Main Presentation to the Rural Education Achievement Program

GSA's Integrated Award Environment presents information and training on registration and validation.

GSA (General Services Administration)

20 hours ago

All right there we go. So for the benefit of  the attended parties uh we are recording this session so if you have any objection to um being  on this recording um you are invited to go ahead and drop off. I believe Justin say that this  recording will be posted and made available to everybody and I did also enable transcripting  so um what I would like to do today to start off is introduce myself my name is Salomeh Ghorbani  and I am currently the director of the Outreach and Stakeholder Engagem
ent Division within  the Integrated Award Environment. That is a really really long title just to say that  basically I manage all the communications for all of the acquisition systems that GSA  manages. We've got them all from cradle to grave, and this session is going to be specific  to which is your which is your foot in the front door right so what I'm going to do  now is share my screen and start the slide deck and I would ask that do we have a Q&A  pod in here no we just got commen
ts um I'm going to go through the deck and I will  leave time at the end for questions so if you could hold your questions until the  end just make notes or whatever because what I do what I do like to do is actually  do a live demo um of um I like to do live demos and I need to see how I can admit okay um so yeah I like I  like to do live demos to answer to answer questions so all right  so you can see my Deb correct correct see I even had my per  my uh my contractor put a note start recording
so anyway welcome  one and all um I need to find a way okay um as I noted my name is salom gorbani  and I am going to tell you everything you ever needed to know about from the  perspective of somebody who's trying to register an entity so I'm going to walk  you through entity registration and how to get started I'll give you some tips and tricks  um to help you get through both the validation and the registration and lastly I'll follow  up by showing you how you can get help with sam.go
v because um I was actually surprised to  find that a lot of people I talked to have no idea the amount of help that we do have  available so I always want to make sure that that people know so um in terms of getting  started let me go back real quick and let folks in okay and I can go back to the duck there we go  all right so entity registration a question that we got a lot is who has to register an entity so  the first thing I want to is actually Define what we consider an enti an entity to b
e an entity is  anybody is a business that wants to do business with the federal government we this um entity it  can be sole source it can be a government office it can be it has a wide range of possibilities  that you will be defining as you go through the registration process but um if you need to do  business with the government you need to have what we call an entity and that entity has to  be registered in if you want to apply for rewards um bid on contracts go for loans  or grants is your first step in part of telling us about your entity it does require a lot  of information um and so the things that you need to have handy is a knowledge of your organization  structure tax information and be able to discuss you know products or services such as you know  n codes or PSC codes if you are asked for them um what you should do if you have not created  your entity in you need to figure out who's the best person to complete the registration  because they are go
ing to be the first person who is given the role of the entity administrator  and they'll be responsible they'll be the only ones who will be able to go in and make  edits to the records and make updates to the records and they'll also be able to assign  that role to others so whoever creates or begins this registration process should be someone you  trust and give me a moment again to let someone in apologies okay um once you've created your  entity record in Sam we strongly strongly strongly s
trongly suggest that the first action you take  is to create a second entity administrator and here's why the entity administrator is the only  one who can edit your entity record in Sam and so if you've only got one and they win the lottery or  they you know they rage quit or whatever happens you're going to be left with an entity that  we consider to be orphaned meaning nobody can nobody has the role to get in and make the updates  and for those of you who are unaware your entity recor
ds have to be updated every year so  what we'll end up with a lot of calls at the help desk is oh my God my and my registration expires  next week and I don't have an entity administrator and once that has happened to the point where  there's nobody who has that access it's kind of a cumbersome process to get somebody new in  there so the best way around that is once you've got your entity record created assign it to one  or two other people that way you've guaranteed that you're not going to lo
se access to that  record um we do also highlight the fact that every person must have their own account so if  you have three people who are going to have that role of entity administrator for your entity they  each need to have their own user accounts um you will be getting a copy of this slide deck  um to have as reference material and one thing that you'll note is we have anything that's blue  and underlined is going to be clickable and you see I hover on it or click on it and you se
e it  opens up the the document so in this instance um what we have is a link to uh provide an entity  registration checklist and some other G guides um and the checklist is great because it takes  you through step by step each page of the the registration process and you know the intent is  that if you go through this before you begin and make sure you have everything then you can get  through the entire process in under an hour um it's really intended to be you know Preparatory  and and to mak
