
Session 11 | Secrets of the Mahtama Letters

Paul Benedict and Terry Hunt explore the teachings offered in the theosophical text, "The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett". ❇️Link to a PDF of the Mahatma Letters (not the chronological version): As soon as you click the link, it automatically downloads the pdf. ❇️Link the On the landing page (once you select the language) there is a button to open the section on the Mahatma Letters, along with images of all the original letters in the British Library. ❇️Link to Human Constitution chart and book "Ancient Wisdom for A New Age: A Practical Guide for Spiritual Growth" by Terry Hunt & Paul Benedict

Paul Benedict New Raja Yoga

6 days ago

[Tibetan bowl] Om. welcome to session number  11 of Secrets of the Mahatma Letters with Terry Hunt and Paul Benedict. let's get started.  let's get started. we left off in session 10 partway through letter number 15 which  was received sometime before February 20th 1881. in this letter KH was discussing with  Sinnett some of the possibilities of how they would be able to communicate directly with each  other and not have to go through HPB. because it was taxing her system a little bit too much?
both  that and secondly Sinnett and Hume didn't like having to go through them. right so it worked  for everyone including HPB. she was exhausted and it was really taking a toll on her health  so everyone was in agreement that it was a good idea to find some way that they could communicate  without having to use her as their intermediary, so he came up with several different  possibilities and, well three of them, and he eliminated them one by one. he got to the  third one and he said the this p
ossibility is to make you hear my voice either within you or near  you as the old lady does and we discussed how that happened. she obviously could hear something that  nobody else in the room could hear and so he's giving two possible ways to do that. um first of  all he said if my Chiefs will let me do it I can make it happen but he said so far they refused to  give permission for that, so then he outlines a second possibility. do we think it's because it  takes too much energy to cause a phys
ical voice to be heard? that may be part of it. they obious,  it's part of their rules obviously and that may be very well part of the reason. but they do it  for HPB. but she also receives it psychically not not like a vibrational sound. right. they  make lots of exceptions in her case because she's an exceptional. sure okay. instrument that  they're able to use. Sinnett doesn't have any of those capabilities so they're offering that and  yet they're hoping that maybe they can come up with a wa
y that that can happen. so the second  possibility was, as we discussed, eliminate the barrier of space but it seems obvious based on  his description that that would require a certain ability on Sinnett's part so he said of the latter  which would mean removing this intermediary barer, barrier, um you know only enough to regard this  as an unscientific absurdity. obviously it doesn't seem possible. it's one of the siddhis in the  sutras. it's in the third chapter. exactly yeah, so at this point
unless the superiors, the Maha  Chohan and whoever else is involved give their approval, then this isn't going to happen and then  he he continues. there's even more impediment that is involved if you'll continue from there. there  is still more serious inconvenience and almost insurmountable obstacle for the present. it is my  utter inability to make you understand my meaning in my explanation of even physical phenomena,  let alone the spiritual rationale. all right, here again they have under
standing of physics that  regular science doesn't have. of course. and he's saying that Sinnett would not understand it any  better and the reason is, we're going to find out. this, is not the first time I mention it.  it is as though a child should ask me to teach him the highest problems of geometry before he  had even begun studying the elementary rules of arithmetic. yes so this is Progressive. just  like any other learning situation you start with ABC before you learn how to write the Secre
t  Doctrine. yeah this is exemplifying why when we talk about becoming full blown when we when  we die. we, it doesn't .Consciousness doesn't work that way. when we die or when we learn to  transcend a little bit we don't all of a sudden instantly know all the secrets of the universe  and the meaning of our Consciousness doesn't, it doesn't work that way. we would, anyone who  believes that there is instantaneous Enlightenment is being fooled. it doesn't work that way. yes.  you can have a kind
of Quantum Leap but it isn't, we we heard about that in one of our previous  sessions. it it is temporary even though it may last for months it still is temporary and  it's not from here to there. it's from here to here which does seem significant but it's it's not  exponential like some people hope and believe that okay when I die I'm going to know all the answers.  yeah, does not work that way. we can hope and wish all we want but believing in something that isn't  true isn't really helpful. o
nly the progress one makes in the study of Arcane knowledge, beginning  with its rudimentary elements can bring him gradually to understanding our meaning. now this  is the first time we've heard the word Arcane mhm what is he referring to? has a capital A. um  basically ancient wisdom or hidden teachings, esoteric. we've called it the an um the ancient  wisdom. we've called it other things. occult studies. I wonder why he's choosing to use the  word the proper noun Arcane in this. we'll have to
look it up because I haven't researched  that. only thus does it by strengthening and refining those mysterious Links of sympathy  between intelligent men, the temporarily isolated fragments of the universal soul and  the cosmic Soul itself bring them into full Rapport. that's so interesting. he's talking  about the universal soul and the cosmic Soul itself. well exactly uh and this is a a primary  teaching of theosophy and the ancient wisdom and that is that life itself has Intelligence, that 
nature has Intelligence. it's not random. it isn't haphazard. it's all very well organized  and and the intelligence that nature has far surpasses anything we can even imagine. and he's  calling it a soul. I wonder if he really is making a differentiation between Universal and Cosmic  because Cosmic is capitalized. universal soul is not. I wonder if those are two different things.  it's so far beyond our, it's hard to know for sure because in old writings they used a an interesting  form of cap
italization. oh okay. uh sort of like in German how nouns can be capitalized sometimes  even if if it's not someone's name or something, we they would capitalize a noun if they  thought it was important. I see. It makes sense actually .but there were in writing there  were also large capitals small capitals and then just a primary Capital at the beginning of a  word and they used each one specifically in different ways. not to derail us too much but  this is extremely interesting and if I could,
