
'Rust' Crew Member Testifies, Gutierrez "Unprofessional" | COURT TV

On day 3, the jury heard compelling testimony from a #Rust movie crew member talking about frightening moments involving multiple accidents on set. Dolly grip operator Ross Addiego, who was steps away from the fatal shooting, testified Hannah Gutierrez was unprofessional. #CourtTV Catch up on the facts of the case against #HannahGutierrez in the #BaldwinMovieShootingTrial. MORE HERE: Watch 24/7 Court TV LIVE Stream Today Join the Investigation Newsletter Court TV Podcast FOLLOW THE CASE: Facebook Twitter/X Instagram TikTok YouTube WATCH +140 FREE TRIALS IN THE COURT TV ARCHIVE HOW TO FIND COURT TV


4 days ago

good morning Julie the states case against Hannah Gutierrez will resume shortly here this morning in Santa Fe New Mexico yesterday we heard compelling testimony from a crew member from the movie set of rust talking about frightening moments involving those accidental discharges certainly made a loud noise that spooked us and the Animals we had on set I think we had a couple of horses on set and uh and again it was unannounced so it was a surprise to everybody that was around the dolly grip opera
tor testified that the first accidental discharge on the movie set of rust happened when propm Sarah Zachary was handling the gun and shot herself in the foot in your previous experiences on other movie sets with armorers did you ever see the prop Master loading and unloading the guns I've never seen that now 1 hour later another accidental discharge this time when defendant Hannah Gutierrez was handling the gun Hannah was prepping the stunt double in the cabin with that firearm and again unanno
unced to any of us outside the cabin um that firearm was discharged after these discharges while Alec Baldwin was shooting a scene with the revolver cinematographer Helena Hutchins is killed the Firearms expert on the stand said that the gun would not have gone off unless someone had pulled the trigger and the crew member on the stand said that when he expressed safety concerns he was ignored that's the latest from here in Santa Fe New Mexico we'll send it back to you all right our thanks to Kel
ly CRA for that early update now in addition to the testimony surrounding set safety we also heard a lot about Hannah gutierrez's professionalism or should I say lack thereof as her former co-worker took the stand describing the indifference and how she acted and worked on set compared to other armorers armorers rather that he's worked with in the the past in my experience the the armors are usually the uh well for lack of a better description the most um uptight and anal retentive people on set
because they literally have people's lives in their hands did you notice a a difference then generally in terms of just the um Behavior the general behavior on the movie set of the other armors you work with as compared to miss Gutierrez uh yes what was that um she wasn't necessarily as uh serious or professional as I'm accustom to with the other armors that I've worked with said yesterday I'll say it again how did she get that job let's talk about it with our guest retired DEA supervisory spec
ial agent Michael T wi height senor with us and criminal defense attorney and former elected district attorney Matthew mangino with us as well good morning to you gentlemen oh boy let's get your thoughts on this woman having this job dealing with weapons Michael will height would you start us off please well Julie thanks for having me uh part of mtw consultant LLC is is is conducting uh firearms training for the general public uh gun and safety handling and of course an experience dealing with f
irearms with the being a law enforcement on state and federal um her professional demeanor just is not there period it it it started with started with her uh uh uh interview of speaking to the officer while she was in the in the vehicle um is it looking at I've looked at some of the uh things you've some of the uh segments P regarding this case she's playing she's sitting at the table playing with the pen uh or whatever she was doing playing with a pen while while doing the testimony um it's it'
s just it's it's just sad um her profession like I said her professional maturity just isn't there and it'd be interesting to know and I I don't know if this if this has happened the person that trained her I thought I think that it's been put out that she was trained by someone supposed to be renowned in the field there um in this profession it'd be it'd be curious to see how what you know what how did he train her her um what did he what did he tell her uh regarding her professional demeanor h
er demeanor on the set around around the weapons um is just saying that's right Michael and and you know I think you're referring to so her father Hannah gutierrez's father is a very well-known and well-respected armor in the film industry and so presumably she probably learned the most from him right but you know she is not him as as we know a lot younger a lot more inexperienced uh and and here as this case progresses Matthew manino I'm seeing with every day more and more clarity as to the fou
ndation for the criminal charging you know initially we were getting things in dribbles as you remember little bits of information were coming out now I can see why prosecutors went in this direction uh tell me as a former da running an office uh can you see why this office in New Mexico made the decision they did to criminally charge her well yes you can see it Julie and certainly this testimony that we've just heard um over the last uh day is indicative of just complete chaos and unprofessiona
lism uh maybe even to the point of you know carelessness and recklessness because here you have someone who is is hired uh to to manage the firearms and the weapons and armor or someone who's supposed to have experience running uh a a a set in which there uh uh guns going to be used and you you see this picture of complete chaos and just carelessness you know obviously we know that there's something seriously wrong with the set that has live ammunition on set I mean why in the world someone has
to answer that question for me why in the world would you have live ammunition on the set and then you know we hear about uh the armor are not even being present when people were handling weapons which as we've heard from um Witnesses is just a no no it's certainly outside of the the process the procedure the protocol for handling weapons on a set isn't that the truth uh preach Matthew preach uh Michael willhide let me go to you with some of these things Matthew was just mentioning let's start w
ith the live rounds on the movie set as a Firearms instructor that has to horrify you probably much more than even the average person it it it does it does I guess it was the statements was made that apparently the uh equipment the the guns and the ammunition arrive there on the same prior to her getting there but once she gets there she's just is I'm I'm curious did she do an inventory obviously not didn't do an inventory of of what she had there if she' done an inventory I'm pretty sure she wo
uldd have found that there was live rounds in her uh in her inventory there uh as an instructor I teach my my students when you go buy first of all I tell them what live ammunition looks like and I also include in the course that when you go buy ammunition when you go to these stores these uh gun stores and buy ammunition I even open the box up and make sure that if I have a 9 millimeter gun caliber gun that I actually have 9 mm rounds in that box and make and also just like anything else you in
spect those rounds making sure that those rounds are not damaged they're manmade and manufactured make sure there's no damage no dings no no uh indentation in those rounds making sure that the primer the little white spot that you see on your that your audience can see on in the picture there making sure there's no damage to that um and again making sure that uh uh my instructors my students and and and my fellow instructors make sure we know what the term down range means for your audience maki
ng sure they know that downrange is defined by pointing a gun in a safe area to where you can do no harm to individual or property that's not intended making sure that the the utmost general safety rule is up here too making sure that if nothing else you assume you assume that that gun is always loaded and do not put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to shoot it I also go through drawing aspects U Alec B oh yeah please continue Michael if you can still hear us you said you teach do y
ou teach cross drawing or the proper way to draw a weapon what's the most safe and efficient way to do it the most safe and efficient way from my experience is not cross draw you have a lot of police agencies that do not allow for their officers to carry uh holster uh uh shoulder holers those are holers that fits up under your armpit because of incidents that U uh that has happened um U during using that holster I'll be interested to know who taught Alec bald how to do a cross draw and if he say
s he's never in his testimony he said he's never never put his finger on the trigger who taught him that and again she wasn't there to ensure that he did the draw properly without putting your finger on the trigger isn't that the truth I this is so stunning I I remember thinking how in the world could someone be fatally shot on a movie set and now seeing this evidence it makes sense sadly it makes sense