e your experience in Sam a lot more efficient okay when you log into Sam doov this  is the first screen you're gonna uh you're going to see and you're going to select the  option to sign in which is in the upper right corner and it's going to pop this window up we  use a third party which ironically is also um which is ironically also housed at GSA but I  don't run it but it's called um so you click you follow the instructions to either  um you know create or create an account
or sign in with your credentials and it will make  sure that you are who you say you are and then it will route you back to Sam where you  can get to work when you are redirected to Sam and you are logged in you're taken to an  area that we call your workspace um and what you see in your workspace is going to vary  depending on what roles you have for your agency so you know you and three other  people could work for the same company and still have different stuff in the in  the workspace becaus
e you have different roles so one thing that you'll see if you have  um if you are actually if you have a role with an entity is you'll see what we call this entity  widget and and again anything you see in here is blue so in this example here in the widget um five  active registrations two with ID assigned and five inactive you could click any of these buttons to  see those or you could click see all and it will get that will let you see um that will let you  see all of uh the entities that you
are associated with um in this s in this example here there's  also a get started button and this is to help you create a new entity record as we discussed  so the person doing this is going to eventually have the be the only one to have the role  to make further updates and edit and updates and edits wow I need more caffeine sorry  guys um so at this point your options are you can create um another the step-by-step  guide right here you can download that if you think it will help you go throug
h it um I  don't think this applies to any of your folks uh Justin but if you are outside the US you do  need to have a cage code before you come to us if you're in the US don't worry about cage  if you already have an entity record we we don't want duplicates right duplicates bad data  that's that's not fun and oftentimes you'll get all the way through the process and then get  rejected because we will find that there's a duplicate so if you're not sure if your entity  exists you want to go to
your workspace and do a search for that entity and I can show  you how um later on in the when we stration so if you were going to select renew  or update you would see your list of entities here um names have been blanked out to  protect the innocent but on the right hand side of the of every record you'll see these three  vertical dots the vertical ellipses when you click on that you will get the action menu  so for records that already exist and have become inactive or they may be active um 
and you just need to make like an update to an address or or change something  you know you would come here and select update and all right when you are selecting or creating  a brand new entity we are asking some questions up front to help us to help us help you the more  information you provide us upfront we can help guide you in terms of what type of registration  you should be looking for so you know are you wanting to do business with the government are  you trying to be a subawardee um or
or other and um and you'll notice that each option has a  little blue question mark next to it and again if it's blue it's clickable and either hovering or  clicking on this will give you the the definition of what this means if you if you're not clear like  if you don't know what assistance or sub awward is you click here and it will pop up clarifying  language for you um the next question is who is asking you to be in Sam if you're doing business  directly with the government then we are askin
g you to be in Sam if you are there's a whole lot  of options here um if you are a sub awarde if you're if you're trying to get um grant money for  example from a state and that state has asked you to register in Sam to get a UEI then you would  select here state or territory or local government office whichever of those would actually apply  to you but again you can see all the different options once you have select made and once you've  answered those questions um you're going to see you may h
ave seen charts like this on like a  cable a Cable website or a cell phone service where basically it's like you know for ones  that are being updated we show what you what you get versus what you have and for brand new  ones we walk through everything that you said and we make the recommendation of which one we  think you should you should take um is my screen showing no you're no longer sharing oh  lovely all right hold on I got a noticed that I was no longer sharing and I don't  know why all
right let me go fix that thank you and are we back yes yes awesome thanks  guys so um again now we are just making a recommendation here and we're showing you  what the impact is in terms of the level of effort and and what's needed for each  of the options so if you only want a UEI then you know you'll uh then basically you're  going to use it to get an award from someone else who's receiving the money um if you want  to get that money directly then you know then you would choose the one that h
as that check  mark um the level of effort as you move from left to right gets um more and more but partly  is What's Happening Here is we don't want you we don't want you to put in work that you  don't need so we're trying to find the best fit for you and again even though we're  making recommendations you are free to choose any of the options and you would proceed by  selecting the select button at the bottom of each column um registration tip if you go to we have a button there that
