
Sci-Fi Series: "The Quest" | Episode 2

Miles finds hard to escape with his intention of not giving EA the device when a dangerous adversary threatens to destroy him DIRECTED BY - Kiran V Nair CREDITS ----------------- Royalty free music from sound effect from i am using the sound effects and music by royalty free, i do not own these music and sfx however the visuals and story are orginal and recreating without prior notice will be consequential ©MAK STUDIOS TAGS web series tv series the quest quest show kiran india

MAK studios

2 years ago

uh [Music] [Music] oh ah [Music] oh my god my ship [Music] uh [Music] my ship yeah the computer come in the iron cannons on the black hawk and target the two ea bots [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ugh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] away [Music] listen to me [Music] run [Music] my name is general zodiac this section of the solar system containing the earth and the moon is under my direct jurisdiction according to the ea and the u.n accords so that gives me the right to blow whatever t
he [ __ ] i want in this planet so you listen very carefully miles strike the device you're holding is a prime asset to our supreme member of the ea i suggest you give my ea guards the device and your name [Music] try any heroics such as getting out of this weak concrete structure and you will be killed my ea guards will bring down this concrete structure from its foundation you have five minutes to make your decision [Applause] yes [Music] do not give them computer initiate self-destruct on my
face again now huh huh what the [ __ ] you [ __ ] you survived it doesn't matter anymore i will take that device from you and become the greatest hunter yes [Music] [Music] and i will become the greatest hunter nothing can stop me yes yes yes yes [Music] i will ask nicely who do you work for miles striker uh i i don't i don't work for anyone please don't hurt me then why do you protect the device don't hurt me i'll tell you i'll tell you there was a person a lieutenant to the ea look loose break
that's him that's him he he he told me to destroy the device where there would be there will be destruction and death in the future and i don't i didn't want to be the one to kill everyone please my sisters tell me to do the right thing and i did it please don't hurt me please don't worry please i did the right thing please don't hurt me i i keep having visions like that [ __ ] things in the future people are talking to me please don't hurt me it's all about all about those anymore please i'm s
upposed to give the devices to someone i i don't know i don't know more i need more [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] mmm [Music] hello [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] running we are under pirate attack all personnel to the deck running we are under power to attack all personnels attend to the dead launching ea guards in 10 seconds ronnie we are under pirate attack [Music] to the death yes [Music] oh wow yes [Music] [Music] huh huh [Music] [ __ ] [Music] so [Applause]
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
