
She Has Taught Class 4E For 5 Years, but Principal Says There's No Such Class

A woman arrives at her new workplace, a school, which looks very bleak and empty. This is her first day teaching in this school and she has a hard time searching for her designated class; 4E, but with the help of a student, she eventually finds it. The class consists of a bunch of noisy and arrogant students. However, she ignores all of it and starts teaching, just like she has done all her life. And in a matter of days, she starts getting used to the students. However, one day, when she chats with another teacher, she learns that class 4E, which she had been teaching, doesn't exist. Scared, the woman rushes to the place and finds that the teacher was right. The class is empty, and it appears as if it has been like that since years. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to watch more movie recaps videos like this! Subscribe to our other social media accounts for daily updates, movie recommendations and more 1. Twitter = 2. Instagram = 3. Tiktok = 4. Adam's YT=

Mystery Recapped

1 year ago

a woman arrives at her new workplace a school which looks very Bleak and empty this is her first day teaching in this school and she has a hard time searching for her designated Class 4E but with the help of a student she eventually finds it the class consists of a bunch of noisy and arrogant students however she ignores all of it and starts teaching just like she has done all her life and in a matter of days she starts getting used to the students however one day when she chats with another tea
cher she learns the Class 4E which she has been teaching doesn't exist scared the woman rushes to the place and finds that the teacher was right the class is empty and it appears as if it has been like that for years the woman is Jennifer and a few days earlier she is seen on her way to the school in a cab it is her first day and she is both excited and nervous about it when she arrives at the premises it's already raining heavily and the large school looks desolate and empty Jennifer tries aski
ng a few students for directions to the staff room but all of them ignore her then she wanders around the school until she meets a student named don don who is playing basketball all by herself Jennifer introduces herself as a substitute teacher while dondon explains that it's lunch time and that's why everyone is out she then takes her to the staff room and leaves inside the staff room Jennifer meets Miss Kong the student officer of the school has the tour chatting the principal Miss Wang arriv
es and assigns Jennifer as a substitute teacher for an afternoon class she reveals that the history teacher is on maternity leave and will be absent for a few months Jennifer gladly accepts the afternoon slot as she wants to get over her recent breakup then she departs after confirming that she will start from the next day however the next afternoon when Jennifer goes to school she finds the staff room empty instead she finds a note on the table by Miss Kong stating that she has been assigned to
Class 4E she has also mentioned that the students of that class are quite mischievous and warns her to be careful however Jennifer is so motivated that she doesn't mind taking on any kind of students she soon Ventures upstairs to look for the 4E class but strangely it is nowhere the weird thing is that there are still no students in the school despite it not being lunchtime just then she comes across the same girl from earlier Don Don and again asks for help Don Don who happens to study in the
same class takes the new teacher with her when they arrive at 4E Jennifer notes that the class looks more like a fish market than a classroom some students are quarreling some are riding on the board While others are just hurling profanities nobody's selling fish though so it's a lose-lose ignoring all this she introduces herself and starts to talk about the importance of history but everyone ignores her they are simply interested in chatting and having fun Jennifer realizes that Miss Kong was r
ight about this class and decides to change her teaching strategy a bit she promises to bring historical movies the next day so that everyone can learn in a fun way but still no one except don don pays attention to a word she is saying to make matters worse some arrogant boys even pass derogatory comments on her despite all this Jennifer keeps her calm and continues with the class later that he evening as Jennifer is strolling around the busy Market she discovers that some of her students are in
volved in adultery they are taking dondon who looks scared with them for the first time Jennifer confronts them in front of their customers causing all of them to run away however she manages to catch one named Carol and gives her a serious lecture but surprisingly instead of being sorry Carol tells her to mind her own business before walking away when Jennifer is about to reach home her ex-boyfriend Chung is seen waiting for her he begs her to give him a chance but she replies that she has alre
ady given him multiple chances in the last three years to make things work however the stubborn man keeps on insisting and even gets on his knees to convince her which causes quite a stir in the area honey look at that simp but fortunately before things can escalate Jennifer's Father Abraham arrives and pulls away his daughter before he leaves he also warns Chung that he will call the cops if he gets anywhere near his daughter again after reaching home Jennifer shares the incident with her mothe
r Jen and breaks down it turns out that Chung used to get severely drunk and assault her this continued for several years and it is also the reason why Jennifer couldn't work Jen consoles her daughter by saying that she should forget about the past and make a new start the new job at the school is the perfect opportunity for her just then Abraham enters the room and tells Jennifer that she should not be soft-hearted if Chung runs into her again the next day at school Jennifer tries to take contr
ol of the class but once again she fails miserably she is also worried about Don Don who appears to be absent after the class is over she asks Carol about Don Don but her male friends interrupt and threaten Jennifer to keep her mouth shut about last night's incident and stop being so nosy shortly after Jennifer finds dondon entering the restroom and follows her surprisingly all the restroom stalls are empty it appears as if the girl has vanished Into Thin Air disregarding this Jennifer tries to
go outside but finds the door locked scared she cries for help but nobody can hear her suddenly strange paranormal activities start occurring the restroom stalls start to slam on their own water bursts from the Taps and a Fan's blade flies smashing all the mirrors and almost hitting her as Jennifer watches in horror and disbelief Blood starts dripping from the ceiling which shows a strange figure several hours have passed by and when Jennifer doesn't return home her worried Father Abraham inform