says get started with your registration and  it has got everything you would ever need um I did not did we get the we didn't do  validation yet did we give me one second I'm sorry okay slides are slightly out of order  and I apologize the validation happens before the registration and frankly I'm aware that the  validation is where a lot of you have your pain points so please bear with me we will go back to  the validation in just a few slides um and for those of you who are not familiar with fs  since I am screen sharing go to this is not just the help desk this is also our repository  for knowledge articles and you see here there's you have a couple different options we have one  to get started with your registration we also have one specific for validation help so depending on  which part of the process you're having difficulty with you see that this gives you a list of videos  and articles that answer all your questions on the validation and what happens afterwards whe
re um  the registration one takes you to this article that gives you links to all the different things  you need to know on the registration piece so uh I've got about 1500 articles and about 60 videos  and we try to keep everything very specific to function so because we know nobody's going to  sit and watch an hourlong video right but a video that takes three minutes to show you what you're  looking at right now I think you know provides a lot more value um once validation completed and  you m
ove on to the entity registration you're going to see these older screens appear for those  of you who have used Sam before these will be familiar to you um we just haven't updated  these to look like our new site yet um but you'll see that it will pop up and tell you the  steps that you have left to complete so tips for registration the people who are entity  administrators on that entity account they will get emails about registration um upcoming  expir upcoming expirations you'll get it at 60
days before expiration 30 days and then again at  15 again if this is a simple renewal and nothing has changed you're probably safe in the 15  to 30-day range if you've had a change to your legal business name if you've had a change  of address core data like that then you'll want to lean you'll want to give a little more time  because there's going to be more manual review um and it's always best to start ahead of the game  because once it has gone invalid especially if you don't have access t
o it again it gives us a lot  more I hate to say Hoops to jump through because because that sounds unnecessarily bureaucratic  but they're for security reasons right we have to be very careful about who we give access  to these records too um and then you'll get additional emails when the entity actually does  expire when it's been submitted for review and if it was inactive and you submitted an update  when it goes active you'll get an email there again the validation process right now which  h
appens before registration takes on average right now we've got it down to between two and 4  days um but again if if there is a disconnect or the materials that are being uploaded which  we'll talk about in a minute if it doesn't match with the information that we have you know  there may be a little more back and forth and it can take a little longer um the other steps  for your registration is the verification of the taxpayer inform by the IRS and once that's  done we then send um if you are
registering in Sam and getting more than just a UEI then you  also have to have a cage code cage codes are managed by the defense Logistics agency um and  that can take another 10 to 15 days if you're applying for a new one so you want to be able  to factor all of that into your timelines when you're when you're looking at your renewal or  starting a new one in terms of understanding when the record will be active and and available  for you to use to uh to make bids on on grants or Awards um on
the homepage on there is a  link that says check entity status you do have to be signed in and have a role with that entity  so while you're waiting for it to go active only the the person who created the record can do this  um if it's a renewal anybody who has the entity Administration role can do this but basically  you pop in the U the UEI and it will tell you what status the record is in when it was activated  when it expires and if it's actually in a process in a submitted State the
n it tells you where it  is in the process whether it's at IRS or at D cage all of these check marks down here that that  is indicative of a happy happy entity and as you can see they are active they've been validated and  everything is is done and above board and good to go um again I cannot hop on this enough assign  more than one entity administrator if you have an existing entity today go take a look how many  admins do you have if you only see the one add one or two more believe me the noto
rized letter  process is painful and frankly it's expensive for for the government as well um you can have  as many administrators as you like but you are responsible for your own role management um  we don't manage anything for your entities so um if you want to see how to become the  new administrator because your entity got orphaned you'll follow this link and it'll  take you to the article that details the uh the information that we need to to Grant entity  access to a record that does not h
ave an active administrator and again this tells you again  um just additional steps in that same process and again you can prevent this pain only you can  prevent forest fires right only you can make sure you never have to do this and nothing would make  us happier um so make sure your your entities have more than one and I can show you how to Che to see  who your entities are or who your administrators are um if you do require a cage code and this  is if you are directly looking for Grants loa
ns Awards uh or contracts um one of the points of  contact you're going to enter is the government business point of contact when your application  goes from Sam to D cage if they have a question about your documentation the government  business point of contact is who they're going to be reaching out to and they will reach  out to you in an email they will tell you what their questions are I believe they also even give  phone numbers um but what happens is if you don't respond within three busi
