
SUPREMACY GAMES Chapter 251-275 Audiobook | Sci-fi, Comedy, Action, Reincarnation

SUPREMACY GAMES Chapter 251-275 Audiobook | Sci-fi, Comedy, Action, Reincarnation Name: SUPREMACY GAMES Author: Midgard Genre: Sci-fi, Comedy, Action, Reincarnation Source:Webnove Novel Discord: Novel Patreon: Supremacy Games is a webnovel by MidGard about Felix Maxwell, an average player in the popular virtual reality game of the same name. While on a clan mission with 54 other players, Felix's fate is unexpectedly changed when they encounter a destroyed planet. The novel is set in a universe where Supremacy Games dominates as the leading entertainment platform, offering realistic experiences through the Universal Virtual Reality (UVR) system. Felix, known for his wit and resourcefulness, faces action, adventure, and humor in a fast-paced story. With well-developed characters, an exciting plot, and engaging writing, Supremacy Games explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and betrayal. If you enjoy virtual reality games, this webnovel is a great choice.

Md Alhadi Shaikh

8 months ago

Supremacy games chapter 251-275 chapter 251 the etching process alas  the J ramungandra didn't care about his plans as he chuckled your one percent human  bloodline can't even handle having one ability etched in it without asuna's continuous  oppression don't even mention adding two the moment Felix heard so he couldn't help but  sweat heavily from his forward at the previous plan that he had which was etching poison immunity  and poison manipulation in his one percent human bloodline poison imm
unity was a must ability  for Felix as without it he would be the first to get affected negatively by his own abilities  it wasn't just him who was required to do it but every bloodliner with a destructive element such  as ice fire magma lightning Etc as for those with elements like a plant water and such they didn't  need to as their elements were soft and gentle this meant Noah and Adam didn't have any other  alternative than keeping those resistances in order to carry on treading their bloodl
ine  path smoother after all if they unlocked an ability that includes being inside of it without  a single resistance the site wouldn't look pretty thankfully after they etch the resistance  it would be theirs which meant they could totally upgrade its rank from low intermediate  Advanced to even getting a complete immunity though they wouldn't be able to make  it that far as to upgrade a resistance a bloodliner was required to expose himself to  the vicious side of their element continuously s
ince Noah was an ice Elemental list  he would need to expose his body to a freezing degree until even with his  resistance he would feel the cold find authorized novels in Faster updates better  experience please click number dot underscore 5169500374801506 for visiting Felix  wasn't required to do any of this as he straightaway unlocked poison immunity  and with it he would be able to use poison manipulation to its maximum potential but now  he realized that his thinking was too shallow Asuna t
old him that with her being merged with him  he wouldn't be stopped at just six abilities edged in his 1 human bloodline like the rest in fact  she told him that he could Edge nine abilities this also meant that Felix could potentially  Edge two abilities at once instead of one but that information was given when Asana was  considering that Felix was going to use tier VII Bloodlines or below not the primogenitor bloodline  this signified that his original plan was bound to fail no matter what as
even if J ramungandra's  poison manipulation was considered as an ability and Felix unlocked it at 99 he wasn't going to be  able and Edge it after all there was no way that he could give up on poison immunity at this point  in time Felix couldn't help but thank his lucky stars that asna's information was crap about the J  ramungandra's poison manipulation being an ability as of now he believed that he could give  up on etching the peak active ability and etch only poison immunity in his one pe
rcent  bloodline however after J ramungandris heard His Thoughts he couldn't help but face palm at  his retardation child is it just me or you are getting stupid by the second cough did I say  something Roe Felix's sheepish smile stiff and mid-sentence as his delayed wit made him  realize how moronic his thinking was before God damn it I am the F asterisking primogenitor  of poison how can my body not be immune to poison Felix slapped his cheek once to make himself  never forgot this again do yo
u see what I was dealing with for the past years a Smith's  side at least he figured it out by himself the J ramungandras chuckled as he told Felix  those inscriptions in your body weren't just for decoration Felix massaged his red and cheek  as he nodded his head in understanding well Felix shouldn't really be blamed as his mind was still  fixated on his bloodline System since he spent a couple of decades using it only now that he was  practicing another system and also a vague one he was bound
