

original video: SHAMAN - РЕКВИЕМ 22.03.24 (музыка и слова: SHAMAN) We are accepting requests here: or through SuperThanks donations: Please send only 1 video request per donation following these color bands that indicate the duration of each video: Light blue - 1 minute (shorts) Light green - 3 minutes Yellow one - 5 minutes Yellow two - 8 minutes Orange one - 10 minutes Orange two - 12 minutes Pink one - 15 minutes Pink two - 25 minutes Red one - 30 minutes Red two - 40 minutes Red three - 60 minutes Red four - 120 minutes Otherwise, you can request a video here: We appreciate all super chat support and we want to be able to deliver all requests, so please make sure it's viable for us since we have limited available time =) Please note that these are tips from our community, it is not meant as adverts for artists, not intended for companies, if you are an agency seeking promotional videos, please e-mail us at Note: We reserve the right to not post videos we don't agree on, please understand there is no guarantee that we will pick your video every time you donate. Super Chat, Super Stickers, Super Thanks, and Donations are voluntary, non-refundable payments, please keep that in mind. We'll do our best! 💗 Join us on discord: Get full access to exclusive content, reactions to movies & tv shows, request a video of your choice or support me to become a full time content creator! More information here: Want youtube advice? Schedule a zoom call with me here: Exclusive content on Roll call! comment your country + 'present' How else can you support the channel? Here are some options: Become a member and get exclusive perks and content: Check out our exclusive "support the channel" donation area: Alternative ways - Use my associate links: Practice English on Cambly with my Free minutes: Associate links for my equipment: Camera used: Lens used: Lights used: Microphone: JBL headphones: All proceeds will be invested in growing this channel and making better content for you. Let's connect! Social Media: #teacherpaulreacts For business:


2 days ago

yo what's up guys teacher Paul here and Phillip  hello there everyone today we are reacting to a not so happy song this is a song from a uh singer  um from Russia called Shaman and um I don't know if you if you know what happened in in Russia um  four days ago there was a terrorist attack in a a city hall oh sorry a um a hall a concert hall  there we go it's a concert hall called krocus and this same artist performed there two weeks ago and  apparently some of the people who were planning the at
tack were at his event his checking out the  venue and um two weeks later they went there four gunmen came in and shot everyone at at the the  place um from what I've seen the last um update that I've seen um the perpetrators were caught and  take a look at this so Russian Court charges four men with Act of terrorism in Moscow attack in the  Moscow attack um and bro these guys what was what was the motivation for doing this I don't know the  motivation but it it it seems like they were paid um w
ere paid to do that the Isis actually went and  um claimed the the attack 137 people died that day man that's sad dude sad and many are still um  you know many are still um injured injured yeah in hospital um and the craziest thing is that in  in the court look look how they showed up in court oh they were beaten up well rightfully so I would  say look at that and one of them was unconscious so these are strong images but um yeah it is a  a very sad thing that happened and on the same day um the
Russian singer Shaman went and made  a video um a song and a video about it he wrote the song um called recum which is in tribute to  everyone who lost their lives and um the family and this is the song we're going to react to  today so I've seen it it's very powerful so um I wanted to show you as well um so even because you  know it's it's great toare uh raise awareness and you know everyone who's watching can also pay the  respects to to the dead okay let's go then let's go [Music] for such [
Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] spee [Music] for [Music] yeah [Music] wow the heartbeat at the end bro the silence after  that I think that what would be maybe a a proper interpretation for that last part is that the  the heartbeat continuing continuing after the the the music ends would be like the memories of  the people who who tragically uh lost their lives but their their memories keep going
on yeah and  as we as as you have already said before we we start the video uh to raise awareness and to make  known of what's happened a a a music video some people think it's it's it's uh it's of a bad taste  but it maybe his intention is to actually do that you know to make people know what happened yeah  but music has always been um a a a vehicle to you know um to empower the the people it's the voice  of the people right um I understand where you're coming from like some people would say y
ou know  making a song about this might be misconstrued or misinterpreted but um I think Shaman is one of the  the you know the singers that has done more about like helping the victims than any other one any  other singer in in um Russia at the moment so I'm I'm sure his intentions are pure with this uh or  I got this I got the same feeling yeah I got the same the same same feeling from from from Shaman  yeah because it really feels like he's doing that from from the bottom of his heart you kno
w yeah  and and also the lyrics are very are very profound like it's like a it's it's like a cry to to God  and like someone trying to reach for comfort and protection what's interesting that he wrote this  like either on the same day or the next day so his feelings were were like real at the moment when  he was writing it so that's something um and on another note this is the first time you've seen  Shaman and his voice what did you think of the singer himself without you know I guess yeah yeah
  judging only by the the the the his performance as a musician it was a great performance he has  a great voice the the the song itself it was of a good taste I really like the the this style and  yeah I like it a lot yeah it actually surprised me I wasn't expecting to actually um vibe to this  to this song like yeah that's another I don't know if you issue I'm saying that's another issue that  um we might be facing with foreigners sometimes like people are just dancing to the song without  eve
n knowing the background or the lyrics or why it was written and it's it's not that's probably  what's going to happen in the future if this mus gets very famous and people in the future find  them find out this about this and they they will they will probably just be vibing to the song but  yeah it has a lot a way deeper meaning especially especially those who don't speak Russian so yeah  unfortunately some of these things happen but it's also not their fault because they don't understand  if i
t's playing on the radio we basically are already doing this to other other other songs who  were meant to be like a um the tribute exactly and and we're we're just taking them as silly music  but actually a lot more than just that yeah so it's important that we understand the message  um guys thank you so much for watching this um go on to Shaman's Channel and his his video and  you know just send a a good message of support um you know we it's always very sad to see um you  know people lose th
eir lives innocent people just lose their lives like that um and as I've said  on my initial reaction uh I'm also not oblivious to what's happening um in Russia you know and  I know that some people are hurt um because of the the we hope the perpetrators face Justice  For What they've done yeah um but guys please you know uh just keep it peaceful in the comments  okay uh thank you for watching and we'll see you on the next one take care for now bye-bye now you  can get full access to exclusive c
ontent special reactions to shows series anime full movies and  even request a video of your choice just become a YouTube member or join buy me a coffee today  find out more the link is in the description



