
Summer Training for Hockey: Off Season Planning

Welcome to our 2024 off season Hockey Training Blueprint, your gateway to balancing strength, cardio, and in-game performance, ensuring you're not just topping fitness tests but excelling on the ice too. Hockey's complexity often leads players astray, focusing energy in the wrong areas or paralyzed by indecision. With over 20 years of coaching experience, a background in kinesiology, professional hockey playing experience, and a YouTube audience of millions, I've been in those shoes. Those experiences have shaped a streamlined program that cuts through the noise, focusing on what truly matters. 🚀 Mechanics Mastery: Learn to leverage elite players' mechanics, simplifying your approach to ensure execution. Crazy Cardio: Outperform everyone in endurance tests without running out of breath, thanks to scientifically-backed strategies. Ruthless Strength: Boost your strength by 50 to 100 pounds in key movements, all without overtraining. Spirit Connection: Balance training with social engagement, family time, and community involvement for holistic growth. 📚 Why This Approach Works: Deliberate practice can be daunting, pushing you beyond comfort zones and demanding feedback. Yet, it's in these challenges that growth occurs, transforming effort into tangible in-game results. This program distills complex concepts into actionable steps, ensuring you prioritize effectively without feeling overwhelmed. 🎯 Just for You: While this training blueprint is invaluable, the real magic happens in Train 2.0+. I invite you to join our membership for an in-depth exploration of this program and much more. Gain access to all of the resources one needs to maximize their development, including weekly coaching calls, a supportive community, and a comprehensive library of training materials. Remember, the journey to greatness begins with a single step. This program is your roadmap. _______________ Sign up for our World Class Free Training to start learning about the Downhill Skating System here: Skip ahead and join the Train 2.0+ movement by becoming a member today: Don't forget to check out last week's video here: Visit us on Home Ice at our website for more details about Train 2.0 and the Next Evolution of Hockey Training: _______________ Check out our other Socials: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube Video URL: #train2point0 #downhillskating #hockeytraining #NHL

Train 2.0 Hockey

13 days ago

welcome to your 2024 offseason training plan  put together for you by train 2.0 and Jason ye now this is the program that you want to  use to balance four key things which is not just getting stronger and improving your cardio  this offseason program is designed to actually have you get ingame results so that you show up  to off season or or your training camp and not only are you top of the Beep Test you're top in  all the strength and power things that you need to do but you're also actually d
oing great on  the ice you see hockey is such a complex Sport and a lot of players spend their either they  spend their energy in the wrong areas or they don't know exactly where to spend their area so  they don't do anything at all because it's so complex and they end up burning so much energy in  the wrong areas and then they don't actually get the results they're looking for in a game now I am  I I've made so many of these mistakes but I also have a background in kinesiology my kinesiology  d
egree I'm a kinesiologist I've been coaching now for over 20 years uh and you know you know I've  got millions of views on uh my YouTube and I've also played professional hockey and always tended  to finish at the top of my fitness results and not only are these things important for what I'm  about to share with you next but more importantly I've made so many mistakes I've made a ton of  mistakes about um you know putting my effort in the wrong areas doing things that were too  complex focusing
on you know the strength and cardio at the expense of my mechanics and that's  uh a mistake that I don't want you to make so I've put together a program that helps you prioritize  exactly what to do in what order and I've really really simplified things because complexity is  the enemy of execution and what I want to do is I want to create a a program so simple that  anyone can follow it and then you can scale it up all the way to the pro level and then down all  the way to players as young as u
h say aged 8 9 and 10 and I'm going to explain to you how you can  actually adjust all of that so that's a lot to take in let's get into it we're we've got about 30  to 40 minutes together and I'm going to show you exactly how to do this offseason program then when  we're done like I said this is this is presented by train 2.0 and uh I'm going to give you all of  this value for free I'm going to I'm going to show you how to do all of this um but I'm also going  to make a very clear pitch to you
which is uh this is only part one of part two there's there's  two parts to this and the second part is in the train 2.0 Plus Membership I'll go over all of that  in a in a second um but in the second video I'm going to go into more depth into everything and  you're going to see exactly how to get this uh offseason training program but let me give you the  goods first let me give you a bunch of value that regardless of whether you choose to sign up for  train 2.0 Plus or not you're going to get
