
Storm preps close Malibu Canyon Road

Another bout of rain and mountain snow are set to arrive in the region starting Friday evening.


18 hours ago

this won't be the most intense storm of the season but the ground is already saturated that's right and that means people in Hillside communities are on alert Kel Lauren Posen is in Malibu good evening Lauren hey Tom and Pat you know we're in Malibu tonight because Malibu Canyon Road is closed once again LA County works made the call they told me that there's been no new damage since the last storm but you know this all comes down to safety right so behind me you can see we're really at the fron
t end here of the closure it's just down the road from here uh just past Pepperdine University and already we've seen some cars turn around because uh they weren't aware of the closure it's going to be like this though all the way through the weekend just days after reopening Malibu Canyon Road is closed once again this time out of precaution because of the stormy weekend forecast I'm grateful that they're doing that I think that builds some confidence that when the roads are open they're safe t
he closure runs along the 5 Mile Stretch between PCH and Puma Road it's the same road that during the last storm a massive mud slide shut it down in both directions this new closure is already throwing a curveball for many planned weekend events almost 300 kids in Malu little league so do 300 kids plus parents 600 parents right like almost a thousand people will be affected maybe by the road closure Malibu is just one area hit hard by all the wet weather from Sky cow this is what you see in many
Hillside communities massive sheets of plastic anchored to the hillsides this is Baldwin Hills we counted dozens of properties with sheeting in their backyard on both sides of laa and look at this the entire Northern side of the LMU campus in Westchester covered in plastic protecting the Pia Bluffs from slides some of the iconic LMU Stone letters shifting in recent storms and on PCH the back patio of this home still dangling over the edge of the bluff all Lanes of the highway were clear at suns
et tonight geologists say the ground is still recovering from the last storm all that water takes a while to percolate down and and seep out of the slopes uh this is why you see Rock slides sometimes you know several days after the Heavy Rain pass while it's not known how much a punch this storm will bring some feel more tension needs to be made before the next one I think we should take better care of our streets and Roads and creating you know not wait till the disaster happens and then be rea
ct and County works tells me that they're going to be monitoring the road all throughout the weekend and the hope the goal is to open uh by 6:00 a.m. on Monday so we'll of course keep uh uh tabs on that for you and you know pepperon University is right here and I did check with them and they told me that the university will remain open through the weekend reporting live in Malibu Lauren Posen KCAL news all right Lauren looks like it's coming down out there a little bit thanks for that report in
the high SE tonight blizzard conditions talk about coming down CB



Mother Nature DOESN’T CARE about a little league game.