
Season 21 Family Guy Best Moments PT 1

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AI Entertainment For All

6 months ago

[Music] foreign maybe there's one that got stuck in a draw or something okay here's Philly time to get nice and clean in your bath while Mommy gets on my knees and Tara reads around the bathroom uh there's no water in here right let's see oh here it is sweetie of what the air water yeah me too um Air Max my hands to break it won't fit oh Stewie you know how you missed your last swim lesson yeah we could do a little makeup class huh wait what's happening no no no no no no no I know how teacher Am
y has your dive for Rings well this is like that except it's a pill and it's not okay if you don't get it ah damn you touch that what's all the yellow oh my God Lois what are you doing first there wasn't enough water then there was too much I just wanted the pill Lois you need help I'm sorry but there's only one thing to do I have one pill left it's in my crate and you may have it huh Brian I don't see it Brian how say help me I'd stop but my VO2 max rate is 70. is that God is that good cookie j
ogger see you at the finish line [Music] quit thinking Chris all those in favor of Meg getting in the dead guy's clothes with him and scarecrowing them in raise your hand fine I'll do it but only because I'm starved for human contact and he's not fully Cold Yet [Music] well if it isn't Georgie my fourth best friend in the weirdly gray flesh haven't seen you since I ordered that calzone hey I hate to be the bearer of bad shoes but your sneakers untied hey I heard your guitar got stolen so I swipe
d you a new one from the evidence Locker it used to belong to Martin shkreli surprisingly Soulful balladeer okay fine you can play me a song to thank me mmm I'm hearing a little clapped and mixed with hearing loss from going to the gun range too much for one shirt on the suspect lineup you know anyone who could fill in Phillip perpetrator routine during the assault so number three Thriller oh come on [Music] that was close I'm glad to begun delivering to places that are too risky to walk a dead
body into what's next the cadaver dog training facility [Music] I've been waiting for you Georgie I haven't eaten all day [Music] little pizza guys having a secret affair oh to be single and dead again huh Chris last stop I ordered another Pizza [Music] with the hold on Peter this feels wrong we can't just dump them face down into raw sewage without saying a few words you're right Brian I'll do the honest it feels like just yesterday when he came into our lives carrying a pizza we bought I alway
s loved how he looked around the house a little too much while I was digging money out of my wallet and who can forget his license plate number 7g something something five more sweat than you used to see it on a fella but that's what moisture Wiccan shirts are for his nails were dirty but his heart was pure okay time to drop him in a river of dung he's stuck oh crap it's Lois Peter what the hell is going on you wanted Pizza didn't you yes ma'am oh I don't care I love you Peter can I have a confe
ssion for you I went to my high school reunion this weekend and I didn't invite you what thank you [Music] all right Mr Quagmire I understand you have the hiccups now it says here on your chart you've tried boo outside of that the best way to treat hiccups is through hypnosis yeah hypnosis helps with all sorts of stuff this guy even helped me recover a traumatic repressed memory one front row ticket for Nickelback please the music was great but I split my black jeans during photograph the bounce
rs had to carry me out with a napkin over my ass my mama always said that hiccups are a sign that the devil's got a hold of you if anything can drive him away it's Reverend Lucius and like all black priests he's Whitney Houston's uncle is this the possessed one son I'm now going to place my hands on The Afflicted Earth Satan regress from this man in the Name of Christ I ask my ex has the fertile invader well I'm out of purple suited ideas Peter what are you doing he's doing hiccup stuff I'm doin
g hat stuff Asian with the fans ladies easy with the fans [Music] [Music] give out [Music] this is our sins but I still believe thing through the grief [Music] thank you all right Peter game point [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I gave Peter the biggest softball tea you could possibly give to an opponent giving him the advantage the truth is after the first day ping pong was the greatest thing that had ever happened to me but by day five I was so sick of playing ping pong and havin
g people at my house I was ready to shove that [ __ ] into the Fargo wood chipper oh I'm sorry about the table Cleveland and I'm sorry I've been such a jerk it's okay I can't believe we let a silly table come between our friendship ladies and gentlemen we have a draw oh come on [Music] so who gets the ping pong table I guess it's no one's table now that's all I wanted [Music]
