
sa8die lab coming together,lol thanks for watching

so many projects i love electronics but i first need a good area right?


3 days ago

hey guys it's STI and let me just make I make  sure this is clear okay so that it's coming together better it's coming together better um  so yeah um thank you for watching so what so even though I'm making these small videos they  are only a couple minutes it is motivating me to keep making it um progressing so I moved out  some of my stuff right here I've got a tablet and that's why it's so crazy it would be better if  I had um a little c a little action camera and then had it on a selfie stic
k but we can get  up there so um here is oh I'm sorry you guys hang in there for these but this is better  than the washer okay so we have this project that um this gun that I want to put the other  one on and then I found this isn't this first world problems this is definitely first world  problems the mysterious kit that is missing pieces that's first world problems and um I  know that we started this this project with the the 400v thing so the thing is is is it  will be several hours to compl
etion with that so um it's difficult to do this in a Serial  way like one video like ideally I would do one project to completion because leaving stuff out  there even though um x-ray Tony B or um like um Mr Carlson it's like it's longer and longer on the  videos and it's because he's gotten all into the patreon stuff and I don't I don't I just want  to stick with YouTube I don't like it's called social media trafficking when you constantly  shift people around and I don't want to abuse my audie
nce with social media trafficking you're  on YouTube you're on that platform the people that are on Instagram they like to stay on Instagram  they're on Instagram so I don't want to engage in social media trafficking because it's it's  just abusive I think like Mr Carlson's videos were so much better years ago um blue GL blue glow  he's busy he's got a family I understand that um x-ray Tony B is really I like his videos um Uncle  Doug he's just gonna keep making those videos and they don't they
don't do that and I understand  how cool it would be to make to um Mr Carlson has the um the capacitor tester I mean you can do  like I have this hold Peak insulation tester up to 5,000 volts so I mean you can buy stuff um and  here's another meter and then here's like look at this capacitor meter you guys so I love high  voltage so much but I don't want to make this like electroboom high voltage channel so I like  the high voltage stuff so much but I also want to repair things and I also like t
o do kits so it's  like my channel is like three different channels together so it's like three different audiences  some people like that and and I think what my problem in life like recently is is I've just been  bummed out about this legal stuff and so I've just been watching I've just watching standup comedy  streamers and police stuff and it's like I'm just bummed out I'm just bummed out and it's like  this is so exciting to get back into this and it's like this is the stuff that I love but
I'm just  like bummed out about that stuff you know they're going to drop the charges um Bloomington PD will  drop the charges because there's nothing in my blood I'm just confused dyslexic transgender you  know be 49 this year that's the issue that's the issue uh my friend was just blaring music and  she's intoxicated and I was just I was up for two days I have like the way I slur my speech and  stuff is like I'm up for several days and that's the way I found a is a drug is to like just stay 
up and abuse caffeine and stay on Instagram and but that's not mentally healthy I really want  to get back into these projects and so here's a here's another thing so I'm balancing this but  I want to show you guys this solder sucker check this out check this out look at this I haven't  opened it but I got this a while ago this is um one of the solder sucker things and I want to so  when I find Electronics like all these I want to take those parts off I don't want to repair those  things but the
re's some really nice capacitors and transistors the capacitors and transistors  on those are so valuable and then all you have to do is just look at oh my gosh see stuff is  falling you guys stuff is falling and then we got this guy is so good and we got our other  one here so yeah oh my gosh and then I think it was T x-ray Tony B that said yeah you don't  need to have this all as bright you don't want to turn it up and burn out your oh my gosh I'm  so excited about this stuff so let's see what
