
Russian (Soviet) Weather Engineering Over North America - Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden (1985)

Directed Energy Weapons, Weather Modification, Geoengineering, Tesla howitzer weapons, and much more...... all discussed in a conference from the mid 1980's.... all proved now. In case you missed the proof that weather can indeed be modified using Radio waves, we found the US Gov site which says it can be done here: _____ About this video: This was one of a series of physical DVD videos sent to me directly after Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Bearden passed away. Soviet Weather Engineering Over North America (1985) The DVD's arrived with a hand written note saying "Michael, Wasn't sure if you had seen this one of Tom's before-" Signed Tehri Energetic Productions. This video fully covers Russia (soviet) weather modification over North America using Radio Waves. Lt. Col. Bearden explains the process of crossing waves / scalar , and also discusses creating earthquakes, beam drops into volcanoes / faults , cold explosions, projecting or removing energy from a location using radio waves, and the nature of Scalar waves being gravitational waves which exist in the plate, atmosphere, and in space as well. This conference is a real mind blowing watch, and should be listened to carefully multiple times if necessary. I suggest you also go look on the US military site for Thomas Beardens other work!!!! If you check above, you're going to find some serious next level fringe science done for the US missile command among other military branches!


4 days ago

subject for the evening is Soviet weather  engineering over North America which they have been doing since the beginning of 1966 1967  that was the first shot our attempt at influencing the weather directly over the United States they  then lapsed into a lot of not influencing it for a period of years and in 1983 particularly really  opened up the big guns after having energized the infamous woodpecker signals the so-called over the  Rison Radars and the communication ban in the mid 1970s the fi
rst thing I'm going to have to  tell you is that there are three kinds of electromagnetics and only one is being used today  in the Western World the first kind is the kind we all study as electrical engineers and even US  nuclear engineer study a little bit of it and it's classical electromagnetics the foundations  of that go back before the Civil War it's quite old and there are serious flaws and many errors  in it as is quite well known in a few circles the second kind first of all let me cha
racterize  the first kind of electromagnetics everything is due to the force fields the so-called electric  field magnetic field if that reduces to zero in an area you don't have any more electromagnetics  going on in there the potentials themselves are considered to be mathematical figments now I'm  going to be giving you a little background I'm going real fast through it but you'll need this to  understand what I'm talking about in the weather engineering and understand it so please bear  with
me during the first part we're going to have a little uh quick sledding the second kind  of electromagnetics came from quantum mechanics and it's exactly opposed the primary and real  things are the potentials and the force fields so-called are totally derived by differentiating  operations so you see a flip-flop of 180° about how the two approaches regard electromagnetics  further in quantum mechanics when the electric field and the magnetic field reduced to zero in  an area you still may have
the potentials and if these potentials which are the real things going  on interfere with each other you can have real effects still produced in in charged particle  systems real physical systems as a matter of fact in 1959 a classic paper by Aronoff and bomb  in physical review pointed this out very strongly and since then part of that has come to be called  the bomb Aronoff effect or sometimes the Aronoff bomb effect it had been in physics 30 years at  that point uh pointed out by Richard Fin
eman the Nobel Prize winner and ignored it has continued  to be ignored and the nearly 30 years since 1959 when it was strongly pointed out by Bal and aronov  what we are saying ladies and gentlemen is if we can make this effect exist in the Big World they  think it it exists only in the micro world we can get action at a distance that's no longer a dirty  word and we can get action even when there's no ordinary electromagnetics going on and I'm going  to show you how to do that and in the proce
ss I'm going to show you how to change the mass and  inertia of an object affect its rate of flow through time affect the gravitational field and  so forth now the Third Kind of electromagnetics is the mechanism by means of which you do those  things in other words you reduce the ordinary electromagnetics to zero electric field and  magnetic field deliberately you then you do this by making a zero system you oppose the  vectors so that they sum to zero but they are still there in the substructur
e hey when we  studied electromagnetics they forgot to tell us that a zero Vector was not nothing it can be  a system of very active forces Each of which is time varying and yet the system will not be  detectable by any ordinary instrument it turned out that the unorthodox scientific community in  the United States have been using this for some years but not expressing it quite that succinctly  for example the Hooper patents what we are saying now is that if we do this if we make deliberate  zer
os but we make them with vectors which are still there and active we have a new kind of  electromagnetics a third kind and I have dubbed that scalar electromagnetics and I hope the name  the reason for the name will become clear a little later I won't bother to read that thing we  simply have a zero Vector envelope but it's the substructure that we have placed within a  zero that is fantastic in ter of modern physics we have reached into the virtual world what  happens before physical change occ
urs and we now can deliberately engineer it let me say  that again in case it went by you with this simple mechanism with few coils and transistors  and so forth by making deliberate zeros we can deliberately engineer the sight injure equation  and we can deliberately affect the probability AB ilities of quantum mechanics the hidden variable  Theory now becomes directly engineerable in all the implications of what I have said what had been  statistical before now becomes at least partly determin
istic I'm going to jump now a whole  bunch of years in 1921 at the instigation or recommendation of Albert Einstein a man by the  name of paloa succeeded published a paper where he had successfully United Electrical field and  gravitational field in a common unified theory to do that he had to add another physical  Dimension and a very strange thing emerged there's really only one field in nature if  you're looking at that hyperspace it is the five-dimensional gravitational field and it  interse
