
[Sub][Image 32] Cardfight!! Vanguard Official Animation - First Exchange Match

You are watching Bushiroad's official Cardfight!! Vanguard channel. Cardfight!! Vanguard - Image 32: First Exchange Match The Cardfight Club heads towards an exchange match. Their opponents, Fukuhara High VG Club, feature familiar faces from Asteroid such as Ren and Asaka, and also ULTRARARE member, Suiko. "Cardfight!! Vanguard" is a Japanese animation which revolves around the trading card game with the same name. For more information about the game and the world of "Cardfight!! Vanguard", go to the official site (


5 years ago

Regarding your Cardfight Club application... I see no issues with it. President, your approval, please. "A club where students can enjoy Vanguard"... I don't see how that suits Miyaji Academy, where our mission is to cultivate a globalized workforce. Still, rules are rules. I'll grant you permission. Thank you very much! "Cardfight Club: officially approved." "Captain: Aichi Sendou"... Your club room is at the end of the hallway in the humanities wing. Right! Thank you! Incidentally... ...wha
t is "Vanguard"? Huh? This is our club room? All right! Let's get fightin'! It's dark in here. We need to clean up the place first. Right... But before that... What's wrong? I'm so nervous, I don't think I can write the name of our club neatly... I'll write it, then! Keep your messy handwriting off of that sign! It'll be here for a long time! Cardfight Club Oooh! Cardfight Club Thank you so much, Kourin. Cardfight Club You have lovely handwriting. Cardfight Club D-Do I? Cardfight Club May you h
ost us for three whole years! I'm now a student at Miyaji Academy, and have decided to start a Cardfight Club. I've got to imagine it! I'm sure my imagination will take shape! Image 32 First Exchange Match Huh... So your Cardfight Club is official now. You worked hard on that, didn't you, Kou? Not really. Now you can enter team competitions. Yes, although Aichi's the only one with actual tournament experience. Then you should do exchange matches with other schools. Exchange matches... Good i
dea! And to start... Cardfight Club Man, I lost again! Cardfight Club This should do it! Why?! Why can't I beat you?! I poured my blood, sweat and tears into building this deck! That deck is where the problem lies. Naoki Ishida... You have eight critical triggers and eight front triggers in your deck, don't you? I-Incredible! That's our psychic Boss for ya! I'm not psychic! I just know that much after several matches! And I'm not a "Boss"! Oh, right! You're the "Backstage Boss"! I am not! Any
way, about your deck... Put in four heal triggers. And adding draw triggers will also help stabilize your deck. Thanks! I'll give that a try! Now your card draws should mesh well with your strategy. Yes, I see... The Boss's amazing, ain't she, Aichi? She's like a walking card encyclopedia. Naoki, calling her "Boss" is... Even though she looks scary, she's real nice when telling us about cards. Yeah! Unlike a certain cute-looking but scary-acting idol, she's the exact opposite! The exact oppos
ite of what? K-Kourin! You shouldn't be that surprised. I'm only a few minutes late. W-We were just discussing everyone's fighting styles... Oh, really? Thank god she dropped the topic! Come on, Naoki! Actually, when I told an acquaintance that we'd formed a Cardfight club, she proposed an exchange match, and I gave her a tentative okay... An exchange match? With a Cardfight club from another school? Right. Should I have said no? Of course not! I welcome this chance with open arms! A match a
gainst another school? Let's do this! When is the match? Next Sunday. At which school? You forgot already?! It won't be a problem. I'll have Ushimaru give us a lift. So how do exchange matches work, anyway? We've arrived. Thank you, Ushimaru. This is the school? "Fukuhara"? Fukuhara High School Could this be "the" Fukuhara High? Fukuhara High School You're familiar with it? But of course! This is the school that won last year's Vanguard Fight High School Championship! Perfect! I don't gotta hol
