
Starving Detroit Stray Dogs get help from Residents and Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue

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Dog Rescue TV

20 hours ago

King por down there I started exercise my  CCW right he's two blocks over if you look there's a there's a burn down house right  there at the corner they're right there in that field it's a big open field a female makes  with the rest of them how long's that white one been there uh approximately it was it was so  sick it was getting bones I gave it a couple of Bones a few times but I don't want to  start feeding a straight dog cuz I don't want to start I'm not going to keep up this  is dog rescu
e TV come sit subscribe and stay a while was it was getting in and out right  here but instead of digging all the way back through there we took a little shortcut oh  my gosh look how far back in we had to go though you get over here oh sure wow and how many  puppies were down in there there was two in there two in there and where were the rest um I another  full how many that he was thinking of keeping he wasn't sure if he was going to keep or not keep um  and so we did take the puppies that he
surrendered to us Daisy's poop this morning they're just  like little white spots yeah that's right she's got hi this one look like Daddy yeah so are all  these girls no there was like three or four boys that's a boy that one a girl so that's another  good point so because there's so many girls here they just told us there's uh three or four boys  and there's seven girls all those females could have been out here reproducing and that's what  we don't want we don't want continual reproduce repro
duce she got a hernia okay so a hernia is  going to mean surgery so when you take her in to get her oh this one's coming with um and so we  did uh take the puppies that he surrendered to us we came back yesterday we trapped a daddy dog  we believe is a daddy of the puppies we tried to trap a mom we weren't able to trap her yesterday  so we're back here today to try to trap the mom the travel we use a certain type of bait we use  Church's Chicken the dogs can smell it from miles away it attracts
the dog so what we're doing is  we're not trying to chase the dogs to us we're trying to cause them to come to us and we do that  through smell so we don't wear perfume none of us will be wearing perfume today we don't wear  cologne or anything like that because we don't want them to smell us we want them to smell the  chicken we put the trap out we bait the Trap we set the Trap and you know hopefully when the dog  smells the food they come they're attracted to it and once they step inside they
step on a panel  which causes a mechanism to turn it drops over- down and then that dog is trapped inside they  can't back out of it it's a very long trap it's 6t long so it's impossible for a dog to back  out of it once they've stepped on that panel and and it's safe and then we we get the dogs  out from there this is the daddy of some babies that we picked up um yesterday so we got a call  about some B some puppies that were um living in this or around this uh house that they're about  to demo
lish so we came out here and we did get five puppies and we saw two Mama dogs running so  today we came back to trap The Mamas and we ended up uh trapping the daddy um well I hated to do  it but the dog I seen how how they was trying to catch her and she was just too smart for him the  only way to catch this dog it's mother L stinks I hated to do it but it's for own good you know  I mean look at where she's living right you know I mean she's she she's a very good mother look  at the puppies I me
an they're all healthy all 11 of them her and another mother in this environment  work their butts off with the dad that was here so what exactly did you do um I used a baby against  her yeah I was hanging out in here with one of her babies with one of her babies the whiny one  y and and I seen her walk by and I tried calling she knew I was in here she didn't want to come  in here yeah but the baby she she did you know and then she jumped in and she was I put the baby  in the cage and kind of st
epped to the back and she went in after and I closed the door from from  what I heard she's been on the street for 3 years you know and this this is her first litter and  she did a wonderful job with them I had to pick whiny here to get her though the other three they  won't whine like this [Music] uhhuh believe just three days ago there's all these puppies here we  never even knew it they had to be here for a month and a half two months at least then I went and  sit on my porch and the the moth
er come out we seen my wife seen the mother and she's looking  and then she goes there's puppies I'm like oh God lo and behold there was 11 of them right and  they weren't just born so so they have been there for a while and and they just had not been old  enough to start wandering around the thing is I walk right through here all the time we go  to the gas station right by them never seen them she's a Nipper it's okay honey  it's okay I think the blanket might actually take it right to  the gro
und it's okay it's okay okay swee [Music] [Applause] in the he  doesn't look kill this girl she gave me the wrong address there's  a little teeny teeny tiny one in the front people going to surrender the doget this  guy I think so and then they were saying it was a neighbor he got it that's how he got it  he said he ain't got time to he don't know how to get his weight back up so he did say  he let me call him though yeah call him let call yeah think it's got one right there  okay yeah because t