cts our world in two things one thing we call the electromagnetic field and the  other thing we call the gravitational field in the general sense general relativity the  ability to curve and warp and twist SpaceTime Itself by the way the electromagnetics just  turned out to be the fifth dimensional aspect of that so we added one more space Dimension  which we do not see Klein a few years later explained what happened to that Dimension it's  really rolled up around every little point in our our s
pace quite nice mathematically  and it's real by the way but the the theory languished for many years until really about  the early to mid 70s when the new symmetries in the Forefront of physics and particle physics  began to see that with that type of geometry you could get in all these weird particles and  you could get in all the forces you really could begin to approach a unified theory of all  forces of Nature and the physicist became very excited the modern Theory a variant of that  theory
Kusa Klein geometry has 11 Dimensions 10 space one time all but the three ordinary  space dimensions we see are considered to be rolled up in little circles around every point but  with that thing and super gravity you can get in all of the particles and everything we know in  the physics in a single unified theory and and the physicist are excited that's the hottest  thing in physics they just haven't discovered yet that it is directly engineerable in  the simplest fashion you ever dreamed of
I'm going to give you a very simple thing  now to let you understand what I'm talking about this is schematic so don't think of the thing as  being spatially separated between the two little circles on the on the plane the plane represents  our Ordinary World the hand represents an extra Dimension so it's that fifth dimensional  geometry that Kusa came up with in 1921 the hand itself represents that fifth dimensional  gravitational field which intersects our world in two Fashions one electromagn
etic shown by the  forefinger extended that intersection and the other by the thumb which is our gravitational  field as we see it in the little intersections and both of the intersections by the way  at the same point they are not spatially separated normally we don't make Vector  zeros nobody ever trained us to do that in electromagnetics there is not a single textbook  either physics or electromagnetics in the United States of America or in the western world that  dwells upon what you do when
you deliberately make such vectors zeros I I'm almost willing  to state that probably not a single Orthodox physicist has made such an experiment  if they are it'll be only one or two of them but notice what we do if we deliberately  zero the electromagnetic intersection which is what we're doing when we make the zero but  we control what goes into the zero we can put energy in there or we can take the energy  out when we do that it's coming in and out of the thumb as gravitational energy direc
tly as  curvature of SpaceTime now what have we said we have said that rigorously with that simple  mechanism I can provide the direct conversion of electromagnetic energy into gravitational  field energy or vice versa now if you want to do any gravity gentlemen there it is and  the unorthodox researchers have been doing anti-gravity a little bit in this country for  a period of years like levitating 65 lbs like plywood which is not magnetic field so with a very  simple thing and looking at it t
hrough Modern Eyes and adding that single thing we can now use  electromagnetics to make gravitational field energy in the general sense or vice versa we can  warp engineer and twist SpaceTime at will as we wish in whatever pattern we wish and it's been  in the literature if you cared to notice since 1921 I won't dwell on this I will simply state  that all that a mass is anyway a a particle of mass is in fact a trap scal of resonance  I'm going to give you a quick once over about scal of resonan
ce we'll go on take a  normal resonance system with a wave moving back and forth in a cavity so that it's in  phase and coherent suppose that there were two waves moving along together but the second  wave the Electric magnetic field were 180 out and the first one that's a scalar resonance  system your normal instrument won't even see it we can build Special detectors in have that  will see it that's all a mass is but you can make a current of that kind of resonance and  you can pipe that curren
t down a wire or you can add to that resonance in the system or  you can take it away what did I say I said you can pump the mass and inertia directly into  an object and increase it or you can pump it out of there and if you pump all of it out of there  it'll dematerialize on you and the statements I am making are based in part on experimental  evidence in the laboratory private proprietary Laboratories now the scalar wave that is the wave that has a  zero resultant for the electric field and a
zero resultant for the magnetic field but it's composed  of components which are waving and and moving and communicating and everything else is the universal  wave in the universe totally undiscovered as yet in Western science you can make it for 10 cents  on the laboratory bench you can convert a radar very simply to be a scaler radar for example  these waves come from and go to the nucleus they go right through the farity cage they do  not interact with the electrons unless you have the most
extreme nonlinear situation you've  ever heard of they don't move electrons and you can go right through any far cage you can  go right through the Earth for example and you can go through the ocean with megahertz signals  using these techniques as we sit here talking the Soviet Union is communicating worldwide uh  as of 10 days a ago they were communicating on well over 37 frequencies in their command and  control systems for the large weapon systems they built for strategic weapons in this fas
hion  I have a personal friend that can deliver on the Shelf the communication system prototype already  built and tested that will prove that statement and I challenge anybody in the United States  outside of him at the present time to measure that communication system the these are nuclear  waves they communicate between nuclei and if you put in that substructure the correct pattern  you can go in and transmute elements in modern physics to make a proton a neutron or vice  versa all you got to
do is flip one quark and that is simply a pattern in the substructure  a man was nominated for the Nobel Prize in 1977 for proving that biological systems  transmute elements even though they only have molts and microvolts to use and I bet you  didn't even know that his name was Kon today is dead all the nuclei of the universe are in  constant communication much of vacuum SpaceTime is made up of these Scala waves between the nuclei  throughout the Universe another thing that came out of the gen