ness days then they're  going to reject you a cage and it comes back to Sam and when in that instance  if you look at the check entity registration status that I showed you  a minute ago um where' it go hold on here right here you would see here that  it was it would say um it would be back in submit Stannis and it would  tell you down here that it was rejected by cage and Y and again you  will get these slides as a reference um I mentioned earlier that after Sam has had  their way with you and
and we've gotten your information the next step is IRS and basically  what we're doing is doing what we call a tin match and uh so it's important that when you  are creating the entity or making updates to The Entity that the taxpayer name is what's on  the most recent tax returns if you're using a new tin give it a week or so before you try  to create because um our our link to the IRS database it can take a few days for the IRS side  to update um before we get information on a brand new tax ID
number and then again when it gets to  cage verifying legal business name and physical address um because it's a different agency we  at GSA don't have any oversight or or real you know privity or authority over them in their  processes they do accept documents we don't um you know it's a government operation right um  but they are usually very clear in terms of what they need and why and we try to be as well the  good news is if you are going for Grants only and you state that you are not seek
ing grants  from DOD then you get to skip the d uh the D cage code process altoe and that's shut that that  shortens your experience down you know easily by a week week and a half so we're moving now um  back to validation which again apologies that should have come before registration but the  validation um for those of you who have been around a while we used to accept dun's dun's  uh dun's numbers and om decided that anybody who wants to do business with the government  should not have to do
business with a third party before they come to the government's front  door so at that point they said hey Sam would be perfect for this and they said jump and we said  no problem so the validation is basically we are we have a vendor who is looking at Secretary  of State websites and other other types of validating Authority ities to confirm the entity  name and physical address and the start Year all match that those are the three things that we  are looking to match so if you are prompted to
upload documentation the documentation that we're  looking for needs to be the the legal business name the physical address and the start year that  you entered into Sam when you were starting the validation process if everything matches it'll  get approved and your record will be moved on in through the workflow we do send emails um I have  two different branches of my help desk one that only deals with validation and they will um when  Sam asks you to upload documents it automatically creates
a help desk ticket for you that gets  routed to the right team and they will respond to you through that help desk ticket so you'll  get an email that'll come from I think it's of FSD um basically um they will reach out  with questions or or let you know you know hey you know you do you have a different document with  the name in the start year you know the address is fine but and again the knowledge articles that I  pointed out before have this information in much greater detail includ
ing a list of documents that  are acceptable and for what they are acceptable that looks just like this excuse me so this  gives you an example of if you are using um a certificate of formation and it's stamped as  filed with an authority such as Secretary of State um you know it does not have to be less than  five years old and it's fine for both of these things you know we need a start year or or start  of incorporation we call it date of incorporation but the start year applies as well if you
're not  Incorporated and then again you know is it fine for legal business name and physical address um  screenshots of I've had people send me screenshots of their entity in Sam and I'm sorry but that  does not work that that's circular logic and I get yelled at for things like that so um what you'll  notice in common for these documents is that they are coming from another source that has validated  that name and address IRS knows who you are so the W9 is you sending stuff to IRS however your
  your uh TIN number assignment or your your EIN assignment for the organization that's coming from  the IRS and they believe that the entity name and address are what they are in that letter and and  we accept that is being authoritative so just to give you an example same thing with utility right  um it is a you know the electric company knows where they're sending the electricity and who's  paying for it so um some common pain points are that documentation will be uploaded that doesn't  match
the information that was entered into Sam and again that's you know kind of the thing in  order for us to validate and say yes you know we're looking for a source of Truth um everything  needs to match we do not do not do not ever accept a PO box or a virtual address um I don't know if  you're familiar with virtual addresses there are companies that will have a suite or it'll a lot of  times it'll just be a warehouse and it'll be you know your com company entity number one is sweet  100 entity
number two is sweet 125 but they've all got the same core address we can take those  it actually has to be brick and mortar physical address um the good news is while your Sam  registration requires an annual renewal validation does not so when you come back into  Sam after you know a year to to do your annual update if your information has not changed  you're going to skip validation altogether and go straight to the the core pages in Sam  um for for entities where you're you know doing your ta
x information and Reps inserts and  all that fun stuff um your entity's ID is forever so if your entity goes inactive  and 10 years later you come back and you want to renew it you are still going to have  that same unique entity ID that will never change um when I mentioned earlier kind of like the cable  the cable offerings and that the chart that we showed you um a biggest pain point is people who  go who select that they want or they're going to register for all Awards when really they only
