
Seaside Treats by Cardiacs Review | Forthright Documentary About Invisible Truths

Watch it all, now. Making of Seaside Treats, really nice read!

Ingrid Tabitha

5 days ago

Hello there my dear friends, we see each other again, so it is time to review Seaside treats, Seaside treats, I know I have other albums pending to be reviewed, but I was thinking to start another section of the channel where I talk about old music that is not so well known... I mean at least Seaside Treats, considering that it has less than 46 ratings on some websites... so it fits and since also someone else asked me to talk about it now I have two reasons to talk about Cardiacs, I'm a simple
person I just go in order of priority of things and you know, my list has been "first arrived first served," but if there are more reasons for me to review something it just goes to– up in my priority list, so in that order of ideas let's do– let's do Seaside Treats, so Seaside Treats... according to the wiki it's a video Very interesting start there, it's a video, and then that was given in seaside bags formally sold at concerts, interesting interesting and it has some insightful documentary a
bout the Cardiacs writing process in that era. Basically it all started when two graphic design... with film and television students? had found the band and they started recording and all that stuff... They recorded one gig, but what came out of it is a mystery because it seems that the video was never released by the band ever. And somehow I have it on my drive... How did that end there? huh. Let's see I got it like two years ago It was a bit later than that...uh... I don't really remember how
I got it but it's there it's there, the thing is that the file seems a little bit compressed so most of the times you can't smell the pixels of the thing. And then see I treats was filmed after that concert, after that I don't– I don't know how to connect the two events I need to buy more powder– more– powder milk– I need to buy more powdered milk. We are introduced to this thing called "The Consultants Flower Garden" We are told that basically Seaside Treats its like... a collection of outtake
s, a collection of things that... No wait, like... a collection of... failed... things... It's a collection of outtakes, that's what it is, so... Shut up! I can't bloody do it! Can I? He says what we are all thinking! Actually I think I watched this before like... before... but I didn't... didn't understand it but but now I have subtitles! So finally I will be able to know what Drake's special jokes was! "If I've got to say it again, I want to tell my special joke. Fatty and Skinny had a bath. F
atty popped off, and Skinny laughed! Hehehehehehe!" "Shut up!" What– what did he say? What what– What what did he he say? Wait what– "There is a sign outside your house saying everyone is plappy. Oh! Oh dear, I said 'plappy!'" Oh nice. "Oh dear, I said 'plappy!'" "I said 'plappy!'" "'Plappy!'" "'Plappy!'" He said 'plappy'. "Sometimes The Consultant might tell him off. Like when Bill puts his shoes on the stove, The Consultant will say..." "We call them accidon'ts because we don't want them to
happen!" "Like the time when The Consultant found Bill interfering with himself in his room." "And what do you think you're doing?" Asbestos.... "The Consultant told Jim that he must never interfere with himself, so he doesn't." See see see see see see see see what I'm talking about here? See see what I'm talking about here? What– here– These guys– These Guys these guys are like Idea Idea generators they come up with ideas and they make more ideas... After– after– after the– the– We get three
music videos three– three... Now I have tried to describe the songs about– of this band of this band band in the past but when I hear my words back I have no idea what I'm talking about, so.... Yeah, let's– let's listen and try again Uh... I think this song this song– I think this song is really nice. It has UMNGH. And it's nice, I like the UMNGH. And it's nice... song... You know? I keep forgetting to watch Overlord I need to watch that movie. You know, RES is also.... very nice. It's a nice
song... I– I like it it's it's one... it doesn't have that UMNGH but it has that... PBH! So it's a very nice song that has that PBH! It has that PBH! I feel that you also might want me to talk about the whole cinematography of it and the colors and the movements and the design it's also... very nice very nice very nice cinematography and colors are nice and the music is also really nice it's nice nice production, I think this whole aesthetic is nice I have seen some self made videos even fr
om from around the 2000s and I like that quality, I like that beauty and and that nice that– nice beauty that you find in the those nice things. And the last song– The Last Song this song is also very nice, this is also very nice. It has the has– this song is very nice for– because it has AGHP Yeah it has that AGHP. The the first song it had that UMNGH The second song had that PBH! And the third– the third song has that AGHP. It's very nice, I like the– I like the AGHP energy of it, so it's ve
ry... nice. "Well? Happy now, are we? Is everybody happy?" I wish The Consultant was my uncle... "Who had the mug, who had the bug? Mister, mister, mister plug!" "Everybody laughed, we were all so happy! Jim came running down the hill!" Man that was amazing that was I feel like I could drive a car now a purple car– no no a... purp... yello... oran.... orang... No, a purple car, yeah. It felt like could I drive a purple car now. Yeah overall I recommend this very nice, very... tasty tasty treat,
it was a very tasty, very sweet treat, those were some some really catchy tunes they, have that cqkt! they have that– not that– not that– not that qckh, they have that that they have that cqkt! So they they are very catchy tunes that have they have that cqkt! not that qckh but that cqkt! If it's it's.... very nice... very nice collection of songs. If you want to ask my rating, I will rate this The How To Drive A Car Manual Guide From The Wiki How™ rating. That fits... that fits... yeah that fit
s. And I recommend it to anybody and just watch– watch watch this and you know tell me what do you think, I mean do you like purple cards or do you like– do you prefer more rounded cars or maybe cars with their engine at the back, I think I prefer purple cars. But I actually haven't seen purple cars. Yeah I don't think I have seen any purple cars anywhere, so... Yeah I guess I'm going to get some more power milk and we'll see you on the next one, so... Goodbye my beautiful Souls! Stay plappy.
Goodbye, goodbye...



Bowsette you anil it!!!! thanks!!! (progmind)!


This be Good 👍