
SNL Big Bench Timelapse

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Saturday Night Live

7 days ago

-Judge Alejandro is cute and Latin. [ Laughter and applause ] [ Laughter ] -Hablar justicia, bebé. ♪♪ -And the only thing tougher than one judge on the case is three. -Backed by Mikey and Heidi. -And the only thing tougher than three judges is ten. -Oh. -But why stop at ten when you can have 17? This is "Big Bench." -All rise for the honorable everybody. -Okay. And you may be seated. -Where do you guys want to sit? [ Indistinct chatter ] -What’s next, a dog judge? -Yes, that is next, meet Judge
Woof. [Laughter] -How does your sister feel about that? -Well, ask her herself. I brought her here with me today. -Honestly, I told her to go for it. I just wanted his ass out of the house. -Now we end the show like we always do with the wave. -All: Whoo! ♪♪



This video was so much better than the sketch. It’s an interesting idea and I admire the ambition of an all-cast sketch and the set makers, but the lines for the judges were brutal at times


At the start of the wave for a moment I thought the dog's head was spinning around like the exorcist.


I like the idea of this sketch more than the execution of it. I wouldn't mind seeing a follow up with a new case and a stronger script.


I love the way the dog started the wave 😂


Timelapse. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


That was one of their weaker skits that night.


Amazing. This makes you appreciate the phenomenon even more.


The sketch itself may not have been much, but the behind-the-scenes video makes me appreciate the fact that they at least tried.


Ego’s hairstyle is so on point 😂😂😂😂 props to hair and makeup! Y’all are 😜the unsung hero’s of the show 🫡


I 💖 that the doggo is included in the wave! Niiiiiiiiice... 🐶


love the behind the scenes!! keep em coming!


Love this kind of stuff...plz give us more, SNL.


Want to see SNL spoof of the Supreme Court


"Please rise for Thee honourable EVERYBODY!" 😂😂🤣


What gets me is that they put so much effort into rehearsing, planning and setting up sketches like this, but forget to make them funny. Which is surely the whole point.


Yes, rehearsals are this exciting, folks.


didn’t realize how many SNLs there were! Number 1857 was great!


What’s next? A DOG judge!? Why yes, that IS what’s next! Here is Judge Woof!


The term you're looking for is "behind the scenes". Anyway, this was fun. More skit BTS, please!


During the wave dog 1st shook itself then looked around confusedly like (in Scooby-Doo's voice) "What the reck is going on?"