need  financial assistance registration and believe me when I tell you if you're going for all Awards  you know the amount of reps inserts it's it's really cumbersome so you know we really recommend  you only get the level of of entity registration that really applies to your need and yes I'm  sounding like a broken record but assign more than one admin please actually I'm starting  a new Communications campaign starting next week and it's going to run for a year getting  getting folks to get mo
re admins in there it's just it's crazy all right so where to get help  if if you are on up at the top here is the the the menu bar there's a help that opens  up this page here and you'll see there's help for federal users help for non-federal users and  if you're new to Sam are you know these are all the things you need to know getting started  how do you get a user account how do you use you know we talk about domains what  does that even mean um all of this information here
when you select any of these options it  will redirect you but it should open up in a new browser uh to the FSD where these articles  are located um good news is we are getting ready to actually integrate these into the page so you  won't get a new tab or be redirected away um I showed you the federal service desk this is our  Google's our search our Google like search bar and uh and I'm happy to show you some examples  of how that works as as well but it's pretty straightforward you do not need
to sign in to  use it you get the validation help you know we've broken down the top topics here and uh  and then you can search on any topic to also get the information that is available whoops um  and if you just if you like if you prefer videos our knowledge articles are broken down step by  step and have screenshots which is awesome but if you prefer videos you can just type in entity  video and it will come back with all the videos that are just related to your entity there's  the button f
or validation help I showed you earlier and the um the key things to have access  to if you're uh getting started registering your first entity and please note we do have an  option here for state and local entities and I believe being um schools that you would follow  under that um Justin you can correct me if I'm wrong um the bottom half of the FSD page you will  see that we have announcements um that we update as as they uh as we have information to share  and then our other systems are repre
sented here in addition to a breakdown by topic um so all of  the help for all of our systems is going to be here and if you still need help if the  information we've provided just doesn't help you stick The Landing then at that  point you are welcome to create a ticket um or you can even do that using a live  chat and uh we also have an option once you've selected create a ticket it will ask  you to log in um but it's going to use the same login dock of account that you use for  Sam so that at
least is is all integrated um but the the live chat would be you know the  the best way to go because you're going to be in and out of there um very quickly it's  not the the long Waits that people experience by phone so having said that I'm going to  back out of the slides and come back to here and I'm seeing a handful of questions so um  you all are able to raise your hands if you would like to if you have a question um go  ahead and raise your hands and we'll tackle them one by one maybe we c
an start we have two  similar questions in the chat I think they're asking kind of the same thing which is um maybe  at my school district I don't know exactly who is currently the entity administrator and or I  over in some in some of these cases there's a sort of a a fiscal person who oversees multiple  school districts who is unaware of who these UEI administrators might be across the board  how could those people go about finding that information that is an excellent question and  I promised
you a demo and a demo you shall have let me uh and I love doing live demos because  you know there's no risk there at all right uh hold on here thank you Justin that was exactly  my um my question I oversee several districts I just don't know who their administrators  are can you see me on the Sam site yes okay if somebody wants to pop into chat a UEI that  would be handy uh I'm getting long in right now oops all right so I am now I'm logged  in and you know I'm logged in because in the upper r
ight corner you see the  option to sign out so OB that that by extension means that I am signed in and  you'll see I'm in my workspace and in my workspace I have widgets what you want to  look for is the widget that says uh user directory when you select that that was  ugly that should not have happened here we go now keep in mind I'm coming in as a  government user so you are going to be limited to just seeing your own UEI did  somebody Justin did somebody pop a UEI in the chat yeah I gave you
one okay can you  just read it to me here sure NJ s z M4 tl9 a N7 did I have that right NJ s z the the  one after Z is M for Mary H that would be why I didn't find it there we go Corona Public  Schools sure all right so I'm what I'm asking this to do this is our user directory but I  am pulling up by The Entity so it's going to show me the users who are attached to that  entity and then I have filters so if I am looking for somebody who has got access to  the entity registration oh no no no no n
o no no what happened I should have done that after  I can still hear you yeah no I know you can hear me I I did this in the wrong  sequence and the screen refreshed and I lost the UEI I'm GNA pop back in  and and grab it out of chat hold on here and Jay I do see your hand up we'll get  there in just a moment okay so I'm GNA pull up first I'm thir first thing I'm going to do  is pull up the entity and it is going to return anybody who has a role in for that  entity and you'll see we have
