
Show-stopping cakes + more at Boo Bear Bakes in San Antonio | SA Live | KSAT 12

Celebrate Black History Month by supporting local Black-owned businesses! Boo Bear Bakes doesn't just have a sweet name - owner and baker Robin Balanciere produces beautiful confections that taste amazing. Check out what she has to offer.

SA Live

2 years ago

and our first guest today is sweetening up this chili day with beautifully designed cakes and more the owner of and the best name of a bakery or shop ever boo bear bakes say that three times robin i got carried away with that can't pronounce your first name robin planitiary joins us now to talk about her local business good afternoon you know i knew one day we would get our cake and eat it too this is that moment right okay where'd you get the name blueberry bakes well i got them i got it from m
y kids basically i call them my boo bear so i thought about what would i call my bakery and i said boo bear bakes and i call my husband my boo so i love it okay so you brought some things for us to decorate what's the first one over here so this is a red velvet cake it has a cream cheese filling buttercream icing and the colors are red yellow and green it's black history month and i want to give something that represented black history month and you've got a neat little trick here because we're
going to do a kind of a drizzle a drop a drip okay so you've heated up this this icing here it is in a little pastry and let's put it on the edge right there yes put it on the edge and kind of let it drip a little bit just let it go down so zap the icing for just a few seconds in the microwave right yes like less than five it's a little cool in the studio here so this may have cooled off somewhat but in theory it would drip it would drop in your mind's eye it would if i don't hit the edge it's g
oing to be dripping off there so that'd be perfect okay and then he's going to start um piping some of the icing on but there's several different colors in that icing yes what's the easy way to kind of get all those colors in there so the easiest way and it's a secret is to use um a plastic wrap so you'll make your colors you mix your colors like you normally would in three different colors or two different colors whatever it is mix it up roll out your plastic wrap put the colors in there and th
en just roll your plastic wrap up so just put the plastic out line them up line it up and then roll them together and there you go you get something like that and you put it into the piping bag okay look at you this is so fun to do so what yeah you you can do anything as far as making a cake right right okay what's the most unusual thing requests that you've ever had for the most unusual actually i guess it's not that unusual because i've had about three in the last couple months are fish cakes
so everyone's fishing out there probably because it's relaxing it's not called catching is called fishing so that's what my husband said so like a fish like a fish coming out of a cake or a fish head was the most unusual so like the head with the is there a hook in it or something or whatever i put a little hook coming into it with a little fuzzy thing on it how'd you get into baking so i i got into cake decorating more than baking so um i just remember back in the day when my mom i mean she nev
er did anything super decorative or anything like that but i remember the feeling that i felt whenever i had a cake that was all mine it was like oh this is my cake and so when i think about it i love decorating when the decorating started happening it was so um you know so much so much decorations i wanted to i am so sorry that's okay um speaking of orders if i were to order a custom cake how long how far in advance do i have to do it i would say at least a week in advance sometimes even longer
it depends on and some weekends get really crazy and then others are slower so i would say at least a week in advance if it's a weekend and if it's a weekday maybe a couple a couple of two to three days okay and you also do some cupcakes too right yes all right so i'm going to start what flavors are these right here those are red velvet and vanilla all right and while you're doing that and robin was talking about a great tip and you do this with wedding cakes a lot of times because people you k
now cake like this you'd cut it into wedges but you said a better way to do it is cut it in squares into squares yes so where do i start cutting about right there right about there yeah okay i'll do it on this side so we can see so right like this and this being a lot of cake there and then this goes on to the plate yes like just back just let it flip it onto the bake okay like that there you go and then this would be cut into pieces like this yes you can make them a little bigger okay so someth
ing like that yeah about an inch or so maybe all right it depends on how big or small and you said because of such tall cake that's a big chunk of cake right there and then you would just continue down like that and continue it down oh that's a great idea i love that all right well tell folks where they can go to find more information on my website is and you can find me on instagram facebook at bluebearbakes okay thank you so much for more information of course on boo bear bak
es just head to our website and click on the as seen on essay live tab where we've provided a link or just snap that qr code on your screen