a ton of value you're going to know exactly how to head  into your offseason to absolutely crush it when the when the training camp runs around so give  me that opportunity to to give you a ton of value before you decide to sign up you want to make sure  that uh I I walk my walk and talk my talk before uh you believe me on any of that stuff so um  let's let's dive in to what we're going to cover and um and why so today we're going to talk about  four themes balanced to Perfection and properly pr
ioritized I think that's the most important  part so we're going to talk talk about in your offseason program how do you achieve mechanics  Mastery along with crazy cardio so you're top of the beep test and ruthless strength so you're  crushing people in the corners and crushing your fitness test all while connecting your spirit so  actually you know uh cross trining being involved in your community connecting socially and with  your family all important things we'll talk about all of those thin
gs and mechanics Mastery is all  about getting leverage by copying and pasting the mechanic mechanics of elite players so this is  what we talk about at train 2.0 as like our our tip of the spear this is what you we mostly  have people focusing on but how do you uh you know integrate it into your offseason program it's  really important to know how and when to do it and this is actually your highest leverage activity  but next what's really important is crazy cardio and we are I'm going to show
you exactly how uh to  create crazy cardio using the barbell strategy to beat everyone on the beep test and then never be  out of breath on the ice we're actually going to use this thing known as science and Physiology  things that I studied in depth in school uh to show you exactly how to do it I've studied them  in school and then I've applied them for great results so just making sure to uh emphasize  that then ruthless strength how to add 50 to 100 pounds in the three key movements that hock
ey  players need to be stronger and faster all without overtraining um and then we're going to talk  about how to connect your spirit how to refresh your mind and body while making the neuronal  connections those are the the connections in your brain uh that will improve your game sense  and also your spirit and there's a little bonus section here about cryotherapy hot cold therapy  um as well so coming back to the theme which is that complexity is the enemy of execution as you  go through this
everyone should be able to say to me you know what Jason your thing is just that  simple it's too simple it's too simple there's way more complexity here there's way more there's way  more Nuance to this absolutely 100% And remember I talked about a lot of the mistakes that I've  made well one of my mistakes was getting uh way too complex and uh having programs that were way  too complex so complex and But but so precise and so correct in their approach that they were hard  to execute um and um
you know given that we have a YouTube relationship or the beginning of a YouTube  relationship um you know I don't want to give you a complex program because you're not going to be  able to execute it you'll watch it and be like oh yeah that was interesting uh and those were  some cool points but really like I'm not going to go execute it I'm going to make something so  simple that you're going to be able to execute it when you're able to execute it that's actually  how you get results and the f
irst part of this is understanding what energy is and does which is  you know you really want to use your energy on the highest impact activities first and there's this  saying and I didn't verify this but I I'm pretty sure it's from it's from Abraham Lincoln which  is that if I had 24 hours to cut down a tree I'd spend the first 23 hours sharpening the axe what  this means is that there's some activities that have a higher impact than other activities in this  case Abraham Lincoln is talking ab
out sharpening the ax so for us that is mechanics mechanics make  the biggest difference on the ice for you if you want to uh test that theory all you need to do  is look at some of the office Fitness results of first round first overall draft picks and  know that they eventually do get their their Fitness tests uh really really good but usually  when they come into the league and usually when they do the NHL combine testing they are not top  in anything other than sometimes aerobic um they migh
t be uh top top in aerobic and then sometimes  top in um maybe like fast twitch uh muscle fire like like their their long jump or their high  jump something like that so those are those are the places where you tend to see them uh be  outliers but otherwise they're usually quite average and sometimes below average on their  fitness test um now that's not to say it's not important because as you do see players like  uh McDavid get stronger and get um you know into better shape and and develop tha