eral relativistic wave these are  General relativistic waves special relativity does not app we are always in a curved SpaceTime  when we're using them uh part of the thing that came out of the theory is you are no longer  confined to the speed of light at all if you're clever you can get almost any velocity you want  to whether it's slower and speed light or faster a Tesla for example who was using these kinds of  waves shortly after 1900 and keeping it a deep dark secret Tesla reported speeds
are 50 times the  speed of light I have personally participated in an experiment which kicked out an electromagnetic  wave of this type at eight times the speed of light if you'll check the Russian literature  and I'll give you the references if you're interested the speed of light is variable  anyway it's been known for 80 years by the astronomers that the speed of light in a  hard vacuum on the surface of the Earth is a little faster than the speed of light in  the deep space away from the cha
rged particles so these are nuclear waves they are not  electromagnetic waves that interact with the electron shells the electron they interact  with the nuclei and with the internal components of the proton and the neutron what I have the  audacity to say to you is that we now have a tool that we do not have to talk about  nuclear physics we can go in there and engineer the nucleus and transmutation  is only one of the things that can be done and again the basis for this has  been well establis
hed literature since 1921 with these waves you see most of our  ideas of the macro world are given to us by the ordinary Photon interaction which is  almost always an interaction with electron shells this is a different order of reality  we're really dealing now in hyperspaces at least 11 dimensions and the world looks quite  different indeed and physical reality in this kind of physics looks quite different indeed  from the ideas we have in our head from classical electromagnetics and classical
physics and the  normal mcro world just as quantum mechanics was a drastic change to classical mechanics this is an  even further drastic change to Quantum Mechanics because it makes what had been statistical  now deterministic and engineerable I'm an engineer I don't want to play statistics I want  to make models and I want to make the sucker work the great Cosmic engines of the universe  do not operate with the residues of the differential operators making the force fields  that's the garbage
that's thrown out the great Cosmic engines of the universe operate  inside Vector zero systems that includes all the nuclei and the universe and everything  inside them that modern physics has found out about okay this kind a wave can be modeled as  a longitudinal wave I won't go into that whole treatment I'll just say that whereas you  model a normal wave as a transverse wave you model this one as a longitudinal wave and  indeed when you interfere this wave you break up the coherence of the su
bstructure they now  no longer sum to zero and guess what that gives you it gives you a non-zero Vector in the E  field and the B field out there real energy now appears at a distance out there from  a two transmitters or two wave projectors and yet what's in the middle is not energy  flow in the normal sense that we transmit an ordinary electromagnetic wave it's really  an artificial potential the closest thing we have to calling it is an electrostatic wave  a more accurate description is it is
a direct wave in the curvature of SpaceTime itself it's  a general relativistic wave or a gravitational wave so if we have two projectors and they  might be two modified radar antenna and we intersect them at a distance we can produce  energy at a distance and that energy arises in the SpaceTime of that intersection Zone it  doesn't matter if that's inside a mountain or inside a missile or inside an airplane or inside  a human body I have given you now the secret of how to build Tesla's vaed de
ath rate to mow  down people by the thousands which you can do with that device right there and you can modify  ordinary Radars to do that it has another very nice feature in modern physics SpaceTime has a  very high charge very high potential they call it a pseudo potential if I lower the potential  of my projectors below zero in other words I make negative potentials and pretty strong negative  what happens in the intersection zone is not the appearance of energy but The Disappearance of  ener
gy when I bend SpaceTime if I bend it in one fashion the local region looks like a source  it looks like it's producing energy if I bend it the other way it looks like a sink it looks  like energy is disappearing this is real this is general relativity now conservation of energy  law that we apply in special relativity has gone out the window as is well known in physics in a  local gen General relativistic system you do not have to conserve energy at all what really happens  is I either put the
energy in here and get it out there or I take it out from there and I get it  back here and I better to dump it or I'll burn out my projectors well it's you make a dump  and you simply transform it in the other mode we have done that in the laboratory the human  system and everything that's a mammal the rats the roaches everything else even uh have been  doing this all the time we measure brain WS we measure the residue e field and B field that's  going on what's really going in the brain is all
the little ion fields that make electric fields  and make magnetic fields that sum to zero the structure of that is the real activity of the  human brain I think without dwelling on it that you can see the two cerebral hemispheres make  a scalar inter aerometer and if those patterns are correct you can project or create energy at  a distance like inside a metal object and you can get metal bending that way now the kind of metal  bending I'm talking about is not the amazing Randy bending somethi
ng on his belt buckle when you're  not looking at him I'm talking about what Jack ha does when he takes a control sample and another  sample and a little old lady in tennis shoes who just happens to be a four-star General's wife B  BS that thing which is thick as your little finger and the highest test steel that known to Aerospace  industry bends that thing in a angle and it turns blue he takes both samples the control sample  and that sample back to the laboratory sections and looks at them un
der the electron microscope  and the one that is the controlled sample has the normal grain structure the one that is the one  that's Bent by the human being for real not fake has no grain structure the grain structure has  been destroyed it looks like the surface of the Moon has been subjected to intense Point Heating  throughout the grain structure I have just given you the physical mechanism and the physics by  which the body is able to do that it is real it is not a fake Jack Hal I believe d
