
Storming the Crowd at Storm the Wall 2019

Sydney storms the crowd at Storm the Wall 2019. Learn more about Storm the Wall:

The University of British Columbia

4 years ago

Hey everyone and welcome to UBC's annual Storm the Wall. We've got a really great crowd out here with some great energy, let's go check out this event. So what brings you out to Storm the Wall? It's a good break from classes I think and it's just fun. The energy, the people out here are great. My friend asked me to be a part of this and I couldn't say no. I'm just here to support my friends they just raced and did incredible and also just amazing environment. Do you think you'd participate in St
orm the Wall in the future? Ya I think so, maybe next year. Absolutely I will be Iron Legend next year. I've done it a few days ago. I didn't die but it was really hard getting over the wall. If you could do the Storm the Wall event what event would you participate in? I think I would do swimming. Swimming. Swimming would be fun. Maybe running? Uh, I'd love to bike cause it's just a great one, yeah. Might do sprinting cause it looks like better for me. Just do it really fast then get over that w
all if you sprint right? Ya exactly, you know I'd get over it. Thanks for joining me for this year's Storm the Wall. It was a great high-energy event with some great people. Hopefully you can come out and join me next year. Thank you and have a lovely week!



Great event! Hope to take part next year as a freshman!)