in yoga philosophy which we also study  quite a bit, to our viewers the cosmic Soul could be also referred to as Ishwara which  is right from the yoga sutras. God, but non a non-personified god, we would say with  a lowercase g because it's not a person, it's not a being per se I like how  he's saying it. It's a cosmic soul, and you just said it's an intelligence  in the universe and what that means, in other words, is that there is a plan and purpose in the evolution of  everything, but we als
o have freewill, it's not that the plan is predestined for  every living thing. there's a guideline and a plan which this intelligence is is guiding,  but we also have choice and Free Will within that. I think that's fascinating. there's one more thing  to point out. sure please. Cosmic and Cosmos he spells it sometimes with a C and sometimes with  a K. and they are still trying to figure out vocabulary for this these teachings because at  this point in time, in Sanskrit and in Tibetan they've g
ot the vocabulary, but in English, right,  and in all Western languages there's no vocabulary to transmit this, to to attach words and meanings  to a specific concept. so it's a huge impediment at this point and they're still struggling to  figure out what vocabulary words to use. so is the K spelling it, does it mean something  different? it means the universal Cosmos, the universe. Cosmic with the c usually at this  point in time refers to our particular solar system. so what people in ancient
times would  consider our field of of existence. everything else was just some just stars out there somewhere.  they didn't consider that there were other beings and other intelligences beyond ours. current  day we I think Cosmos does refer to the entire universel it does but but back then they weren't  I'm just saying that they were trying to come up with a differentiation between what is happening  in our own this is our personal universe so to speak. the solar system and now we understand  t
hat there are civilizations and existences in other Realms and in the far reaches  of the universe so he's he's making the differentiation. we'll come across a term later  on which is called a Ring Pass Not and that's a restriction so to speak on our ability to  go beyond a certain point. so for our human existence we are not able to escape our solar  system. theoretically we could travel to the Moon. well we've already traveled to the  Moon. we could travel to Mars though and there's nothing th
at would prevent that. what we  can't do is travel outside our own solar system, physically really there's a. we as human beings  now that doesn't mean that other other beings in our solar system can't do that, but we'll get into  that later. okay. only once this is established will these awakened sympathies serve to connect  man with Kosmos, past present, and future, and there he spells it with a K. with a K.  interesting. and Quicken his perceptions so as to clearly grasp not merely all things
of matter but  of spirit also. I feel even irritated at having to use these three clumsy words - past present and  future. that's a big Insight right there. they are about as ill adapted for the purpose as an axe  for fine carving. oh my poor disappointed friend, if only you were already so far advanced on the  path that this simple transmission of ideas should not be encumbered by the conditions of matter.  the union of your mind with ours is prevented by its induced incapabilities. all right,
the  union of your mind with ours is prevented by its induced incapabilities, induced because you  haven't removed the limitations yet, the filters, the objects, the obstacles in between.  it's this is all Raja yoga again. you you haven't purified yourself, gotten rid of all the  dross and that's what is preventing it at this point. such is unfortunately the inherited and  self-acquired grossness of the Western mind. to some little extent that faculty can be acquired  by the Europeans through s
tudy and meditation, raja yoga, but that's all. all right, this is  an interesting point. the problem is in the self acquired inherent and self-acquired grossness  of the western mind. he's pointing out that our minds in the western world are different from the  minds in the Eastern world, meaning Asia, and it's true. the Asians thought and still operate and  think differently from westerners. one of these things that becomes evident for example is in the  western world, everything is about indi
viduality, our individual personal rights are sacrosanct.  nobody interferes with my rights as an individual. that concept doesn't exist in the same way  in many Eastern countries and maybe it does now but it didn't in the past. they were much  more of the mind that they belonged to a unit, a family, an ethnic group, a nation, whatever that  might be, but that was far more important than me as an individual and that's only just a slight  indication of what he's referring to. there are other aspe
cts that could be investigated in this  in this situation. so go ahead and continue. how shall I teach you to read and write or even  comprehend a language of which no alphabet, no words audible to you have yet been invented?  wow. how could the phenomena of our electrical science be explained to, for example a Greek  philosopher of the days of Ptolemy, about 100 AD, were he suddenly recalled to life with such  an unbridged hiatus in discovery as would exist between his and our age. yes, so he's
  talking about someone from 2,000 years ago. if that individual were reincarnated today  and you're trying to bring him up to speed, it would be very difficult. they would have  nothing with which to compare and so it would take a long time. this is again one of the major  reasons why, when we reincarnate, there's a very long recapitulation period. the world has been  progressing ever since our last physical body died and we've been in a state removed from everything  that's happening, regardle
ss of what some mediums might think. so there's a lot to catch up on.  not only do you have to get back up to speed to what you knew in the previous lifetime, but  then you've got to bring that forward as we're doing it within a different context. exactly,  everything has changed and it may have been 25, years it may have been 50 years, it may have been  100 years or a thousand years so the the amount to catch up on could be enormous. when he says  electrical science is he speaking of physical e
lectricity? he's talking about all of the  advances in science that had been made in 2,000 years. would not the very technical terms be to  him if you brought Ptolemy back and intelligible jargon, an abracadabra of meaningless sounds,  and very instruments and apparatuses used but miraculous monstrosities? and suppose for one  instant I were to describe to you the hues of those color rays that lie beyond the so-called  visible spectrum, rays invisible to all but a very few even among us. wow. ok
ay so even among  their own adepts there are some people who have abilities that others do not have, including, he's  talking about the physical spectrum of colors and he's going to describe why that's important. this  is hinting at um not only uh well or um pranic sight and astral sight and just seeing things  that are there, but normal eyes don't and even they don't see everything. wow. and it goes beyond  that as we will see. very coo.l if I were to tell you my good friend Sinnett, please, wi