t like NHL level  strength they do become more dominant absolutely but mechanics is the key differentiator so that's  why we always focus on that first now the the key thing with a good offseason training program is  you want to Stack the highest leverage training first so because mechanics are where you get your  highest leverage meaning that you get more results with less effort you want to do that first that  you want to do that training activity first and because mechanics take time and ener
gy to learn  mostly mental energy right like mental bandwidth as you learn and refine your mechanics um because  of that you want to learn them when you are fresh so you want to do that first if you do cardio or  strength before the mechanics training it puts the breaks on your mechanics learning which is a bad  idea because mechanics learning is where you're going to get your biggest results right um and if  you just want to test that think of McDavid uh or you know Ryan nent Hopkins or Matthew
s or any  of these like first round draft picks the first overall draft picks who come into the league  and play at 1819 are they the strongest no are they the fastest usually not always like and I'm  talking about off ice are they in the best shape sometimes um they're usually pretty middle of the  pack but where they always stand out is in their mechanics so we we want to be focusing on that  first and then designing the system designing your offseason training plan so that you focus  on that
first but still integrate all the other important aspects is a really key part of this  and that's why this is so important so the 2.0 mechanics rule is always practice mechanics first  and 45 to 90 minutes is The Sweet Spot 45 because uh less than that you're you're probably not  getting fully into a a flow like a deep work state where you're you're focused and you're executing  these mechanics and 90 minutes um you can always push it but like 90 minutes is a round where you  can have Peak focu
s and Peak uh attention before that starts to WAN of course you can always push  that but 90 minutes is 45 to 90 minutes is around a good uh you know range for you to think about  so doing that first is important next up is that cardiovascular capacity so your crazy cardio  being in great shape finishing top on the beep t T um and uh you know being never out of breath  on the ice that capacity is built on either end of the barbell not this barbell that I'm showing  you here but this barbell okay
uh which is the your cardio zones and um these barbells are great  for strength of course but we want to be building our cardio in zone 2 and zone 5 and so that's  what I mean by uh you know uh having the um the the the barbell so we are primarily building  our uh cardio in these two zones why well the key thing is that when you are um in zone 2 which  by the way is um kind of 60 to 70% of your of your max heart rate um and you're doing it for  about 30 minutes we'll go into exactly how much pe
r day today um in the in the next video uh but  when you're doing that what that does is it sets a really great Baseline for your cardio um but  it also does uh it also helps you recover and and it's it's intense enough that it stresses and  trains your your cardiovascular system but not so high that it that it prevents you from recovering  you can actually do Zone 2 cardio every single day and it won't Tire you out in in fact it'll help  to uh re-energize you um especially once you get used to
it so that's where you want to be building  most of your cardio base now you do need a heart rate monitor for this now I'm an Apple guy and  uh you know I i' would recommend an Apple watch um but you don't need an Apple Watch you can use  a Fitbit or a Garmin or whatever uh is out there you can get something off Amazon um that as long  as it tells you your heart rate once you calculate your heart rate um and calculate what zone 2 uh  should be based on your age um and then some of these other wa
tches will we will'll do it more  more accurately but once you do that that's how you determine Zone 2 and you want to spend about  30 minutes in there per day that is just going to help you build that base of your cardio um I will  go into the technical elements of it in a second but um for now that's just the first bit the next  part is that your anerobic capacity and also your aerobic capacity is built in zone 5 so what what  that means is that this is your highest intensity exercise it's at
90 to 100% of your max heart  rate and it should not be done for more than 5 minutes in fact it should be done a lot less you  see what a lot of people do is instead of spending most of their time here and here on either end of  the barbell you can see like that they actually spend a lot of their time here and here in the  zones three and four now this is why this is a bad idea zones three and four are challenging  they definitely are challenging they're good for your mental strength however you
don't recover  quickly enough from them um like as in if you do some sort of like crossfit workout in like a zone  three or four you did get your heart rate up high but it didn't cause quite the training response  you were looking for um but uh you know you also will not be able to recover sufficiently the next  day to be able to do it whereas Zone 2 is it's low enough intensity that you can do it every single  day um and then zone five is intense enough to actually create a training uh effect
