
Summer Reading

Summer will be here sooner than you think! TeachingBooks features resources to empower readers so they can read independently during the summer.


4 days ago

Welcome to TeachingBooks! Summer will be here sooner than you think! TeachingBooks features resources to empower readers so they can read independently during the summer. Start them on a reading adventure with lists of titles to explore. Let’s get started! Search Summer-You don’t even need to hit enter. Here you will find books with the word summer in the title, authors named Summer, and Summer Reading Lists. Look under Featured on the right-hand side and select Summer Reading Programs. These li
sts are updated yearly and give easy access to resources that help readers preview and hone in on titles that spark their interest. Select a summer reading program and explore the list. Select a title and watch a book trailer, listen to a Meet-the-Author Recording [Donna Barba Higuera's voice] This book found its beginnings off of a simple writing prompt which was to take a traditional fairytale and make it sci-fi, or use the Google Preview to get a taste. Use your knowledge of your readers to c
reate custom lists based on their favorite subjects, genres, and authors. To create your own list, choose Build Your Own Summer Reading Lists. If you are a student select the option on the right. If you are an adult select the one on the left. Follow the prompts. Once you have created a list, use the sharing arrow to copy the link, create a QR Code Bookmark, embed on a website….the possibilities are endless. We would love to hear how you are using TeachingBooks to support summer reading. Please
share your ideas on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest tagging TeachingBooks. Thank you for joining us!
