
Songs of Psalms: The Lord Confides in His People

Songs of Psalms: A Songwriting Study from Psalm 25 - Part IV About the Songs of Psalms: We're exploring the Book of Psalms from a Songwriting perspective! It's filled with poems that were sung as songs. The psalmists sung about all kinds of life issues and we use this exploration to discover what the Psalms can teach us as songwriters. About 2nd Generation Music: 2nd Generation Music trains aspiring musicians, singers and worship leaders to excel in music and follow the purpose of God for their lives. Coming Soon: The Worship Center Check out our free 2 page guide PDF “Prayers for My Family!” This is a guide with scriptures to help you pray daily for your family and loved ones! Go to the link below and we’ll send you a copy of the guide!

2nd Generation Music

2 years ago

good morning good morning welcome to friday welcome to friday we are at the end of the week we made it guys we made it we are at the end of the week we're about to enter into christmas week so this is a hectic hectic week that is coming up for everybody and so we just we know we need the the peace of god uh the peace of god to help us during this upcoming week you know people are busy at the stores but i think like ever since cove had happened um it has changed a little bit in the way we celebra
te the way we get together the way we uh do our parties right i remember there was events every single night of the week um for for christmas holiday and so it hasn't really been that way um but it's still it's still very busy it's still a very busy time for everybody so you know as you're preparing this weekend for getting ready for christmas if you have people coming over or whatever it is that you're doing just remember that the reason we celebrate is that christ came into the world he came t
o bring peace he came to bring hope he came to bring restoration to a lost and dark world and that's why we celebrate right it's not about going in debt and going into debt simply because you're buying the most expensive gifts for everybody or for your kids or whoever whoever okay so as this um week wraps up we are wrapping up psalm 25. psalm 25 actually took me the whole week to talk about because there was so much to say for every part and so this is part four that we're doing we're going to b
e talking about today and i'm picking it up from verse 14 you know there's there in this in this psalm it talks about trusting in the lord right part one was like trusting in the lord um it talked about um learning from god letting him teach us his ways because his ways are not our ways um it's talking about repentance it's talking about humility and so today we're just going to continue on and just wrap up here what david was trying to teach us from this particular psalm um so i'm going to pick
up from verse 14 and it says the lord confides in those who fear him he makes his covenant known to them the lord confides in those who fear him he makes his covenant known to them and oh my gosh that that is awesome that is so awesome to know the lord confides in us isn't that something that's a promise that is a promise the lord confides that means he tells you things right if you're someone that references the lord and and you have not not that you're afraid of him right it says um he confid
es in those who fear in him give me one second here all right so good to drink water in the morning okay the lord confides in those who fear him not people who are afraid of him right he's we're not talking about that kind of fear the fear of the lord is like the reverence um the respect the honor that you have of the lord so he confides in those who reverence him right we respect him and we come near him and he he speaks to us he confides in us that's his promise for us and how incredible it is
to know that the lord wants to tell us things right proverbs 3 32 tells us that for the lord to test the perverse right he detests people who are perverse but but he is a friend to those who fear him to the upright he is a friend to the righteous he is the friend to those who walk right before him so he detests those that are perverse but he's a friend to us right the lord takes the upright into his confidence that's what the niv says he he takes us in he tells us things daniel 2 22 tells us he
reveals the deep and hidden things he knows what lies in darkness and light dwells with him so what is david saying here that the lord confides in those who fear him he he wants to tell us things and he wants to he wants to tell us things the way a friend would tell us things right someone that wants to talk to us did you know that the lord wants to talk to you did you know that he wants to share things with you he wants to reveal things to you things that you need to know things that i need to
know right many times we're turning to other things we're turning to social media to give us a confirmation of something we're turning to a friend we're calling our pastors right pastor charles knows we're all calling him when we need help from the lord when we need to hear from the lord we're quick to pick up that phone and and make that call we're seeking out you know this is for the christians now i'm talking to the christians the followers of christ um seeking out people that are in the pro
phetic to give us a word and the role of the prophet is not not to tell you something you don't know something that's brand new the the pro the prophetic word is there to confirm what the lord what the word of the lord has already told us and what what it has spoken right so here when david is telling us the lord confides in those who fear him he wants to have an intimate relationship with us that's his desire he wants to have an intimate relationship with us he wants to speak to us the way a lo