I'll talk  about that in a second um but let's just touch on zone three and four workouts being really  good for mental strength um cuz they're hard right these are like your circuit training these  might be like a crossfit workout something like that and they should be done every 1 to two weeks  to build tolerance like I'm a David gogin fan and so having mental strength is something that is  important I think I think you should uh you know you should train that and and continue to to make  sure
you have that resilience to withstand tough workouts um and I think that's super important but  to actually like move the needle on your cardio so you have a crazy cardio you want to stick to zone  two and four so that's what this program consists of uh now you can skip past this if you don't want  to go into the physiology of this um but if you do listen along the reason that we have uh Zone 2 and  zone 5 is that the primary way that your cardio improves is via drops in oxygen so what that mea
ns  is when you exercise for long periods of time you have your body as it's burning through energy  also burns up oxygen along with that energy and that drop in oxygen level for a long period of  time um and that's the key is the the length of the period of time um that's creating a molecular  signal to your body to one increase blood plasma volume uh and then to your M mitochondrial cell  density uh and and so there's actual again it's the the precursor is the lack of oxygen uh and  that trigg
ers those those two things to occur so when you have increase blood plasma volume  what that does is that increases the like the the volume of blood in your um in your system  imagine putting more water into a water balloon that's what you're doing when you have more  blood in your system like more blood volume in your system that increases the size of your heart  uh will increases the size of your heart and then also the amount of blood that it pumps out so  again imagine more water going into
the water balloon and then that you know being pumped out  of the water balloon that's what's happening and you can trigger that with uh long slow periods  of cardio where you are um you know um uh where you are actually um doing that now in zone two the  the secondary trigger for cardio is uh like as an improving your V2 Max is actually a really steep  drop off in um in oxygen so um what that looks like is typically when you have your uh your uh  uh your your exercise your blood oxygen is aroun
d here around here around here and then um and then  when you exercise uh like in a zone two it drops a little bit like this and that is the cellular  or is like the trigger for you know different uh cellular signals to make mitochondria and blood  plasma but the other way is a really intense drop off so when you do a zone five workout you see a  really intense drop off of uh of blood oxygen and then um and then and it starts to raise back  up as your breathing rate starts to increase but this h
ere this drop off that comes from zone  five is an important signal to your body to say oh shoot I need to withstand drops in oxygen um and  you know I need to make adjustments and that's primarily going to do uh a couple things like I  said it's going to increase mitochondrial cell density and then also your blood plasma volume um  also when you do that your your body is going to learn to withstand uh high levels of uh acidity  now most people call it lactic acid but what most people don't know
is that lactic acid immediately  dissociates into lactate and hydrogen ions it's my belief that uh the hydrogen ions which causes  acidity is the primary thing that is causing the the the the um kind of the the pain that you  feel from the burn um and then also preventing you from being able to exercise continue continue  to exercise so when you exercise at really really high intensities you're generating I IE um zone  five you're generating uh a ton of acidity really quickly because you are ge
nerating um a ton of uh  like um you're kind of beyond your um uh your your heart's ability to keep up so that's why we use  high-intensity intervals in zone 5 um and again that's the key thing zone 5 not zone four or three  a lot of people will do these quote unquote hard workouts but they're actually in zone 4 and three  because they're doing like a 10minute workout or a 20 minute workout you it's not possible to be  in zone five for 10 minutes um it's just like physiologically not possible so
if you're doing  these quote unquote intense workouts in Zone 3 and four you are uh not getting to zone 5 so you're  not creating that rapid drop off in oxygen that you need instead you're kind of sticking around at  a medium level of uh oxygen uh deficit and that's not going to create the same um you know cellular  triggers that you need to create the cardio that you want so that's some of the in-depth science  behind uh behind this and um why you want to use the barbell strategy so to simplif