two individuals here if you're in a situation where you got  just hundreds of names you can then filter by The Entity registration domain or or pick the  role you're looking for but conversely what you can do is Select actions and save view  access and in this example we see that Karen is the entity registration administrator for  the corona public schools and this is what I'm talking about here you'll see that um you know  we see that she is an entity registration entity registration administr
ator what I'm curious  to see is if the other person is as well and I'm gonna go here view access and  yes so here we go a happy happy use case Corona public schools has two entity  administrators so if you know one of them were to win the lotto Corona is not going  to lose access to their entity record in Sam anybody who has this role can assign  it to another person who has a account but again this is where you would see  who has the contract opportunities that one that's a different d
omain that's when  you're like looking for opportunities or or posting them posting or bidding on  them but the uh The Entity registration is the one that that you're looking for  that helps uh here and you can actually even drill down and see the permissions  that this individual has but again you can only see this for a entity for an entity  where you already have a role does that make sense it does and maybe before we pivot away from  I know that Jay is next in mind there's a related question
of just we're seeing these other titles  Beyond into CH uh administrator where could we go to find out what these other titles mean mean  or level of access that they have so we actually have a role admin we have a non-federal role  Administration guide available on the FSD so we how are we doing on time just I'll find that  and I'll put it in the chat okay because I mean I can give a c-spot run explanation I mentioned  earlier a thing called domains and what we're talking about is we used to h
ave a bunch of  different systems and these are all the ones that we have decommissioned and brought into Sam  so when we talk about domains we're basically referring to what used to be an old system so  contract opportunities as a domain used to be fedbizops or um contract data that used to  be fpds Dogo the reporting capability that is now here we used to have wdol doov which is all the  way where all the wage determinations are listed that is now the wage determinations domain and so 
when you go to that domain you can look for that specific information so when you see these other  roles the ones that you the one that you care about is going to be under entity information  entity information then you're looking for the administrator um those that's that's basically  what you're looking for in terms of being able to give others roles um and also let me let me  go back here I think there is also a request a roll area where you go in here and you can  request roles under you ca
n never request an administrator role but if you have somebody  who want who needs to be a viewer or any of the other roles we have available you can tell  that user create your Sam account go to request a roll and you know select the role that you  want and that request will come up and you'll get notifications in your workspace those  of you who are um admins asking you to go in and and approve those roles and at that  point you can assess does this person need the role which permissions are a
ppropriate and so  on so that that's my tour of of roles and uh and domains um Justin are we good and you're gonna  get the rooll the roll guide yeah I found a roll guide I hope I included the correct one and  I think Jay is next with and Jay is next up okay hi Jay welcome hi salame appreciate it uh  I've been in correspondence with Justin about I'm a superintendent of two school districts two  separate school districts in Kansas and one of my uh School District my entity is inactive okay  how d
o I what's the process of reactivating I have the UEI I have the cage it's just we're  just inactive so I can't validate understood so the qu my first question is are you the  entity administrator for that for that entity well no learned something today I since I was  superintend two districts and I used one email I didn't know that I could so my board clerk is  the enti is the administrator for that entity I am the I am the administrator for the for the  other one but I will add myself yeah wel
l why don't you uh can you give me the UEI for the  one that's gone inactive yes I can't it is p is in Tom 8 p is in Paul E M is in Mary B is  in boy g g is this you here Copeland School District yes yeah that's it all right so I show  the only one with a role is a Cheryl Fleming and and this individual is who has the entity  administr entity Administration role yes and there's an issue with that we have updated she  she was my board clerk she's left the district my new board clerk two years ago
three years ago  had uh had registered to to be the administrator yeah so uh so she doesn't show up but she does  her email does work so I don't know what's going on but okay so the the thing that I've kind  the dead horse that I've kind of been beating throughout the presentation is unfortunately  the situation that you were in and that what we need is we need to be able to validate who  you are and that you are affiliated with this entity so that we can give somebody else the  role um so what
um I will find the knowledge article and post it in chat in just a moment  um but it gives you the steps to go through um my recommendation would be once you have access  um once you've got access back to the entity you go in and remove the role from the individual  who's no longer with you um even though they don't have access to their email anymore it's  you know just a I've heard it referred to as technological hygiene okay so um hold on here  and and kind of a a second question since I'm th