oes he not  work for your company excellent fellow excellent scientist I won't dwell on what all else  the biological system can do with that let us suffice to say that we can derive rigorously  in terms of physics not metaphysics all of the mechanisms for parent psychology well if you were  weaponizing that for a big weapon if you hit this thing explosively with your projectors and you  fire two pulses so the pulses meet an interesting thing occurs if you fire it in the high potential  mode you
get an electromagnetic explosion at a distance if you fire in the low potential mode  you get a cold explosion at a distance the sudden withdrawal of energy in the intersection Zone  both types of weapons widely deployed by the Soviet Union and tested uh the recent some years  back so-called booms off the east coast some of those were seen as flashes estimated to be about  100 uh tons of TNT equivalent where were actually the orientation and alignment of such hes from the  Soviet Union they hav
e had such halers since April 1963 specifically the first operational test was  April the 11th 1963 100 miles north of Puerto Rico the most dramatic uh expression of the cold  explosion in recent times occurred on April the 9th 1984 for and the papers fortunately won't let  this one go off the coast of Japan about 150 or 200 M well really 200 mil from downtown Tokyo  out near the Kos a sudden gigantic explosive eruption occurred above the water a cloud so  to speak very dense Rose rapidly to 60,
000 ft into 150 M diameter 5 747s out there one of  which was piloted by a former B-52 pilot who thought he' just seen the most massive nuclear  explosion you ever saw it had the mushroom shape uh prepared evasive action turned off course  put own oxygen Mass prepared and braced for a shock wave which never came there was no  flash this was the cold explosion the laser physicist friend of mine that I'm working  with in California in the laboratory where we're using only mwatts at best and we're 
using distances about that far has done a little cold explosion over a dish of water and  you get the mushroom cloud exactly like that Rising that thing was called Everything Under  the Sun bubbling gas you know uh plumes all sorts of things it was a cold explosion  the ocean there is 21,000 ft deep it's too deep for submarines indicates it was  a man-made phenomenon but it didn't end there Dr Daniel Walker and colleagues we  have access to sophisticated underwater acoustic equipment and seismi
c equipment  did a complete study on that thing it's published in the journal science recently as a  matter of fact after his study he successfully ruled out any kind of ordinary known natural  phenomenon so we're left with the conclusion that he and his colleagues made it's either  a man-made phenomenon or an as yet unknown natural phenomenon we shouldn't have too many  natural phenomenon unknown that explode for 150 miles particularly when it's happened  several times before in the open litera
ture that is a rigorous paper published in the  journal science uh science very recently unfortunately the journal saw fit to turn down  my colleague and my explanation of what was going on and a complete date list of incidents and  history and types of Soviet weapons to back it up here's just one more incident to show you  that these types of sudden mushroom rises from the ocean or near the ocean above the ocean  in gigantic size have occurred repeatedly with other suspicious incidents that par
ticular  earthquake is highly suspect can you not see that if I dump energy with very powerful  radiators and continue to dump energy on both sides of a fault Zone it doesn't matter  where the extra energy comes from with a piz electric effect I'm transforming that  into mechanical stress and if I do that long enough and build up enough energy  that plate is going to slip and you'll get a natural earthquake natural looking  earthquake man-made that's how you make earthquakes well if you do it in
the cold  explosion you're going to have to dump a lot of that energy when it's 150 Mi across that is  one whale of a lot of energy that you suddenly extract it and here it comes it's headed for you  it'll simply melt your projectors unless you dump it somewhere so you switch the projector into  the transmit mode and you catch it and hold it in a storage Bank temporarily and then you fire  it off somewhere where it won't do any harm like benett Island here is an exhaust that is 150  Mi long see
n by our weather satellites from a site that repeatedly exhibits these almost 100  now that we've seen this particular exhaust is about one a little over one degree above the  horizontal now volcanoes don't do that they don't look like that let's see the next slide from  the same island we see double Puffs indicating the in aerometer transmitters we see M multiple Puffs  within them sometimes and in fact the satellites have even from time to time caught the actual  burst showing that it's an exp
losive beginning of the exhaust these are weather satellites  us weather satellites they are not CL ified unfortunately they're from way out there we  need some low-level satellite photography which I simply do not have would be interesting  to look at it if I had it here's one where the explosive burst was caught just erupting  from the island these things here Blaze away sometimes for hours and hours and days at a time  with those kinds of massive exhaust of heat and energy I'll show you where
they're pulling  out the energy and what they're doing with it uh that's about the plumes just to show  you that way back there from those exhaust plumes off that Island we had some airplanes  flew through it they're mostly ice particles from the expansion and so forth as  you would expect when you've dumped a phenomenon actually you entrain a lot  of the cold air you get circulations you got all kinds of effects there so you do get a  lot of ice formed a little mud and this kind of thing there
is a second candidate right now  courtesy of some effort by Tom Harold and some kind folks um up at the SAT the satellite  imagery outfit uh this one shows and I can't begin to pronounce that name can you say that  for me off the slide Nova zla novaya zla which is an island north of the Soviet Union up in  the Arctic Circle there not too far really as a geographical distance goes from Bennett  Island and here again on the extreme left you see another exhaust and you see the gigantic  weather ci
rculation that so much additional energy being poured in the area causes you  see the swirl all the way around the thing stripping uh Vapor energy and vapor water and  so forth from the snow and ice and everything else okay well in the mid 70s we got a shock  suddenly the communication systems throughout the world and the communications band that is  from 5 to 30 MHz were widely being interrupted by extremely powerful signals coming from the Soviet  Union to my knowledge we have not yet located