y it now um your  cardio rule is get a heart rate monitor you can be in Z 2 for an unlimited amount of time because  it's both training and also recovery and then you want to do zone 5 two to three times per week uh  so I tend to use tatas but there's different ways that you can uh you can train this um basically  train like a sprinter and um but that's the uh that's the cardio Rule now the next part of this  which is kind of the the bonus piece is that your ability to train is based on your abi
lity to  recover and Recovery is everything and so along with your heart rate um you want to make sure  that you are monitoring your sleeping and morning resting heart rate that's this is another reason  why you want a heart rate monitor like I said and why am I telling you this because again I believe  in David goggin I think that most people can push much harder than they think um but I still believe  that you want to use your physiology to help tell you when you need to like back down or whet
her  you need to or whether you can keep amping it up it really just gives you the peace of mind  that you can just keep on amping it up and um and you you're not going to get overtrained  I think people kind of spirly are like oh I'm overtraining where they're not overtraining  uh they're just not getting enough sleep um that's that's usually the case so here's how you  know if you're getting into like a overtraining state which is not burnout by the way um again  I'm kind of David goggin about
this so I'm I'm not a huge believer in this I I I more think it's  it's uh um you know I think you can really push through a lot um but uh anyway here's how you know  physiologically if you should back down is that if your heart rate your mourning heart rate or your  sleeping heart rate starts Rising for more than two nights consecutively that means it would be  time to back off on some elements of your training and increase your recovery time the other part of  this is sleep so sleep should be
at least eight hours per night and um most players most athletes  think that you know because you know your average person sleeps 8 hours a night and they're sleeping  8 hours a night they should be fine well the truth is that the best athletes actually need to sleep  9 plus hours so if you're thinking you're tired ask yourself are you sleeping more than nine  hours uh they did a study of like the very very best athletes like LeBron James and and um you  know Tiger Woods and Roger feder and the
y sleep like 9 10 sometimes 11 hours a day because their  bodies are are you know under demand so much of course you've got the the Michael Jordans and  the Joo willink of the world who uh don't need that that is actually a genetic trait by the way  so if you happen to have that genetic trait that's great but Mo most athletes do not most people do  not and um they actually do need 9 plus hours of sleep so if you're like oh I'm tired I'm tired I'm  tired well are you sleeping enough if you're if
if you're honest with yourself and you're you know  not sleeping under 9 hours then you just need to increase your sleep um last thing is just being  aware of the cost of boozing on your recovery so when you're doing all these training uh things um  I I'm I'm I'm personally not a big drinker um and but I do know that's important socialization  and uh you know it it's fun like I get it uh I I have fun with it too but I might drink a total  of like once or twice a year um and you can do it but wha
t you should do what you should be is just  aware of the cost um and there's a physiological cost which primarily is you'll notice that after  booing uh during the night and in the morning your resting heart rate will be higher indicating that  you haven't recovered fully so you can you can do it you can do it 7 days a week if you like um and  again I I think it's even good for from like a mindset perspective to get up in the morning and  and do a workout while you're after after a night out tha
t's good mentally to to to be to be good at  but just be aware of the cost I wouldn't recommend you do it every single day um and I personally  wouldn't recommend that you do it that often although I know that it's uh an important part to  to socialization and team bonding um I don't deny that at all uh but just be aware of the cost so  you know I'd recommend that you pick your battles you pick when you're going to be doing that um and  choose to do it at times when you can actually uh you know
make sure that your recovery is if it  if it is impacted you have the time to to get it back under control um what you'll notice like I  said is if you're going out two three nights in a row you're going to see your uh your sleeping  and morning resting heart rate climb higher and higher and higher and that's going to kind of put  you into that overtrained state so like why would you do that if you don't have to right especially  if if you're if you're training seriously for your sport so um tha
t's just my note on on on that and  on recovery so the the train 2.0 recovery Ru rule is monitor your resting heart rate to determine  your training load uh and that can be nighttime sleeping or morning resting heart rate and if as  long as it's not Rising keep on loading them up uh one last thing on the booing right just imagine  if you are are paying attention to your resting heart rate um and you're like uh you know you  you just are like it's going higher and higher and higher then you have
