
Stray Kids "FNF" Video MAKING FILM

Stray Kids(스트레이 키즈) "FNF" Video MAKING FILM ✨ English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Indonesian & Thai subtitles are available! 💫 Listen to <★★★★★ (5-STAR)> now! Stray Kids "★★★★★ (5-STAR)" iTunes & Apple Music: Spotify: Stray Kids Official YouTube: Stray Kids Official Facebook: Stray Kids Official Instagram: Stray Kids Official Twitter: Stray Kids Official TikTok: Stray Kids Official Fan's: #StrayKids #스트레이키즈 #5_STAR #특 #S_Class #FNF #YouMakeStrayKidsStay Copyrights 2023 ⓒ JYP Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.

Stray Kids

9 months ago

(FNF Video MAKING FILM) (第一棒选手袋鼠登场)(单人拍摄前听导演讲戏的HAN) 边走边想思索的样子 然后就结束 好的 (V) 哈喽? (FNF MV呢…) 不要丢失美好的回忆! 用我们创造的信息 很难100%地传递出去 所以 就交给…! 各位判断了 本来! 开放式结局才最有趣 (RUN-Stray Kids #HAN 请听吧) (单人拍摄结束时是努力奔跑的HAN!) (Felix单人拍摄开始!) (提着可爱的旅行包登场的Felix) (充满水声的拍摄现场) (用上玩具车道具的此次拍摄) - 用这个吧 / - 啊 用这个 (导演's Pick:复古蓝色玩具车) 用这个吧 喔!很好! (流畅配合导演指令的专业偶像) 玩具拿起来向着天空 喔!好看! (特写镜头也完美驾驭的Felix鸡仔) (关在称赞地狱) (玩着复古玩具车的Felix单人拍摄结束!) (拍摄前I.N练习滑板中) (世道变好了…面包也会滑滑板…) (拍摄前猛烈练习的结果如何?!) (顺利滑行的滑板面包) (摇晃) (可惜) (是滑板的错…是路面的错…) (直接再次挑战!) (没有太大困难 二次挑战成功!
) 滑得太好了! 谢谢 (Q. 滑滑板的戏份觉得怎么样?) 好久没滑了 挺有意思的 我要去偷滑板了 (Q. 来到澳洲拍摄 觉得怎么样?) 澳洲真的很赞 因为空气特别好 这里土地也广阔 还有很多漂亮的地方 (是的) (转到I.N躺在草地上吹泡泡糖的场景) (哈哈哈) (Q. 刚才为什么笑场了?) 我好像太不会吹泡泡糖了 (谁说不会吹来着?) (I.N单人拍摄结束!) (发现摄像机) 澳洲!I love it! Yeay~ Melbourne~ Yeay~ (抢镜的吹泡泡糖的黄鼠狼) 大家怎么都皱巴巴的? (好奇 但是先拍下来) (即将拍摄开心玩耍的样子) (为了团体拍摄在公园集合的成员们!) (观战中)(救救Hyunjin) (一瓶饮料也能玩得很开心的成员们) 多笑一些 不要闹了 (附赠叫喊和揶揄) 不要闹了 (碳酸喷发的现场) (以教训狗狗收尾) (因为道具饮料 状态提升成功!) (揉面的Changbin旁边跳舞的Hyunjin旁边玩碳酸饮料的狗狗) (混乱中捕捉到Felix太公钓鱼现场) (咬住) (成功钓到宝宝面包) (成功钓到宝宝面包后感受到乐趣的Felixi) (Felix沉迷
钓鱼) 吃吧 (试图向不容易上钩的袋鼠营业) 这个真的好吃 (嘎) (哈哈) (垂钓袋鼠失败!) (但是开心的鼠喵z) 成员们 在旁边逗他玩吧? 逗I.N (因为导演的一句话乌泱泱涌过来的哥哥们) (带着激烈爱意揉面的HyunBin) 好的 很好 好看 好看 (笑盈盈) (独占摄像机的老幺) 真的好重啊 看来脑袋里装了很多东西啊 (VocalRacha融洽的说好听话的现场) (尽情显摆戒指) 和Hyunjin是情侣的 永远守护你 Hwang Hyunjin (Cheers) (Changbin回来了) 知道这个往下变成什么吗? 知道往下叫做什么吗? 想知道吗? 半地下(扳指下) 半地下(扳指下) 扳指在下面 扳指下(半地下) (心满意足离开的Changbin) 半地下(扳指下) (东倒西歪叽叽喳喳的团体拍摄) (公园的团体拍摄结束!) (捕捉到依旧兴致盎然的狗狗) FNF拍摄 (嗯哼哼) (介绍今天的拍摄) 来拍FNF了 其实与其说是来拍摄的感觉 更像是来玩的感觉! 非常开心 世界树 (看清楚了吧?) (Seungmin前去进行单人拍摄!) (狗狗量身定制的自然亲和型拍摄场地) (拍摄
时Seungmin旁边醒目的自行车) (自行车的存在都是计划好的) (拍摄Seungmin在路边骑自行车的样子) (会骑两轮自行车的狗狗?这不就是吗) (不过..您要去哪里…) (迎风疾驰的敏捷狗狗) (骑自行车的场景也拍完啦!) (接下来是Changbin的单人拍摄!) (律动) (律动) (来劲儿的Changbin) (即将拍摄充满了回忆般) (翻看专辑的样子) (导演讲解完毕后立马进行拍摄) (以为会收起顽皮劲儿直到拍摄结束 但是…) (盯) 这里开始 嘶~ 嘶~ (停不下来的淘气鬼) 也可以出声对吧? 嘶 (总之 以上就是心满意足的Changbin) 好 来吧 (非常认真地表现着哀切) 视线看那边 喔 很好! 反方向 (不同于刚才的调皮) (真挚地结束的Changbin单人拍摄!) (散发着海外气息的建筑) (以此为背景进行拍摄的成员是?) (正是Lee Know!) (按照某某法律 猫咪们只要看到摄像机就要调皮起来) (咻!) (聆听导演讲戏中) (顽皮的样子消失不见) (开拍的同时立马变得专注!) 喔 帅! (除了以建筑为背景的拍摄 也在其他地方进行拍摄) (转换场地) L
ee Know 这样趴着吧? (按照导演的指令行动) 放松点 好的 来吧 开始 (Lee Know单人拍摄完毕!) (在清凉水边继续的Hyunjin的单人拍摄) 看向远处~ (讲述哀切细腻的感情线的FNF歌词) (拍摄和每位成员适配的FNF MV!) (Artist Hyunjin!) (即将拍摄用毛笔画画的场景) (这样 这样) 好 看向更远处 喔 很好 喔 好看 (不知不觉专注作画的样子) (320%彰显澳洲感性的Hyunjin单人拍摄结束!) (Bang Chan单人拍摄START!) (在充满复古感的汽车里开始拍摄) (参与作词作曲!) (多个角度营造氛围) (延续到车外的拍摄) (Bang Chan单人拍摄结束!) (Felix鸡仔吃猪兔的珍贵的FNF拍摄现场) (热唱Changbin) (捕捉到打算刨地回家的Hyunjin) (后面传来的怪叫) (不是单方面被欺负) (利用休息时间拉伸的鼠喵z) (哈哈) (熙熙攘攘聚在海边的成员们) (盘旋着无人机的声音的FNF现场) 准备 开始 (拍摄以沙滩为背景拍照的样子) 1 2 3 Let's go (拍摄的最后阶段也不知疲惫的成
员们) (FNF拍摄收工!)