thout  moving from your desk, try to search for and produce before your eyes the whole Solar Spectrum  decomposed into 14 Prismatic colors, seven being complimentary as it is but with the help of that  occult light that you can see me from a distance as I see you. what would be your answer? so with  this ability, he would be able to see the Adept, the Mahatma If he if he had that ability. you  described in our last session, sort of a cloaking device, phenomenon that we are starting to  understan
d where light is bent in order to see things at a distance that they're describing.  now HPB apparently doesn't even have this ability because she, as far as I could tell, was only  aware of what they were doing when they contacted her, invited her in so to speak, you, like you  would invite someone into a into a Zoom meeting or something. this is this is fascinating. I I'd like  to just hear what he said again. if I were to tell you, without moving from your desk, try to search  for and produce
before your eyes the whole Solar Spectrum decomposed into 14 Prismatic colors,  seven being complimentary. wow. with with the help of that occult light and you'll be able to see  me. wow. that okay. all right, moving on. would you not be likely to reply by telling me in your  own quiet polite way that as there never were but seven, now three primary colors which, moreover  have never yet been uh have never yet by any known physical process been seen decomposed further than  the seven Prismatic
Hues, would you not reply that my invitation was as quote unscientific as it  was quote absurd? modern science has up to now been able been unable to bring under any Theory  even so simple a phenomenon as the colors of all such dichromatic bodies and yet these colors are  objective enough. so he's saying there are twice as many colors as science recognizes. mhm and  and as I said we're going to find out more about this. red orange yellow green blue purple six and  white seven. Indigo. purple. is
indigo different than purple? oh okay. it's it's it's a spectrum so  you can pick any point on it and. wait, is indigo purple or blue? it's a combination. it's it's  yeah it's in between. don't ask me no. all right uh now you see the insurmountable difficulties  so he now we we're tying this back now you see the insurmountable difficulties in the way of  attaining knowledge in occult science for one in your situation. how could you communicate with  and command those semi-intelligent forces who
se means of communicating with us are not through  spoken words but through sounds and colors, for sound light and colors are the main factors  in forming these grades of intelligences. wow. these beings of whose very existence you have no  conception nor are you allowed to believe in them, atheists and Christians materialists and  spiritualists all bringing forward their respective arguments against such a belief, and  science subjecting stronger than any of these to such a quote degrading Supe
rstition. and who  are these beings that he's referring to? Nature Spirits. nature Spirits. so they interact with  and control nature Spirits in order to communicate between themselves. these light bending techniques  are with the aid of the nature Spirits aren't they? the techniques of these color Productions  and. they're involved in the phenomena. they're involved in all aspects of what we would call  Magic. all of the things that they all of the siddhis that they have require the use of thes
e  semi-intelligent beings. you mentioned before though that they kind of are forced to do this.  are we are the nature spirits being being forced to participate in this or is that their job kind  of. it is their job. didn't you mention that they have some aversion to helping, or am I making that  up did I. these are semi-intelligent creatures it would be no different from domesticating animals  and using them to work. is that is that abusing them? um and those animals could turn on  you like pe
ts, pet dogs sometimes turn on their owners. yeah. and this is very similar to  that. they are better off because at some point those semi-intelligent forces way way way in the  future will also be human. mhm so any of these that are able to interact with us in a mutually  beneficient way .it's actually aiding both. exactly. not to derail us but can any siddhis  be exercised without the help of nature Spirits? not that I'm aware of. there may there may  be some, but I really doubt that you could
operate all of them without these without these  nature spirits that they are part of the tools I guess you would say of of their trade. this is  so interesting. the trade of being an adept. so interesting. it's almost like a horse whisperer.  but here's another thing that's interesting that these colors that he's speaking of sound,  he said we operate and communicate with them through spoken words and through sounds  and colors, yeah, of whose very existence you have no conception the nature S
pirits  wait a minute I still missed something. here okay for sound light and colors are the main  factors in forming these grades of intelligences. they're actually created with those very methods.  sound lights and colors. my goodness. remember in the well you may not know in the Bible it says  in the beginning in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and go the Word  was God. I know. and that means that sound is a creational force. yes. and that is said to  be the the syllable
om the initial. this is so, I I love tying this into um into yoga philosophy  since many of our viewers will be from that and this is talking about tantric yoga the the science  of tantric yoga is manipulating in a benevolent sense the forces of nature. right. Kriya Shakti.  that's exactly what this is describing. it's the practice of of Tantra, of move energy work, moving  energy, creating connections through energy, healing, communication that. this is this is the  work of an Adept. it they ar
e creators. mhm wow. and we are in training to do the same thing. thus  for this reason are believers in US pronounced imposters and fools and the science which leads  to the highest goal of the highest knowledge to the real tasting of the tree of life and wisdom is  written off as a wild flight of imagination. most earnestly do I ask you not to see in the above  a mere venting of personal feeling. my time is precious and I have none to lose. still less ought  you to see in this an effort to dis
suade you from the noble work you have just begun. nothing of  the kind for what I now say may be useful for as much as it can and no more. I warn you that  the task you are so bravely undertaking is the most ungrateful perhaps of all tasks, but if you  believe in my friendship for you if you value the word of honor of one who never never during his  whole life polluted his lips with an untruth, that's what you always quote, then do not forget  the words I once wrote to you see my last letter, o