to forget or confuse some matters that  being said he quickly switched gears and grinned in excitement as now he was able to Edge his Peak  active ability again all right are you certain about your choice the J ramungandra asked the  moment the process ends I won't be able to remove it as it will be ingrained in your own being  permanently yes Felix nodded in a firm manner he already considered deeply each ability's strengths  and weaknesses before making his decision for super strength he was
bothered about losing it  since it was literally his Backbone in the fights without it a single projectile from a higher level  bloodliners would mess up with Felix pretty badly that's due to his body defenses being  as terrible as his integration level but Felix could only give up on it and wish  dearly that in the first passives of the Sphinx that he would get another defensive ability as  for poisonous Aura poison bombs poison pillars poison absorption and poison revitalization  Felix didn't
care about losing them as with poison manipulation he was bound to create  them again or an even better version than them meanwhile for ultra-infrared vision he wouldn't  lie and say that he wasn't but hurt about losing it however he got a new vision enhancement which  might not be as useful as infrared vision but it had its own advantages lastly for the fourth  active ability Felix was actually torn whether to Edge it or the peak ability that's how good  it was in his eyes however in the end he
chose the peak one due to its usefulness even in the  future in comparison to the fourth active ability that being said Felix wasn't going to lose  them all at once after the etching process begins or something like that Felix would be  losing them only after reaching each minor step and unlocking the new sand abilities for  example after he integrates five percent and reaches 15 super strength and poison immunity  would be replaced with two new sand passives this would keep going on in 30 45 u
ntil 75 percent  as for 99 origin purity Felix wasn't going to replace anything in it since the peak ability  would already be edged in his 1 human bloodline just like this a successful replacement stage  would pass and open a path for the next stage this process would keep repeating until  he reached Peak sixth stage of replacement upon seeing that Felix was ready the J ramungandra  snapped his finger casually and Felix Winston in pain for a split second before he felt normal  again I am done t
he J ramungandra lifted the card deck from the table and shuffled it again he  looked at usna and said be quick and ask what you want that's it in utter disbelief Felix opened  his eyes widely after hearing the J ramungandra excusing him like this he understood that the J  ramungander was going to have meticulous control of his bloodline just like asna could manipulate  her memories to her own will however he expected that at least the process would last for a  minute when compared to the normal
etching process that lasts for over 15 minutes to 20. yet  it was evident that he was still underestimating the J ramungandra's capabilities damn I wonder  how others will feel if they knew about this Felix smiled Riley as he stood up from his  place you see the normal etching process that everyone experience wasn't as instantaneous as  this but quite Troublesome and time-consuming for a bloodliner to Edge an ability in  his 1 bloodline he would need specific gadgets and help from an Essence ex
tractor  since the process was related to genetics that's right a bloodliner does not just think  about it and the ability will automatically Edge itself in his human's bloodline if the  process was this simple humans wouldn't have been stuck in the purification realm for at least  two million years they tried possibly everything to break through the bloodline shackles and  not just replace the bloodline with another that was done before and it provided nothing  but a change of bloodline there w
asn't a clear or explosive increase in strength that would make  the replacement realm be an actual Realm however Mariana changed this by stepping out and inventing  the etching process which made the bloodliners keep the ability and also get an explosive  enhancement corresponding to the bestial rank if it wasn't for so Mariana wouldn't have been  glorified as a prodigy with monstrous intellect and respected from a generation after the other  Felix didn't know exactly the core of the theory tha
t Mariana relied on at that point in time since  that was related closely to genetics but he knew that for a bloodliner to Edge an ability they  would be required to purchase six genome specifier needles and contact a trustworthy Essence  extractor with a good reputation after making the contact and creating a solid contract between  them the bloodliners proceed to use those needles for extracting the part of the genome sequence  that was responsible for the abilities existence the full genome s
equence of the Beast was referred  to by all as the bloodline's essence those needles were called genome specifier for a reason as they  were invented by the human race to automatically draw those parts without the bloodliner needing  to do anything he just needed to buy Six needles each correspondent to an ability after those parts  of genome sequences where the abilities exist were drawn into the needles the bloodliner would then  send them to the essence extractor for a reading the bloodliner
