
Senate Passes MASSIVE Aid Package For Ukraine, Israel, But Will It Clear The House? #TYT

The massive bill would send $95.3 billion foreign aid to Ukraine, Israel and offer humanitarian assistance in Gaza, but Speaker Mike Johnson said he will refuse to bring the bill to the floor. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks. Become an American Hero with Annual Membership: Get the Progressive battle plan: Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Read more HERE: "The Senate passed a $95.3 billion foreign aid bill with assistance for Ukraine and Israel in a vote early Tuesday morning, setting up a showdown with the House as Speaker Mike Johnson has said he does not plan to bring the bill to the floor. The foreign aid package includes billions of dollars to support Ukraine and for security assistance for Israel, as well as humanitarian assistance for civilians in Gaza, the West Bank and Ukraine, among other priorities." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ FACEBOOK: ☞ TWITTER: ☞ INSTAGRAM: ☞ TWITCH: ☞ 👕 Merch: ❤ Donate: 🔗 Website: 📱App: 📬 Newsletters: If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey Unbossed with Nina Turner The Damage Report ▶ TYT Sports ▶ The Conversation ▶ Rebel HQ ▶ TYT Investigates ▶ #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 240213__TA04ForeignAidBill

The Young Turks

3 weeks ago

Today, we witnessed one of the most historic and consequential bills to have ever passed the Senate. It's certainly been years, perhaps decades, since the Senate passed a bill that so greatly impacts not just our national security, not just the security of our allies, but the security of Western democracy. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is very pleased with himself following the passage in the Senate of a $95 billion foreign aid package. Historic. He says it is. But is there any likelihood
that it would pass in the House? And how exactly would this benefit Americans? Now, with that said, it does in fact face a massive uphill battle in the House where Republican leadership has signaled that they will not support it because it doesn't include border security, which they are unwilling to pass because their daddy, their papa, Donald Trump, told them not to. So you'd have something to run on for the general election. We'll get to that in a moment. But first, let's take a look at what
the Senate passed today. If you take a look at how the funding is broken down, $60 billion would go to Ukraine, 14.1 billion would go to Israel, 9.2 billion would go to the humanitarian assistance bucket. And I'll tell you where that goes in just a moment. And then 4.8 billion goes to the Indo-Pacific region. I'm guessing that has more to do with, mitigating the threat that China poses to Taiwan. But if you're wondering where the humanitarian aid goes, Gaza will get some humanitarian aid. So wil
l the West Bank and Ukraine. So Ukraine gets both humanitarian aid and of course, that $60 billion in military spending. Now most of the money dedicated to Ukraine won't leave the US. Instead, tens of billions of dollars will fill Pentagon coffers to purchase new weapons from US companies, to refill inventories that have been tapped to help Ukraine finance military operations and signed contracts for new weapons for Kyiv. So if you're wondering how conflict abroad allows for the redistribution o
f wealth in America from the bottom to the top, this is it right here. The weapons manufacturers, the private defense contractors, they got to make their money. So we pay for that. Okay, we're helping Ukraine. But in reality, the money eventually gets funneled to the defense contractors. That, of course, bribed the politicians to support these kinds of conflicts abroad. Now, to be sure, I'm mostly in favor of helping Ukraine defend itself. I have a problem with the lack of accountability in rega
rd to how those resources are used. In Ukraine. There's about $40 million that we provided them that went missing, and it ended up in the bank accounts of some political figures in Ukraine. And I have an issue with that. But let's move on to other things that happened in the Senate. The Senate vote was 70 to 29, with 22 Republicans voting in favor, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who made this dramatic statement following the passage of this legislation, history settles every a
ccount. And today, on the value of American leadership and strength, history will record that the Senate did not blink when. What are we doing? Like what is? I have never seen two grown men in the United States Senate. Leadership in the United States Senate have this kind of like language, this kind of rhetoric in regard to the passage of legislation. And this is legislation that just sends military aid to other countries. Yeah, it sends it to the Americans that they most cherish, most defense c
ontractors. So they're like, this is a historic day when given an opportunity to send about another $100 billion in defense contractors like we do every six months, we did not blink and we sent it to them again. Oh, your kids now we got nothing for you guys. We just ran out of money. I spent the last $95 billion on defense contractors. One guy did blink though, and that guy was Senator Bernie Sanders, who said, I will be damned if I'm going to give another nickel to the Netanyahu government in o
rder to continue this war against the Palestinian people. Oh, come on, there you go, Bernie. Who doesn't love Bernie Sanders for that more? Yes. For all of his issues of strategy and trusting Biden too much, etc., his heart's in the right place. It is. And it's wonderful to have him in the Senate. Okay, now, look, let me break it down as quickly as I can. First, Schumer says this is historic. What part of this is historic all you guys like, literally in the last two years of Biden, since the Rep
ublicans took the House, the only thing they've passed is defense money. It's the least historic thing you can do. You never, ever pass anything that helps the average American. But defense, you pass that a million times. It's the least historic thing there is. Number two, this affects our national security more than any really. How? What is Russia going to invade us? No. Look, you can say, hey, we're going to stick up for our allies. No problem, I get it, but don't pretend that somehow this is
about, like, especially on Israel, the protecting Western democracy. And so what do you guys think? This is your day in prison. 5 million people in an open air prison and then call it a democracy. Then they bomb the living crap out of them when we send them more money to do it. What part of that is a democracy, and how does that have anything to do with us? So you got to take money out of our taxes to send to them, to kill more Palestinians when they've already killed 25 times more than Hamas ha
s. So what are we doing? What are we doing? How does this affect us? By the way, you don't have universal health care. You don't have paid family leave. Good news, Israel does. But we're going to take money out of your taxes not to give you paid family leave, not to give you universal health care, but to give it to Israelis. And then when Republicans get mad about not about Israel, because Israel's sacrosanct, no one can ever get mad about that. But they'll pick other countries and they'll say,
