
SLIM LEGS IN 20 DAYS! 10 min No Jumping Quiet Home Workout ~ Emi

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emi wong

4 years ago

嗨 大家好 我是Emi 嗨 大家好 我是Ballball Ballball今天聞起來好棒 是不是呀 Ballball聞起來像椰子一樣 我在Instagram上問大家 你們最想達到的健身目標是什麼 什麼樣的健身視頻 我可以幫助大家達成目標 我收到了很多大家不同的回覆 所以在接下來的這幾個月 我會做一些健身視頻 幫助大家一個一個地訓練這些目標部位 今天我們會做一個十分鐘的瘦腿運動 擁有Kendall Jenner那樣的腿 這全部都是沒有跳躍的訓練 所以很適合那些住在公寓裡的你們 想要一個安靜的訓練 不會吵到家人和鄰居 這些訓練非常有效 而且也很適合初學者 所以每個人都可以嘗試 你可以剛開始的時候試著做一輪 當你更適應之後 可以試著做兩輪 然後最後三輪 挑戰你自己吧 如果你準備好了 我們開始吧! 第一個訓練是 外側旋轉抬腿 做我們的左腿 躺在你的右側 右腿彎曲放在地上 左腿伸直 上下擺動用到你的大腿肌肉 15秒後開始轉換轉圈方向 3,2,1 轉方向 用你的左腿轉動小圈 你應該感覺到你的左腿在燃燒 享受它 繼續做 因為那就是你來這裡的原因 第二個動作是芭蕾踢腿 我們還是做右腿 保持側臥在你的右
邊 跟剛才的外側踢腿很像 但是這次右腿伸直在地上 上下擺踢你的左腿 擺動幅度比剛才的外側小幅度間歇踢腿更大 盡力踢到的最高 並且全程保持離地 為了你的左腿努力吧! 第三個動作是底部踢腿 保持側躺 右手肘支撐起你的身體 右腿在地上伸直 然後左腿繞過它彎曲放在前方 用你的右邊大腿內側去提起右腿上下擺動 燃燒是真實的 記得沒有付出就沒有收穫 為了瘦腿 第四個動作是外側大腿擺踢和打圈 這次做右腿 躺在左側 重複第一個動作一樣的幅度 記得在十五秒後轉換打圈方向 3,2,1 轉換打圈方向 盡力讓右腿參與每一個擺動 這樣我們才能燃燒到右邊的目標區域 第五個動作是右側芭蕾踢腿 記得這裡的擺動幅度比外側踢腿大很多 留心訓練你的右側去上下提起你的右腿 給整條腿一個很棒的燃燒 保持住這麼棒 我們已經完成了整個訓練的三分之一了 第六個動作是底部踢腿這次我們做左腿 上下擺動你的左腿 感覺到你的左大腿內側在燃燒 用這個時間提醒你自己你的目標 這個訓練可以怎麼幫你實現它 不要放鬆 不要停下 第七個是臀橋支撐 我最喜歡的訓練之一 看起來簡單 但是你會感覺到燃燒的 躺在你的背部 膝蓋彎曲 抬起你的臀部 停留在那裡就好
用力夾緊你的屁股 把它抬的儘可能越高越好 從膝蓋 臀部 肩膀 連成一條直線 享受你的臀部,大腿,腿後筋和小腿的燃燒吧 我們不會在沒到三十秒之前放下 第八個是驢踢 先做右腿 準備好跪姿 向後伸直你的右腿 抬高離開地面 收緊你的臀部來上下擺踢你的右腿 要一直保持伸直和離地 注意每一次擺踢都是腿部用力 而不是擺動你的下背部 我們已經做了超過一半了 第九個是一樣的驢踢 這次做左腿 每次呼吸的時候更加用力一些 努力是你的選擇 你的每一滴汗水 都幫助你更接近你的目標 為你自己而努力! 第十個是前弓步深蹲 手放在前面 深蹲下去但是屁股往後坐 直到大腿和地面平行 當你起來的時候踏一隻腳到前面到弓步姿勢 兩條腿都是彎曲九十度 踏後往後沉下去深蹲 然後做另一邊的弓步 記得整個運動過程要保持挺胸 燃燒越來越劇烈了 我們就是這樣訓練的! 三分之二的訓練完成了 第十一個是側踢腿 一個很好玩的瘦大腿和腿部的動作 手握拳擺在胸前 向兩邊儘你最大的努力擺踢三十秒 專注在每一次踢腿的燃燒中 這也是一個很好的舒壓和趕走壞情緒的方式 用你的最大力踢 十二是終極燃脂內外側深蹲 雙腳併攏 臀部向後坐下去到你的內側深蹲 然後起身
一隻腳向側邊邁開到你的外側深蹲 內外深蹲交替進行 我們不要停下 確保我們在做完整的動作 每次蹲下去都確保大腿和地面平行 不要放鬆 你想要成果 就要付出努力 繼續加油 我們快完成了 只剩下三個了 十三是反向弓步蹲加抬高膝蓋 先做右腿 手放在前面 往後踏一大步到反向弓步 做兩次上下擺動 然後抬起後腿向前抬高膝蓋 碰到你的手掌 重複十五秒然後還邊做 2,1 開始 我們在訓練腿部 也同時在訓練核心和腹肌來保持平衡 用盡你的全部力氣 我們不是放棄者! 讓這值得你花時間去做 十四是相撲深蹲擺動 這是從各個角度燃燒我們大腿的殺手 雙腳大幅度打開 挺胸深蹲下去知道大腿和地面平行 然後在不站直起身的前提下上下小幅度擺動 我知道它在燃燒 你的大腿要融化了 那正是我們想要的 讓它繼續燃燒幫我們瘦大腿瘦腿 再幫我堅持幾個呼吸 大家很棒 我們已經到了最後一個動作了 跟我一起堅持到最後 相撲深蹲停留 這跟前一個動作一樣 相撲深蹲 但是這次我們不擺動 就在這裡停留 我知道這個燃燒很瘋狂 但是看看我 我也在這裡快不行了 但是我不會放棄 跟我一起保持強壯 讓我們一起完成這個訓練 我們可以的! 我們遠比自己想像中強壯 只
要再堅持一小會 你可以的!堅持住! 我們做完了! 我相信我們大部分人現在已經倒在地上了 那就是你知道我們完成了一個很棒的訓練的時候 相信我 沒有付出就沒有收穫 有一天你會感謝今天努力的你自己 我們又向我們的目標邁進了一步 我超級為大家感到驕傲 記得標籤#femily 在Instagram上標記我或者給我發消息Emiwong 分享你們的進程和結果 休息或者拉伸一下吧 歡迎你們明天或者之後再回來 我在這裡等著你 知道你達到你的目標 再見!



