
Sailor Cole Brauer poised to become first American woman to solo race non-stop around the world

Cole Brauer has spent four months at sea and is now closing in on becoming the first American woman to race non-stop around the world alone, competing in the Global Solo Challenge. Brauer spoke with NBC News’ Emilie Ikeda about the journey and how she hopes to inspire young women. » Subscribe to NBC News: NBC News Digital is a collection of innovative and powerful news brands that deliver compelling, diverse and engaging news stories. NBC News Digital features,,, Nightly News, Meet the Press, Dateline, and the existing apps and digital extensions of these respective properties. We deliver the best in breaking news, live video coverage, original journalism and segments from your favorite NBC News Shows. Connect with NBC News Online! Breaking News Alerts: Visit NBCNews.Com: Find NBC News on Facebook: Follow NBC News on Twitter: Get more of NBC News delivered to your inbox: #ColeBrauer #Sea #Sailing

NBC News

20 hours ago

I love you here we go aboard this 40ft racing boat named first light okay never let up 29-year-old Cole Brower has spent four months at Sea surviving terrifying moments like this when massive waves tossed her across the cabin badly injuring her rib all this is is just some um sailing solution she even put in her own IV when dehydration took hold I said pretty big waves and now she's closing in on becoming the first American woman to race non-stop around the world alone competing in the global so
lo challenge she's the only woman and the youngest of the 16 Skippers who started the race last year more than half already dropped out she zoomed with us from the middle of the Atlantic you wear so many hats on this journey solo Sailors uh you have to be able to do everything you need to be able to get up even when you're so exhausted and you have to be able to fix everything on the boat the last like 24 hours I've been so angry the journey grueling no stops on the roughly 30,000 miles from Spa
in down the west coast of Africa over to Australia and around the Cape of South America before returning to the starting point a Finish Line browers expected to hit just days from now have you ever been really scared in a moment I can feel the boat is deteriorating I can just feel that things are starting to break down okay okay okay it's okay it's okay for the 100b PowerHouse from New York sailing is a career she's been chasing since College I push so much harder when someone's like like no you
can't do that and I'm like well okay watch me an attitude she hopes will inspire young girls in a male-dominated sport it would be amazing if there was just one one other girl that saw me and said oh I can do that too one woman now navigating a new chapter in history Emily ietta NBC news thank thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media



This woman is so inspiring. I wish mankind would take her as an example and embrace life with such fervor. Godspeed


I worked on vessels in the Gulf of Mexico for years. What she is doing is truly amazing. This takes a unique mental and physical state that most people don't have. Health and happiness, sailor...💯


I am so in awe of Cole!! What an incredible accomplishment!! You are inspiring women around the world , young and old! ❤❤


She’s an inspiration. Her story makes me care about a race I didn’t know about until today. Finish strong, Cole! We are cheering for you!


I've been following her since early on in the race. #gocole


Amazing, courageous, inspiring. You go girl!


As the father of 2 amazing and strong willed daughters, I salute you Cole! You are an inspiration


Cole is a rockstar!!! A true inspiration!


Go Cole! Just extraordinary!


Amazing woman!!!


Truly Amazing!


Incredible 🙌


Go Cole, go!!! 💪💪


We're so excited for you, Cole. You are single- handedly helping empower women by making your own dream come true! Sail on ⛵beautiful girl, you've got this!! Can't wait to see you on our TV screens in just a few short days! ⛵🌊🇺🇲🐬🐋


Such an incredible young lady!! I am thoroughly enjoying her journey as well as the other sailors.


Cole is rocking it, so close to finishing. Hoping she does the Vendee. ❤❤❤


Love Cole!!! Her instagram landed in my feed and I have no idea how but I’m so glad it did! I’m on pins and needles until this amazing kiddo is safe at home! Such an incredible human being! I’ll be celebrating her welcome home with my nails painted white and holding a cup of cappuccino and eating a croissant hoping I can find some peeps in the PNW to celebrate with me! You rock Cole!!! WoooHooo!!!


Bravo 👏


You go, girl!