
Stilt Houses of Lâm Thượng, Vietnam

This is a short piece of information about the stilt houses in the wonderful village of Lâm Thượng, Vietnam. To stay in this village please find details on the website below. Music by: Tribal Joy by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) #vietnam #travel #tourism #countryside #vietnamtravel #stilthouse #southeastasia #southeastasiatravel #countrysidelife #vietnameseculture #village #villagelife #culture #food #jungle

Joseph Learns The World

3 weeks ago

The first thing anyone will notice when  arriving in Lâm Thượng is the picturesque housing While most rural villages in Vietnam  have attempted to rapidly modernize this has unfortunately left them in a state of poverty according to Modern standards yet without the character of their original traditions Not so in Lâm Thượng which has leaned into its roots and afforded itself an overabundance of traditional luxuries making it one of the last remaining gems of pristine Countryside in Vietnam here
we can treat ourselves to staying in a stilt house these are cleverly built to negate the effects of both flood and heat the two unavoidable factors in all of  Southeast Asia not only does the stilt house  keep the residents dry by lifting them off  the ground during the rain but it captures higher wind currents which circulate under the thatched roof and keep the house temperate



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How lovely the houses are. ❤


the life there is so peaceful