
Solidarity rally for Ukraine held at California capitol 2 years since war began

It's been two years since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. People in Sacramento took to the capitol to show their solidarity. Subscribe at: Find ABC10 online: Sign up for our newsletter: Stream ABC10 on Roku: Stream ABC10 on Amazon Fire: Stream ABC10 on AppleTV: Like ABC10 on Facebook: Like ABC10 on Instagram: Follow ABC10 on Twitter: App download Android: App download iPhone:


7 days ago

tonight marks two years since Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine thanks for being with us I'm Luke clarry and I'm Devon try tonight Ukrainian sacramentans are coming together on the west steps of the state capital to remember the fight to defend their country and spread the message that support from the West is still needed ABC 10's gar Paul S joins us live from the state capital with how people are remembering this somber day gar Paul all K and Luke that rally just wrapped up here
about 30 minutes ago it started at 4:30 and went on for about 30 minutes a few hundred people coming to the steps of the California state capital to bring awareness and make sure people don't forget what is happening in Ukraine the prisoners of war and allegedly the kids that are being kidnapped during the war but for some people that we spoke to here they just tell us it's been a very long two years in the sea of yellow and blue on the steps of the California state capital we believe in Ukraine
remembering the 2-year anniversary since Russia's full scale invasion of Ukraine we're tired but we're not going to give up hundreds of Ukrainian Americans found to never forget what the past two years have brought today is that poignant reminder and there's a lot of trauma that our community has experienced so I know that's coming up for a lot of people a sober mood hangs over this crowd as the war against Russia enters its third year and those in the crowd say the country's troops have done a
great job of defending the Homeland but a faces mounting challenges on the front line aim dwindling supplies and Personnel challenges Sacramento is home to one of the largest Ukrainian populations in the US and one of the largest Slavic communities Arena belake fled her home country since the war always we have in our memory those days when the B started it's it will never go out of from our uh head uh and it's it's very difficult we we remember about this all the time they are praying Western
Nations continue their support of Ukraine financially militarily and morally if Ukraine is not to win this war then the consequences for the whole world and for us will be absolutely uh disasterous because this is a global world and US cannot leave in isolationist position and back out here live what you're seeing there is the state capital Dome lit up in yellow and blue in solidarity with the Ukraine and its people and the people in attendance here say that support is vital from America if Ukra
ine is to win this war Devin well a beautiful site gar paaul live in Sacramento tonight we'll have more on this coming up tonight on late news at 11: a lot about the war has been unclear including just how many people have been killed numbers from the Pentagon and the United Nations show that around 60,000 Russian soldiers have died and 70,000 Ukrainian troops have died too the number of injuries on both sides easily double the deaths in terms of civilians the UN estimates that at least 10,000 c
ivilians have died in Ukraine nearly 4 million others have been displaced



Oh, I thought is was going to be a rally to come to an agreement, to end this what a waste of lives 😢


What about the millions of homeless and poor in California? What is the government doing for them? Corruption everywhere… 😢


How about some solidarity for your fellow Americans and support closing the Southern Border. Ukraine has nothing to do with us


Ukraine lost this war 6 months in. Peace Treaty was on the table. UK and US said no. And now there’s an EO in Ukraine that it’s against the law to negotiate with Russia. Ukraine is now conscripting women and old men. Report the truth or your just adding to the meat grinder.


Isolationism is always better than McCarthyism


We’ve always been at war with Eurasia.


These mindless bots care more about a former soviet block country then they do their own country.


It's for show. 7 comments listed but only 3 shown?😆


I feel nothing for Ukraine. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I did not understand - why are these young healthy men not on Ukrainian front???/


We does America have to fight Ukraines war ?


Are these people aware of the fact that 500,000 Ukrainians have either died or been seriously wounded in this war? It has been a MASSIVE tragedy and it needs to end. 2:13 Ukraine is fighting a war that they never could win. They are never winning back the land that's been lost. Ukraine never should have insisted on joining NATO. All could have been avoided if they agreed not to join NATO. 75 billion dollars wasted.


i dont think this rally is going to be helping anyone tonight.. its not going to block 1 single missile and you know it and i know it.


It's interesting experiment, can one country fully feed and finance other quite large 40 mlns country without any feedback, it's large grain producer but you can't take that grain, can't even ask anything like mandate to use english from them, nothing, just be sponsor.


That's less people than a line for free PS5 giveaway.


CAN WE FIX AMERICA FIRST?!!! WE got a lot of problems everywhere in the STATES!!!!!!


US supporting Azof battalion


Restore Russia boarders. 😮


How many actors did they have to hire?😆


Someone should tell these folks they are suppose to represent the American people. I’m sure Ukraine would accept these folks if they want to move there. I recently watched a very well sourced documentary called Ukraine on Fire which really gives insight into so much that has has led up to this. The amount of information in the documentary was stunning and it’s all documented/shown. It’s really a history lesson and I found it so interesting I’ve watched it a few times now. My propaganda meter is pretty sensitive that if I get the slightest sense that’s what it is I have a hard time watching/listening. I once watched a video that was put out by the military decades ago, the quality was horrible to say the least but about midway through it occurred to me that it was filled with a whole lot of bs. For example at one point it spoke of some guys having to move a plane that was frozen to the ground, even had video of these men all pushing this plane by its wing however there is absolutely no way that the men could have even touched the wing of the plane they claimed was stuck as it was too big in reality. Not too mention the real actual size of said plane is in fact very large yet looked very small in the video near the men. There was so much weird things in the video it was baffling.