
Something After Midnight (2011) Short Film | Ghosts | Paranormal Horror

A screenwriter is haunted by the monster from a film he created. Atticus Crane (CJ Qualaina) is a famous screenwriter who wrote the script to a world famous horror film called After Midnight. Atticus has moved into a new place to try and find some peace and quiet while he works on his next masterpiece. Soon after moving in Atticus begins to experience some bizarre things. Every night just after midnight he hears loud noises and yelling coming from his neighbor's apartment downstairs. Just when he thinks things can't get anymore strange he begins to see visions of The Skinner, the monster from his own film After Midnight, that seems to be haunting him.


9 years ago

Hello there Radio fans. It's your host Morbid Morty another episode of the vault I'm here with [a] very special guest atticus Crane the Award-winning screenwriter of the World-Renowned horror film after midnight It's a pleasure to finally meet you Mr.. Crane It's a pleasure being here After the huge success of after midnight you [kind] of fell off the face of the earth people have been wondering What's next? And where have you been? well after midnight brought me to a really dark place that I'd
rather not revisit I Have been working on some other screenplay, so that are not more It just seems like the only thing anybody was for me is another Genre film After midnight was so successful. Why wouldn't you want to try another horror film like I said for myself? cast Crew members during production of the film Brought us to a really dark place that I'd rather not go to again Skinner the monster in your movie in my opinion as well as many others ranks to the top [of] the charts of Memorable k
illers Now we've all heard of the unfortunate events that led to the suicide of the actor who played the part It's unfortunate that such talent had to leave us so soon Shane Driver the actor who portrayed skinner Really got caught up in the evil created that character I Can't even watch the film It makes me feel somewhat responsible For what happened? From the stories [that] we've all heard about what happened on set during the production it seem cursed haunted even Maybe that's what gives viewi
ng the film such a nun settling feeling So unforgettable so dark That's why I'm not doing her any more There's things about that film Experiences that I just can't explain in words Well for all your diehard fans out there. We hope there's something after midnight Thanks for joining us you Here we are there you get a whole upstairs here to view yourself Sure that everything you need bedroom bathroom storage Dining room and places fully furnished, so it shouldn't be too [difficult] to get settled
in Rents about three hundred dollars a month. Let's do the beginning of the month There's a neighbor downstairs, but he pretty much keeps themselves. So there shouldn't really be any issues. Oh I need is some peace and quiet. I think you've come to the right place for that then I guess we have a deal Fantastic [alright] my friend as soon as you get your money for the security deposit key for the counselor all yours [alright], I can already tell we're gonna get along just fine He's coming for you
, he'll find you, you can't escape from him, he knows who you are He's coming for you, he'll find you, you can't escape from him, he knows where you are Atticus So how is everything everything working ok any issues? I need to be made aware of no everything's fine Good talk about this downstairs neighbor though is he giving you problems. That's strange. He's normally pretty quiet Kinda keeps to himself He's not any trouble... I... I just hear him at night sometimes arguing over the phone or some
thing Usually late at night that's strange If I've never heard of him out any visitors at that hour and has never really had an issue with the other tenants And said kind of a loner [Iii] could talk to him absolutely say something feel like No, no, it's fine. Really Ok well just uh let me know if anything changes that Hey, I'm atticus. I just moved in upstairs. Hey, my name is nick. I do all the grunt work around here Save Nick. Can you tell me about this guy downstairs? not much to say He never
leaves never has any visitors uh I even get him his groceries, but hey he tips well Okay, thanks, dude. Yeah, not a [problem], sir he knows where you are... he knows where you are Who's that? Skinner? Thanks for coming [over] Charlie was beginning to wonder if I'd ever hear from you again I haven't heard one word from you since we finished filming I Know we've been trying to sort through some things well shave atticus. Is that why you invited me over given a script for me? No, it's not that I'v
e just had some really weird things happening lately, and I thought you might [be] the only one who believed me Well like what? Hearing some things from downstairs, and it's always after midnight Maybe your neighbor knows who you are Eddie's playing some sick tricks on you Maybe but I Swear to God I saw a shame driver in my attic last night. Are you kidding me? He was made up like skinner Shane Driver killed himself atticus, I don't But I know what I saw You remember the things that were happeni
ng when we were filming after midnight? Yeah some freaky shit But it was because we were filming a horror movie and our minds were set too. Freaky shit. It was all on rides Tell that to shame Why don't you tell him lives in your attic? being serious Charlie listen Buddy Let's hope that you're working on some elaborate new screenplay. That's got you in this mindset Because let's face it you have got to move on from after midnight. Yeah, you're probably right I've been working on this new drama, a
nd it is something great. It's just I got to get over the fear of being rejected again Well, and it's ready send it my way. I'll read it. I'd like to direct something that is no [harm] will be myself Thanks, Charlie Don't [be] [a] stranger I really am losing it Can I help what is this? Where are my nose? I don't know what you're talking about. How would I keep them? That's what I'd [like] to help These works. I hear you saying these words after midnight from your apartment. I Don't know what you
're talking about. I'm not up that [way], but I didn't do bullshit Where's my work? That's where to guard you stay out of my apartment, or I'll make your life a living hell Just be hope call the cops. I woke up. It comes wish just baby a lot I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. I hurry I'm downstairs [Loud Bang] That lying son of a... shave Shane you're supposed to be dead Why did you do this to me? What do you want from me? I? Didn't mean for anything to happen to you. I am the Skinner! Shane never ex
isted, you created me You do that It's not real it was just a movie Why can't you let me go? Why can't you free me? You created me I? Am the skin are no, no you're not real I am real And I've come for you... Mr. Crane Are you ready? Created you you have to do what I command. You're my character. I wrote you what's Come on You don't exist without me What was to not exist? action [I] [need] to know everything about this town into your ism Have you fill out a report of course I've got all the infor
mation paperwork's right in there It's just so weird you didn't seem like the kind of guy who would do this kill himself Seemed like a really good guy You said he attacked you yesterday Yeah, yeah, it was crazy, but going on about me being in his apartment I never met the guy who had one gone up there. I can barely be my own place You know here freaks me out What do you do for a living son, I sell perfume online It pays the bills. He's never lived on the run Would you say anything else do ya? He
was a ranting about me stealing his notes and screaming after midnight? after midnight, yeah Good moving



Watch the whole film here