
San Diego 11 AM news update | Super Tuesday election results

Voters across California and in San Diego cast their ballots in Super Tuesday's election. See results as they come in on CBS8 and

CBS 8 San Diego

2 weeks ago

I will not stop using my voice next 11 Nikki Haley dropping out of the race for the White House setting up a rematch between President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump see the latest results from Super Tuesday tonight's results are an endorsement of continuing to do things that we have done together over the last four years San Diego mayor Todd Gloria advances to the November election learn about the second place finisher competing against him [Applause] protesters interrupting a sena
te candidate's victory speech the latest on the race for California's senate seat and looking outside you'd never believe there's rain on the way as I zoom out you see it it's coming to San Diego but when and how much I'll let you know cbs8 News live in 11 starts right [Music] now last week my mother a first generation immigrant got to vote for her daughter for president only in America I am filled with the gratitude for the outpouring of support we've received from all across our great country
but the time has now come to suspend my campaign Nikki Haley right there officially dropping out of the race for the White House she made that announcement just this morning following former president Donald Trump's decisive victory during the Super Tuesday primaries Haley did not endorse the former president she said Trump has to earn the votes now and instead wished good luck to whoever wins the White House in November Americans could be feeling a sense of deja vu here today it looks like Pres
ident Joe Biden will be in a rematch with Trump now thanks for being here on the CW today everyone I'm Eric Connor and I'm Neta ironport glad you're with us here and we are following the very latest in the national state and local races as these new results keep coming in from yes yesterday's elections so the former president and the current president both scoring multiple victories in Republican and Democratic primaries that includes here in California so you take a look right here this would b
e the California GOP Primary results with Donald Trump getting 79% just about 1.1 million of the vote versus Nikki Haley at 18% for the Democrats President Joe Biden with a commanding lead cementing his party's spot as the official nominee 89% % and MaryAnn Williamson at just 3% here at home we are covering all of the major races and we have Team coverage for you cbsh Virginia yurita live at the registar of Voters office there covering turnout and District Four's election and you see Chris gr he
's live in Chula Vista right now reporting on key races for the South Bay first let's get to Kelly H all live in Mission Valley with the latest on the race for Sand Diego mayor Kelly that's right and I spoke to Mayor Todd Gloria and candidate at Larry Turner today in fact mayor Gloria is here right now in Mission Valley for a ribbon cutting here for the New River Park now I talked to Turner and Kerney Mesa and both are looking ahead to November however now that it appears this race is set a laws
uit challenging Turner's res residency that is is back in the spotlight there's nothing to it I live in San Diego I lived in San Diego then so uh you know this is just a one of those little tricks that they're going to keep pulling for the next eight months they just try to trick the voters because the voters if they really get out and look around and and smell around they they know that the city needs change so they got to trick you and so last month the judge said let's let Turner remain on th
e ballot for the primary and just see if he even advances to November and now that it appears he is headed to a runoff with mayor Todd Gloria this all comes back into play now the lawsuit alleges Turner did not live in San Diego fulltime for the required 30 days before he filed papers in December to run for mayor that he switched his voting registration to downtown San Diego to his campaign manager's address in July of 2023 and then filed paperwork in December saying he lived in Ocean Beach but
that it wasn't allegedly his primary residence now Turner says this is just dirty politics at play he says this is Mayor glorious people who are behind this the mayor disputes this here's what he told me I have no involvement in that I I don't see that is helpful uh in the campaign I mean we are focused on my record and explaining that to San diegans and when San here what I've done over the last four years under the most difficult of circumstances they will support my reelection so whatever tho
se external efforts are I have no connection with them I have no involvement with it and I'm not paying any attention to it now a court date has been set for March 29th now Turner says it's possible the judge could throw out this lawsuit Al together so we're just going to have to wait and see what happens now if it turns out that Turner is not eligible to run in November then his spot would go to the third place candidate uh which at this point appears to be genv Jones right but for the latest o
n election results let's turn now to my colleague Chris grow who joins us live from Chula Vista Chris and right now we are also covering the very key race here in Chula Vista and that being for District 4 that has been vacated by Andrea cardinas now she was vacated that seat in her resignation but she still remains on the ball in fact taking about third place as of right now now the person who's in first that would be Caesar Fernandez Schoolboard trustee as well as a teacher here in Chula Vista
pretty much going on now to the general election as he stands there in first place had this to say about the recent shakeup with District 4 in Chula vissa the results like I said for us we're really strong and we're super excited about it and and it does so that that Southwest TR Vista wants to change uh they're tired of business as usual and they want to move on and you know we don't even have we don't even have a council member right now so every day that we don't have somebody in that seat th
at's a loss opportunity for Southwest chil Vista and so you can see on your screen right there the vote count as it stands at this moment Caesar Fernandez sitting there with 1,126 votes Rudy Ramirez in six plates with second place I should say with 105 and there and third Andrea cardinas the former city council member who it was too late at the time of her resignation in the legal charges that she eventually pled guilty to two charges it was too late to take her off the ballot she has 930 votes
85 off that second place finish so it remains to be seen whether or not she will actually slide into that second spot and then be on the ballot in November now another key race that we had our eyes on the city of chista City attorney now this was a very key race uh in large part because of what happened here in the city of Chula Vista uh when you actually had a candidate who unfortunately died uh just before election day Simon Silva was elected there was a special election none of the candidates
