
SMK. I have RUINED everything. KV-6 becomes an EVIL MONSTER!

Мультик про танки .В данном видео вы увидите как СМК все испортил и проворотил КВ-6 в ЗЛОГО МОНСТРА Смотри ДО КОНЦА и поддержи ЛАЙКОМ !!! Помогите HomeAnimations достигнуть 15.000.000 подписчиков Кликните, чтобы подписаться! 🔔 ● YouTube - 🔔 ● VK - Тут можно узнать всю инфу и задать вопросы 🔔 ● - Telegram #homeanimations #мультики_про_танки #танки #cartoon #мультики_про_world_of_tanks

HomeAnimations - Мультики про танки

2 weeks ago

I’ve told you this! I’ve warned you! You, stupid head. We wanted to get our brother back. You no longer have a brother! Who is he now? How am I supposed to know? Am I a seer? He is goodness knows what now! Emm. What was that? It’s all hazy. Have I got stronger? You’ve got more stupid if you agreed to get stronger, not knowing what you were signing up for! Seems like you will really never get it. Go to the headquarters. They are waiting for you there. What about them? Let them figure it out thems
elves. I don’t help liars and thieves. Wait! Do you remember me? Bug off, you dog! Now I am in your brother's place! Who are you? Are you that stupid? I am Hypnosis. Thank you for this ugly body. But now I am free and I can do whatever I want! That’s right. Run! I can feel your weakness!