d back! I have a bad feeling about this... We've been waiting for you, students of Miyaji Academy. It's been quite a while, Aichi Sendou. Tetsu! That's Tetsu Shinjou, the captain of last year's team! But I thought he had graduated? I'm now their coach. Our current captain should be the one out here to meet you, but he's somewhat undependable. He's wandered off again... Oh! It's Aichi! Welcome to Fukuhara High! Ren! That's dangerous, Ren! It just had to be his school... I see! Ren Suzugamori,
the third-place winner of the Asia Circuit, attends Fukuhara High School. Which must mean their captain is... Yes, it's Ren. And there's Misa-Q! "Misa-Q"? You don't have to comment on that! I see. So their captain fought Aichi at the Asia Circuit. You didn't know that before you brought us here? I told you. This is just where my acquaintance goes to school. In any case, you and he seem pretty close. Your boyfriend? No! He was originally our enemy! I haven't seen you since the Asia Circuit! I
've been looking forward to you visiting here, Aichi. I'm glad to see you again too, Ren. This is Fukuhara's Cardfight Club. You get this whole huge room?! It's roughly 100 times bigger than ours. And aren't those playing tables custom-made? Yes. All fights that take place here are recorded into a database, which is helpful for improving our members' skills. Wow! I recognize some of these people. It's true that some of them are former members of Team Asteroid. But we don't do anything heavy-
handed anymore. Sendou. Thanks to you, my research now has a clear direction. Your research? Into PSYqualia? Yes. And we have a new collaborator. Aichi is here! You're adorable! A-A-Aren't you... Hands off of him, Suiko! And now we have Suiko Tatsunagi from ULTRARARE! I see! So she was Kourin's acquaintance! Suiko Tatsunagi... That's the girl who told Ren his power was named "PSYqualia." She's your collaborator? That's right. To be precise, the Tatsunagi Group is providing us assistance throu
gh her. Apparently, she's been interested in PSYqualia for quite some time. The winners of the Asia Circuit... Two members of ULTRARARE, Vanguard's official idol group... It's as if... ...the entirety of Vanguard is present in this room! Really? I'm so glad that I went to Miyaji Academy! Listen up, everyone! Students from Miyaji Academy are paying us a visit. They've only just formed their Cardfight Club, but their captain, Aichi Sendou, is a first-class fighter who won the last Asia Circui
t. I heard he beat Captain Suzugamori. He's so cute! I'd like you to learn from the experience of challenging him. Sendou, if you could say a few words. Huh? Make a good impression, Captain! Um... We're Miyaji Academy's Cardfight Club. Thank you for hosting our match today! Thank you! I see. A team competition, then? Yes. Since we've just formed our club, I'd like us to gain that experience. Got it. Then we'll start with a three-on-three team battle. Choose your team. Okay. The first to go is
key. Who will it be? All right, then I'll do this! I've been itching for a fight so bad, I can hardly stand still! Sure, then. I protest! Say what?! You're still a lowly beginner! Yet you would charge in ahead of our superstars? You should learn your place! Charge! You should learn your place! Unacceptable! Sendou, our captain and powerhouse, should be the one to go first. Good point. Yes, I agree. A-All right. Then, I'll go first. Miyaji Academy is sending in Sendou? Then, since I'm also a
captain... Ren! What's wrong, Asaka? With your permission... ...I would like to fight Aichi Sendou. Aww! That's no fun for me! Ren... Let's leave this fight to Asaka. Tetsu... Go ahead, Asaka. Give Sendou a shot. Right. Um, this is our first time fighting, isn't it? I'm Aichi Sendou. I'm Asaka Narumi. Nice to meet you. Stand up, Vanguard! I ride! Glyme! I ride! Entertain Messenger! What are you plotting? There's something I'd like to confirm. I ride! Knight Squire, Allen! Confirm what? Whether o