s the cops they immediately Trace her cell phone and find out that it's inside the school the cops and Abraham search every corner of the place and eventually find her in the corner of the bathroom Frozen in fear as they turn on the lights Jennifer realizes that everything looks normal she then starts panicking and wishes to go home the next morning as Jennifer rests in her room her concerned parents believe that she's going through an emotional crisis and suggests that she takes some time off f
rom work however just a few minutes later Jennifer receives a call from Miss Kong who asks her to join work from the next day claiming that there's no one to teach the students Jennifer is hesitant at first but since she has nothing much to do she agrees in the next scene at school Jennifer is chatting with Miss Kong during the lunch break she inquires about why the students of 40 are so mischievous and hearing this Miss Kong suddenly turns pale she reveals that no such class exists in the schoo
l and that Jennifer had been assigned another class as expected Jennifer doesn't believe this as she has been interacting with the students and knows them pretty well to verify her claims she takes Miss Kong to the class but upon reaching it she has taken aback to find it abandoned it seems more like a storeroom than a classroom or a fish market the site makes Jennifer panic and this is when principal Wang arrives and reveals everything 20 years ago there was a Class 4E in the school which had a
lot of students however one particular student was always bullied and tormented by the others fed up with everything one day the student brought a petrol canister to the classroom and burnt the whole place down which took the lives of 14 people among them were two teachers who desperately tried to save the students but all in vain because of the incident the school gained a bad reputation that's why Class 4E was canceled Forever After hearing the story Jennifer is still left in shock as she can
not comprehend how she could see the students to calm her down the principal assigns her a new class 2A which apparently has the best students in the school when Jennifer learns that the class is conducted exclusively in the morning she agrees to take it on the way home Jennifer is again stopped by Chung he consistently insists that she give him a chance but once again she ignores him suddenly she sees dondon with some bruises on her face but before she can ask anything this scared teenager warn
s her to not go back to school before running away afterwards when Jennifer reaches home she finds her parents along with some parishioners praying for her the next day Jennifer ignores all the warnings and heads to school when she enters the new class 2A she is shocked to see the same students from the supposed non-existent class terrified she tries to run away but some boys block the door and insist that she teach ghosts need to know math too Jennifer assumes it's all her imagination and proce
eds to write on the board but suddenly some students turn into ghosts one of them lashes her with long splitted tongue while some fly and approach her but as soon as Jennifer turns around everyone reverts back to normal just then Jennifer spots dawned on signaling her to go so she opens the door and gets out of the school as fast as she can that evening before reaching home she again runs into dandon who pleads with her to never return to the school when Jennifer asks why the girl reveals that t
he other students are trying to kill her saying this much she leaves a few steps further Jennifer finds Chung waiting for her and attempts to ignore him however he stops her and shows her a recording of a few minutes earlier where she is talking to the air turns out that dondon is also a ghost who would have thought as Jennifer becomes frightened Chung worries about her and takes her to meet an exorcist called the master he tells Jennifer that the School is Haunted and gives her a magical dagger
to use against the spirits in Desperate Times afterwards when Jennifer gets back home she finds that her parents are out for the night just then she gets a call on the landline from one of the Haunted students who teases her that there is nowhere to run Jennifer panics and disconnects the call but soon her mobile phone starts ringing the spirit on the other end tells her to embrace whatever is coming for her suddenly the lights start to Flicker and strange noises and creatures pop up from her p
hone panicked she takes out the magical dagger and stabs her phone causing everything to come to a halt the next morning Jennifer gets a call from her mother Jen on her neighbor's phone since hers is damaged Jen mentions that she has arrived at her school as per her daughter's instructions and now she is accompanied by two students from Class 4E one of them is Carol who takes the phone and asks Jennifer to come save her mother quickly wasting no time Jennifer rushes to the school and finds the s
tudents in their Spirit forms they have placed Jen on the edge of the window ready to push her down just then Carol asks Jennifer whether she wants to save her mother or herself Jennifer replies both like a badass and takes out the a magical dagger which emits a light strong enough to temporarily blind the spirits sadly one of them pushes Jen from the window killing her instantly wow that backfired when Jennifer sees her mother's lifeless body on the ground she becomes enraged and starts stabbin
g the spirits one by one with the dagger a student who looks normal begs Jennifer not to kill her but she stabs her anyway later the police arrive at the scene and capture Jennifer who looks like a total psychopath now her distraught parents also arrive revealing that Jen is still alive it turns out that she never went to the school as Jennifer watches in shock the chief policeman explains that she is brutally killed 14 students from the 4E classroom just then a man arrives at the scene claiming
to be the Principal Jennifer asserts that the man is lying as the principle is Miss Wang she hired him a week ago and revealed about the incident that took place 20 years ago hearing this the actual principle of the school tells the cops about the incident that transpired 20 years ago he mentions that since everyone was terrified of this Story the school had to hide the memorial pictures of the 14 people who perished in the fire he then moves a cupboard and uncovers the pictures which shows the
students from The Haunted class and the two teachers the teachers are revealed to be none other than principal Wang and Miss Kong moreover it is revealed that Jennifer killed the students with a screwdriver which she thought was a magical dagger the same screwdriver that her ex-boyfriend Shang used to commit the unthinkable the day before yesterday this means that she never met the real Chung but only his Spirit hearing all of this Jennifer starts laughing like a maniac forcing the police to ta
ke her away as she sits in the police van she sees don don outside dribbling her basketball which is actually Chung's head subscribe for more videos like this turn on notifications and leave a like to help the channel out thank you for watching