oh, you're sending money to them. Everybody goes, oh, you can't get mad at that. That's outrageous. You know, we have to help other people, but are we helping them all? This is is money for more war. We never help anyone. We help people kill. Kill people. We we love helping you. If you want to kill someone, America is going to step up and pay for it. Okay. Death incorporated over here. Now, when it comes to Ukraine money, I don't mind sending money to Ukraine. I get it. They were invaded. They a
re smaller than Russia. Russia has a bigger army. These are relevant factors. Okay, having said that, do I trust that the Pentagon and the US government has figured out how to spend that 60 billion, right? No way. I would be shocked if 80% of that wasn't corruption. Okay, so no, the Pentagon never passes an audit. I'm not sending them a more blank checks. Why don't you give our kids some health care or or give, America's higher wages? Why don't you do something that helps Americans? No. Give me
another blank check. Did you notice that little box in the corner? 7.2 billion. Other. Other. What's other 7 billion is a lot of other. What is other? But for the Pentagon it doesn't matter. We don't have any money for you ever. The Pentagon says, hey, give me 7 billion in a slush fund. Oh, yeah. Right away. Right away. Historic. We have done something amazing. No, you corrupt old kooks. You've done the same goddamn thing you always do. Send our money to your donors. We might have millions of pe
ople watching this show, but you can be the difference maker, because we just need 1% of our audience to be paid members. And then this show can be around forever, so you can make that difference. Click join now. Now, Bernie Sanders wasn't the only one who had problems with sending military aid to Israel. In fact, his fellow Vermonter also stepped in. Here is Senator Peter Welch making similar comments, which I think need to be heard. Despite these provisions that I do support. I voted against t
he supplemental for one key reason I cannot in good conscience support sending billions of additional taxpayer dollars for Prime Minister Netanyahu's military campaign in Gaza. It's a campaign that has killed and wounded a shocking number of civilians. It's created a massive humanitarian crisis with no end in sight. And, of course, it has severely compromised any remaining hope, almost all remaining hope for the two state solution that we all know is ultimately essential for peace in the Middle
East. So I just wanted to give him credit, because it's very rare to come across United States politicians, whether it be in the House or the Senate, who's willing to speak out against what Israel is currently carrying out in the Gaza Strip. So, again, he deserves credit for that. So go ahead, Jake. Yeah, I don't think I think that's, the moral position to take. And I think people who vote to give more money for, war crimes, massacre, genocide and ethnic cleansing are deeply immoral people. And
I don't think that any of them are cute or cuddly and all the garbage ways that mainstream media describes them. Now, you want to know who's fair we are. How do you know? So Mike Johnson says, oh, I won't pass it in the house because, it doesn't include border provisions, brother. You just shot down the border provisions, so he's totally full of crap. But at the same time, I agree with him. I'm glad. Not about the border part, but I'm glad that he shot down this bill. Whether he meant it for the
right reasons or the wrong reasons. Then people will say, well, which side are you on? Are you side on the side of the Republicans? The Democrats? No, we're on the side of justice and things that are real news, honesty, etc. We don't just go, oh, well, she's a Democrat. We like him. But Schumer is a Democrat. They're on opposite sides. I don't know, I go with Democratic leadership or I love Republicans. So Mike Johnson is right. No. You analyze the news and tell you what reality is and reality
is this is a garbage bill. I'm thrilled that it it's so far has died in the House. But you know, the lobbyists, they're going to win and they're going to get this passed. Mike Johnson wants to send even more money to Israel. He says the Democrats aren't sending enough. He just doesn't want to send to Ukraine. So look, this isn't going to pass in the House. And I think that this was a mistake for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. What are you doing, Chuck? What are you doing? I mean, if you w
ant to brag about how you ushered the passage of a super popular bill that the American people desperately want, and then you're going to point to Republicans who destroy that bill in the House. Have at it. That's a smart political tactic. Nice maneuvering. Instead, he focuses on passing a foreign aid bill that is not popular with the American people, who are furious right now over the abandonment that they've experienced by our United States Congress, even as there's a migrant crisis that now b
oth parties acknowledge exists. So what was this like? He's so proud of himself. What was this? So, guys, if you look at it from a point of voters and politics, that was my mistake. You're right. I shouldn't have done that. I should have focused on the donor. He delivered for the donors 100%. He could point to this and be like, listen, donors, I did my part. It's just that the house destroyed it. So give me the money. Yeah, that's exactly what's going to happen. So, guys, this is the Rosetta Sto
ne of politics. We've explained it to you and you can see for yourself going forward from here on out. And this is how you can judge whether a new show is being honest with you or not. What they say. Does it come true in the real world? The rest of the media tells you all sorts of fairy tales that they think that you want to hear. None of it is. There are tons of it turned out to not be true, right? So in this case, the voters would want something like paid family leave, right? That polls at 84%
. It helps moms and dads once they have a baby. Republicans love it. Democrats love it. We all love it. If Chuck Schumer proposed that and said, what are you going to do now? Republicans, 74% of your own voters want it. What are you going to do? He would put them in a super awkward spot, and that would be terrific for Democrats. And it would be really well played. That would be terrific politics. If you're looking at it from the point of the view of the voters. But our Congress people have lost
track of that completely. The only thing they care about is the donors. So they're like AIPAC, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon. We just delivered for you. Did we do great? Well, that's a super unpopular bill that's going to get stuck around us like an albatross around our neck. And it's going to help the Republicans defeat us. But we're goddamn morons obsessed with the money. So have I pleased you enough donors, Chuck Schumer, why don't you kick us, on your way out to go? Ha, ha. I didn't get you paid
family leave. Didn't even fight for it. Ha ha. All I ever do is work for the donors. Same for McConnell. All corrupt, unbearable people pretending to be our representatives. Go ahead. Rest of the media pretend they represent us. Thanks for watching the video, guys. We also love it if you hit the join button below because that makes you a member. And members allow us to be independent, honest. We could be as progressive as we want, no corporate media influence. And that's all because of you guys
. We love doing the show with our members. Hit the join button. Become one of the Young Turks.