I like home workouts because I don't like to cry in public




Doing this for a month<3 Day1:✅ my thighs are BURNING Day2:✅its so hard my legs feel soreee Day3:✅ im trying!! Day4:✅ done! Day5:✅ I did the exercises pretty easily💪🏻🤭(ngl my thighs feel abit shaky) LIKE TO REMIND ME PLEASEEE


March 28, 2024 Day 1: ✅️ Almost died doing those lunges. Stopped way too many times in between. But completed. March 29, 2024 Day 2: ✅️ Didn't feel sore until midnight. But I still did it. Stopped less than yesterday. It is a busy day, but I still made time for this. March 30, 2024 Day 3: ✅️ It's late. I thought I couldn't do it because of my heavy bleeding and cramps. But I wanted to complete this challenge. Did it! But with many breaks cause I started shaking. March 31, 2024 Day 4: ✅️ There is only one hour left in day 4. Completed. April 1, 2024 Day 5: ✅️ It was too hard today. April 2, 2024 Day 6: ✅️ Sorry, I forgot to update. Today is the first day I completed Sumo Squat Hold without any breaks. 🎉 April 3, 2024 Day 7: ✅️ It's too hard today. Can't breathe now. 😵 April 4, 2024 Day 8: ✅️ Have to go out today, so I did it early. I almost forgot about that, and did the exercise in the bathroom. Ahh! It's such an embarrassing thing to say. Sorry 😅


Everytime you feel like your giving up remember that if you dont do it you'll keep on envying others for their slim legs .


my goal isnt to get “skinny” or impress anyone, i just wanna wear shorts without the middle riding up whenever i walk 😑


start: 24.7.23 right upper thigh: 58.5cm, left upper thigh: 58cm, right lower thigh: 35cm, left lower thigh: 35cm day 1: ✅ rep x1, :: tried my best! it was so hard!!! day 2:❌ (was out the whole day) day 3: ✅ rep x1 :: easier than the first day😊 PLS LIKE SO I REMEMBER TO UPDATE!


I love how she motivate us while doing exercise


People who failed to glow up at 2020 and want to redeem themselves in 2021 ✋


the comments: “i’m gonna be back everyday! day1-✅” two days later: disappeared


I've actually been doing this for idk how many weeks but ever since i did these constantly I started seeing a change in my legs a lot more! It burns but trust me it's worth it, keep pushing yourself people, you've got this and I'm proud of you for it!!