Seugmin causing chaos and getting chased by Bangchan, while Minho is just chilling there is so hilarious


FNF has calm and carefree vibes just like Blueprint & The View. Chan and Felix wrote the lyrics meaningfully


This song is so meaningful. "FNF" stands for "Flora and Fauna" which means "Plants and animals" . SKZ dedicated it For all nature and wildlife lost from the 2019-2020 Australian bushfires. FNF is a self-written and self-composed song by our Aussie Boys Chan & Felix. We Are so proud of you. SKZ never disappoint us with their fun and meaningful Song !


Love that Lee Know's approach to the entire first round of group shots was "F*ck it. Nap time."


2:37 The way Lee Know and Felix are just sitting there peacefully feels so lovely and warm ❤️


Members: peacefully posing for camera Meanwhile Bang Chan (2:59): Imma scold that little puppy Seungmin LMAO


7:44 bang chan is quite possibly the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. not just his appearance, but his heart too.


Sitting where they sat as a group was a STAPLE as a bunch of 14-16 year olds in the mid 00's- And chewing Hubba Bubba at that- the MEMORIES. This was so nostalgic and lovely- thank you Skz


6:58 Lee Know's perfect side profile ♡


6:26 I'm speechless ♡ Lee Know is the definition of Handsome ♡


I'm a baby stay and i'm so glad I got into the fandom at the time of the comeback. You are so talented and different, thank you for such work!!! STRAY KIDS WORLD DOMINATION!!!⭐♥⭐♥⭐♥⭐♥⭐♥


2:35 MinLix 🥺💓looks so comfy and healing 6:11 - 7:9 Lee know's visual 😍 This man is breath taking so handsome ❤❤ Im so glad and happy that they had so much fun in Australia 🌲🌳🌺


Thank you to all of behind the scenes production-to all the hard workers making these kids look good. The poor guys lugging the heavy camera and running next to the bike and them. 😅 👏🏻


True fact: Everyone agrees that seeing our STRAY KIDS happy and together can make our days better. SKZ FOREVER 143 !


thank you skz and staff for the content and for your hard work! <3 2:48 8:38 seungmin being a menace 4:00 seungmin is so cute omg 5:04 changbin 6:12 lino <3 8:17 felix eating changbin's arm???


Stray Kids, guys, thank you very much for FNF. This song is one of my favorites in the 5-STAR era. This music video is so beautiful. I want to watch it over and over again.


8:19 i thought it’s a NORMAL thing, not surprise me at all 😌




8:41 YaHhhhHhH 😂❤ seungjin is so cuteeeee


3:32 my seungin 🥺