95 billion for aid for foreigners but AMERICANS cant get student debt cancelled?????


Imagine if they put this effort into healthcare, childcare, poverty, paid parental leave, or anything that materially benefits us.


WOW! This is just insane! Why don't they pass a package to benefit infrastructures improvements, border security and homelessness??? What is the American government doing???


I 100% hope house republicans decline this bill


Who is fighting for “aid” for Americans?


Since 1984, Israel has received $300 billion in U.S. "aid" despite already being prosperous. I eagerly anticipate how they'll benefit us any time soon...


This is why I didn't get a tax refund.


We are going homeless. In America we Need that money


No do not pass this Bill Close the BORDER America First!!


How about an aid package for your own people??


Whether or not you approve of him Rand Paul was accurate in filibuster when he said The bill is a middle finger to Americans.


Until every American is given medical and an allowance, no one gets nada.


But there is not money for universal healthcare? Wow


No package for Israel


Where paying for war crimes?


Is this why so many people owe taxes this year? What a joke. Imagine what could be accomplished if we used that money in our own country.


The price of groceries within the span of the last four years has increased by 25%. It has outpaced 19% inflation for the same period. Subsidies to suppliers of animals for slaughter and the meat industry continue. All American live on welfare because they consume subsidized by the government animal products. Food subsidies to the disabled, the elderly, those on fixed incomes that doesn't amount to much, the chronically ill, those work for low wages (because not everyone in the economy can be a hotel owner, a doctor or an engineer or an IT software engineer (economy can only only accommodate that many of the aforementioned well paids) have not been adjusted properly for food inflationary prices. But there's more than enough money for never ending wars.


What about our borders and drug addiction in US?


I have a feeling this bills not going to Pass the house.


This is clearly america last.