um so I want to the projects that I started and then  okay so where if you guys have been following I did make this and I want to modify it to um  this is the random number thing so I wanted to can we just plug that in can I just plug I could  probably just plug this in see this is what you get with me this is what you get with me okay  so we could just we got the power supply right here um we need to bring this down to  probably 3 to five volts see isn't it lovely when they put it on there peo
ple  crap on China all the time but so often they'll put like like that's so helpful  three to 5 volts as and you'd expect it to okay so I don't I mean okay so let's  just see let's just like this is what you get with me this is what you get with me  can oh look at that that's awesome okay so yeah so what I wanted to do is make it oh I think what I'm doing is I'm touching some  of the contacts I'm touching some of the contacts and it's making it okay four volts I don't think  that's the problem
there I think it's because I'm touching some of the the things so what I wanted  to do with this oh I like that I like that so much I like how it just is so exact I wanted this to  go longer yeah I wanted this to go longer I want to go faster and longer and all you have to do is  manipulate or change some of those capacitors and resistors so that's so that's one project hanging  in the balance and then we have the 400 volt thing that thank you for hanging around but like  this I really want to d
o so I guess I could just make make some kind of content but I want to let  you know where my mind is right now um this is my position I have things that I make up like this  400v capacitor bank and then I have these these kits like this that I want to make and then I want  to restore and fix Electronics I have two other oscilloscopes one I was at my families and  tried to operate it it didn't turn on and then there's another one in the garage that I  can try so I have three of these old timey I
say old timey like I don't know um what are  we going to call these what what's the name for it it's not digital analog oscilloscopes  so one of them doesn't work so we can we can figure it out what why it doesn't work and then  there's one in the garage that I haven't tested yet so there's three of these old time analog  oh they're beautiful they're beautiful love the it's just it's just awesome so should I  should we make it should I say sa lab we got the FR lab and then there's Carrie in Ger
many  I don't know if she has a name for her lab and then there's Helping Hands like you know all  the things that all the problems that I've been having this needs to be ground not grounded  this needs to be um attached to something a lot more but see it's coming together  you guys it's coming together it's coming together and I need a creative space I think  that's why I've been depressed for so I mean just I've just been depressed over other parts  of my life and it's like why focus on that a
nd be you know I just forget about that it'll  solve itself these other problems will solve themselves and see yeah so I want to build  this oh my gosh and I will be safe I will be safe but um yes this is awesome so here's  my meters let's go and then let's try to do a tour um if you're going to hang in  there for a little bit I'm listening to um my playlist that I have on here okay so  yeah this is awesome I you know I wish I could just stay here and make a video every day make an  hour quality
video every day okay I've got it in the hand so I have so many projects so we'll go on  a journey and these next videos won't be so Rocky but I have let's just show around stuff that  I want to fix and refurbish there's this stuff right there that that um sorry about I'm not not  going to edit this I'm sorry that you know we're just I just want to show you guys the stuff that  I have I'm so excited about this and I'm sorry that I'm I'm just not an editor and a so I'm not  just not a so redoing
I was redoing the computer there and then fixing this computer there um  this microwave I tried to test I got a milk carton full of electronics to extract see like  just extract all these and and then put them in there and then these I got a JBC and I think  this is Kenwood so like maybe recapping them and making sure they work and testing all the  signals out or testing all look at that I mean that just gets me high just looking at all those  outputs and inputs and like where are we seeing it o
kay this video is going on and then so I got  that um yeah so sorry this is so like and then I my interest in Psychology and stuff like I have  and then painting like I need to just focus on Electronics not gaming not  gaming not art not like not not not okay thank you for watching um 16  17 minutes thank you for watching and then we're going to do a project next video  will be a project thank you for watching