DonDon dribbling Chung's head literally took 'Get your head in the game' to a whole other level.


Teaching the burnt out of classroom. Gives a whole new meaning to a teaching job well done.


I was hoping this would be a wholesome story about a class of ghosts disciplined by a good teacher prompting them to spare her. 😂


Now that's a school Koro sensei should have taught


The salary of a teacher is scarier than the movie


This movie only gives me more questions than answers. It has more plot twists than Black Adam.


I laughed at Ghosts' need to know math too. Hilarious af


So what was actually happening with Jennifer? Why could she see the ghosts? How did she not see the actual teachers and students? Was she actually hired in the school?


Does the movie actually show all the events from an outsiders perspective? really want to know how she was sneaking into the school for a week without getting caught by security.


''ghosts need to know math too'' got me laughing🤣


Why did all of the ghosts go out of their way to target and harass Jennifer specifically!?!? Was Jennifer somehow connected to that school or the accident that killed all the ghosts!?? Why did the ghosts want Jennifer to kill 14 random students that were not involved in the original accident anyway!?!


okay so i'm guessing DonDon is the one who got bullied and set the class on fire 20 years ago, and wanted 14 kids dead yet again for some probably petty ghost reasons. but wanted someone to frame (for fun? to avoid the school from getting the reputation for being haunted so it doesn't get desolated and she can repeat this again in a few years? beats me) and she picked jennifer. on d-day, she got inside the head of 14 other innocent students and brought them to the classroom where jennifer could kill them with the screwdriver, which also explains why they didn't resist. her killing chung was probably a favour return lmao. thats what i think at least.


I wish my financial debt were like Class 4E


One of my many questions: Why did Don Don try to protect Jennifer and stop her from going to school if Don Don is the one dribbling Chung's head in the end?


This creeped me out so much, I am still trying to process everything that I just watched


The thing is that She didn't teach for 5 years. this comment received 466likes unbileaveable


The twist is so crazy, it's like the ghost teachers are actual humans that are still alive but they are also ghosts.


7:57 “Ghosts need to know math too.” LOL!


"Honey, look at that simp" 😂😂😂😂🤣I didn't know why I laughed


I like the part where Jennifer teaches the class for 5 years 😂😂