would inform him about  the ability that he was planning to etch in his one percent human bloodline the  extractor would then read those parts in each of those needles and see which one was responsible  for the ability that the bloodliner had chosen after so the extractor would isolate that part  of the genome sequence and place it in another highly Advanced needle which appeared like a  gun this needle was called the imprinter as it would be the one responsible for etching that  said ability i
n the humans one percent bloodline by then the extractor sends the imprinter needle  and the five genome specifier needles back to the bloodliner after the bloodliner received them he  would simply need to use the imprinter needle on his body and it would automatically Edge the  ability in his one percent human bloodline this process lasts between 15 minutes to 20  minutes after so the bloodliner injects the essence back from the five needles returning  those abilities in their place with this t
he bloodliner would have finished the first etching  process in obtaining the explosive enhancement of having the essence truly merged with him unlike  normal integration since the etching was permanent this meant any mutation that was related to the  edged ability would remain permanently as well as it could be seen the process wasn't efficient  and instantaneous like having the owner of the bloodline taking care of it by himself but humans  did their best to make it less Troublesome and proble
matic as possible than Mariana's original  method improvements like inventing those needles making the extractor occupation teachable to  the masses instead of holding the knowledge and creating foolproof standard contracts that  could be used between bloodliner and extractor after all the extractor literally receives the  extracted six abilities of that bloodliner in his hands leaving the bloodliner defenseless like  a commoner if it wasn't for those contracts which forbid the extractors from f
asterisking up  the request like putting the wrong ability in the imprinter OR screwing with the bloodline  Essence by mixing it with random genes and such no one would have dared to give strangers such  a power over them however with Queen's presence towering over everyone those extractors  didn't dare mess up the bloodliners request since the moment they signed a contract concerning  the life of another individual the Queens would have the right to make a move on them based on  their thoughts
only there would be no such a thing as free will anymore as if the extractor thought  about harming the bloodliner and planned on going for it the queen will hear it and see it she would  act based on the terms signed in the contract if the punishment written was death she wouldn't  hesitate to explode the extractor's Consciousness just like she was doing with the players in the  SG platform thankfully Felix didn't need to deal with any of this [ __ ] with the existence of  asna and the J ramun
gandra since one of them was possibly the best extractor in the universe  and the other well it was his own bloodline hopefully I received some good enhancements  impatient Felix closed his eyes planning to head to the measurement Center and test out his body  and Energies chapter 252 testing the enhancements inside the measurement Center Felix could be  seen standing before a silver punching machine the first test he was aiming for was his  physical strength he cracked his knuckles while concen
trating on the red pad then he struck  it with all of his strength putting his entire weight on the punch boom the sound of contact was  loud all right but the machine still didn't budge it simply did its job and started calculating  the force packed in that punch Felix took a step back and lifted his head glancing at the final  result that was displaying a staggering 5000 BF appalled and astonished Felix kept staring back  and forth between the number and his fist having a bit of difficulty bel
ieving the Behemoth  strength that his body was possessing now he knew that he had just received double the known  enhancement and a thrilled grin couldn't help but start to widen on his lips at the thought of  receiving this enhancement after each replacement he recognized that as long as he keeps using the  primogenitor's Bloodlines he would always have double the strength of any bloodliner in his level  even the ones with super strength passive boost with this Felix could finally let go of hi
s super  strength passive without feeling shitty inside thank God the primogenitors never fail  to disappoint as with this double boost Felix would still have 3100 BF even  after he loses his super strength soon Felix went to carry on with other physical  tests such as his kicking Force his movement speed his weight his body defenses against  physical abilities and Elemental abilities after finishing those tests he checked on his  mental defenses and realized that he was finally capable of defen