Hey, nice progress! Thanks for the shoutout and... I'm not in Germany, not since 1918. After the first world war, my city was no longer under Prussian rule. It became independent and while mostly culturally German at the time, it became incorporated into People's Republic of Poland in 1945. The lab is Keritech Electronics. Dates back to 2020 when I chose my new name... after a NPC in Fallout 1. Nerds gonna nerd.


Interesting where you've chosen to spend to build your lab. I also had legal troubles (and at 49 then!) which caused me to lose my beautiful 5000 square foot lab some years ago. I've long since moved on, moved rural, etc.. but I only have 60 square feet in which to tinker. You'd be surprised at what you can do minimalistic. Indeed you arguably have "better" kit than I do now .. but. So I have 3 main power "bench" supplies that I use. One is based on an ATX computer PSU, so has the regular +/- 5 +/-12, and 3.3, outputs, as well as a handy series string of 1N4001 diodes at the standby for tapping off any of those at 0.7V increments. Well sufficient for almost anything I do low voltage/breadboard. Another is a simple freewheeling boost converter made from random bits (FET, inductor, and rectifier scavenged) driven by a 555 - about 400V unloaded, it's good for single tube play .. say a 12AU7 preamp, or to power a 6E5 eye tube (where it drops to about 200V), and safe with a cup of whiskey. The third a bit more serious, a variac feeding a 750V CT transformer (I think salvaged from an old TV) with a voltage doubler output. Variable 0 to 1.4 KV at fairly hefty current. The point being you can do wonders building instead of buying, and you can't spend your way bench smarter. Was a pair of dudes I used to share bays with a few years back .. always made fun of me for not having $50K in Snap-on. Until they were struggling with a seized unit bearing in a Crown Victoria for two hours, and the old man showed 'em how to remove it with a half inch bolt, nut, and two wrenches in 5 minutes. They stopped making fun. AH yes .. desoldering salvage! Now that's the spirit! Every shop has a bin of dead soldiers waiting for organ harvest. Back in the day when surplus shops were common, selling random boards for fifty cents .. this was the hobbyist supply for parts. So I'll tell you the old school secret. If you're repairing then the component is toast, and preserving the board paramount. So just cut the damned bit off and desolder the individual legs. If you're salvaging, then the board is toast, and it's about preserving the component, right? Torch the forker off. Yup, propane plumbing torch. Believe it or not, heat is not an issue. Solder melts and the part releases before it even gets warm to the touch with a bit of practice. It's been my PCB salvage go to for 50 years. Note that all PCBs are not created equal .. the old single sided phenolics .. the parts pretty well want to jump off with a warm gaze .. newer multi layer 'glass and ROHS solder can be a pain. As for the other side of that - repair. Again, not all created equal. so learn all the desoldering techniques because some work better than others depending on the board or component at hand. Capacitor tester? Meh. Many may disagree, but I've personally never found a use for one. Know thy circuit. I built a "cute" little circuit last week (741, 567, 555, and 4017) that detects in sequence the 5 "close encounter" tones, and then 'does' something .. light a bulb, open a lock, start a car, etc. Gave me a few problems at first .. but (duh) my immediate suspicion correctly was the 50 year old torch salvage electrolytic that I was using for timing. My opinion .. which like buttholes, everyone has .. is that if you know thy circuit, you'll pretty well know a cap is bad by what the circuit isn't doing properly. Insulation tester? Same. We actually use these at work for what in my opinion is the dumbest thing ever: Certifying that TWELVE VOLT low voltage DC circuits in ships are isolated to so many KiloVolt. Transport Canada rules, okay. But if you love HV at the bench .. then your dollars would have been better spent on an HV probe. I hate this world of test equipment automation and fake smarts. There was a device called an 'octopus' once .. typically home brewed, that with a careful eye, knowin' what you glean, and a shitty 'surplus scope, in the right hands would outperform $20K of newfangled diagnostic kit, and six book-smart electronic grad students. Also good for testing caps. Anyhoo .. keep it up gal. Legal shit can suck, but you haven't killed anyone, so this too shall pass. P.S. I wish I could still stay up for two days. I used to crunch a 10 hour shift, 2 hour round trip commute, do the laundry, play the bass, code 6502 assembly for 4 hours, renovate my house, build something .. and do it all over again. Now I look at the chore list and go fuck no today.