
Sum of Its Parts: A Brick Cave Media Sci-Fi Short Film

From fantasy author J.A. Giunta and award winning director Johnny Skinner comes a tantalizing mind bending short film. Bertie Hartessan is a scientist examining an object of unknown origin. As his desire to understand the object becomes all consuming, viewers are taken on a journey into the unknown. Directed by: Johnny Skinner Written by: J.A. Giunta Executive Producer: Bob Nelson Cast: Babiker Albanna Rosario Columbia Thomas I. Hall Brent Heffron Luis Hernandez Charlie LeSueur Charles Nemec Greg Renfro Maryanne Williamson Full Credits: Headquartered in Mesa, AZ and located online at, Brick Cave Media publishes books in digital ebook, audio book, paperback & hard cover print formats. We feature the works of authors such as Sharon Skinner, J.A. Giunta, Scott Woods and Bruce Davis. As a publisher, we make appearances at several events each year, including the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, Tucson Festival of Books, Mesa Festival of Books and Phoenix Fan Fusion among others. BC Book Club: Buy Brick Cave On Square: Buy Brick Cave On Amazon: BC on Goodreads:

Brick Cave Media- Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Poetry Books

1 year ago

uh so how was lunch not bad they got some lasagna from their mom and pop's place on fairview i'm just drained i started a new project at work i can't get my head around that bad huh i need to take a nice long bath care to join me no no thanks our things at the office did you land that daniel's account i'm surprised you remember that was today parker's holding out but don't worry i'll get them sooner or later you always do i just really wish i could talk to you about this one i really need someon
e to bounce ideas off of [Applause] it's your turn i'm aware but still thinking about the box i need other pieces to make sense of it what is the point of separate teams to decipher parts of the same hole bureaucracy it's not our call to make we just do the best we can with what we have but we could be helping each other i could understand wanting to keep it all apart at least until we know exactly what it is but there's more than one language if any of us can break even a single word it'll prac
tically become a rosetta stone they said pertinent information would be shared among groups i think they just want tighter control over the results pertinent it's all pertinent the thing is i don't know if ours is an energy source a container or a cog but i do know that it's somehow communicating with us or the other pieces [Music] [Music] anyone try to talk with the other groups i mean emails texts anything and risk termination literally they monitor all that stuff and you know it we're lucky t
hat they let us leave the facility i'd hardly call it luck this whole place is why i got cameras and bugs even if i can't find them then why the hell do we meet here well where else are we going to meet it doesn't matter anyways we're no closer to deciphering the missions and we are the text well we can't even figure out how it's marked in the first place laser etching inscription nothing it's like every word was formed at the molecular level what if they were whoever made these pieces they don'
t think like we do or at least you don't produce like we do cryptography aside what if we're coming at this thing from the wrong damn angle study from the molecular level to figure out what it does and what it says they have scientists for that yeah scientists were not allowed to speak to it's worth a try in the end they won't care how we get results so long as we do that's new you don't usually play poker still having a hard time with your project i know i know you can't tell me about it i like
her man she's a keeper i prefer mine online every woman should have a off switch wish i could it's still pretty rough but we'll get there eventually well don't stay up all night again and shave if you ever want to kiss me again i will i promise no offense but i would hit that with the wrath of an angry god how can i possibly take offense to that [Music] anyone else itching i swear that thing is making me all itchy more like your so-called girlfriend is making itchy you do know if you pay her sh
e's not considered your girlfriend right this coming from a guy whose own mother won't kiss him now we sisters a different matter [Laughter] do you suppose we're furthest along now i doubt if anyone else knows about the molecular structuring let alone the communication between cells they're probably still asking the wrong questions it's not what does it say how do we open it anymore the real question is what happens when we put all the pieces back together if we're right no freaking way we're no
t we all saw the patterns change then we're dealing with that sentient life artificial or otherwise [Music] has to be artificial there's no living tissue not in the sense that we know it but by the scientific definition of life having a few beers are we beautiful and perceptive you're a lucky man just a few don't bother she only likes humans you okay you look like you haven't slept in days and now this talking i'm sorry about that i'm fine really i'm just i'm trying to wrap my head around this p
roject without the pressure of supervision and interruptions you've never had this kind of problem maybe i can help you relax no no i'm sorry it's just i'm on the verge of something i need some time alone i'll make it up to you later assuming we finish we will finish and once we're done i'll take some time off and we'll go up to your parents kevin promise to get some rest tonight and clean all this up and shake you know you could always tell her that's not even an option you're asking for troubl
e just by suggesting it whatever don't have to be a dick about it you weren't there when they took away jackson exactly he says in the military you [ __ ] around you get [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] what are we gonna do do we do nothing nobody said anything nobody came for us we didn't do anything wrong what the hell does wrong have to do with it i mean the [ __ ] thing spoke you think nobody noticed that maybe they didn't even if they didn't everything's recorded someone's gonna see during the rev
iew you're making more of this than it is says the fng how many have gone missing from the other teams now 12. last time i just just be quiet shouting about it won't help things we're smart guys we can figure this out there's no audible proof what if they don't know more likely they're just not doing anything about it yet i think it's time to bail you can't fail this isn't some job you can just quit besides do you really want to give up now knowing what we know what about the energy patterns tha
t popped up and we brought this fear through they were like biorhythms those readings were inconclusive inconclusive the things broke in my [ __ ] head yeah but they can't tell that from the readings we just need to stay calm oh no [ __ ] calm man they're gonna kill us and just take our work and pass on to the next team you watch too many movies yeah maybe you don't watch enough [ __ ] up i can't hear myself think why don't we just wait till tomorrow go in like nothing happened what if that's ju
st what they want us to do well if they didn't know what's going on before man they sure should know now bernie said it himself this place is bugged all the hell what if [Music] we took it we all have clearance we could go in get all the pieces put it together that would give us leverage it's not a bad idea actually it did ask us for help if we brought the box close enough to one of the other labs might be able to talk again maybe tell us what it is let's do it right [ __ ] now man let's go yeah
everyone just shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up what's going on oh here we go again i forget this [ __ ] let's go we might not have a lot of time to think about it what has gotten into you you don't sleep your drinking is out of control i know you're not supposed to talk to me about work but i don't know what to do anymore he's right we need to go we can clean up afterwards listen i know you don't understand and and i wish i could tell you come on while we still can you can explain to her l
ater we're gonna go back to work for a bit i'll be back when i can we yeah we'll clean up this mess when i get back i promise there's just something that we need to do we there's nobody else here what my whole team wait that that's impossible they were just here who was here my team we've been talking about a project every night for the past week no you haven't you've been alone playing cards and drinking i thought it was another quirky way of unwinding like playing chess by yourself or doing pu
zzles face down wait did you hear me talking bits and pieces i thought you were working things out loud i didn't want to disturb you we need to go now [Music] mr hardison you need to come with us you too miss ward no wait she doesn't know anything [Music] now please bertie what's going on so sorry i didn't mean for this to happen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
