
Snowboard Trip (Sugar Mountain Resort)

2024 Snowboard Trip (Sugar Mountain Resort) Don't CLICK this link unless you... will follow through! *The esteemed group of gentlemen who embarked on this trip are known by the names Adriel, Ben, Catalin, Ruben, Victor, and Yanic! (Subtitles available for all clips in Romanian)

Catalin Topala

5 days ago

You'll see how Victor is going to fall These are the boys we found on the side of the street. This is the driver. In the upcoming clip, You will see some boys eating snow!



Great job Catalin!


Best video I’ve ever seen!!!


Dude, this is such good editing dang 👏


The guy who fell off a cliff is definitely terrible at snowboarding 😂🤛😽🥷😅😀🤣🥸😜😚😔😙😩🥵🥵🤬🥺😥🤬😰😴🤤😰👹🤮💀😼🙌🫰🏿🤌🫴🏿👅💄🙏👣💪👥🗣️🧑‍🦰👨‍🍳👷🏿‍♂️