
SEASON 2 EPISODE 4 - Ren: The Girl with the Mark

Ren discovers more about her abilities and her companion as she navigates a strange and dangerous underworld, in the season finale of the award-winning fantasy-adventure series. With closed captions and Hindi subtitles. To make sure the story continues, join our Patreon community at . This independent series is entirely funded by people like you. Watch Season One here on YouTube at Follow us on social media... Instagram: Facebook: TikTok:

Mythica Entertainment

11 hours ago

- Do you steal everything? - [Hunter] Me an Lyanna had a deal with the Archivist. He's an expert on Marked Ones. - [Ren] Could he get this thing out of me? - [Hunter] Probably. - Then take me to him. - [Hunter] This is where meet his go-between. - Do you have it? - [Hunter] No, got broken. - The deal's off. (Karn gasps for air) - [Hunter] The Archivist, where? - The Heretics' Market. (explosive blast) - [Commander] I can't go home  while the Marked One is at large. Where is the Nu'Mahri going? T
he fugitives are on their  way to the Heretics' Market. - [Merluzzo] Should we regroup  and prepare to raid it, sir? - The first hint of a red uniform  and there'll be a stampede. Leave this to me. Take a message to my wife,  tell her I can't come home yet. There's something I must do. (triumphant music) (suspenseful music) (marketplace murmurs) (marketplace murmuring continues) - Which one of them's the Archivist? How do we find him? (marketplace murmuring continues) - [Jorun] Greetings! Jorun
senses you're strangers here, yes? You'll need a guide. Jorun is a good guide. - We don't need your help. - [Ren] Wait. Do you know where we can find the Archivist? - The Archivist? Hmmm. Leave it with Jorun. Jorun is very good at finding things. Jorun can find anything. - If you can find him,  there's a horse in it for you. - [Hunter] Don't waste your money. Scram! - Payment on delivery. - Yes, yes, very good. Very proper. Jorun would expect nothing less. Meanwhile, enjoy the market. There are 
many bargains to be found here, no? - [Bibliana] You like books, young lady? Forbidden knowledge. Each page worth death and caused it too. - We're looking for someone called the Archivist. Do you know where we can find him? - Sounds like a fancy gent. You sure you're in the right place, deary? - [Jorun] Yes, many bargains to be found. But many scams, many tricksters. Inspect the merchandise carefully before for you buy. This is Jorun's advice. - Get away with you! A fine tale, that. Love and adv
enture. The forces of good and evil, locked in an eternal battle and love. Oh, did I mention the love? - And how would you know that? Nobody's been able to read  this stuff for 100 years. (curious music) - [Bibliana] You're a long way from the Gate of Sticks. - Wait, how did you know that? - By the Sorath of the Creepingwood Barrow, girl. For you, only a stag. - I don't have that much. - [Ren] I'm looking for the Archivist? - [Bibliana] Come here. Take a look, young man. Snatched from a commande
r's hands at the last great book-burning. Only a few small blood stains. Oh. Suit yourself. (coins clink) - Hey. (uneasy music) (marketplace hubbub) - [Ren] Thanks anyway. - [Hunter] Any luck? - [Ren] Is he following us? - We should keep moving. - Forbidden knowledge. Each page is worth death- - Indeed. - [Ren] Excuse me, I'm looking for the Archivist. - [Screed] Where are your manners? You nearly knocked me off my feet. - Get off of me, oaf. - Apologise! - [Vendor] Charms and potions. (blades r
ing) (blade rings) - [Hunter] Ooh, that looks painful. (fighting grunts) (Ren shouts) (Ren yelps) (blade drops to the ground) (Ren shouts) (hit lands) (fighting grunts continue) (hit smacks) (Ren yelps) (Hunter groans) (Ren struggles) (Screed shouts) - [Hunter] Ren! (Ren shouts out) - I'm still waiting for that apology. - [Ren] Come on, I've got you. Hunter! (Hunter stifles his pain) (Ren gasps) Help. Help! Someone help! (marketplace hubbub continues) - You can read it. - It's um, it's called "A
Kingdom Lies Buried". - Ren, there's something you need to know- (Hunter groans in pain) (Ren blows) (gust of wind blows) (liturgical music) (fighting grunts) (hit lands) - [Commander] Move. Step aside, let me in. (majestic music) - [Hunter] Ren? Ren? (glass breaking) - [Man] Stoopers! Stoopers! Stoopers! (girl screams) (commotion amongst the crowd) - You come with me? Yes? Quick! (commotion continues) - [Bibliana] No! No! "In the Time of the Dragon at the Gate of Sticks, shall be born to a..."
(commotion continues) - [Commander] Let, let go of me, you fools. The Marked One is escaping. - Not on my watch, she isn't. - Tread very carefully, you're speaking to a commanding officer. (Tharkan laughs) - Course you are. Take him away. Anyone caught harbouring a Marked will be punished. Anyone caught helping a Marked will be punished. Anyone caught in support of a Marked... - [Ren] Where are we going? Did you find the Archivist? Is there another way out of here? What's going on? - Payment on
delivery. (coins clink) Very proper. - Hunter? What have you done? Wait. Wait, wait. Wait, Hunter, please don't do this! No, no, wait, wait, Hunter, please don't do this to me. Hunter, please! (commotion continues) (horse trots) - He will see you now. (Ren struggles) (gentle music) (footsteps clomp) (foreboding music) - I am Tomas Featherwell'rai. Master of this castle, and known to some as The Archivist. Welcome, Nu'Mahri. (adventurous music)