r not Sendou has lost his PSYqualia. I ride! Starting Presenter! Here I come! Wouldn't Ren have been the better opponent for that purpose? Doesn't it take a strong opponent to make PSYqualia manifest? No, it wouldn't have worked with Ren. I ride! Blaster Blade! Knight of Silence, Gallatin! Knight of Friendship, Kay! Skill activates! Superior call! Knight of Loyalty, Bedivere has arrived! Let's go, everyone! During the recent Asia Circuit, Sendou never clearly exhibited PSYqualia, not even onc
e. Not even when he fought Ren. Either they had sealed their PSYqualias, or else... Judging by today's mood, it's most likely that Ren and Aichi would just enjoy their fight, start to finish. However, it's different with Asaka. Kay! Follow me! Of course! Purple Trapezist! You're on! Delighted! Ren changed completely... ...simply by fighting him. It's a change that I should've welcomed, but still... ...why did he have to be the one to cause it?! Why not me, the person closest to Ren?! I ride! J
umping Jill! To the ring, Nitro Juggler! Starting Presenter! Midnight Bunny! Jill and Bunny's boosted attack! I guard with Epona and Gallatin! Drive check. Critical trigger! Nitro Juggler and Starting Presenter's boosted attack! That's what I want to learn. Asaka's really fired up! I gave Asaka very thorough training. She's much stronger than she was before. I ride! King of Knights, Alfred! Imaginary Gift! Force! Alfred's skill activates! Superior call! Blaster Blade! Yes, my Vanguard. Burst Bu
ster! Let's go, everyone! Great Sword! Drive check! Critical trigger! Blaster Blade attacks! The show's not over yet! Hades Hypnotist! A perfect guard! But Sendou still has the advantage. Will it end here? It's too soon to tell. Asaka's spirit may still back Sendou into a corner. I ride! Golden Beast Tamer! Imaginary Gift! Accel! Dancing Knifedancer! Artilleryman! I will not lose! That makes 5 damage! It's the final act! So, what will you do, Sendou? If you're going to use PSYqualia, now is th
e time to do it! Elaine! Wingal! It's my turn. Stand and draw! Materializing here now is the great sovereign who rules the sacred lands of United Sanctuary! I ride Monarch Sanctuary Alfred! Imaginary Gift! Force! Monarch Sanctuary Alfred's skill activates! I move Blaster Blade from the Drop Zone into my hand! That give Monarch +15,000 power, and with King of Knights, Alfred in the Soul, it also gains an extra critical! Wingal! Blaster Blade! Burst Buster! Subjugation Field! Theater Moderate!
Th-The show must go on! Candy Clown! Drive check! Critical trigger! Damage check... No trigger. Whoaaaa! He did it! Aichi won, huh? Without PSYqualia... Thank you for the game. Thank you... for the game... It was a close match, Asaka. It's so frustrating... Even Ren had a hard time fighting him. Don't fret over it. Not even a fight against Asaka brought out his PSYqualia... That was great, Aichi! Thank you! All right! I'm up next! Uh... I'm the one who's up next! That's playin' dirty, Shingo! W
ho will be my opponent?! I'll be your opponent. My name is Minami Kawanami. I used to fight for Team Asteroid, but now I'm a Dog Fighter! He's the guy who tried to take over Capital. Really? I'll show you my animal power! Just what you'd expect of Fukuhara High! They have some terrifying Cardfighters! Stand up, Woof-guard! Aieeeeee! I couldn't do a thing against him... Your troubles started before the fight began. That's one win and one loss. The next match will decide the winning team. This's
my turn, for sure! Right! Good luck, Naoki! Thanks! What about it, Tatsunagi? Want to fight him? Sure. I'll fight you. Kourin's fellow idol, huh? Are you as strong as her? You'll find out soon enough. I'm Naoki Ishida. Suiko Tatsunagi. Now, let's get started. Stand up, Vanguard! Stand up, Vanguard! Let's decide who goes first. Before that, there's something that bugs me. What is it? Ain't a sailor uniform kind of a stretch for you? You sure it suits you? Really? 'Cause it don't. Just wear norm
al clothes. You say the funniest things, kid. But even the way you talk don't suit a sailor-suited high school girl. Meet me behind the school later. I'll treat you realllly nice... Image 33 Vanguard Koshien I'll treat you realllly nice... Image 33 Vanguard Koshien
