
Scary TRUE First Day on the Job Horror Story

#horrorstories #scarystories #creepypasta #reading Dive into a spine-chilling first-person narrative recounting an electrician's harrowing first day on the job in an abandoned house, featuring eerie encounters and a suspenseful escape. Thank you for watching my narration video! I hope you enjoyed this story. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and hit the notification bell to keep up with my latest uploads. Please leave a comment about what you liked about this video and what we could improve. Your feedback is very much appreciated and helps us improve. Thank you in advance for your feedback! See you in the next horror story! 👻 MORE First Day on the Job Horror Stories: NEW VIDEOS: TOP VIDEOS:

Murmurs in the Shadows

10 hours ago

imagine Landing a new job in a field you're passionate about for me it was as an on call electrician with a local contractor eager to make a good impression I awaited my first assignment expecting something routine little did I know this job would become a story I'd never forget a true first day horror tale shared among friends as a warning of how quickly things can turn Sinister the call came early sending me to a neighborhood that had seen better days the destination was a dilapidated house st
anding alone its Aura one of neglect and despair arriving at the scene my initial apprehension was met with the sight of the homeowner his appearance was unsettling marked by a grotesquely large mouth that stretched into an eerie smile his voice a stark contrast was soft and soothing sending shivers down my spine with every chuckle to my cautious inquiries about the home state just some Renovations he said laughter hiding ing something I couldn't Place determined to focus on the task at hand I t
ried to set aside the Eerie feeling that clung to the air like a dense fog the homeowner guided me through the dimly lit hallways to the first floor Pantry where the main electrical box was housed the musty scent of disuse filled the space further adding to the oppressive atmosphere of the house I laid out my tools methodically wire cutters a crimper and wire sleeves preparing to install new separate circuit breakers for the kitchen and refrigerator as requested trying to maintain professionalis
m I engaged in small talk attempting to ease the tension yet each question seemed to amuse him his replies always returning to that creepy chuckle that made my skin crawl the air between us was charged with an unspoken tension a mix of my growing unease and his unsettling calm as I worked to install the new circuit breakers ensuring the kitchen and refrigerator would have their dedicated power sources I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched studied even by someone with intentions like I co
uldn't decipher the oppressive proximity of the homeowner paired with the chilling Ambience of the house made for a working environment far removed from any I had experienced before it was in this moment of heightened tension that the day took an even more Sinister turn leading me to question everything I thought I knew about this seemingly simple job after I installed the two circuit breakers they didn't work as if the house was cut off from electricity concerned I asked the homeowner to check
the wires from the pole to the house hoping it was a simple extern issue he agreed disappearing with a chilling chuckle that seemed more Sinister in the growing Silence of the house alone the quiet became overwhelming filled with the absence of electricity's hum then unsettling noises started Creeks above Whispers down the stairs suggesting I wasn't alone the homeowner steps were supposed to return but instead multiple footsteps approached not just his the atmosphere shifted from unnerving to da
ngerous realizing the house had more than just electrical faults my fear overtook curiosity the presence of others unseen but clearly moving towards me ignited my instinct to escape what began as a simple job it spiraled into a nightmare pushing me towards the decisive action of fleeing the menacing silence and Shadows enveloping the house adrenaline took over I dropped my tools rushing out of the house to the safety of my car heart pounding I sat breathless contemplating whether this was all an
elaborate prank the urge to validate my fears led me to wait watching sure enough through a gap in the curtains I saw him the homeowner's eyes spying from the second floor believing himself unseen that was my cue I drove away as fast as I could leaving the nightmare behind shaken I called my supervisor recounting the ordeal and questioning the legitimacy of the assignment what he revealed next sent a chill through me the house was abandoned owned by no one the implications were terrifying Ying
leaving me to ponder the true identity of the man who had watched me work despite the ordeal I remained with the contractor never encountering anything remotely as creepy since that day yet the experience has stayed with me a haunting reminder of the unpredictability that can come with stepping into the unknown my first day on the job was nothing short of a Horror Story a chilling Adventure that tested my resolve and courage it's become a tale of caution among my peers a reminder to always trust
your instincts and be wary of what Lies Beneath the surface of seemingly mundane assignments this experience has taught me more than just electrical work it's shown me the strength of my own resilience in the face of unfathomable fear thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe to stay up toate with new videos