#CourtTV Catch up on the facts of the case against #HannahGutierrez in the #BaldwinMovieShootingTrial. MORE HERE:


I feel that Hannah is grossly incompetent and did not take her job seriously. Now someone is dead and a young child is without a mother. Hannah unfortunately needs to go to prison.


How does someone involved with the props or armorer shoot themselves in the foot with a round that shouldn't be on the set still remain on this set? She should have been replaced instantly. She seemed to be incompetent and disheveled. She gives off a "this is a waste of my time" air while sitting in the courtroom. I hope they find her guilty and she has to do the whole 18 months.


Sounds like an accident that occurred due to the unprofessionalism, immaturity and entitlement of the defendant.


Has anyone from the company that supplies the fake ammo for movie sets been questioned? Is it always the same company? Or are there different companies? How do live rounds make it onto a movie set? This is so heartbreaking.💔💔


She did it to herself. Gross incompetence


Why do people keep pulling the trigger in an unsafe environment? With so many issues why did Alec hire this person? Is this witness credible? Did anybody drug test Alec and his employees?


0:30 You’d think after one negligent discharge from a firearm that is absolutely not supposed to have any live rounds in it, and a negligent discharge that resulted in the injury of a person no fking less, a responsible person/armorer would’ve immediately taken an extensive inventory of every single round in their possession to find any possible live rounds that may have gotten mixed in with the dummies being used for the film. I wasn’t aware there were prior incidents, let alone one where another person was injured. That’s absolutely mind boggling to me that it was allowed to happen more than once…


The dolly grip is right. Only armorers handle and load guns. They scream safety and the First AD holds safety meetings every single shot involving weapons.


She should have pled guilty and took the appropriate consequences! She brought the live rounds on the set and is responsible period!!


0:00: ⚖️ Testimony reveals multiple accidental gun discharges on 'Rust' movie set. 3:29: ⚖️ Discussion on a woman's suitability for a job involving weapons and firearms training. 7:01: ⚖️ Firearms instructor expresses concern over live rounds on movie set and lack of professionalism. Timestamps by Tammy AI


This is a situation where this woman got the job because of her father. Dhe didn't have to go through all the things that a regular person with no inside connections would have to go through. She's a privileged yt woman who probably never had to interview never took things seriously because she was taken care of. She got the job because of who she knew and not her knowledge and it cost her greatly


This keeps underlining she should not be the soulful person. It’s clear to me this whole set production crew was full of chaos and unprofessional people, allowing other unprofessional people to work.


"How could someone be fatally shot on a movie set?" See Brandon Lee. Its happened before. In fact, maybe there should be some legal precedent from Brandon Lee's case. Was anyone criminally charged as a result of Brandon Lee getting shot? This could provide some guidance to how this case should be handled. Personally, I place all the blame on Alec Baldwin. He is the one who fired the gun. The person holding the gun is always responsible for safe handling.


THE DAY BEFORE the whole camera crew walked off the set due to safety and housing concerns


I don’t know why anyone would even hire her in the first place, she sure as hell didn’t look at act professionally at all and it’s lead to two people being shot with the very weapons she was in charge of. Buts let’s also not forget that Alec was not supposed to be pointing that gun at a person let alone pull the trigger. They both made terrible mistakes that day and they should both pay the consequences.


There making this job out to be much more difficult than it should be.


Total negligence if she brought live rounds from home


HG stated not once...but several times...that she screwed up on her job...claiming guilt.


It’s obvious the armoury woman was completely unqualified to do what she was doing and only got that job by nepotism. And of course it got someone killed