f those who engage themselves in the occult  Sciences. he who does it must either reach the goal or perish. once fairly started on the way to  the great knowledge, to doubt is to risk Insanity, to come to a dead stop is to fall, to receive  is to Tumble backward head long into an abyss. fear not if you are sincere and that you are  right now. are you as sure of yourself as to Future? there's a lot there, big stuff going  on there. yeah. wow. all right let's unpack it. let's unpack this stuff. th
e quote comes from  Eliphas Levy. Eliphas Levi wrote that quote? yes. okay. for many years people who were studying  the Mahatma Letters could not find where that came from. I found it and I'm not quite sure how.  it's in a book that's written in French called Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie by Eliphas Levi  and somehow I ended up with the two volume copy of it and I was perusing it one day and I came across  this written written in French, these exact words, and I said, that's it! I know I've
I've heard that  before and so I contacted Joy Mills and told her and she was thrilled because she said, I have  looked and looked for the source for that. so in the Mahatma Letters that those words were in  quotes as if he was taking it from somewhere. he doesn't reference where it was from you can read  those very words in French it's it's actually in Joy Mills's book what's the context of his of  Eliphas Levi? the context is he's describing the point along the path where you have to make  a
decision. are you going forward, are you going back? but so he's a theosophist? he not was not  he as far as I knew as far as I know he knew very little about theosophy he was not associated  with the theosophical society. but he was so who was Eliphas Levi then? he was a originally  a Catholic cleric studying to be a priest and then he became a ceremonial magician but he was  one of the ones who had ethics and was doing it for right purposes, for the benefit of humanity.  and his book that he w
rote is about the path even though he wasn't. not specifically. it was about  his study of magic. okay. but he obviously grasped the concept that there is a path and that at a  certain point you either move forward or you go back because once you've gone beyond that if you  then hesitate, you're lost you're going to fall off the cliff. you're going to fail miserably.  wow and what year was that book written? I don't know originally. the copy I have was printed in  like 1940 but it's obviously a
reprint of a much older book so in 1881 it was available already.  so KH knew about this book? of course he did oh my goodness okay so Eliphas Levi is going to play a  larger part here or? no he will come in from time to time but but they observe him, they like some  of his teachings, they use them but there as far as I can tell was not a direct communication with  him. was he alive at this time? I would have to check on that uh remember when he was talking  about the club of magic in London tha
t he had checked in on? sure. Eliphas Levi was one of the  members of that. I see I see. so he was around at that point. interesting. there's more to talk  about in this paragraph. oh the other thing too was, never an untruth as. that one of course,  never an untruth has has passed my lips, but he also said, I warn you that the task you are so  bravely undertaking is the most ungrateful perhaps of all tasks. so anyone who's thinking oh if I can  just get some of these abilities and and some of t
his information, I'm going to go on YouTube  and it's it's going to change the world. uh it doesn't work that way. you're probably going to  be reviled and persecuted more than anything else. I love that the master is saying that because  from what I've seen every single other channeler or channeled message would never say that. would  they' say share my message. yeah. this you're the mouthpiece of the through the Divine. go spread  the words that I'm giving you. the answer is love. and here he'
s saying hey if you really want to do  this it's the most ungrateful, you I think that's proof right there that this is. it absolutely is  because anyone who is telling the truth is going to encounter the wrath of other people including  those who claim to be on the path. those are the worst ones, and those are the people caused the  most damage and the most trouble for HPB were the former students of hers or people who revered  her at one point and then turned against her. so yeah he knows of w
hat he is speaking. wow. and  he's saying also here that he's not in this life has he ever told a mistruth or a lie. yes and and  that's who they're looking for people with who are honest, who have ethics and who are scruples in  their thoughts words and deeds. wow. all right, continuing. but I believe it is time to turn to  some less transcendental and more mundane matters. Boo. this is this is funny. okay your experience  your training your intellect your knowledge of the exterior world all co
mbined to Aid you in the  accomplishment of the task you have undertaken, for they place you on an infinitely higher  level than myself as regards the consideration of writing a book after your society's own heart.  though the interest I take in it may amaze some who are likely to turn it around on me and my  colleagues with our own arguments, yet I confess that I do take an interest in this book and its  success as much as in the success in life of its future author. all right this isn't what I
thought  he was going to refer to. he's referring of course to the book that Sinnett is planning to write very  soon after this during his voyage to London and KH is quite excited about the prospect of this. go  ahead with that. all right. I hope at least that you will understand that we are far from being  the heartless morally dried up mummies some would fancy us to be. that's in reference to what Hume  said about them. remember in some of his letters he was referred to them basically in very
similar  words. we may not be quite the quote boys, that's funny, to quote Olcott's irreverent expression  when speaking of us. does Olcott call them the boys? yeas. that's hilarious. yet none of our yet  none none of our degree are like the stern hero of Bulwer's romance. all right so HPB and Olcott had  both had really good senses of humor and KH and Morya at least appreciated that. they loved that  so when when he called them the boys and uh HPB called Morya her boss, she always referred to
him  as the boss. the boss that's funny uh they like that in fact um Olcott at one at one point called  himself Morya Jr. oh my gosh that's hilarious. so yeah. that's something I would say. they are  not offended by things like that. I wish we had recordings of Olcott and HPB speaking I would love  to hear them would banter and. yeah yeah. that would be so cool. they were very different in the  early days. they as they encountered more and more adversity they obviously were kind of beaten down. 
hardened up a little bit. but let's see there was something else I. Bulwer's romance? oh one of  the early members of the theosophical society when they were still in New York City was a man  named Thomas Edison. you may have heard of him. who dat? and they managed to acquire one of his  first gramophones which record recorded and played back wax C well not wax at that time aluminum foil  cylinders. that's the device with the huge curved horn looking thing it looks like a record player  but it?