ving father puts a child on their lap and has that face to face that one-on-one with that child and that's a beautiful beautiful picture many of us probably didn't grow up with our dads speaking lovingly and kindly to us good morning abby hey good morning happy friday sweetheart we're talking about verse 14 of psalm 25 the lord confides in those who fear him god bless me thank you i take that i receive that i receive it um the lord wants to confide in us he wants to tell us things he doesn't wan
t us running to and fro seeking words from this person or that person or from this thing or that thing he wants to confide in us he wants to have that intimate one-on-one with us that's his desire that's his desire and in this season we need him to speak to us more than ever more than ever we need to hear his voice his voice that comes from his word and we need to know the voice of the holy spirit because there's a lot of things coming into our ears and and we have to guard we have to guard our
ears and in our heart and what is coming into it because the bible talks about that that in the last days there's going to be a deception that falls on people and and even the elect meaning those that were chosen by god they can possibly get caught up in that if their hearts are not you know their hearts are not prepared their hearts are not ready their hearts haven't established that intimate relationship with the father and so psalm 25 verse 14 we want the lord to confide in us and tell us wha
t is to come because he wants to do it that's that's his desire he doesn't want to hold all the information to himself and let you you know be surprised and figure it out as you're surprised no he wants to let us know what is happening on in job 29 verse 14 job said oh for the days when i was in my prime he said when god's intimate friendship blessed my house so job said that because he was longing for that he was longing for that time when god just would visit him in his home and and had he had
an intimate friendship with him and that is beautiful that is beautiful abraham also would have a conversation with the lord right and they had this conversation where um they were talking about this town that that that god had marked to destroy because it was so wicked the people in that town was so wicked and the lord said to abraham the lord said shall i hide from abraham what i'm about to do wow wow abby says beautiful yes girl yes the lord confides in those who fear him so we need to recog
nize in this season that god wants to talk to us that god wants to let us know what's going on that he confides in us this is a season where we need to have ears to hear what he is saying right and as a songwriter for me personally i i'm interested to know what god is saying because then i can put those things into a song and and and bring that message out into the world so i need him to talk to me i need to know what's going on i need to know what's happening and that is the mindset that we we
ought to have like lord we need to know what's happening we need to know if we're being deceived we need to know if we're walking right we need to know what is happening what is going on so we can pray about it because the worst thing that we could do is just be like well god is not speaking i don't know what's going to happen i have no idea you know what i'm saying like that's that's not the place that is not the place that we need to be we need to be the ones that know what's happening so when
things happen we could be like yes i did talk about it i talked about it so genesis 17 1 um when god says you know and here in psalm he makes his covenant known to us in genesis 17 when abraham was 99 years old y'all he was 99 99 years old he it says the lord appeared to him and said i am god almighty walk before me faithfully and blameless then i will make my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your number another translation where it says i am the lord god almighty he was sa
ying i am el shaddai god almighty i am el shaddai god almighty can you believe it god almighty wants to talk to us who are we who are we for him to talk to us but he wants to he wants to speak into our hearts he wants to speak into our lives he wants to us to know what's up he wants us to know and so he's saying um walk before me faithfully and bleed and be blameless and i'll make my covenant between me and you and i will greatly increase your numbers the lord is interested in increasing you y'a
ll he's a he's interested in increasing you that's his goal is to replicate a people that are faithful and blameless he told adam be fruitful and multiply right be fruitful and multiply he is interested in increasing you and increasing you to have dominion and how is he going to do that by talking to us letting us know what to do see jesus jesus showed us in the gospels that he spent a lot of time early morning talking to the lord the lord was the one giving him the step by step today you're goi
ng into samaria you're going to bump into a woman there and and you're going to talk to her it doesn't matter what the traditions are that you don't talk to samaritan women you're going to talk to her because see god does things differently than what our expectations are right and and we're gonna know that when we develop that intimate relationship with him and so i need to move on because i have a few more verses to go to but i i want to drive this point home again that the lord confides in tho
se who fear him remember that remember that he wants to confide in you he wants to tell you what's happening he wants to prepare you and warn you and and not just for that not just he wants to reveal his love to you he wants to reveal his love to you and how else would he do that if we're not giving him the time um or the space to do so the king james version says of psalm 14 uh verse 25 of psalm 25 verse 14 it says the secret of the lord is with those who fear him the secret of the lord you kno