hat guy's all right and that gray back here that blue he looks fine  yeah hey he how many I don't know dog lover around here but I know he had just SP on that one  somewhere I don't know but that's a shepher back there I was in that cook you walk  no I was actually cooking that's flow make sure it gets vetted up and  everything do it out good he make sure get you know brought up he said he make sure  he get Dr good Bo he said yeah cuz he don't want nobody to kill him and that's how he got  it an
d he don't wanted to see just die go get her whatever our card go get my they said okay  they going to take it he said Thank you in a pan Jess you said what he said he had him for  two days that's why they br him he said he don't know he's scared to give him a shot  cuz he a too skinny he scared to give him anything and it might kill so he say it's  best to give to human yeah they said all right they going to take for you I don't  even see no you need to go tell him get your money back this dog
is he wrong  that's animal CR that's why I'm deal animal but all right you come here Goldie get  up here come on don't go by that dog you too tough who you out to hear me I  hope you get a good family so this if you don't mind just to hear your  surrendering to us to us I would be happy to thank you so much we appreciate it Happy  Holidays we just got both of these dogs three days ago little Shepherd in the back but my mama  said she going to keep him and get him together she loves Shepherds we'
re going to give you a  card in case you know you change your mind or whatever you can call us oh I most definitely will  because I don't like seeing animals like that and I told my brother that animal got a cat aggressive  cat was just all up in oh yeah he love cats he not he not aggressive to no animal he ain't even  aggressive to the kids he love anybody that come by J get her come on ho come on baby come on manful need a bath so you need a we once in  a while you play boy I love you I love y
ou you're adorable want to go for a ride  you want to go to the vet's office oh my gosh you're so cute yeah he's real  funny I like the little dog but I know he too skinny there we go thank y'all oh  thank you you too and happy holidays to y'all I hope you get a good F he will  straight out of Detroit that's how we roll This is one baby that will not be used for  breeding it'll never be on a chain again it will never be skinny again it'll he'll be neutered  and we're going to find him a fantasti
c home what you doing buddy huh you're good blue  aren't you you're good blue yeah here let's loosen here we go it's a very affectionate dog it is but you know  it's amazing how even the ones that are fussy when we first pick them up as soon as you get  them into the truck and you know they're warm and they feel safe they calm them right down had  them laying in our lap just licking and everything it's just amazing that once they feel that trust  they're good oh chicken you want that churches do
n't you buddy yeah everybody likes churches  right CH just gave him a woody yeah hey yeah I'll share that with you I'll share that with you  it was for some other guys but you can have it as well there he's a very pretty dog he's beautiful  these Blues are you know they're they're highly sought after yeah yeah because they're they're  just beautiful dogs once they're healthy their coats are nice and clean and shiny they're  just you we've had uh so many of these these Blues actually that have we
nt on into uh homes  with uh children that are autistic uh they're they're great dogs with people they there's a  reason that they called the Pitbull the nanny dog at one time have you been seeing what's been  going on with our uh story with the Polish woman how all of yeah so we posted the 10minute  Facebook and the 55 minute for more uncut on YouTube and uh a huge you know not a huge a  half dozen people from the anti- Pitbull group started just pounding that doesn't surprise  me and we're jus
t like okay you know educate us tell us you know we understand that all these  terrible things happen but you know well you know here here's a perfect example this dog seems just  to be a lovely dog well it's it's like any sort of of bias or discrimination it's is some of it  rooted in fact yeah maybe there is a little bit but it's still ignorance you because you don't  know the story that's like saying all people from Scandinavia are whatever blind and Blue Eye  blue blind and blue eye that's n
ot true you know so there we see that the negative part of dogs  is the exception it the the rule is they're all great dogs you have a name already yeah Parker  we were going to call you cica because it was indan Village but then we passed Parker Street  and that's a good name for you isn't it you're just such a good beautiful he really is is  yeah we don't know if he's got uh maybe a little mastiff in him because of his jaws and  the way his skin is but he could just be so skinny that it's wrin
kling up on him but he's  a good looking boy look how sweet he is you're good looking blue aren't you yeah thank you for  that kiss yeah oh God man you smell like fizz head but that's okay we definitely don't want  these dogs hanging out on the streets of Detroit or being Chained and living outside and you know  it's just so rewarding and you feel so blessed to be able to do something like this when a dog  is able to kiss you and they immediately connect with you it's uh some of them get really
