
Smart KVM Setup - ROG Gaming Monitors | ASUS SUPPORT

An introduction and step-by-step video of how to setup Smart KVM of ROG gaming monitors. Smart KVM lets you control the two connected devices by using just one keyboard and mouse. No need for extra hardware or software. Just plug in and switch effortlessly between gaming and work on one screen. You can even copy and paste or drag files across two devices with Smart KVM. Please refer to the official website for more details: Webpage: #asus #rog #monitor #forthosewhodare

ASUS Support

6 months ago

Smart KVM Setup 首先,請先確認你的螢幕有接上訊號線 HDMI 或是DisplayPort 將USB Type-C 接上筆電以及螢幕 現在, 將螢幕的USB Type-B孔接上; 另一頭則接上PC 的USB Type-A 孔 進入OSD 選項, 將可變更新率功能關掉 選取PBP 模式 當PBP 模式被啟用,請注意有些螢幕的功能會被關閉 現在兩個螢幕的PBP 功能已啟動 透過OSD來定義螢幕USB Type-C的PBP訊號來源位置 進入系統設定->USB 設定來啟動Smart KVM KVM APP 會自動安裝到桌面上 選擇”Yes” 來允許此APP 如果自動安裝沒有啟動 請到本機-> E槽SmartKVM 然後選擇Smart KVM APP來手動啟用 到工具列, 然後在SmartKVM 圖示上按右鍵 選取”另一台電腦的位置” 然後指定筆電的相對位置 現在你可以享受Smart KVM 帶來的方便性 你甚至可以在兩部電腦之間拖 放檔案或資料夾 或是直接透過一組鍵盤滑鼠來複製貼上檔案 歡迎訂閱華碩支援(ASUS Support)頻道,請點讚及分享您的意見 我們非常高興能提供您更



is Smart KVM work with ubuntu?


Hello, this is a great video! But how do you setup KVM on Asus ProArt PA329CV? It doesn't have USB-B port and I'm having tough time figuring it out. Also, do you guys have a video to setup KVM between Macbook and a Windows PC? I would be super helpful if you can please come up with a video or at least share proper instructions since the monitor doesn't come with instructions that are easily understood.


Is it possible to display 3 different computers simultaneously? Picture by picture by picture ?


With the Asus PG49WCD, does the hotkey ALT + S switch just the keyboard and mouse to either pc or laptop or does it also switch the display too if its not set to picture by picture? Lets say both pc and laptop are powered on and mouse & keyboard is controlling the pc, will ALT + S hotkey switch the video input as well as the hub to control the laptop?


Hi.. just got the PW49WCD... would i be able to setup smart KVM for Mac and PC? I am able to see both screens. Mac is on USB-C and PC is on DP-USB-B. Thanks!


In case of Lap top, The app can be installed automatically. Then How about Desktop case, Does it also need the app? Can the app be installed automatically?


Can I just use it as a conventional KVM to switch between my two input resources instead of splitting them on the same monitor?


Is it possible to have 2 monitors (one of which is ASUS) to do this where non-ASUS connected to PC, ASUS connected to both PC and Laptop, and the ASUS monitor shows only Laptop monitor (instead of 2 screens on one monitor). Also, any suggestion of ASUS monitor that can do this in 2k/IPS?


XG349C I can’t get KVM to work. -PC DP into monitor -Type C from monitor to laptop -type A from PC to Monitor Mouse and keyboard still connected to PC. When I swap inputs I can’t control my laptop with my keyboard. Anyone know the solution?


Hi! I was wondering if the KVM feature (partly) also works without installing any software on the laptop. (I can not install any software on my company laptop) I dont need the copy-paste functionality, but I would really appreciate the seamless single input device feature in BBP mode. Thanks in advance for the clarification.


they lost not a single word, about that PiP works only in 60hz... Also there is no PbP with the showed screen. PbP is when u split the signal of the same source on 2 (or more) sides of the screen, emulating that you have more screens connected then 1. Which is nice when in office in a call, and sharing one screen, while working on the other. Or when u are gaming on one half, and watching video on the other, both in full size borderless windows, everything with the same PC as source. But when u try to use one input signal as source for both sides, you end up with one side beeing just a clone of the other. You can do it, when u connect your pc f.e. via DP and HDMI at the same time. But it will only work at 60hz, and i am sure, that you did not buy a 165hz screen to be run at 60hz^^ Also when u have another PC connecting via KVM, then you have to choose which PC you want to be able to run in dual connection mode, because there are only 3 connections to the screen. Just wanted to let you guys know, before you buy^^ This stuff is just marketing blabla without it beeing tested for actual real world use cases.


Smart kvm setup rog gaming monitors


Instead of a laptop and PC ,will this support two full PCs? I am not wanting the PBP mode as much as just using it as a KVM which will allow me to use two PCs with a quick shift between.


ASUS ROG Strix XG49WCR - Smart KVm with Mac OS on one side and windows 11 on the other side possible?


Hi, is smart kvm supported in asus rog xg349c?


esse notebook ASUS VIVOBOOK S15 VS ASUS LAPTOP 14 X415JA nao presta é um lixo comprei um e perdir meus 4.000 lixo lixo ASUS VIVOBOOK S15 VS ASUS LAPTOP 14 X415JA quero meu dinheiro de vota