the transmitters they had many resemblances to what  we call an over the rizing radar so we promptly lab labeled them an over the horizon radar the  so-called woodpecker signals Nam from the chirp signal that sounds like a woodpecker's beak  hitting a flat block you can hear them out there most every night chattering away still  interfering in fact they now s sell the ham radio operators filters so that it operates  through that filters out in that region but what they actually did shortly befor
e the death  of bref they started adjusting across the United States a great interference pattern from multiple  transmitters of the Woodpecker Radars now I'm not interested except for biological effects which can  be damaging in the conventional e b Feld signals on that radar but we don't have anybody who's  measuring the scalar component the substructure in the zero they don't even have the instruments  to do it if they wish such instruments provided I have a friend who will do it for Price no
t  me he will he built the instruments and and designed them but what they're doing here  is the substructure interference which is important because that's where all the real  energy is you can put as as much energy as you wish into that substructure and the normal  instrument will not even see it it won't even detect It Anyway where the interference was if  you'll check the Woodpecker signals you'll see that's a type of interference pattern they set  up an interference pattern over the us and
it left signals signatures when you adjust these  things and you adjust with little slips you pop out energy you get rumbles and Booms and air  Quakes and all this and those things happened from Florida North Alabama Virginia all up through the  Carolinas up through mid England up through the middle of the country Texas all over West Coast  everywhere these mysterious cracks and rumbles and Booms and pops and snaps everywhere while  they were adjusting the grid well they got it adjusted by short
ly after the end of the year that  is in early 1983 they got this thing adjusted and they started pouring it on us so that spring early  spring you had extremely severe flooding because what they did you simply determine by your timing  and interferometry and 4A transforms which one of the grid cells you want to activate and they're  much finer than this by the way over Huntsville Alabama a friend and I saw this grid from Horizon  to Horizon in even ploud field rows north to south and from Horiz
on to Horizon in even ploud rows  from east to west and that is not natural does not happen anyway what they did is you if you  take energy out of one cell that produces a low Zone a low pressure Zone if you add energy in  another cell that produces a high pressure Zone I think you can see if I scan my radar rotate it  the beam either electromagnetically or rotate the antenna gently and move those highs and lows  alone I can direct and capture and control the jet streams and that's exactly what
they did  the jet streams had a classic bin dipping way down south abnormally far and then roaring up  the Adera chain and so we had all kinds of good weather following that pattern and the deviation  of the jet streams even the journal science has published an article from a study that shows  in the last decade the variation in the weather over North America has been greater than can  be statistically expected except once in 1200 years that summer we got a drought if you recall  we lost half th
e corn crop in the United States in one Summer from the extreme drought when you  form one of the patterns you get a signature in the clouds you see a little droplet of water is  formed around a dust particle a little droplet of ice it's cold enough and it makes a little  transistor or a little diode in the middle and that thing forms its own little e field and  these things line up and what you get is you get a ring almost a complete ring about 2/3 of a  ring of clouds like geometrically drawn
around the peak where the energy is being manipulated  and you get radial lines thin radial lines running directly away 10 or 15 miles sort of  like the old Rising Sun symbol in World War II we saw these all over the United States  here's one taking a block and a half from my home by the time I could run in and get my camera  it had passed just over the mountain but you can see those are Cloud streamers those are not light  rays these are not crepuscular waves at all these are Cloud Rays these a
re radials giant radial I  then went ahead and chased that thing over the mountain to get a little better shot of it they  had cut the energy so the middle ring filled up but the Rays were still apparent in the next  slide although I'm now shooting at an extreme distance uh through a telescopic lens but you  can see if the lights were a little dimmer you could see the crosshatch interference pattern in  the streamers also so we have both the streamers and we have the crosshatch interference patt
ern  existing in the clouds that's over Huntsville Alabama here's one that a correspondent sent  in and again we have dim light the clouds are actually more prominent than that from California  they were seeing them all over the United States these very prominent very significant patterns  everywhere I went on radio uh KABC in Los Angeles calling everybody's attention to this two or three  times delivered ERS at a couple of symposia and we saw change we saw the dog on thing start getting  active
most of the time at night there's another pattern sometimes they use two patterns close  together when that happens the internal Rings go out and the Rays become much thicker and they  become absolutely boat tailed toward the center now when they cut the power the center fills up  immediately with clouds I have been unfortunate and although I have seen classic ones of  this I have not yet got a decent picture I will show you what I have which is not a good  photograph and the photographs then t
herefore should not be accepted as proof until I get  better photographs which I will do sooner or later again multiple Witnesses over Huntsville  Alabama good friend of mine and I saw this very early in the morning this system motoring along  absolutely classic I was very hard pressed that day on my normal job and did not take off  from work and go home and get my camera I have regretted it ever since deeply I didn't  realize how rare the phenomenon was going to be to be able to get one that pe
rfect but it was  absolutely Flawless and it looked just like that right over huntville Alabama moving along at oh  20 to 30 m hour a second one came over later that day there's the date and the time uh in their  weather control if you recall they gave us anomalous winter the very cold December snap  of 1983 which broke all the records everywhere many of them since records had been kept on the  cold and that was deliberately engineered they left signatures before they did it with these  kinds of