to back off your training  now you have the opportunity for like less reps um and that kind of stuff just because recovery is  everything and you're choosing not to to to do that so again not a bad thing not that you can't  do it it's just that be aware of the cost okay next part to this is ruthless strength training  requires consistently picking up the rock what does that mean well this is a rather dramatized  um you know draft graph on the right here but um My Philosophy in this 2024 offseaso
n training  PL is to do three exercises for three Reps for three sets every single day and then inch your  weight higher every week really simple absolutely absolutely the the most optimal program maybe  maybe not maybe because it's simple and easy to do and easy to remember and you'll never forget  it um and uh but maybe not because you know you can you can definitely get more Technical and  isolate specific muscles and periodize and all of those things you can absolutely do that too  but the s
implest thing and the and the period of my training where I got the most benefit was doing  this um and remember that that the when I say most benefit I don't just mean most benefit just in  terms of strength but being able to balance of these things when I was focused on using ruthless  strength I gained a ton of strength and I did not even come close to burning out and I was able  to put all my energy into mechanics um and uh that was a huge boost to uh my overall game  which is what I'm tryin
g to do here um and I've chosen three exercises after many many years of  experimentation and and program design to be the three most ruthlessly efficient hence why I call  it ruthless strength training um exercises so the atg split squat which uh will help with your shin  angle um and then bulletproof your knees and your quadricep strength also while lengthening your hip  flexors deadlift with which helps hip hinge but then also your back strength your pulling and  then bench press which is a c
ompound movement to uh work on your uh strength and the idea is to  inch your weight higher every week and when you do your three reps in your three sets always leave  one rep in the tank so you're not always trying to max out um you do want to do that with uh like  a muscle building but that's not what we're doing that's not what we're talking about but if you  do want to get into um what that you know what what that is here I have a couple like um you know  add-ons uh to tweak it to tweak it i
f if you want but that's again in the um uh in in the second  video we won't go into that in this one so um the 2.0 strength rule is lift every day for three  sets three reps and three exercises now the last part is uh connecting all parts of your spirit to  become an integrated hockey player and so the rule is do one thing every day to connect your spirit  to a different part of you now what does that mean like yeah this might sound a little bit uh Hocus  Pocus or woo woo um but I do recommend
doing and this is what it looks like um you know one one  activity of either cross training uh giving back to your community or something social with friends  and family every single day um I believe that uh you know if you're a pro hockey player then you  know you you probably have four or five days you know hours a day and uh to to dedicate to this but  you don't want to be a one-dimensional person or being I mean you hear of uh you know amazing  hockey players like Sydney Crosby or like the s
adin who are very community-minded um very  connected socially they have interest outside of um hockey and I think you want to you want  to create that to really connect you know your to yourself and and and be an integrated human  um if you're spending four or five hours a day make sure that like an hour or at least of that  is doing something other than hockey so that you have just a well-rounded personality okay so  that's that's the um the first thing the second is with cross trainining I be
lieve you should  be cross trainining um you know every day and often so tennis hiking uh you know golf biking  whatever it is that you enjoy um I believe you should be doing that every day I think that um  moving and finding enjoyment in those movements um and connecting and socializing and and also  learning things that may or may not connect to um to hockey as in you know movements that you might  be learning in tennis which I always recommend uh might help you in hockey well you know those 
are those are beneficial things to do so I do recommend that you do those things every single  day uh to to connect to a different part of you now if you're maybe younger than an NHL uh maybe  you're like 12 or 13 um you know you probably don't yet have a job maybe you do but if you don't  you can you can be dedicating that much time to you can be dedicating four or five hours a week or  a day to to all of this why not if your goal is to play pro then you got to begin acting like it um  and agai
