When I rise from the dead, the world shall tremble". 2 days later, the nazis launched operation barbarossa. Stalin ordered then closure of the tomb in December 1942 one month before the victory of Stalingrad.


awesome video as always my friend


I also heard the "earth moans" here in Hungary a year or so ago, it was somewhat similar to the ones on the video but it sounded more like a horn and it was a bit higher pitched, the strangest thing to me is that the sound was coming from every direction (I was outside), its interesting how this has no official explanation.


Excellent video!


Personal fave: the counterfeiter.


4:08 are you telling me Defenestrations is a long Russian tradition


Please 🙏🏻 complete this series !


О, слышал т.н. "стон земли" несколько раз в разных местах. И соответственно, звук тоже был разным. Что однозначно говорит о немистическом его характере. В городе это была какая-то электрическая пульсация, в деревне просто периодичный странный гул, явно не от машин на трассе.


Yay you’re back, Timur’s tomb has got a similar tale where archaeologists opened his sarcophagus and soon after the Nazis invaded. Apparently there’s a legend that if anyone were to disturb Tamerlane’s tomb Russia will be invaded, I don’t believe it because I’ve heard the same thing with Tutankhamen’s tomb except the supposed curse was just limited to killing off the archaeologists. It’s possible that The Great Khan’s tomb is in Russia or maybe in Mongolia. Well that Mother of God Center is interesting but in a weird disturbing way.


Lots of Theories !


Forgot to mention that they found torture marks on tesak. Nails ripped off, shock marks on testicles. Etc


About "Party gold" there is very good book from Igor Bunitš. Hopefully somebody, some day translates its into to english.


I just watched the Benn Jordan video about the Hum before this. It is interesting that he pointed out pipelines as a big source of the sound, my thought was that russia must have a lot of hum then.