w don't we love hearing secrets right we love hearing secrets we love to be the ones to know something when everybody else doesn't right i'm a good secret keeper i am i'm a very good secret keeper but it's hard for me to hide it sometimes i feel like my face tells you if i'm holding a secret in and it's great news i don't want to know bad news right i don't i don't i don't like knowing bad news but it is good news oh i love it i love it and i can't wait for it to be you know discovered but i fee
l like my face tells you that i know something the amplified version of this psalm says the secret of the wise counsel of the lord is for those who fear him the secret of the wise counsel so god wants to tell us secrets he really does he really wants in this season he wants to tell us his secrets the secret the hidden things the things that other people are not discovering and and don't you want to be the one to say god tell me you want to talk to somebody talk to me i am available all right let
us move on verse 15 my eyes are ever on the lord for only he will release my feet from the snare my eyes are ever on the lord for only he will release my feet from the from the snare psalm 123 also says as the eyes of the servants look to the hand of their master as the eyes of a maidservant look to the hand of her mistress so our eyes are on the lord our god until he shows us mercy so not only does he want to confide in you and tell you things but he wants you to keep your eyes on him he's goi
ng to show you how to escape the trap of the enemy hallelujah right he wants to show us he wants us to see how to get out of the trap right david said let the lord release his feet from the snare right other translations describe that as a net it's a trap right and the enemy is always setting traps for us but the father he look he is so good he won't let us get caught in that truck that's right abby hallelujah hallelujah and that's why i believe in this season it's so so so important for us to l
et the lord confide in us right to tell us what's going on to reveal to us what the enemy is doing to prepare us so that we're not caught up in the trap because believe me the enemy is trying to trap us he is trying with all the stuff that's happening in this world he is setting a net and some people are going to get caught up in it just don't let that be you that's it that's all i have to say don't let that be you if the lord is confiding in you and if your eyes are on him he will let you know
he will let you know you're not going to get caught up in that trap whatever trap it is it could be at work it could be at home it could be a financial trap whatever it is we're not going to get caught because our eyes are on the lord and i'm finding that in this season he is speaking very clearly god is speaking very clearly if you don't hear him it's time for you to steal yourself and get quiet before him because he is speaking he is revealing things he is letting us know things in advance you
know covet in this whole um thing that's happening that that caught many people by surprise many people were caught up we see that thing coming we didn't see it coming we got caught up we were caught up in a trap but not no more you know fool me once shame on me or something like you know that phrase i don't remember that phrase like shame on whatever anyway you know what i mean like we're not gonna get caught up again not not no no we woke up we woke up and this season we woke up and we're not
getting caught up again we're going to know what's what's coming god is going to reveal it to us and we're going to be prepared and we're going to know what to do we're going to know how to protect our people we're gonna know how to protect our family we're gonna do what god has called us to do so we need to be hearing and seeing what god is doing okay all right back to david back to david um verse 16 turn to me and be gracious to me for i am lonely and afflicted turn to me and be gracious to m
e for i am lonely and afflicted the nlt says turn to me and have mercy for i am alone and in deep distress you know like how we say in spanish i bendito ivan dito david man you was you is you he was in trouble he was lonely and he was in distress and this man you know he was a king he was a king he was surrounded by people but he didn't have anyone who he could trust the lord was the only hope that he had [Laughter] abby you i wish he was here with me so we could just chat and laugh together gir
l um the lord was his only refuge you know and and all you know all joking aside you know people are feeling this way people are feeling very lonely and distressed in this season there's something about you know the enemy tries to trap us with depression and sadness during the holidays he's trying to take away the joy that god has already given to us like the joy that you know christ came into the world to deliver a people into and to bring people into light because there was so much darkness yo
u know and and so a lot of people sadly use have just don't have peace in this season and and um and we hate to see people suffering and and them feeling alone and listen if you're listening to this and that's how you feel reach out to me reach out to me send me a message i'll you know i'll come talk to you right i'll come out whatever i can do to help i will try to help but you know um people bail out on us you know and sometimes we're so busy with our own lives that we we can't see what's happ
ening in somebody else's life and um but the lord you know if if we're if we're attentive to him and if we're seeing what he's doing he's gonna let us know right he's gonna say go go call this person go talk to that person because they're in need um and i you know i'm speaking to myself first because i'm always running all around you know i mean i see what's happening but when i do find out listen i'm going to be by your side i'm going to help you out you know the people are turning to medicatio