things all over the us we saw the same day a remnants of a second Twin giant radial  system that motored along across Huntsville Alabama now here is one they've cut the power but  the system persists for a while it'll possessed for several hours but it'll fill in it will lose  its classic shape but you know even the field in picture is better than no picture but I don't  have a lens which will take the entire Sky I need a fishee which I'm going to get as soon as I  can afford it but what I want
to show you is this is on the I believe the Northeast here and I'm  want to focus your attention here over to the right you will see the lines of the clouds going  there they go all over the sky back to the other radial on the other side completely over your  head is this giant radial connected up to two points even though it's filling in now because  the power has been cut in this Photograph we're just a little bit back around from where we were  to the left to show that these same Cloud strea
ks and radials are going over on the left and they go  completely across for about 15 miles to the next point the next radial intersection where they  link up now we'll show that other linkage down on the other end as a separate shot and that's  really as you can see it does go on down there and link up it's just beyond the tree line where  it links it's faded on that end pretty good but we had a whole two radial system a poor picture  here I admit but having seen much better ones in this when I
did not have a camera or access  to one I can only tell you that in the future I will show you a decent photograph if they  keep this thing up over Huntsville Alabama long enough and if Tom Harold and other assorted  Good stalard Fellows help me keep watch for them when I'm working inside and not out looking at  the sky well you wonder what happened to you on February the 1st let me tell you what happened  to you on February the 1st on December the 8th they started this little goodie out in Cal
ifornia  they were having these little rumbles and cracks and pops and snaps off the coast there from Cal  from Los Angeles they had it for about a week off and on I was there on the radio show delivering  an address on free energy went on another show to try to explain what these things was and I  predicted based on this that they had finished adjusting the grid and there would be a violent  or drastic change in the weather within 48 hours I went on the radio and I made that statement  and the
radio announcer said you sound like a whacko and cut me off that's some of the mild  things I've been caused it does not matter I operate on the thing that if the experiments  keep working and they contradict the theory the true scientific method says You must change the  theory not insist that the experiment is false if it continues to be replicated so what happened  was they then when they got it adjusted a high wind came up very suddenly totally unexpected  blew down all the trees on the boul
evards they had wrecks and everything I was there during  this process and it was within 48 hours from that prediction violent sort of wind storms winds  got very high in the Los Angeles area and all the orange trees were laying over flat everywhere  through the boulevards it went on down in Texas spawn tornadoes and roared up the adarand chain  and then they bent the jet stream in the most anomalous fashion they bent that sucker right down  the west coast of the United States all the way down t
o the bottom and turned it and went across  the bottom skimming across just above the bottom of Texas and then roaring up the ater chain I've  never seen that fashion before but they set about doing that in December 1984 they kept playing  with the jet stream they did all kinds of nice experiments they split the thing into two they  made it form into wise and looked like they were just checking out to see what all they could do  but with this fashion here what you do is when you turn you entrain
circulation from way out  over the Pacific as shown by the purple arrows you pull moisture all the way from out in the  Pacific and suck it up right across the United States and if you do the the neat little trick  with the cold stuff you get enough cold stuff bent down from Canada and the Arctic here guess  what you're going to get with all that moisture you're going to get snow and ice and February  the 1st they let us have it and that's our Infamous ice storm right here in Huntsville  Alabam
a all this was going on just before that having gone several days without power myself  uh I am very sympathetic to the fact that I don't like that and I hope you didn't either but that  was given to you courtesy of the hammer and sickle boys okay there are a couple other little things  I'll throw in just for little goodies you may or may not have seen the paper on the Associated  Press release but I'll give you the mechanism and everybody else will tell you I'm totally crazy  and I'll say to yo
u then you explain it or ask them to and listen to their jaw fly open and find  out they have no explanation at all because this explanation isn't in the textbook the Navy was  having a chaff drop off the coast from San Diego a very strange and sudden and unexpected wind  again arose you know when we form these lows wind rushes in so we got another one and here came a  signature a sudden strange unexpected wind caught the entire chaff Cloud they were about 150 Mi off  the coast there and blew th
e thing in towards San Diego now this is the standard microwire cha  actually with a dialectric with a coating on it there's a certain way it's structured for  some kinds of chaff that we have shown in the laboratory will reflect a scalar wave I won't go  into that that's proprietary to my friend imagine every little piece of chaff up there if the  bandwidth if a scaler signal in that frequency in its bandwidth that it's cut for is there it will  reflect it that's what we're saying and from any
two of those things randomly wiggling and jiggling  around you're going to have random intersections and interferences from the reflected scalar beams  and in that little random interference Zone you're going to get a sudden flash a sudden Sparkle  it won't be visual but a sudden production of ordinary electromagnetic energy and so imagine a  Zone around the chaff cloud with little twinkles if you could see ordinary electromagnetic energy  if you if you could see them as visual things twinkling
and twinkling away and these represents  little instantaneous kindling of energy points when they move through the system area they  appear in the SpaceTime farity cages and your Emi shielding we all use in military equipment  have absolutely zero effect on them they knocked out over 60 thou power to over 60,000 homes in  San Diego and you had the strange thing of the part of the city uh very angry at the Navy and  claiming the Navy had done this and the Navy set out an investigation in got the