received more than 50% of the vote so now you have this runoff between Bart misfeld and Marco Verdugo uh Marco Verdugo does have a commanding lead at the end uh here of this first day now that we uh now the election day is over we spoke with Verdugo who had this to say about what he would do if he is indeed declared the winner there's been instances of um of Corruption of conflicts City Hall and you know I think we I've I've proposed a comprehensive anti-corruption plan to help deal with these
issues and make sure that we can restore trust restore accountability and um so that all of our residents have representation that they believe in now one of our crews is speaking with Rudy Ramirez who again right now is in second place for that District Four seat but for more on the other District Four in the city of San Diego a very key race we have Regina yita who is live uh talking a little bit more about what the results are showing at this moment Regina yeah that's correct and I'm right ou
tside of the regist of Voters office a very different picture compared to what we were looking at yesterday uh but really so many people uh voted here and also for District 4 so I actually have a couple numbers there to show you who is in lead and who will be representing or who might be representing the people for District 4 so let's get to those numbers because the people have kind of voted already the numbers show Henry Foster the third taking a clear majority of the vote so not only is he ta
king a big lead but he also has more than 50% of the votes chida Warren Derby in second with 27% of Voters support and in third is taisa susberry so you can see the direction of which many of the voters chose to go with of course we're still waiting to get updated results and these are all unofficial election results now to give you some background around Foster serves as the chief of staff for County Supervisor Monica Montgomery step Montgomery steep was actually the former District 4 council m
ember uh but the seat has been vacant ever since she was elected as a supervisor and that's been part of the issue especially because areas like Encanto Mountain View mostly Southeastern San Diego have been left without a representative since December and it couldn't come at a worst time because many of these communities are the ones who were hit the hardest during the January 22nd storm so last night as unofficial results started to trickle in Foster addressed his voters at the podium during hi
s campaign party he even called out the lack of representation at the council level take a listen I'm just really looking forward to getting back to work and being there for my community and my family to make sure that we are at the table and that we get what we deserve and so foster says he will be working closely with the city clerk uh to be sworn into the city council after that certification takes place of course the register of Voters has 30 days to certify these election results and of of
course as you just heard Foster saying uh this is something that the communities like South Eastern San Diego need especially because of the lack of representation that they've known very well that is the latest outside of the register office I'll send things back to you guys a lot of close uh races and important ones of course that affect your dayto day and now to measure a this would allow the office of the city auditor to hire independent lawyers who are not part of the City Attorney office t
his would happen if the city attorney's office were to be the subject of its own legal investigation so you see right here 66% or almost 100,000 people voted yes on this with 34% about 50,000 people voting no on measure a let's show you prop one though oh yeah this one extremely close at this point just 14 ,000 points apart so obviously every vote matters as you see right here with 50% saying yes 50% saying No this is the $6 billion Behavioral Health Services Program and bond measure which would
make changes to the current Mental Health Services act supporters say this will help build out voluntary housing and rep prioritize resources for people with the most need opponents say they would do the opposite and divert funding from Mental Health Resources to government financed hous welcome to the California comeback I want [Applause] to Republican Steve garby and Democrat Adam Schiff are now the top two finishers in California's Senate race you just heard those protesters they were interr
upting schiff's primary victory speech last night calling for a ceasefire in Israel and Gaza shiff a current representative and Garvey the former pro Dodger and Padre's player will now move on to the November ballot the winner will hold the office from November to January to finish out Feinstein's term and here are the results for that Steve Garvey and the lead uh 35% to 31% right now and whoever wins the regular election in November will assume office for a full six-year term afterwards and thi
s is the result for that a bit of a switch there shif in the lead at 33% over garvey's 32% and be sure you stay with us here at cbs8 for the very latest on California's primary results we have updates on all of the races you can always see it here on the air but also our website selections we are also following the numbers in the countdown for the rain to to arrive here you were thinking sometime this afternoon right this afternoon I you step outside and the Sun's shining you can have y
our lunch Outdoors enjoy it uh because things are going to change for your commute this afternoon yeah so I think for a lot of students for example the teachers were worried are we going to have to stay indoors no have at it enjoy the outdoors but you see all that green that's right there that's coming our way it's just been kind of slowly hanging off the coast so as you see the bigger picture here you can almost see that uh counterclockwise motion that's an area of low pressure along with a col
d front that will change things up for us this afternoon temperatures will just be in the mid-60s with that Sunshine though it still feels pretty good in the shade of course it does feel a little chillier Let's Take You hourly so from now until noon 1 2:00 we're dry here we are at 3:00 North County you'll get it first the coast as well it's coming in from the north and from the West so as it moves through you'll start to see it become a bit more widespread through 5 six here we are at 7 o'cl whe
re we'll continue to see that rain and we could see thunderstorms with this one I'll explain how much rain we could get out of this and how long it'll last coming up



It’s like Groundhog Day, but a geriatric version😢


Gloria? Don't people know he sold out a WHILE ago?


Why are you letting the ones who are ahead speak about what they want to do? But we don't get to hear the other person's goals . Paid off or what