n people are turning to alcohol to alleviate the soul pain right the pain of the soul they're turning to things when david is telling us here right turn to me and be gracious um for i am lonely and distressed and afflicted we shouldn't be turning to anything but god right because he's the creator he's your creator he knit you perfectly together he knows what you need and he knows how to get you back to where you're supposed to be right i might fail you a pastor or friend might fail you but god's
not gonna fail you because his love never fails his love never fails he came to bind the broken heart right he came to bind the broken heart let's look at verse 17 and 18 and we're almost done here we're almost done relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish look on my affliction and my distress and take away all my sins [Music] that is something he's saying to god relieve me of my troubles the troubles in my heart and free me from anguish this man he was going through it he w
as going through it and we've been there we've been there so many times we've gone through it too um but and if it wasn't for the goodness of god we wouldn't be here today we would not be here today so david wasn't turning to anything he set an example for us he wasn't turning to sleeping pills or tranquilizers or to the bottle which is what many people do unfortunately they turn to these things because they don't know how to cope they don't know that they have an answer and that's why we need t
o be loud and let them know that that jesus is the answer jesus is the answer for what is going inside the heart what is happening inside the heart he's the only one that can relieve us in psalm psalm 34 the bible says that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers them from delivers them from all many are we we are going to be afflicted you know just because you serve the lord and you follow him doesn't mean that things are going to be you know easy peasy but he delivers t
hem he delivers us out of all of our afflictions but he's not going to let us soak in misery and he's not going to just stand back and not step in he is going to deliver us and so david was bringing his afflictions before the lord you know maybe sin because he talks about um and take away all my sins maybe the sense he was dealing with sin in his life and the sins were causing all of these problems to appear in his life right um so david was a rare a rare king he he was he he was humble enough t
o say god look relieve me from my troubles you know um see verse 19 see how numerous are my enemies and how fiercely they hate me verse 20 guard my life and rescue me do not let me be put to shame for i take refuge in you and then he says in verse 21 may integrity and uprightness protect me i love that may integrity and uprightness protect me you know the things that god puts in us because my hope my hope lord is in you you know when we come to the lord that that's we'll be okay we'll be okay bu
t the problem is getting to the lord many people don't know how to get into the lord how to how to cry out to him for help and we have to pray we have to pray if we're strong and if we're in a good place we're going to pray that god will help those that need the help that they would know how to cry out to him that they can say guard my life and rescue me don't let me be put to shame look at all the enemies surrounding me because they hate me save me rescue me and that's what we're praying for ou
rselves but we're praying that for others as well and and here the last verse here and we're going to conclude here deliver israel oh god from all their troubles deliver israel oh god from all their troubles as king and not just as king but as a humble person that david was he closes this prayer by remembering to pray for other people his people right he knows he's not the only one facing troubles yet he's humble enough to pray for the troubles of his people he's humble enough to remember to pra
y for others and so you know that is that is such great advice right that that's what shows us shows that we're caring and thoughtful that we're not just being selfish and praying for ourselves right that we can remember that when we're praying that we cry out to god for others because sometimes people don't know how to pray for themselves they just don't know so that's it that's the end of psalm 25 i can't believe it took me a whole week a whole week a whole week to talk about it so i know that
this bit this weekend is very busy for many people and um lots going on a lot going on so tomorrow saturday our friends are getting together we're gonna have a worship session um a night of worship with our friends steve mitchell who is an incredible worship leader of this area he is a general in the kingdom of god and we are so honored to have him with us tomorrow at 7 30 at king of kings church on one marcus street so if you're around in the neighborhood just come by we're gonna be there for
about an hour maybe a little more who knows but we're just gonna raise up worship before the lord and just thank him for all that he's done for us getting us through this year as we're closing it out um so if you're bi come join us also uh john tretter is having a concert tonight the school is having a concert so there's just a lot of amazing things um ld dance school is having a dance show tomorrow also at king of kings it's gonna be a busy weekend i'm telling you in the kingdom of god we are j
ust having a lot of fun using our gifts and spreading good news that jesus came to set the captives free so god bless you if i don't see you have a great weekend have a fantastic time just being blessed remember the father wants to bless you we talked about that yesterday he wants to bless you he also wants to talk to you intimately have an intimate relationship with you and he wants to show you what he's doing so give him the opportunity all right i love you guys love you abby thank you thank y
ou for hanging out with me god bless you have a beautiful and prosperous day may the lord cause everything you do that you give to him to prosper in the mighty name of jesus i will see you god willing on monday ciao
