
Showstopper! The Improvised Musical - How does it work?

Every performance of Showstopper! the Improvised Musical is completely different,but it always begins the same way. You need ...

Showstopper! The Improvised Musical

2 years ago

Every performance of Showstopper! the  Improvised Musical is completely different, but it always begins the same way. You need a new musical? A writer gets a phone call from a producer who needs a brand new musical right now. I need your help! And the writer asks you, the audience, for some suggestions to help write one on the spot. - Gentleman up there, yes, go on! A Welsh coal mine! Some fantastic musicals  have been done in Welsh coal mines! Then the writer asks for your favorite musical. -
'Hair,' fantastic! So that during the show we can create brand new songs in the style of those musicals. And then the rest of the show takes place in the writer's imagination as we, the Showstoppers,  take to the stage and make up that musical. And so the whole evening is a unique  experience based on your suggestions.