okay and they actually used it to record HPB's voice I know for sure and possibly Olcott's,  although I I'm not certain of that but they did have a recording of HPB's. they would take it  off and and preserve the aluminum foil and they could replay it whatever they wanted but over the  years it got flattened out and he tried to see if they could restore that but the technicians at  the time said it was too badly damaged and that there was no way to be able to hear the voice. He  being... Olcott
. okay mhm wow interesting. while the abilities of observation acquired to some  of us by our condition certainly give a greater breadth of view we might just as easily maintain  that it is quote the business of magic to humanize our Natures with compassion unquote For All  Mankind instead of concentrating and limiting our affections to one chosen race yet few of us can at  this point liberate ourselves from the influence of our Earthly connection as to be immune to the  higher Pleasures emotion
s and interests of most of humanity. until final emancipation wow until  finally emancipation reabsorbs the higher self, ooh, it must be conscious of the purest sympathies  called out by the Aesthetics by by the aesthetic effects of high art. its tenderest chords  respond to the call of the Holier and nobler human attachments. of course, the greater  the progress toward Deliverance the less this will be the case until to Crown all, human  human and purely individual personal feelings Blood Ties
and friendship patriotism and race  preferences all will give way to become blended into one universal feeling, the only true  and holy the only unselfish and eternal one, love and immense love for Humanity as a whole, for  it is quote Humanity which is the great orphan, the only disinherited one upon this Earth, my  friend. let's stop right there because there's so much in this. yes. first of all he's pointing  out that the adepts are not yet at a stage where they're so far removed from Humanit
y that  they don't remember what it was like to be one of them. they still have more affection  for certain humans than they do for others. overall they have nothing but pure love  for all humans regardless of what they do. they love everyone but with an unconditional  love. that doesn't mean that they don't have their preferences. obviously he has very strong  affection already for Sinnett and for his family, and he has very strong affection for his country  India and for the people of India. h
e says that we haven't lost that. we still appreciate  art . we still appreciate fine music and the higher nature of humanity and what humans have  created. but he said at some point we do be, that begins to recede and we are so far removed  from that but on the other hand we are becoming more one with all higher selves and the lower  selves tend to fade into the background. he's hinting at the Grand cycle of life of the Soul.  until final emancipation reabsorbs the higher self. yeah. wow. so wh
en we talk about higher self  um it kind of corresponds to what Christians would call the soul. but he's talking about and so  he's saying here that higher self that soul is not Eternal. it too will disappear because it's  a form. it's it's something that was created. and so it will anything that was created at some  point will disappear. disappear that's a that seems it a little bit it does I like how he says  reabsorbs though because it doesn't go a away, all the reabsorb. yeah exactly. the de
w drop into  the shining sea. exactly, that's exactly what it's talking about. so we took a spark of divinity and  Infused it into something but that something was something created it was a vehicle. then that is  reabsorbed, a experience and reabsorbed back to where the condition it was before but changed.  almost like a flame candle flame rejoining the larger flame but in a different way, but the the  drop of water sliding slipping into the sea is a great analogy. I love that. yes exactly, it
it's  and the drop of water doesn't lose anything. it gains in the process. okay, it is humanity which  is the great orphan, the only disinherited one upon this Earth my friend. he refers to  this more than just once the great orphan Humanity. let's he's actually going to take  up a little bit more about that subject so go ahead and continue. and it is the duty of every  man who is capable of an unselfish impulse to do something however little, for its welfare. poor  poor Humanity. it reminds me
of the old Fable of the war between the body and its members. here  too each limb of this huge orphan, fatherless and motherless, selfishly cares but for itself. thus  since there is hope for man only in man I would not let one cry whom I could save. he's obviously  quoting someone here, but I haven't been able to find the quote, so if any of our viewers in  YouTube land know um it would I would love to find out where that quote comes from. it sounds almost  like something from the Voice of the
Silence, the how can you be saved and watch the whole world  cry? I thought it was going to that. yes it sounds very much, but I checked in the voice of the  silence and I didn't find those exact words. and that's an HPB book. it's that same thing this  tremendous sympathy for humans, and when he calls it the great orphan Humanity, he's referring to  the fact that it's we humans who are the most isolated from our spirituality. plants, animals,  they still have a a great connection. even the mor
e primitive or the indigenous people have a  greater connection to their spiritual nature, but we who supposedly are the most advanced are  also the most isolated. we have individualized to such an extent that we've almost completely  forgotten who we are. that's the story of The Prodigal Son, forgot what his true nature was and  now we're latching on to that tiny little spark of memory that we've got and making that bloom again  following the path back to where we came from. for more on this re
ad the first chapter in our book  called The Prodigal Son. yes. Shameless plug for our Ancient Wisdom for a New Age, a Practical  Guide for Spiritual Growth by Terry Hunt and Paul. to to our um viewers though, let's make no  mistake that that is supposed to happen though that forgetting that disconnection process.  it has to happen so it's not an unfortunate phenomenon that we have become disconnected.  that's how life works. that's why that's how learning occurs. let uh point out too getting ri
d  of desires getting rid of emotions we talk about that but we also have talked about the fact that  those are the path that is the stage that we have passed through and are still passing through.  without that we make no progress. in our study of the sutras we we talk about in to quote I.K.  Taimni, the ruthless stripping away of the ego, but the ego was important. we we wouldn't learn  anything or grow in on Earth if we didn't have the ego. so it's necessary up until the point when it.  and m
ost of us are still in that period. um this for many people is in the far distant future. we  can shorten that period of time, so it doesn't it is helpful to look forward and see what the future  is going to be like even if we ourselves are not ready. we need to know what what to model, how to  act in order to achieve success on the path. right that's why we look toward the Masters to say What  are we going to be like in the future? that's tell you, this letter 15 is very long huh. we're are  on
ly halfway done with letter 15. I think let's keep keep going. okay I confess that I am not yet  exempt from some of the terrestrial attachments. wow. that's cool that he admits that. I am  still attracted towards some men more than others and philanthropy as preached by our great  Patron the teacher of Nirvana and the law, he's referring to the Buddha here, has never killed in  me individual preferences of friendship, love for my next of kin or the Ardent feeling of patriotism  for the country
in which I was last materially individualized. in the country that I was last  materially individualized [Laughter] born? and in this connection I may someday offer a bit  of advice to my friend Mr Sinnett to whisper into the ear of the editor of the Pioneer. he's  making a very subtle reference to something that I think Sinnett has thought of before, which is re  reincarnation. who was I in a previous life? and I think this is a very subtle reference to that.  okay, meanwhile may I ask the form
