
SF data shows Mission St. is clean after vending ban, but permitted vendors say they are struggling

It's been more than 3 months since street vending was banned on Mission Street in San Francisco and a first report on cleanliness is out. #sanfrancisco #vendingban #missionstreet #business #consumer #smallbusiness #abc7news

ABC7 News Bay Area

1 day ago

new details about the ongoing battle over Street vendors in San Francisco's Mission District yeah there's some new data out from San Francisco's public works department showing a drop in street cleaning requests since the street vending ban went into effect ABC7 news reporter lose Pena is here now with the latest lose that's right sidewalks on Mission Street are definitely clean now San Francisco Public Works Department is attributing this to the 90day street vending ban that went into effect th
ree months ago and recently the city extended the ban for six more months their data show shows it's working it's been over 3 months since Street vending was banned on Mission Street and the first report on cleanliness is out we're seeing that the overall request for street cleaning that comes through the 311 customer service center is down about 21% overall in the Mission District we saw it sidewalks are clean and Public Works inspectors along with San Francisco police officers are patrolling t
he area 7 days a week until 8:00 p.m. on weekdays the city is saying their effort are also leading to more than just clean sidewalks we've also seen fewer uh police calls that are coming through for burglaries and assaults the city implemented this ban to tackle vendors selling stolen items on sidewalks we ran into a vendor that goes by the name shark he was carrying several pounds of stolen meat selling it on foot to avoid it getting confiscated so do you do this often I probably do it like 10
times a day I have to do that to feed myself you don't want to be doing this no no I just got got fired for my job though that was the only thing I had and I was only making $600 a month he showed us inside his backpack what do you have in here beef tongue if it's one of these to feed a family for a week a month so how much was this meat inside the store $150 Susanna roas is the executive director of Caya vatro their group represents Street vendors she agrees streets are cleaner now but he's ask
ing the city to think about the vendors who are selling merchandise that will never stolen and have permits there has been a lot of narrative out there to promote a permanent band for our vendors not only in the mission but all over the San Francisco and we stand against it um the vendors have never been the issue one of those vendors following the rules is Manuel soltero he is inside the location on 21st and 37 Mission Street set up by the city for them how business here very bad Manuel is glad
streets are clean but said they never contributed to the he wants the city to let them sell outside while the inspectors are out I think why they are not doing like this we sell and that's a space they stay 8 hours why stay 8 hours and we sell over there we had a we had a permit legal permit but this van is not perfect after inspectors leave around 800 p.m. residents report seeing vendors selling what they think are stolen it items on the sidewalks again something public works department is awa
re of and said they will continue to gather more data before extending or changing their schedule lose paa ABC7 News lose thank you



How about you ban open drug use and sale


This is not Mexico 🤨👎🏻


The streets are cleaner and safer. That is the data. How anyone can think the vendors are NOT part of the problem is nuts.


Clean? It only looks clean because it recently rained. Even then it’s still a mess


lol this’ll last 2.5 days 😂😂😂😂


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Like a bundle of wood.


Good, I like a clean place to crap.


The statistic of a decrease in 21% -- for the week, I believe -- in requests to clean the sidewalk, in the Mission, is only significant within a historical context. What was it last week? What is the variance? Is the decrease because Sunday is St. Patrick's Day and vendors know that the street is going to be cleaned on Monday, regardless of if they call 311 or not? Also, if the number of requests to clean the streets and sidewalk in the Mission goes up, next week, without the vendors, does this mean that the vendors aren't the problem?


Why does it have to effect the vendors selling non-stolen items. I predict future vendors selling items stolen from stores will use wagons and start dragging them around.


I need to go find *SHARK*!


this is the biggest comeback in the history of the U.S.A. the S.F mayor shut down a unknown taco stand. this should be prime time news all across America .


@1:50 “I do this to feed myself“ translate to I need this to feed my drug habits


Robbery is still taking place in the mission area during early hours. So police needs to work on arresting the robbers in that area.


Why is the reporter strange sounding?


Did they just find out enforcement works?


They should open a couple days for permitted vendors in the park.


“I was fired from my job”…let me guess; for stealing?


So you show a criminal selling illegal items especially something that could make people sick? Show his face and arrest him!


San Francisco is the only city where dogs step in human poop. But yeah, keep voting blue.


The streets are not for selling goods. This was never a thing in SF... sorry guys this isn't Honduras (I'm Latin BTW this is not racism)... find another job or create a flea market in a designated place. Instead of getting acculturated to the American way these guys want to convert SF into a place like in Central America... I call BS. Respect the law and assimilate the rules of this country. If you don't have the education/skill to get a job in California move to a place where your talent/skill is on demand.