
Steve Kornacki Reacts to Fan Merch and Talks Trump vs. Biden 2024 Election | The Tonight Show

Steve Kornacki talks about influencing khaki sales after covering the 2020 election, discusses Trump and Biden's close matchup for the 2024 election and chats about staying up for 45 hours. The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Stream now on Peacock: Subscribe NOW to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: Watch The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 11:35ET/10:35c Get more The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: JIMMY FALLON ON SOCIAL Follow Jimmy: Like Jimmy: Follow Jimmy: Follow Jimmy on TikTok: THE TONIGHT SHOW ON SOCIAL Follow The Tonight Show: Like The Tonight Show: Follow The Tonight Show: The Tonight Show TikTok: Tonight Show Tumblr: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon features hilarious highlights from the show, including comedy sketches, music parodies, celebrity interviews, ridiculous games, and, of course, Jimmy's Thank You Notes and hashtags! You'll also find behind the scenes videos and other great web exclusives. GET MORE NBC NBC YouTube: Like NBC: Follow NBC: NBC Instagram: NBC Tumblr: Steve Kornacki Reacts to Fan Merch and Talks Trump vs. Biden 2024 Election | The Tonight Show #FallonTonight #SteveKornacki #JimmyFallon

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

1 month ago

-I appreciate you coming back to the show here. -Thanks for having me. -You don't really get much applause in your job. You don't have a live audience. -We have nobody watching. -Yeah, you should -- -Makes it a lot less stressful. I can tell ya. -Yeah, yeah. Uh, you know, you have giant fans, rabid fans. People love Steve Kornacki. Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ] And fans have created stuff -- like, merch, like, swag. Steve Kornacki merch online. And I'm gonna show you a couple things. I don't kno
w if -- You have no connection to any of this, right? -I wish I was making some money. -No, no. You're not. No. No. These are just fans. This one is a -- is a shirt that I got. It says, uh -- "Kornacki. Chart Throb." [ Cheers and applause ] I thought that was a good one. A Chart Throb. Never heard of that before. -No. Same. -That was a good one. A Chart Throb. Then I saw this mug I thought was pretty cool. Look at this one here. It says... "Map Daddy." [ Laughter ] That's pretty good. You can ha
ve that one, actually. -Thank you. -Yeah. This is your water. So you can... You can -- You can have Map Daddy. Yeah. Yeah. This is gonna be meta if you drink out of that. And then I saw this one. I'm keeping this one. This Steve Kornacki pillow. And I... -Gosh. [ Cheers and applause ] That's disturbing. -Uh, you've been nice enough to come on the show. We've done some bits and talked about a lot of stuff together, but, uh -- And, actually, I think I even raided your office at one point and came
in because you just never leave the office. But we were talking about this phenomenon. It was the last election. Uh, you wear kind of -- You wear khaki pants and a white shirt, uh, basically is what you were wearing. And this is true. "Steve Kornacki's election night outfit sparks surge in khaki sales." You actually spiked the needle on khakis. Because of you. -Yeah. It's -- Again, I wish I had a cut of the profits, but -- Nothing. -You didn't have a deal with Gap? -I wish I did. All this money
I could have been making. -Yeah, you could have been making -- I don't know how many Map Daddy mugs we can sell, but, hey, NBC store, I mean, might as well do it. But that's wild. Do you think about your outfit when you... -No. The level of thought I put into that versus, like, the attention it apparently got was -- Believe it or not, I'm not, like, a fashion person usually. So I was like -- -I don't believe it. -I was in the office on Election Day. I'm just getting ready for, you know -- We're
studying each state and the counties and all that stuff, and I just had those pants on for whatever -- Comfortable. I put them on in the morning. And then it's like 15 minutes to air. And I'm like, "Well, I don't have time to get changed into anything fancy." And it was the middle of COVID, so there was, like, no adult supervision. I was like, "Nobody's gonna tell me..." So I just -- I threw a dress shirt on and I went on air. And then like two days later, we were on the air for like 48 hours in
a row. My producer's like, "We got this magazine asking what brand the pants are." It's like, what the... Our culture's broken. I don't know. -Uh, well, I have two big questions going into this election. First, how do you see this all shaking out? And, two, will the Kornacki Cam be back? -I mean, the election. I mean, it's, like, a cop-out to say, but it's 50/50. -Really? -Yeah. I mean, in 2020, you kind of felt the whole way that Biden had the advantage over Trump. It ended up being very close
, but I think there was a lot of indications Biden had an edge in 2020. And when I look at the same data now, it's a very different dynamic. So this race is -- You can make a case for Biden, and it's basically a case against Trump. And you can make a case for Trump, and it's basically a case against Biden. It's whose negatives are going to end up being higher, I think, is what's going to drive it. And it's a tough one to measure. -Yeah. And do people get swayed? Are the polls changing? First of
all, I don't even know. Like, who does the polls? -Well, I mean, our own poll, it's interesting. -Like, who takes these polls? -NBC's got a great team. -I've never taken a poll. No one's ever asked me anything. I've never -- And if they did, I would say, "Leave me alone. I don't want to answer this." -You know, that is... [ Applause ] -...doing these polls... -That's the toughest thing in polling right now. People see, they pick up their cellphone. They don't recognize the number. What do they d
o? They send it to the voicemail. If they even have a landline, they assume it's a sales call. So it takes more and more calls to get people on the phone. But the one thing that people agree on in polling on this election right now is you say, "Do you wish the choice was not Biden and Trump?" And overwhelmingly they say yes. And, yet, that's what we're going to get. [ Cheers and applause ] -Who else is in the field? I mean, Nikki Haley is still -- She's not dropped out of the race. -Yeah. -What
would it take for Nikki Haley to be a viable candidate? -She'd have to do something she hasn't done yet. Win. And it sounds flip, but she's running in South Carolina. It's her home state. She was the governor for two terms. And she's 30 points behind in the polls there. And unless she -- That's going to be in a couple of weeks. Unless she finds some way to win that state, I don't know how you can go forward. If you lose your home state and you lose it badly and you've lost everything before it,
I don't know what the case is at that point. -And she just drops out, you think, after that if she can't. -It's hard to see a path after that, you know? What she decides to do, I don't know, but it's hard to see how she could possibly win if she can't win her home state. -Has it ever been done? Has there ever been an election like this where the president lost and then was re-running again? -Yeah, we got a great president from 1892. Uh, Grover Cleveland. -Is that right? -The old -- The old Benja
min Harrison, Grover Cleveland election. It's the great trivia question. The only president to have nonconsecutive terms. It was Grover Cleveland. 1884, he won. He lost to Benjamin Harrison in 1888. He got a rematch in 1892, and he won. And that's the last time we've had a dynamic like that. And it looks like we're gonna have it now. -Are you prepared for going crazy? -[ Laughs ] Yeah. I'm always ready for that. I got plenty of caffeine. We got numbers coming in on Election Night from all direct
ions, counties all over America. -You got your khakis ready? -I guess I have to, you know? This time, I got to get a deal for them, you know? -Yeah, you got to -- Yeah, exactly. I was thinking -- We'll call the Gap. -Yeah. -But how long were you up? You really were up, like, 40 something hours. -I think we -- We went back and looked, and it was 45 straight at one point that week in 2020. -Did you know that or did you go like, "Hey..." -No. -You didn't? -No. I mean, it was just like -- It was all
a blur. Um, and then at one point, you know, I realized, "Wow. It's been a while since I slept." And then I realized it was like -- I don't want to fall asleep. So, we do these segments when we get new vote returns, and then they go back to the desk and they wait for me to get new returns. And the key was, don't sit down. Because if you sit down, you fall asleep right away. So I stayed standing, too, for all that time. -I can't thank you enough for all the work that you do. You're a great guy.
You're a smart man. And we appreciate this. And if you are not registered to vote, by the way, go to and register to vote because election season's coming. Thank you very much. Come back. -Thank you. -Steve Kornacki, everybody. Check out his election coverage on NBC News and MSNBC. We'll be right back with a performance from Sophie Ellis-Bextor. Stick around!



