
SoCal activists accused of assault, using violent tactics held without bail

Activist Edin Enamorado and several other Southern California activists are being held without bail for alleged assault during a protest. Full story:


2 months ago

group of community activists are speaking out over the arrest of a man known as a defender of SoCal Street vendors edin and amorado and seven others remain in jail charged with multiple felonies relating to a protest that deputies say turned violent Ellen Empire bu Chief Rob McMillan has new details plus reaction stop trying to shut us down a protest outside the Victorville Courthouse this morning a group of community activists Furious over the arrest of Eden Alex and amarado and seven of his co
lleagues now charged with multiple felonies although their supporters say all they were doing was protesting this is a Playbook straight out of a third world country attorney Christian contras represents an amorado who's a community activist known for his support of local Street vendors he's also been at a number of big protests recently including one in front of the mayor of Fontana's home in the middle of the night as well as one in late September in Victorville over alleged excessive use of f
orced by a san berino county sheriff's deputy when there were protesting Mr Nado and his cohort there was a a vehicle that ran into the protest there was a there was a vehicle a car that ran into pedestrians and in response of course the protesters were around the vehicle saying what's going on hey there's a protest going on can you move your vehicle but at a news conference last week Sheriff Shannon dkas said an amarado and some of the other suspects then assaulted and pepper sprayed people ins
ide the vehicle this grp group manipulates videos and photos on social media in an attempt to make them look like they're Protectors of underrepresented people however they use racism to threaten and intimidate their victims causing them to get on their knees to beg for forgiveness while still assaulting them a judge has ruled that defendants will stay behind bars with no bail until their next hearing the day after Christmas not even people accused of murder have no bail holds that means that th
ey cannot even post bail this is not okay okay Jasmine Castro says she's the wife of gullet ASO one of the eight defendants in the case whose supporters Call the Justice 8 he helps people with their sobriety he's a sober person he's very proud of who he is and this is an injustice hello I'm Mark Brown get more great ABC7 content by clicking the Subscribe button for our YouTube channel and download the ABC7 Los Angeles streaming app on Fire TV Android TV Apple TV and Roku to watch on your TV



I’m all for sticking up for the street vendors but, when you start blackmailing people like how this guy does then to me that’s when the line is crossed.


These protesters are so peaceful they got awarded the no bail peace prize


We don't need attorneys that stretch the truth. Needs to be barred from the BAR.


The one woman talks about her husband's sobriety like its a contribution to society.. Like they doing us a favor. Holding people on their knees and begging isn't a good enough reason to keep them detained? Think about it, that's some cartel bs.


They are trying to shut this man down for standing up for people who can’t stand up for themselves….. when he is out he will be supported more than ever!


There's even been several times that this guy has gone to high school's trying to look for miners to start fights with them its like come on this punk needs to be locked up.. smh Enough is enough!! He's a horrible person


They were breaking the law. Keep them in jail!!!


These folks have been playing the system for a very long time. They are good at throwing the rocks and hiding their hands.


The car did not run into pedestrians. The protesters attacked someone for getting out of their car. The entire incident as streamed live by the person who pepper sprayed the passenger (while he was on the ground) is on my channel. Alex recieved 16 felony charges for what occurred here and at multiple other incidents. He also posted a video of himself using a firearm on his Instagram - he is already a convicted felon. That brought him another charge. The group of 8 as a whole recieved 110 felony counts and 1 misdemeanor for the actions that occurred on this day as well as multiple other separate events. And this is only for events that occurred in San Bernadino County. He has had multiple incidents and arrests in LA County as well but none that law enforcement seem to be this interested in.


It's not justice to assault innocent people just traveling by the protest either—but do you care? Why don't you people get that? You don't have the courage of your convictions to comfront the people responsible for the things you protest, so you target people who have no power and nothing to do with your protest. Despicable cowards.


Enamorado, a community activist and multiple felon in possession of a gun? And Gulit Acevedo practically has the word “Guilty” for a first name. Just ‘cause his wife claims he’s sober, does not excuse his actions. Plenty of people that are not sober act a hell of a lot better than this guy


These Criminals need to remain in Prison.


All the videos they took of themselves will lead to their convictions. You can see them clearly committing many crimes against innocent people.


Poor Riverside County Accountability. He thought he would be out of jail Monday. Looks like he won't be home for Christmas.


So were they blocking the road, or did someone just randomly drive into a crowd of protesters on the sidewalk or something? If it was the former, I got no sympathy. I’m beyond done with people making everyone around them miserable in the name of their pet cause, then crying oppression when people stop putting up with it. And I don’t even know if I disagree with these protesters. For all I know I might support them.


They need to stay in jail


The attorney already lying about the video. The car didn't run into anyone. I watched that stream live and they got upset because the car got too close trying to exit the parking lot while their group was crossing. When the man got out of the vehicle they tried to spin it saying he hit one of the protesters with his door and they all started attacking. This was just one incident they posted at least one other video of a group assault on Alex's IG not to mention the video of him threatening to shoot a security gaurd in the face with a gun in hand.


Everyone needs to obey laws


That sounds like some narcissist, cartel, or gang member tactics. Even murderers get bail, so there is more to this story for sure.


They let murderers out on bail, The no bail thing seems retaliatory.