er to inform Dr Wyld, the president of the British TS of the few  truths concerning us as shown above. now Dr Wyld, as he says, was the president of the theosophical  society in London, but he had some rather weird ideas. so he's saying while you're in London  would you please converse with Dr Wyld and explain some of these things more clearly  to him so that he understands who we are.MH okay will you kindly undertake to persuade  this excellent gentleman that not one of the humble Dew drops whi
ch have at various periods  disappeared in space to merge into the white Himalayan clouds have ever tried to slip back into  the shining sea of Nirvana through the unhealthy process of hanging by the legs or by making unto  themselves another quote coat of skin out of the sacred cow dung of the thrice holy cow. okay  I didn't realize he was going to be talking about the dew drop here. and then cow poop. oh my  gosh. okay so yeah go ahead and read it and then we'll cover this the British presiden
t labors  under the most original ideas about us whom he priests in calling yogis without the slightest  regard for the enormous differences which exist between hatha and Raja yoga. this mistake  must be laid at the door of Mrs Blavatsky, the able editor of quote The Theosophist Who  fills up her volumes with the practices of diverse sannyasis and other blessed ones from the  plains without ever troubling herself with a few additional lines of explanation. so again they're  disparaging HPB and y
et her critics claim that she's the one who wrote all of these letters. go  figure. but he's referring to the fact that many people in 1881 thought that yogis were these  fakirs and jugglers in India who could perform certain feats or the other thing they would do is  just do stupid things. stupid human tricks. yeah yeah hold hold the one hand in the air until  it Withers to the point that it's permanently disfigured. and they somehow think that's a great  achievement or hang by their legs for t
he rest of their life or smear cow dung all over themselves.  that's what he's referring to there. so yeah um most westerners had no idea what hatha yoga was.  it wasn't anything to be revered or looked up to and yet Dr Wyld was making no distinction between  these individuals in India who did stupid human tricks and the Raja yogis. I wonder if he's  implying that the sannyasins or the people who are doing the tricks are performing hatha  yoga is that what he's referencing? westerners thought th
at was what hatha yoga was and Taimni,  as we know, almost doesn't mention hatha yoga at all. it's simply a step along the way. it's  was never intended to be something to replace Western calisthenics. or right right. it it has  been taken all out of context by westerners and turned into something very different. I I I will  say one thing about that the ability to generate Prana to be used for siddhis is generated by  by breathing and and some movements perhaps, and engagement of muscles in the
body and with  focus with with the Raja yoga techniques combined so there are some physical things that I know  these siddhis do require which but, it's mostly controlling the mind. yes exactly that and most  people don't even get that far. it's and there's nothing wrong with it. it's a great practice. you  know yourself that healthwise it's a very good good alternative to going to the gym every day.  sure. and now to still more important matters, time is precious and writing material still more
  so. precipitation quotes in your case have become unlawful, lack of ink or paper standing no better  chance for tamasha and I being far away from home and at a place where a stationer shop is less  needed than breathing air, our correspondence threatens to break us very abruptly unless  I manage my stock on on hand judiciously. he's referring here to the fact that paper isn't  easy to come by in Tibet. tamasha is a particular performance art that the people would engage in  and it had a certai
n for. it was it was basically like a soap opera. so he uses the term tamasha  to mean uh phenomena. okay. A a production. so he's basically saying that time is precious and  writing is even more precious because paper hard to come by so he's discussing how challenging  it is to keep this communication going. yes. a friend promises to supply me in  case of great need with a few stray sheets, remnants of his grandfather's will by which  by which he disinherited him but since the will is on paper
that could be mistaken  for blotting paper we might as well turn to your book. since you do me the favor  of asking my opinion I may tell you that the idea is an excellent one. theosophy  needs such help and the results will be what you anticipate in England as well.  it may also help our friends in Europe generally. blotting paper, some of our viewers  may not know what that is. the old days when you wrote with a fountain pen it was very messy  and blotting paper is like very absorbent, a very
crude form of paper and you would have a  piece of blotting paper that you would set on top of it after you wrote and absorb any excess ink so  it didn't get all over things. wow okay. I lay no restrictions upon your making use of anything I  may have written to you or Mr Hume, having full confidence in your tact and judgment as to what  should be printed and how it should be presented. I must only ask you for reasons upon which I must  be silent not to use a single word or passage from my last
letter to you, the one written after my  long silence, the first one forwarded to you by our old lady. this is interesting, not even a word  maybe it has an energetic connection to the rest or something. as to the rest, I relinquish  it to the mangling tooth of criticism. oh my goodness. nor would I interfere with the plan  you have roughly sketched out in your mind, but I would strongly recommend that you lay  the greatest stress upon small circumstances which tend to show the impossibility of
fraud  or conspiracy. you should not omit one jot or tittle. is that where you got that from, because  you always say. no that's from the Bible. Bible oh okay. you should not omit one jot or tittle of  collateral evidence that supports your position, something you have neglected doing in your letter  in the Pioneer. for instance my friend tells me that it was a 13th Cup and the pattern unmatchable  in Simla at least. all right so my friend, he allows his friend to write a little explanation  on
his own letter and the friend is the one who had offered to give him a few few sheets of paper  were from the will that in which his grandfather disinherited him. okay. so it's his most advanced  chela at the time, Djual Kuhl or DK as many of us know. he was Tibetan rather than Indian and  he was most he was on the verge of adeptship, within months of becoming an Adept himself, and  he writes a little explanation on here now DK is nowhere near as jocular as KH is he's he's like  Damodar, dead se
rious about everything. he says um in this is DK, he says at least according to  Mrs Sinnett. I myself did not search the crockery shops. so he's saying Mrs Sinnett said that the  pattern was not available anywhere in Simla. we're talking about the the teacup phenomenon back.  the the production and KH the disinherited says I didn't check the shops myself. Mrs Sinnett says  that it was not available. also the bottle filled with water. now this is a different phenomenon on  a different day at a d
ifferent picnic. they went out again to Prospect Hill and did not take enough  water with them for the picnic, so Sinnett told some of his servants, take these empty bottles,  there's a brewery not too far away. go over there and give this note to the foreman in which he  said, hey can you please fill up these bottles with water for us? they took the note and the  empty bottles to the brewery and came back with empty bottles because the foreman wasn't there  that day. and he berated them saying,