Ребята спасибо, что Вы разлеляете нашу беду. Шаман патриот России.


Вы правильно прочувствовали этот реквием,это крик души,Ярослав этой песней выразил боль всей страны😢 У него талант от бога и добрая душа,он помогает финансово пострадавшим,а также детским домам(где детки без родителей)


Шаман - это не просто талантливый парень ,это чудесное явление в нашей стране .Это ангел ,посланый нам Богом в трудное время .Низкий поклон и безграничная благодарность тебе ,Ярослав от всей страны .


Шаман Лучший.В России.Песня Крик Души.Боль.Талант От Бога.


Шаман Уникальный артист с уникальным годосом и Харизмой.Огромной Души Человек, он выразил всю боль нашего народа!!!!!!Нас не Сломить!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Ярослав Дронов - русский певец, любимый народом, он резко отличается от остальной слащавой и хвастливой попсы. У него есть ещё достойные песни. Вам стоит их послушать. Но Реквием на сегодняшний день-самая насущная и печальная песня о трагедии, произошедшей в России!


Правильно сказал Шаман. Теперь мы будем биться до конца😢❤❤❤❤❤


Шаман это голос России.Он передал боль всего народа.Мы это доверили ему.Это наш голос.Спасибо за понимание и Сочувствие.


Шаман скорбит так же как и вся Россия... Слёзы лились 2 дня при упоминании этих событий. Да упокоятся души невинно убиенных.


Беларусь скорбит вместе с Россией. Спасибо за реакцию. Очень больно. Слезы.


Спасибо вам за прекрасную реакцию на песно Ярослава и на ужасное событие в нашей стране.


Благодарю, что не прошли мимо нашей трагедии❤SHAMAN всегда поет максимально искреннее, тем более песни своего сочинения, и не поет песни других авторов, если они не трогают его душу


Сердце разрывается на куски от этой песни. Мы скорбим, мы плачем. Господи, помоги нам! Царствие небесное невинно убиенным!


Про ИГИЛ говорят ваши западные СМИ, но мы, россияне, понимаем откуда уши торчат


Спасибо Вам, что разделили горе с нами!


Режим зели сделал только хуже,сново. Обратка себя ждать не заставила. Вечная память невинно убиенным🙏 Россия вперёд 🇷🇺


Он объявил о готовности помочь всем пострадавшим, и оплатить похороны погибшим.... Он настоящий гражданин своей страны России. Герой нашего времени. Спасибо за реакцию.


Спасибо. Вы не остались в стороне и помогаете SHAMAN, чтобы весь мир узнал о такой трагедии в России на концерте.❤❤❤


Спасибо за реакцию спасибо что с нами....Шаман помогает материально пострадавшим он еще своей песней помогает людям ч.з слезы прожить эту трагедию и становится легче, но в каждом сердце России 22.03.24😢


Спасибо, что перед прослушиванием песни поинтересовались, после какой трагедии она была написана😢 SHAMAN талантливый и великодушный человек, помогает пострадавшим и морально и материально🙏🏻❤