n so long as you're making sure to cross train engage in your community with your friends  and family and that's always a part of your day well then what's what's the matter with uh doing  all this every single day probably nothing um and it just really is a matter of priorities and  commitment and and where you want your energy to go so that is my recommendation for that so my 2.0  Spirit rule is do one thing every day to connect your spirit to a different part of yourself okay  here's the bonu
s section which is an adding in hot cold therapy to boost results so that looks  like cool plunging and saunas so to turbo boost your results because remember that recovery is  everything cold plunging in the morning before exercise uh will increase your dopamine your  dop me is a neurotransmitter that increases your feelings of motivation so that will help you  get through uh all the activities that you that you have planned in a day because it's not easy  I'm not I'm not putting this little sp
readsheet together and saying oh yeah this is like super  easy to do no it's the lot of work and it's high intensity and um you know I don't recommend it  for for everyone um like you especially people that are not serious but if you are serious  then you know you're going to need to find a way to get yourself motivated cuz you won't always  feel motivated and cold plunging in the morning will uh neurologically set yourself up to be a  motivated person by increasing dopamine um the next part is
doing saunas after your training uh  to turbo boost your results uh two benefits well there's there's many benefits there's benefits to  your cardio there's benefits to your strength and recovery and muscle building and then there's also  like overall health benefits so um you want to do this after your training not before uh the reason  that after the training it's helpful is because imagine you just did a cardio workout in that  situation what happened was you your brain had to trigger your bo
dy to do a cardio workout then  your cardio was stressed what happens in the sauna is your cardio becomes stressed but your brain  didn't have to like trigger your body to do it you just need to sit there so you're almost getting a  second cardio workout without mentally fatiguing yourself so you you're almost doing double duty  with no not double due to the effort um so that increases cardiovascular gains in terms of your  strength um sauna has a direct Direct Direct dose response sorry those m
outhful relationship  between um your uh what's it called sorry your HGH release and time in the sauna so when you  the longer you're in the sauna the more HGH HGH is your human growth hormone and and um you know  primarily what that does is it uh helps your body metabolize fat metabolize and burn fat and then  also synthesize muscle um so it's a it's a really important uh hormone that triggers uh literally  human growth um and and and so if you're aiming to build muscle get taller um you know b
urn fat  um get bigger then you want to be triggering that so the more time spent in there the better it also  releases heat shock proteins uh this is literally uh something that happens when uh heat uh your  body is shocked by really high heat uh and these heat shock proteins help in protein repair and  your muscles are made up of guess what protein so uh when you trigger that you trigger your muscles  to get um recovered more quickly um it's also relaxing it helps you to recover um just becaus
e  you're more relaxed uh you'll also feel better uh it's a mood elevator um and then it'll also help  you with sleep which as we know is is important now in order to help you asleep it can't be done  right before asleep it should be done about 1 and a half to two hours before sleep so after  your training is fine um and then lastly there are some amazing health benefits I think the uh  studies that I've seen are that you know when you do saunas regularly like 5 to 7 days a week it's  like a 70%
reduction in all cause mortality and I think it's a 40% reduction in cardiovascularly  related deaths so you might be at an age where you care about that or you might be an age at an  age where you don't care about that but um the benefits to your overall health are amazing and  then coming back to the uh sleeping part uh which that if you have trouble sleeping consider uh a  cold plunge before bed or cold shower to get the core temperature down um you know a lot of times  uh people have a hard
time sleeping when they're too warm uh especially men women l so um but uh  then uh cool yourself down before bed so if you're doing a sauna before bed or too close to bed you  might disrupt your sleep so you need to make sure to drop your uh temperature um beforehand sorry  I'm going to go one one more technical thing which is that the reason why you want to do it an hour  and a half to two hours ahead of time is because um the the your body will begin cooling itself  down naturally uh after t
he sauna um and if you uh give yourself that time it'll start triggering  itself to cool down just in time for you to fall asleep um but if you do it too close to bedtime  you might be too hot at the time of going to bed which is where a cool plunge um or shower might  help with that so getting very technical but that will uh turbo boost your recovery results because  recovery is everything so here's your rules cold in the morning sauna after training be tool to  sleep um I use an eight sleep po