e superintendent of two districts and I use  the same email can I have the same email on two separate entities absolutely you can manage  as many entities as you need to okay with one what'll happen is when you look in Sam on um  here's the knowledge article I just put it in the chat um what'll happen is if you um were to log  in to Sam and look at your own user profile and your roles you would see all the roles you have  and you C and if you've got multiple entities you'll see all of them it's
all UEI it's broken  down by UEI you can filter by UEI once you're up and running it's gotten um I think pretty pretty  robust and and easy um I hope I hope Mina would agree um so Jay are you good I I  think so uh yeah all right um and if if you come up with another question  you can pop your hand back up but uh I've got a q forming so let's go ahead and  hear from Leanne Leanne you are muted okay um first of all thank you so much for doing  this because I can say out there to everyone do not le
t it go inactive I was a new superintendent  last year and it was an act of Congress to get it fixed like so thank you for doing this and like  helping us understand I own the help desk and I am trying I the help desk they did well they  did well so but I mean it was just a lot a lot all those verification things and you know did we  get established it was a lot so thank you so much but my question is so I went to get into mine  the other day and that's part of the reason I made sure I was on he
re too and the what the same  problem I had before I couldn't get the email to verify once we did like all the verification of  when we were established and all that which was a lot of background work to do it would still  couldn't go through and I think I finally got it to go through by using a personal email  got it set up it was all fine well now it's wanting me to redo my password or something so  it's sending a verification to my email and I'm not getting it well but I can't get into it to 
change my email so that I can get it to fix it does that make sense not at all um it's I never  get the code that it sends never and that the one time onetime password yes that okay so please  um open a ticket with the FSD we have noticed we're trying to work with folks that is that's  actually a great pain point to bring up and I need to add to this deck um we have two spots in  the entity registration process where we send you a onetime code to validate and that what the  first time is when w
e send it to when you're doing the the page for the IRS tin matching um  because you are giving your your approval and your authorization for us to get your information  from IRS and then the second time is when you go to submit so what's what's happening is there's  a button in and it says we're going to send you a onetime password and you click okay and then  it's supposed to send an email to the email address that you logged in with which will um  which will have a code in it you pop that cod
e in and you go on your way we have two buckets of  issues that we fall into on this one all of the analysis and and troubleshooting we've done we  are sending them so the problem is you are not getting them so for the email address where you're  having an issue the first thing I would do make sure you double check your trash double check your  spam double check all all of your folders if you can view all emails when you know you've hit the  request um you know because a lot of times it will get
redirected um the other the other option is  if you're certain it's not showing up in any of your mailboxes your next step is to go to your it  and say we are you know because a lot of you know it's it's that fine balance between security and  accessibility at the end of the day and a lot of times you know there's wh listing involved and  you guys may be blocking our traffic um or it may be coming and thinking it's spam or something  along those lines but your your it I'm assuming it's your sch
ool email that was getting blocked  yes and it we've done all of that and last year when I tried to get us active again nothing worked  so finally I got through with your help Des help and me using a different email so at this point  I just want to be able to change my email again because I know it's not GNA work and so I need  to change my email but I can't do that because I can't get in to change my email so go ahead and  open up an FSD ticket and let them know that you are having a problem wi
th the one-time password  and you're trying to do and make sure that they escalate it to the technicians because they should  be able to help you get through okay okay this is a known this is a known thing and unfortunately  it's it's beyond our control we're sending it so we'll do what we can to to try to help and and  we can even get on coordinated calls with your it to try to sort it out we can get the technical  information for your folks to look for but um you we don't get a kickback when i
t gets rejected  so well my way my way that I found around it is just use an email that's not you know as filtered  because we tried and tried I mean it took months last year um the other thing is so um it it was  prompting me to do a new password but I want to make sure that we stay active so how often does  it require us to to do you should not be getting requests for new password once you're set up with the password's the password so um and then it wouldn't it wanted to send a one-
time code  to let me get in and it wouldn't I can't get it I know I'm not going to get it because I tried  it several times and last year it was the same problem these can all be tied together into the  same FSD ticket and and we'll get our developers to get you through okay thank you if you have any  problems you can reach me through Justin and like I said I own the help desk so okay well they did a  great job they finally they finally got me through after bazillion calls but they were always v
ery  patient and helpful so thank you my pleasure thanks lean um I think Renee was next yeah I'm  also a superintendent I'm trying to figure out who our entity administrator is so that I can get  assigned that role sure um I can pop it up um do you have the UI yeah MGS I'm sorry was that n is  and Nancy or em is and Mary oh m m like Mary okay MGS is in Sam oh F like Frank thank you w e j is  that the Mercer School District yes all right one moment I showed two people with access let me take a lo