why didn't you ask the other workers there? they didn't,  but so HPB. took care of it. took one of the one of the bottles hid it in the folds of her skirt  for a few minutes and brought it out and it was filled with perfectly drinkable clean water ,and  so KH or not KH but DK says also the bottle with water. I filled it with my own hand. it was one of  the four that the servants had in the baskets and these four bottles had but just been brought back  empty by these peons from their fruitless s
earch after water when you sent them to the little  Brewery with a note. hoping to be excused for the interference and with my most respectful  regards to the lady. yours Etc signed the Disinherited. so he filled it with his own hand,  so somehow... meaning he caused the phenomenon to occur so it wasn't KH and HPB it was DK and HPB.  he was practicing his ability to perform siddhis. I wonder why she had to hide it. I wonder why  she couldn't just hold it right there. I do not know. wow okay. the
pillow was chosen by yourself  and yet the word pillow occurs in my note to you just as the word tree or anything else would  have been substituted had you chosen another depository instead of the pillow. now here this is  KH speaking again just to be clear. DK inserted a little note and now KH has gone back to explaining  the pillow dak phenomenon. you will find all such Trifles serving you as the most powerful Shield  against ridicule. then you will of course aim to show that this theosophy i
s no new candidate for  the world's attention but only the restatement of principles which have been recognized from the  very infancy of mankind. the historic sequence ought to be succinctly yet graphically traced  through the successive evolutions of philosophical schools and Illustrated with accounts of the  experimental demonstrations of occult power ascribed to various magicians or wonder workers.  he is so verbose, my goodness. that sentence was that was a crazy sentence. this is this isn'
t  Damodar speaking. no, the only problem to solve is the Practical one of how to best promote the  necessary study and give to the spiritualistic movement a needed upward impulse. it is a good  beginning to make the inherent capabilities of the inner living man man better comprehended and  to lay down the scientific proposition that since attraction and repulsion are law are the law of  nature, there can be no interaction between clean and unclean Souls, embodied or disembodied  and hence 99 ou
t of 100 supposed spiritual Communications are obviously false. wow he says  it right there. what what does he what is he stating? that everyone else who's claiming to be  in spiritual communication with is not happening because it's very hard. it's very hard to do it  this comes straight out of the Bible too, well not the only place but you cannot put something clear  and clean into an impure receptacle or container, so that he's talking the the human mind the  the human vehicle. you can't if y
our vehicle is impure you are not going to be able to receive it  even. mhm so that's why purification has to happen before anything else can really take place. you  can work on other things at the same time as we know. you don't have to go numbered steps along  the way, but you cannot make great progress until you have achieved purification of the vehicle.  what I meant by the for Forlorn Hope was that, when one regards the magnitude of the task to  be undertaken by our theosophical volunteers,
we may well compare it to one of those desperate  efforts against overwhelming odds that the true Soldier glories to attempt. you have done  well to see the quote large purpose in the Small Beginnings of the TS. of course if we had  undertaken to found and direct it ourselves, very likely it would have accomplished more and  made fewer mistakes, but we could not do this, nor or was it the plan. our two agents are given  the task and left as you are as you now are as you now are to do the best t
hey could under  the circumstances. obviously they have pupils who are in training. if they don't give them  important tasks to accomplish, then how are they going to learn? he's saying if we had the  time and the inclination, we could probably do a much better job of it, but we would be depriving  those who are in training of great opportunities, and you are one of these people. and much has been  accomplished. under the surface of spiritualism runs a current that is wearing a broad channel  fo
r itself. when it reappears above ground, its effects will be apparent. already many Minds  like yours are pondering the question of occult law forced upon the thinking public by this  agitation. like you, they are dissatisfied with what has been hitherto attainable and clamor  for better. let this encourage you. it is not quite accurate that by having such Minds in the  society they would be quote under conditions more favorable for observation for us. rather put it  that by the act of joining
other sympathizers in this organization they are stimulated to  effort and incite each other to investigate. Unity always gives strength and since occultism  in our days resembles a Forlorn Hope, Union and cooperation are indispensable. Union does indeed  imply a concentration of vital and magnetic force against the Hostile currents of prejudice and  fanaticism. I wrote a few words in the Maratha boy's letter. and that's Damodar. Maratha boy's  letter only to tell you that he was obeying orders
and submitting his views to you. apart from his  exaggerated idea about huge fees, his letter is in a way worth considering, for Damodar is a Hindu  and knows the mind of his people at Bombay though the Bombay Hindus are about as unspiritual group  as can be found in all India. and that's the still true today. wow. in uh Mumbai uh that's Bollywood.  that's the equivalent of LA and Hollywood. okay. but like the devoted enthusiastic lad he is he  jumped after the Misty form of his own ideas even b
efore I could give them the right direction.  all quick thinkers are hard to impress. in a Flash they are out and Away in full cry before half  understanding what one wants to have them think. this is our trouble with both Mrs Blavatsky and  Olcott. so all three of them he's saying are quick thinkers. they grasp ideas very quickly but that  can be a problem. because they'll go and run with it and do something. exactly. they say okay we've  got it and run off ride off in all directions as they sa
y. the frequent failure of the latter, to  carry out the suggestions he sometimes receives even when written is almost wholly due to his own  active mentality preventing his distinguishing our Impressions from his own conceptions, and  Blavatsky's trouble is, apart from physical ailment, that she sometimes listens to two or  more of our voices at once. wow. for example, this morning while the quote Disinherited, whom  I have accommodated with space for a footnote, was talking with her on an impo
rtant matter, she  lent an ear to one of ours who is passing through Bombay from Cyprus on his way to Tibet and so  got both in an inextricable confusion. women do lack the power of concentration. okay who so  first of all HPB was listening to two voices at once and neither one was presently with her, so  she was listening to DK and one of their adepts who is traveling and happened to be in Bombay at  a different location but. you don't know who that was? no there's no indication, uh and then he
  makes the statement women do lack the power of concentration. we'll we'll find that the adepts  are not exactly PC. mhmm. they are products of their time and as we know, many of them remember  several of their past lifetimes so they've got all of this accumulated experience at their disposal  and they do tend to be very conservative in their thinking as far as social systems, but they are  also very progressive in other ways so there's this strange dichotomy between them. he at this  time had
the idea that women didn't have some of the capabilities that men do and that just  shows us that there are limitations even even with adepts. my goodness. I'm sure adepts today  do not would never expressed anything like that or even think the same thing. very interesting. and  now my good friend and co-worker an irremediable paperless condition obliges me to close. an  irremediable paperless condition. I'm running out of paper. yeah exactly. I love that though.  let's see how many words I can.