Steve Kornacki's humility is part of his charm.


We love steve kornacki


I love how Steve Kornacki embraced his status as a living meme.


He is such a nice person. I love him so much!


I love Kornacki! I would watch him on NBC, then he started doing football charts and I was hooked even more. 🥰


Kornacki Khakis! It's a Line of Long Legged Pants!!


steve kornacki is best ,and brilliant at MSNC by crunching number to reveal the pertinent facts from the moutain of data collected.


Making maths/statistics nerds of the world proud, Steve. We're happy that you found a job doing what you love. A job you love, makes it less of a job. Now SIT.


“He belongs to US!” - Leslie


We lost like Steve long2 ago He is not one sided that why I love him. Good job Steve keep it up


When you are as into elections as Steve, standing is enough to get through so many hours! It’s just so invigorating to see the numbers change and decipher what could happen ❤!


Talk about " Revenge Of The Nerds " !! Love it!!


It took me nearly two decades of listening to Jimmy Fallon in various media. I simply enjoy listening to good-hearted people. When I finally did laugh, my eyes were watering and I began sweating because of How Funny He actually is in every realm of imagination.


The fact that Khaki chino sales went up LMFAOOO


What can you not say about Steve Kornacki? He is the Best. Digital chart Master, Statistical wizard, Tells it like it is. Love and Respect Brother, Thank you Jimmy , The Roots, and the Tonight show cast, crew, writers, and y'all You guys all Rock it 5 nights a week unlike those other Late Night shows 🤣😉UCkszU2WH9gy1mb0dV-11UJg/hf90Xv-jHeOR8gSxxrToBAUCkszU2WH9gy1mb0dV-11UJg/8gF1Xp_zK8jk8gSDrI2wCw Get together for some quarterly Strike Force 5 fun and funny podcasts why dont y"all?


That guy should release a brand of chips called 'Steve's korn-snackis'


He's awesome!


Nobody does poll numbers like Kornacki.


Steve is a dream! 😍😍😍


Love Steve ❤️❤️❤️