ding himself from mental  abilities used by second stage bloodliners unlike super strength passive which affects  only the body the enhancement after the etching process affected literally everything  about Felix this resulted in him finally getting some protection on his mind after spending one  hour or two testing multiple mental abilities on his mind from a first second and even  third-stage bloodliners Felix found out that his mind was almost immune to getting affected  by first stage bloodl
iners mental abilities as for second stage bloodliners he was utmost  protected from lower ends bloodliners but those at the peak he was getting affected  pretty heavily meanwhile for the third stage bloodliners Felix didn't manage to survive even  the weakest mental ability sent in his Direction with those tests he now had a clear understanding  of strengths and limits now to Energies Felix wiped his sweaty for it as he asked AI please  widen the room to its limits and place down a dummy every
hundred meters away from me as you  command the measurement room started to expand and expand akin to a cube getting inflated but  retaining its shape the process didn't last for even two seconds before the white room was big  enough Felix couldn't see its walls even though his eyesight was enhanced immensely how big is the  room now he asked 25 square kilometer the AI added if you want the room to be bigger you need to pay  additional fees no need that's more than enough Felix said while turnin
g on his infrared vision  although his eyes were no longer belonging to the J ramungandras his passive wasn't affected in the  slightest as he unlocked the ability not received it with the mutation however after turning it on  Felix noticed a massive difference from before instead of seeing everything in Black and White  his eyes were actually showing him color like he didn't even turn it on but Felix knew that he  had it on as the red auras of the dummies were too hard to miss however Felix did
n't show any signs  of shock as he already anticipated this to happen he knew that most of the passives overlay or  even merge unless they were polar to each other Felix's enhanced eyesight added with  infrared vision was extremely in line this is truly a hundred times better Felix  smiled in satisfaction as he always was bothered by the fact that he couldn't see  colors when his infrared vision was on hopefully the distance increased is good as well  not wasting time Felix turned on his infrare
d vision to the Limit making the silver dummies in  front of him start showing red auras one by one until he was able to see 10 red auras in total  since those dummies had 100 meters separating them from each other this led Felix to conclude  that his new infrared vision limit was a whopping one kilometer not bad quite satisfied by the  result of his mental energy increase Felix scratched his chin while lowering the distance  gradually until his vision covered only 200 meters the limit increasin
g to one kilometer was quite  good but Felix was more interested in knowing how well his mind would fare by having his infrared  vision turned on in such a medium-sized area he was planning to keep it turned on while  continuing to do his other tests and practices in order to check if his head would start aching  after a few hours or not two hours later woosh woosh Felix could be seen trying his best  to swing the golden tail at the punching pad alas he kept failing to make the  bulgier end of t
he tail hit the pad he always ends up either missing its completely  or hitting with the middle of the tail again not giving up Felix backed away three  steps from the machine he looked at his tail that was waving playfully and order it to  stop unexpectedly the tail did freeze stiffly too bad before Felix could smile the tale  started to subconsciously move on its own again you little [ __ ] Felix cursed with  his eyebrows twitching in annoyance his irritation was understandable as he spent the
  majority of those two hours trying to control the tail first before using it to strike the punching  pad in every attempt he wasted at least 10 minutes until the tail finally stops moving thankfully  in this instance he only tried 30 times in seven minutes before the tale responded to his wishes  not planning to waste this opportunity Felix immediately used a tail swinging technique that  allows the user to dish out the biggest force in one single swing since he learned it when  he was using t
he serpent tail he was having difficulty getting familiar with positioning and  the animation of the swing adding to the fact that his tale was acting like a rebellious teenager  the technique never worked for the past two hours however at this instant Felix felt that he nailed  his form for the first time in the past two hours he couldn't help but glance with a tingle of  anticipation at the bulgier end of the tail rushing fiercely at the center of the punching pad  om the thunderous sound prod
uced from the contact was loud enough Felix's ears were hit by a visible  sound wave and made them ringing ceaselessly heck Felix felt like he was hit with a sound  ability as his ears were hearing nothing but the irritating ringing yet he wasn't that bothered by  them as his eyes were bulging out of their sockets in disbelief at the end result of his strike 6700  BF Felix's brain turned into mush at the site of such a monstrous force that could be produced  only by a punch from a fourth-stage b