foggiest notion  what happened I just told you what happened and gave you the mechanism that isn't all that happens  I hope you realize that I am stating that in my opinion the Soviet Union has been waging a certain  kind of undeclared war on the United States for a period of over two decades and that several  hundred people have already died in that war American citizens illegally all of you recall the  Myst mysterious airliner The Airliner that fell mysteriously rather for 6 mil in about uh co
uple  of minutes what happened well he's motoring along up there coming in towards Los Angeles he's out of  San Francisco there he hits a sudden little pocket of turbulence ringing the bells some interference  going on where the energy wasn't zero anymore and you're getting energy one fashion or the other  or ripples turbulence all of a sudden one engine Flames out just past that well one of the things  that'll Kindle this stuff in the being is a plasma or a flame the fierce flame in a jet engin
e you  know the plasma that it form so to speak the ions you can get the same effect in the ions a Geer  tube for example will detect a Gea counter will detect these it doesn't detect nuclear radiation  detects its own ionization this will give you additional ionization or kill ionization and the  tube will detect that so one engine flamed out and then all the other fa all the others failed  and this thing fell the pilot struggled with the airplane began to regain control as he got much  lower d
own around 15,000 ft meanwhile the landing gear come down the door falling off damaged the  tail he finally got control of the thing down around 11,000 ft some control the engines began  to restart and at about 9,000 ft he got her under control again and managed to fly that thing into  San Francisco the nearest airport in land it left a signature now they're going to say the pilot  did that I'm going to tell you what happened in my opinion you understand what actually happened  was as I describe
d it from the scaler stuff that was up there it happened to be at the right  frequency when he it was a high interference Zone well up there he was flying at 41,000 ft  he was way up there when he passed out of the interference Zone the stuff started dying back  out it charges Mass just like a capacitor it has a discharged time constant we've proven that when it  discharged the effect the plane was then a normal type of flame exhaust and so the thing could start  again now it left a signature th
e instruments on the airplane disagreed with one another because  the electromagnetic response of an instrument or the components of an instrument to scaler is  not in the specifications for that component in the future we will be able eventually to buy a  components where that the second order effects the scaler effects are controlled and we'll buy  them to those specs also right now you can't do that so some of the instruments will respond one  way and some will respond the other way the fligh
t instruments told the pilot and crew one thing and  the flight recorder told an entirely different story the flight crew instruments reported  that the autopilot was gone out of you know had had quit and it was up to the pilot to fly the  airplane so the pilot was taking proper emergency procedures for that kind of an emergency engines  flame out autopilot gone he was trying to do the job the flight recorder recorded that the engines  never died out or at least most of them didn't and that the
autopilot never died out now I submit  to you that when your engines flame out in a jet it's about like running into almost a brick wall  suddenly a very soft spongy wall or like having a big blowout on your car there's not much way a  seasoned pilot can face to notice engine flame out particularly all four engines so we can take  the Pilot's word for that it's the instruments which lied because they had an response to the  scaler stuff that disagreed with each other one responded one way one th
e other that will never  appear in the official investigation now that is not the only airplane having such difficulties  one of the European nations which I shall not name has repeated difficulties with their airplanes  flying off the West Coast that is not in the newspaper and that has not been announced but  it is a fact and I'm prepared to back it up if I have to at any rate we have had multiple cases  not quite so dramatic and continuing cases of the same phen phenomenon on a less drastic s
cale  and it continues to this day okay what I've gone through here for the last period perod is  a presentation to you on a scheme by means of which you can control the weather around the world  perhaps you can't control it absolutely but you can certainly drastically influence it you can  do a lot of other things I hope you see I hope you notice that we can knock out missiles airplane  anything Electronics including the electromagnetic responses of the human being in Afghanistan when  the high
helicopters come in and fire gas now gas kills people but even with nerve gas they kick  a while takes a few seconds at least to die and the body goes into violent responses very violent  if you've ever seen an animal die from nerve gas many of the people that are killed die with nerve  gas some are given must hit with mustard and so forth they die with those symptoms but there is  another symptom which also is exhibited I have this one correspond from people who've been there  on the scene som
e of the people simply cut off wherever they are their nervous system never fires  another input anywhere in their body no reflex action no nothing no kicking no fighting no fuss  no fury instantaneous death and that is a scalar signature fortunately I used to say one nation I will  now say two Nations which are non-hostile to the United States also have these weapons I shall  not name those Nations publicly and have had them for an extended period of time at least since  shortly after [Music] 1
969 right now the only thing that stops the Soviet Union from feeling  free to move with this kind of Weaponry which I think you can begin to see the implications  against tanks anything else electronically controlled on the battle field as the other two  Nations not the United States so for a period of time one of my purposes has been to warn the  system a new kind of electromagnetics a more extended electromagnetics already exists in the  textbooks and been there since 1921 with this kind of e
lectromagnetics we can achieve types  of engineering we have only dreamed of in the past and this time it's not us that got the atomic  bomb first it's the other guy thank you for your [Applause] attention e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e