yeah that's that's cool though farewell yeah but it's still  there's two more huge paragraphs. farewell until your return unless you will be content as hitherto  to pass our correspondence through the accustomed Channel. neither of us would prefer this but until  Authority is given to change it must be so. where were she to die today, and she is really sick, you  would not receive more than two or at most three more letters from me through Damodar or Olcott  or through already established emerg
ent agencies, and then that reservoir of force being exhausted  our parting would be final. Boo. this is huge. yeah. if HPB were to die that day in 1881, there  would be enough power in reserve for maybe two, maybe three at the most, letters and that would  still require one of the other chelas to be able to receive those, but then that would be the end  of all communication. it's so interesting that she is like a trans or like a booster signal somehow.  yes exactly. some some function that she
was able to perform was absolutely essential. wow. she  didn't die until 10 years later. what was she sick with at this point? everything oh okay uh heart  problems, uh kidney problems, liver problems. maybe some caused by work. yes obviously. wow my  goodness. but even after she died 10 years later, there was only one letter that we know of  that arrived and that was it. I wonder why KH wouldn't say our parting would be final unless  you came to visit me in person, just come to just come and vi
sit. like I wonder why he doesn't offer  that. because the difference between the spiritual evolution of HPB and Sinnett is enormous. they  could not invite him in person to come as they invited HPB to. okay. It was, their their energy  Fields were completely antithetical. mhmm okay. that makes sense. events might bring us together  somewhere in Europe, but whether we meet or not during your trip, be assured that my personal good  wishes will attend you. should you actually need now again the he
lp of a happy thought as your work  progresses it may very likely be osmosed into your head if sherry bars not the way as it has already  done in Allahabad. okay so sherry meaning alcohol. alcohol. okay. may the quote deep sea deal  gently with you and your family. ever yours, KH. the deep sea of course being their ocean  Voyage. mhm. so we're we're seeing quite a bromance going on here. yeah. there the bros.  there's a lot of affection here the boys the bros. yeah and and uh KH is really liking
Sinnett  and Sinnett is grooving on grooving on all of this attention he's he's getting and getting  excited about being one of their agents in the outer world. let's read the, there was a PS here.  and there's a PS. PS, the quote friend that Lord Lindsey speaks of in his letter to you is, I'm  sorry to say, a true skunk who managed to perfume himself with Ess Bouquet in his presence during  their palmy days of friendship. so the skunk he's referring to is a medium and Ess Bouquet is it was  ac
tually a brand name of perfume in those days, very well known in in England, so he calls him a  skunk and said he managed to cover up his stench uh by fooling Lord Lindsey into thinking he was an  up upstanding person and. wow. and Ess is spelled out E S S but that also spells the letter s which  could stand for skunk. bouquet. so I think it was kind of a play on words too. oh my goodness. and  so avoided being recognized by his natural stench. it is Home the medium, a con a convert to Roman  Ca
tholicism then to Protestantism and finally to the Greek Church. he is the bitterest and cruelest  enemy Olcott and Madame Blavatsky have, though he has never met either of them. for a certain time  he succeeded in poisoning the Lord's mind and Prejudiced him against them. I do not like saying  anything behind a man's back yet in view of some future events, I feel it my duty to warn you, for  this one is an exceptionally bad man. wow. hated by the spiritualists and mediums as much as he is  desp
ised by those who have learned to know him, yours is a work which clashes directly with this.  though a poor sickly cripple, a paralyzed wretch, his mental faculties are as fresh and as alive as  ever to mischief. he is no man to stop before a slanderous accusation however vile and lying. so  beware, KH. all right so a final note of warning before he leaves on his trip. this guy who Lord  Lindsey is so enamored with is not the person he thinks he is, so be careful of him. that's a wrap  for vide
o 11. that was letter 15. very long. did you cut out a lot as well, did you uh uh? oh  yes, this has been greatly reduced, yes. wow. well you can save some paper if you wouldn't...  fortunately we have Amazon at our disposal. we're we are not in Tibet. no, KH could have saved his  paper some paper if he didn't write so much. yeah that's true, that's true. oh all right, thank you  for watching. thank you for watching. until next week.