Thigh size: Approximately 52cm/53cm my height: 1m68~/1m69 my weight : 59kg/60kg (I'm going to do it until I have thin thighs- ) Day 1 : ✔️The beginning was easy but the end was painful ! I really hope it works! I'm fed up with my big thighs- Day 2 : did it ! ✔️It was really burning more than yesterday! Day 3 : ✔️ did it ! It was very intense ! My thighs really burned at the end but less at the beginning! Day 4 : ✔️did it !It was less burning than yesterday! Day 5 : ❌️I couldn't do it :( I wasn't at home and I came home at 11 p.m. Day 6 :✔️ I did it ! It burned more, logical since I hadn't done it yesterday! I feel a little discouraged because I see a lot of people in the comments where it works quickly for others and others slowly... I already did thigh sports when I was younger, I've been struggling with my thighs since 2022, I tried a lot of videos but each time I gave up. I'm not going to give up! I want slim legs for summer. If this workout doesn't work after 1 month I will do another one until I get the results I want Day 7 : ✔️ omg did it ! It was less burning that yesterday just the last two exercises were still burning like the other days Day 8 : ✔️ did it ! today my body was slower because I was lying in bed- It was less burning, my butt hurt more during certain exercises. Day 9 : ✔️ did it ! It wasn't hot at first but the last two at the end were. Day 10 : ❌️I didn't do it ! Day 11 : ✔️I did it ! It wasn't very difficult at first! but the end burned! Day 12 : ❌️ For me it doesn't work, so I'll stop here !


Me: does a sit up My heart: if you don’t stop, I will


Anyone here in 2021 trying to get a glow up before the summer.


Gonna do this for 20 days Day1: ✅️ bro I died Day2: ✅️ bruh I died Day3: ✅️ man I died Day4: ✅️ done but took many breaks in between Day5: ✅️ done Day6: ✅️ done Alright I ended up not continuing this is like after a month im gonna get on it again Day 1:✅️ done Like to remind/support me :))


Left Thigh - 50.2cm Right Thigh - 50.9cm Day 1 ✔️ Day 2 ✔️ Day 3 ✔️ Day 4 ✔️ Day 5 ✔️ Day 6 ✔️ Day 7 ✔️ Left Thigh - 49.9 cm Right Thigh - 50.5 cm Day 8 ✔️ Day 9 Day 10 ✔️ Day 11 ✔️ Day 12 ✔️ Day 13 ✔️ Day 14 Left Thigh - 48.5 cm Right Thigh - 49.9 cm


My legs are the fattest part on my body and I hate it so much edit: thanks for all the likes 😳 all of you guys are beautiful & don’t let anyone tell you otherwise <3 much love


Everyone is like hiding in their rooms and trying to be quiet so their parents won't notice they're exercising and then here's me doing the exercises at the middle of living room hahahshwjdkwl


I am going to be doing this for about for about 25ish days, please remind me to update! Starting measurements:upper thigh 60cm Day1: ✅ burned a bit but went away after 15secs of completion! Day2:✅ I definitely sweat a lot more today but my legs feel AMAZING Day3:❌ was really ill and couldn’t move Day4:✅ I had rugby training too so I was KILLING😭 Day5:✅it’s getting easier after each day! Day6: Day7: Day8: Day9: Day10: Day11: Day12: Day13: Day14: Day15: Day17: Day18: Day19: Day20: Day21: Day22: Day23: Day24: Day25:


Doing this for all of January! My thighs are ~60 cm at 125 lbs and 5"5 Day 1(yesterday): very hard. I did cardio before, but surprisingly, fine Day 2: Hungover, but still went to do it, my hamstrings are HURTING Day 3: Paired it with a 7k run, pace of 5'5 min per km, very exhausted (obviously), but very proud too, hoping I don't get sick!! Day 4: Done, spent the day at home recovering, and only went on a tiny mile walk Day 5: I was ice skating and did it! Day 6: Spent the day with a friend and felt horrible for not doing it Day 7: Doing double to compensate for yesterday! Day 8: Prepared for school, so no workout! Day 9: Did it. It's a lot easier than in the beginning!! Day 10: School was just too much Day 11: Did it and an abs workout! Day 12: Again, school. I was just SO tired 😕 Day 13: Went on an 18 km bike ride, stretched, and abs workout! Okay, so, little update it's been very stressful because of school. BUT I did it today, and honestly, it felt a little harder. What I'm doing is staying active by walking or cycling,however, now I'll do it again. I'm going to measure on February 1st to see the difference as I feel I've not been consistent enough until now! Day 14: Done! Oh my god, my ass is sore, but I skipped a few breaks, which made it very intense Day 15: I skipped it Day 16: Did it and it was a really good feeling Day 17: Did it! Day 18: Done. It's a lot easier and the stretching has made me so much more flexible! I feel a lot stronger too. just feel a lot more comfortable in my body SO it's February 1st, which means it's time for an update: my thighs are about 4cm smaller, I feel a little better in my body, and I think I'll go on doing it from time to time, or for a few weeks at a time. Remember to stretch to avoid bulking. Good luck to everyone 🍀