
Siren Head Melon Playground 4 (part 2)

Something secret is coming ??? All The voices are from capcut New youtubers @CHICKENGUNDRAWER @ryanfaber5608 are joining teamerteam Double thereats


3 weeks ago

hello Sam after all I will put  your ending right now your wor be on the side or I'll give you aack say any words to die Jake you can't do this you'll be  caught you be Sant or I will unleash the monsters [Music] now [Music] die no [Music] ah come [Music] here [Music] [Music] attack [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] d it was a nightmare but why is it red  and why is there [Music] gas come here [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] huh oh this guy is going  insane
I got to escape or I will [Music] die so this is the way to find Jack  y device is saying gas mode and night vising on a new device Sam my thir seeks  it's saying to go Area 3 and go to the left side okay Jack is now injured and trapped so now we found him guys get out this is a trap go  without me run away or fight this monster



you left me on Roblox why did you quit dude are you fine are you just working on stuff


Dude if you don’t reply it’s okay but just reply later tomorrow or else I’m gonna unfriend you okay but just don’t leave me because it makes me sad