loodliner he couldn't believe that his tail mutation was  stronger than both his fists and feet after all his punch could at most dish out 5000 BF while  his leg during the tests was only able to dish out 5700 BF at best now this is AF asterisking  mutation thrilled and Overjoyed Felix laughed out loud while holding his tail in his hands feeling  the bulgier end which was as hard as a diamond when he touched it before in the shower he  expected that it was going to be quite useful in fights howe
ver not in his wildest dreams would  he have considered that it would be the strongest part of his body now that he saw what it could do  when it had its potential brought out by him Felix removed any thought of ignoring this Lethal  Weapon and decided to do extensive work on it he understood that his tale from now on  was going to be his main melee weapon find authorized novels in Faster updates better  experience please click number underscore 51392605417699579 for visiting if he didn't  learn
techniques and methods to utilize its strengths he would genuinely be letting down the  Sphinx realizing now that his tale was extremely strong and even steady an idea abruptly too  rude in Felix's mind impatient Felix let go of his tail and order it to remain on the ground as  always the first attempts didn't work regardless he kept trying and trying until the bulgier  end of the tale was finally on the ground seeing so Felix swiftly lifted both of his legs  making himself rely only on his tai
l to carry his weight unexpectedly it actually worked like a  charm heck he didn't even feel pained or pressured by doing so as the tale remained as steady as  rock however Felix was still finding it quite difficult to keep his balance especially when  this was the first time he was attempting to do so in order to get a better posture Felix leaned  back slightly while lifting his legs even higher thud alas the moment he lost focus on his tail it  started to subconsciously move on its own again m
aking Felix lose his support and fall on his head  this might take a while Felix said while rubbing his head sir Felix the extra hour you added is  about to end the AI asked should I add another Felix thought about it for a second  before shaking his head no need I am done chapter 253 Luby's shop transformation there  was no point in remaining in the measurement Center anymore as the only test left was  his energy capacity Felix didn't need to test it as he already felt that his energy was  almo
st half full after he finished replacement this suggested that his capacity had actually  doubled as well Felix knew that this was a massive enhancement as the others rarely receive a  50 increase even after using a legendary bloodline since energy was always his akil's heel he was  most glad by this enhancement back in real life Felix was dialing Luby wanting to check whether he  had his money for the old three serpents bottles or not 15 days had passed since Luby received  them marking the end
of the payment delay if Looby didn't come through and paid him now  Felix wouldn't hesitate to enter a non-exclusive contract with other shops and send them those four  sand bottles which were still in his possession clunk greedy dog where is my money Felix asked  calmly he he brother Felix come down to the shop I want to show you something  Luby requested with a Sly laugh what is he up to Felix wondered  to himself in curiosity don't be alarmed when you reach my shop Luby said  one last time b
efore hanging up oh interesting intrigued Felix immediately laid down on the  bed and requested the queen to log him in inside the uvr Felix was walking in the maze-like  alley with clear confusion clouding his face he ought to feel like that as he met with five  individuals walking past him in this alley only after going to the next he saw three  more walking and chatting with each other alas he could only see their mouths moving  and not hear a sound as they must have blocked strangers from he
aring the content of their  conversation what the hell is going on Felix was quite befuddled as this was the first time  he saw so many people in those alleys which they had nothing in them besides being a path to  Luby's shop the closer he got to Luby's shop the more people he met with which was a pretty  obvious sign of where they were coming from after a while Felix reached the well-lighted alley  that had the Shop's brick wall.find authorized novels in Faster updates better experience please
  click number s shop transformation underscore 5141480340-2-513497 for visiting unexpectedly  there was a long line to enter the shop an unprecedented scene since the  moment Felix was aware of Luby's shop the hell did he do Felix lined up properly  while sizing up the people in front of him instead of asking Luby Felix poked a bald man in  front of him and asked politely sir may I know how did you find out about the shop Felix added  after seeing that he was being glared it 1000sc this shop wa