d um I would recommend it if you have the means um and what  that does is it it it controls your temperature um so it sets your temperature as cooler if you  have a partner then um the different sides of the bed are different temperatures so you can each  have your own preference and so that's what I have and that helps me uh sleep by getting cool  before bed and then it wakes me up nice and warm and it's a great thing my affiliate link is below  just kidding I don't have one um but I should get
one uh because I do recommend it uh so I don't  make any money off that but um I do recommend an eight sleep pod okay so I hope you got a ton  of value from that and just to recap you know some of the things that we went over um we talked  about you know four themes how this was designed to be more focused on Simplicity for execution  rather than like Perfection of like what is the optimal program and then I'm also very clear that  I'm prioritizing and biasing mechanics Mastery which would be w
orking within the train 2.0 plus  membership and um the standards uh program that we have there to improve your Mechanics for skating  for shooting for stick handling and um that is the bias that is the bias and the priority because I  believe it has the biggest impact on your game um but then we talk about how do you layer in cardio  strength and then cross trining being involved in your community being involved with your family um  all in a way that like works together uh and then we also talk
ed about the bonus of adding in hot  and cold I layered in a bunch of stuff too about you know David goggin's overtraining um and just  kind of My overall perspective on on how hard and how much I think you should be training now um if  you enjoyed this if you found this helpful then um what I'd love for you to do is sign up for the  full 2024 offseason training program with a train 2.0 Plus Membership and what that looks like is  it's a $47 month membership and um you can also uh get a uh a yea
r-long membership which would  save you I think 15 or 20% and um you know if if you just want the offseason training program  um sign up for a month and cancel uh you can sign up you can you can get it it's 47 bucks a month  and you can cancel now I've done uh programs you know I've charged $110,000 for programs I've  charged 5 ,000 for programs um and truthfully um the program that you're getting is probably  like $2 or $3,000 worth of worth of value and you can get it for 47 bucks um and the r
eason I'm  telling you this is because I think that when you join you're going to like the community you're  going to you're going to like and see the uh the training videos and and you're going to start  making improvements on your mechanics um that you wouldn't normally expect and you're going to be  like wow this is great so it's a little bit honey to get you in to be fully honest like I think I  think it's like way more value than 47 bucks a month um and um and and uh to to get you started 
and then I think you know you'll you'll be able to get more and more value out of it as you go and  when you join uh we have uh weekly coaching calls where we answer all your questions and these  are like video coaching calls uh where you can talk to myself or one of the other um train 2.0  coaches and get all your questions answered we have uh some some great communities where you can  ask your questions post your um post your videos get feedback uh and connect with other train 2.0  Plus member
s and that's all within the train 2.0 plus membership and like I said that's 47 bucks  a month and you can sign up for one month take the take the plan cancel and and run but I really  think that you're going to to get a ton of value from the entire community and the entire program  especially uh with the the focus on on mechanics I think you're going to go deep into to that um  and so I encourage you to do that that's my ask uh that that you do that and um and if you like  it uh you know let us
know but the thing I I I'd like to say too is don't tell me when you start  this thing tell me when you end this thing and that's what I would be most proud of that's  what I would be happiest with is that you uh send me a message in August or September after  a successful try out after finishing top of your uh you group in your beep test or whatever ever  um because everyone can start things in 2024 you know everyone's starting their offseason training  program um it's easy to say that tell me
when you finish it my case is that uh doing this training  program is going to be something that you can actually finish because it's so simple uh you can  do it every single day so yeah don't tell me when you start it tell me when you finish it uh give me  feedback let me know how it went and and you know share your wins so that uh um we we know how the  20204 version of this offseason training program did uh with that thank you very much I'd love  to see you in the train 2.0 Plus Membership I
hope you found this helpful and uh best of luck  with your offseason training thanks for watching