ok at their role at their  access here um I'm showing a Trish Thompson okay for the merer for the Mercer School  District God I cannot talk today and the second one I am showing is also um a Tiffany Gilroy I am  showing that both of them have the administrator role and if you need it they can assign it  to you perfect thank you my pleasure um Dad uh Debbie I you're uh muted Debbie is still muted okay maybe while  Debbie figures that out I'll give you a question from the chat okay we are a Charte
r network and  the reap team is asking a different one of our requirements is that each District needs a  different UEI for every school within that Charter network um however UEI numbers require  a unique EI in number we set up an ID that is tied to that UEI but still can't get the srsa  grant for a second school because one school is already using a UEI number is there anyone  to get help with this yes um I am going to ask them so when we did the transition everything  has a story right when w
e initially did the transition from duns to UI we discovered some  use cases of which we were not aware um This falls under that and I stood up a Strike  Team um my star Squad and so what I would like is for um the person who's having that  issue to email you Justin if you get me the information I will get it to my star Squad we'll  create the ticket for you and get our um get get my smart people who are smarter than um get  them to reach out to you and work through the issue Damon hopefully you
're still here and  got that and it looks like Debbie has found the microphone button yes can you hear me I  can hello okay good I'm not very smart about this stuff but my question is um I was having  the same problem uh with my email and of course Mya email is my ID but our email addresses have  changed so I still have the old email as my ID but I'm not getting the new emails through for  the pass the onetime passcode good news is we have an article for that give me one second here  and I let m
e find it for you so there is kind of a disconnect right now that we are working to  address because allows multiple email address addresses but Sam does not so I actually  have an article on what to do if my company email address changes okay thank you that will walk you  through getting things back in sync and if you run into issues it should guide you um should guide  you to to whom you need to reach out um just so you know I mean like I said I own I've I own the  knowledge articles
I own all the help materials um I just recently became a director but I've owned  a lot of this content for the last several years and if it doesn't if it doesn't help you stick  The Landing I want to know so that I can make it better okay um can you put that up again I missed  it when oh it's in the chat here um there we go it's if you there's a I don't know if you see  the chat in this video call um um at the bottom there is a uh where is yes I got it Corner  yeah okay thank you very much my
pleasure okay this might be an easy one from the chat  does our cage code renew with UEI renewal or do we need to renew our cage codes separately  and every year my favorite answer as a project manager is it depends um basically again when  you once you get a UI that UEI is always your UEI that UEI is always married to cage as long as  your legal business name and physical address do not change those will not have to be updated  again what will be refreshed is you're going to renew your entity r
egistration in Sam and  it's going to double check and make sure that you know cage dla still has the correct  information but most renewals complete if there's no change is they complete within  three or four days it's usually a pretty quick turnaround great I think that I  see Mina's I see Mina's question I'm gonna look at the I'm looking  at that entity Now give me just a second and Mina that's San Bonito the only person I show having access um um  is Jennifer log and if you are not able to s
ee it you may you may not have a role with that entity  and that's something you'll need to correct with Jennifer awesome I hope I hope this was helpful um I'm  gonna wind down and then stop the recording um but by all means you know please leverage  the materials please reach out to our service desk and um that is correct you can any's  information is only viewable you can see the public facing information but you can't  see any of the the behind the-scenes stuff unless you've got a role with t
hat entity but  there are a lot of roles to choose from they don't have to give you you know God rights  to that entity to let you see it um yes Jeff hi Jeff you are still on mute okay there you go all right so I'm  retiring this year and we're gonna have a new superintendent um congratulations what's the  thank you but what's the process for me to help him transition into this my UEI will be good  until September so so and the UEI will always belong to the entity you want to make sure that  you
grant him the entity administrator role and then point him to FSD and search on everything  related to entity administrator what they can do what their powers are because you know they've  got God rights um EV everything that is needed in order to manage the Sam registration is going  to be available on FSD but remind them you know to quote Spider-Man with great power comes great  responsibility so um but you know we are not in the business of of you know managing your roles  for you that's why
we you know we really tried to help educate you on how to manage them and  control them within your organizations so it's really just getting him into the system as an  admin and then um because I'll already have applied for the grants prior to that because  I'll have opened already before then so we'll we already have access to that I just want  to make sure that he can he won't have any transitional issues I know how hard it is to  get anybody who has the entity administrator role can do the
renewal when the time comes  perect perfect do that just suggest you start earlier rather than later just to cover  his own butt but yeah awesome thank you my pleasure and I've stopped the recording me