emotional  and I don't know that there's a dog that's come through that we haven't connected with and had  a hard time saying goodbye to them I know you don't want this little thing on you do you I  I don't like it either yeah we took you off a chain and then put you on a leash that's  not very nice is it uh but we got that old nasty collar off of you yeah let me scratch those  ears how's that uh well so today we didn't catch the first dogs that we were trying to get but no  that happens we did
uh we did pick up Parker yes and now what will happen to Parker Parker will go  immediately to the Ved he'll be checked out we'll have him um vaccinated and we'll have his feal  um tested for worms if he's has worms then of course we'll have uh him dewormed and then we'll  start feeding him because he needs to gain some weight and then Parker will go out on our once  we know that he's healthy he'll go out on one of our transports our straight out of Detroit  great transports so and he'll get a w
onderful home she was a little fearful and stuff and we  didn't want her to there's glass and stuff so we didn't want her to get hurt and uh we didn't  want to get hurt so we decided the best thing to do is to come back with the Trap cuz she's she's  already injured so we don't want to you know cause any further injury to her so we just decided  together that it would be the best idea would be to trap her um and then get her immediately  to the vet office there's a damn down there I start exerci
se my CCW he's two blocks over if  you look there's a there's a burnt down house right there at the corner they're right there  in that field a being open field a female makes with the rest of them how long's that white  one been there uh approximately it was it was so sick it was getting bones I gave it a couple  of Bones a few times but I don't want to stop video straight on cuz I don't want to start  up I'm not going to keep up thanks man take [Music] care [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Mus
ic] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on [Music] to [Music] look at you on [Music] B so look at her she's hi good girl you're happy  to be saved aren't you so it looks like she's in heat or something got something going on back  here got a huge some type of wound Mass on the side here and uh it's in bad shape hi oh  your tail is wagging I was just speaking with a neighbor who was giving me a little update as  well on her and he said it was hard not to give her a a treat here and there to h
elp her out  but was really hoping somebody was going to come and yeah he also gave me a heads up of a  couple that are two blocks over oh okay little girl hi good girl this house you should go  see her little setup yeah she got a little did she just have puppies no she looks like  she's in heat yeah she SM good girl hi good girl yeah [Music] sorry yeah go Mom oh she's  such a good girl so I'll let you do your thing was what is she e in there you know  what what's what's the I what next oh next
we'll get her right to a  vet's office cuz we can see this we don't know if that's a tumor or mass  abscess not really sure um but we will you know what I'm thinking we can we don't need it she wagging her tail every time we walk up if  we actually had a leash here I'm thinking that we could just I have a Le oh there you got that got  good girl come on baby good bu so good girl good girl here go right to the vet's office mama get  a picture of her real quick good girl look how which got office u
h Center okay grab it l interested in taking a look two blocks over  just running up to Center Line we can run over there and see we got some dog food we can throw  some food down you know for now we just got that snpp definitely not tumor look at her  she's happy to be rescued oh yeah hi good girl what' you call her Suma  they said tumor or Bella let's call her will we're going to go with Willow I'll  follow you over to the spot where they told [Music] [Applause] you nobody's back there he's ba
ck there he's back  there but it's just garbage and trash everywhere [Music] yeah they won't answer he's skinny  though he real skinny but he's old uh um We rescued one little girl today and as  you know we saw another stray walking down well a dog walking down the street in pretty bad shape so  we're trying to make contact with some homeowners here to find out if they know this uh if they know  this um dog or whose whose dog this is because as we can see the dog looks in pretty bad shape so  we
're not sure if the dog just wandered back here on its own or uh who this dog belongs to now if  the dog walks out onto the sidewalk of course we could secure the dog legally back we tried to  knock on the door but owner probably doesn't know who we are but we had gotten a called that  it's a a stray walking around no it ain't no ST she live here okay they huh did they leave the  dog outside no she be in the house B um that's thought German shepher used to be a cop dog okay  she comes out okay a
nd she out the you know when them squ things in the so this dog must be known  to everybody around here so so here's there's the problem so people in Detroit have no problem  dogs Ro so it's hard for us to DET which dogs are Strays and which dogs are make sure you subscribe  and like the video it helps us reach more dog lovers