I'm watching. But nevermind the Russies, we are doing it to ourselves nowadays


Today, someone was able to take a close up of the planes spraying over PA: USAF & USN. Russia is not the problem.


Although, I've seen this before... good on you for playing it again, for educational purposes. 😊❤


This completely explains the “gravity wave” clouds we see every time they manipulate the weather. Todays weather map in Louisiana and Texas are covered with them. There’s seldom a day without them.


Just wanted to thank you for this Dutch. You're a shining beacon for us all. God bless you & yours!


For a very long time we've been played real good!!!😮 Thank you Dutch for this real 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 opener


I know this, Russia isn't the Soviet Union and isn't the problem in the world.


Hello People world wide Love from New Zealand


Knew about the woodpecker signal for years, but never understood the capabilities before today. Can’t imagine how much more similar tech can do now… almost 40 yrs later. Thanks for posting this Dutch!


So glad you put this out 📡⚡️🗯🛬💥👍👍


Imagine what was known long ago before people screwed around repeatedly destroying nearly everything including all their own advancements


These are some of the things that the late Mike Morales showed us. Theirs has been around for a very long time. We’re just waking up to it. Well let’s hope so. I’ve been tuned into it since I watched a RFB (who led me to you and mike M and many other greats)! So glad for his recommendations for channels to watch. Mike morales had this weather stuff down. May Gôd rest his soul. Thank you Dutchsince!♥️🙏💖😎


I just kept saying “Wow!” listening to him. Ty Dutch.


Kansas City USA hello and much love 💕 this is a fantastic group of people!! So Smart and diverse as well as great researchers. Free Thinker's Good On You and me !!!!


Dropping in from SW UK. Hi to everyone watching.


I was disappointed this morning to see that you had posted something last night but it was gone by daybreak. sigh. FOMO. I'm sure it was worth listening to. You can't POSSIBLY be that dangerous that so many of your videos need to disappear like this. So tired of the censorship of things we-the-people need to know about.


Chemtrails. Noticed California has backed off and it’s actually raining more. Arizona too.


To anyone concentrating on the Soviet Union part of this. The who is besides the point, these videos are an education on the "what". And if the Soviets Had these weapons, than Russia today (and prob everyone else) has them now. And we may be dealing with it because of what the DC clan is doing. The series has answered some questions I've had about things we've seen. And explains some things I may see. The time period and who of the series is completely besides the point to me. Just another perspective.


I can't tell you how excited I get when I see your thumbnail!!


Werner, Von Bron, a.k.a. Redstone Arsenal. Oh boy.