s turned black last week  the bald man touched Felix's bracelet and carried on the news about it is currently  spreading like wildfire in the dark Network plus his legit products had even better quality  than most shops thank you Felix murmured the words in a daze finding it hard to process the  fact that Luby's shop had actually turned black meaning he was now part of the black market Felix  understood that Luby's shop might be hidden from the public and even had a password for Access  he was a
ctually selling only legit products legit in a sense they were obtained  with proper channels and were doc.u.ment in other words every potion substance item and  bloodline bottle in the shop were registered in the Kingdom's database and could be traced back  to Luby's shop in the real world if it weren't for them being registered the tax department of  the Kingdom wouldn't know how many coins Luby was making and thus they wouldn't be able to tax his  earnings from the uvr as long as Luby was pay
ing his taxes from The Real World and uvr sales he  would always be seen favorably by the kingdom however going black changes everything as Luby's  shop would be dealing with stolen goods from Pirates smuggled Goods undetected by the customs  enforcers and every kind of illegal products by joining this endeavor Luby was putting himself  at risk of being caught and thrown into jail sentenced for possibly hundreds of years it was  effortless to catch him as the moment Luby get linked to be dealing
with illegal Goods he would  be paid a visit to his shop in the real world this made Felix conclude that Luby definitely gave up  on his shop in the real universe and was currently on the Run Felix was certain that he had a tiny  role in Luby's decision to join the black market after all there was no way for Luby to be capable  of building an illegal network with pirates and smugglers in measly 15 days Luby couldn't just  contact a pirate crew and enter a contract with them like dealing with hi
s customers Felix knew  that such a trust related process requires years of effort to shape up into a reliable Network  where the stolen goods could actually reach the buyer's hands without endangering  anyone participating in the transaction this meant Luby had already done most of the  work to turn his shop into a black market he was probably hesitating or worried about taking  the final step and committing himself to the dark side Felix knew that his harsh words from before  were simply the t
iny push that Luby needed to head in that direction greedy dog I am in front of  the shop Felix side as he requested let me in immediately after Luby's delighted voice resounded  from the brick wall come inside brother Felix receiving his confirmation Felix stepped forward  bypassing the grumbling crowd who clearly didn't like this favorable treatment Felix didn't care  about them getting upset as it was Luby's problem to fix ladies and Gentlemen please do forgive  me but he is one of my busines
s partners Luby explained himself politely the rising tension was  cooled down after hearing him mention business partners they understood that it was only  logical for Felix to have a priority over them thus they weren't bothered anymore about  him skipping the line after Felix entered through the brick wall his eyes couldn't help  but widen in shock at the packed full shop with customers spread all over the place while  accompanied by one little elf to assist them some of them were standing be
fore the shelves  which were quite empty compared to the earlier days while some were sitting in chairs in front  of a hologram that was displaying A peculiar looking potion they weren't just looking at it but  raising the bid on it silently by using the queen by the time Felix's eyes landed on the screen  the bid had already reached 2 billion SC I am upstairs hearing Luby's voice Felix broke out  of his days he didn't think that in 15 days of not seeing it the entire shop would get more custome
r  traffic than goatee's shop in the Empire's capital he gotta say that he was in favor of the change  Felix went to the second floor without wasting time and found that Luby was attending to  a customer personally for Luby to be doing so while the shop was packed to the brim it  only meant that this man was worth the effort instead of interfering in their business deal  Felix left them and checked on Luby's new stock he knew that since the second floor had the  best products in the shop there m
ust be some noteworthy stolen items after checking the first  shelf Felix felt like his eyes were introduced into a new world as most of the items placed  had a billion plus price tag however he didn't think that they were overpriced for a second as  each of them could only be found in Beethoven's auctions or other noteworthy establishments  yet those items were now placed in this shop for anyone to take unconditionally this array of  rare items made Felix understand that Luby wasn't dealing wit
h Pirates scu.m Who pry only on small  merchantspace.i.p.s but professional Pirates crew he knew that those pirates had only one target  insight and that was the cargo space.i.p.s of the upper echelon in the Mariana Empire the upper  echelon who devours all of the good stuff coming from outside of the Galaxy before landing on the  public markets to actually steal from them it took a lot of Courage skill and a bit of Madness this  applied to even Luby who was currently promoting probably one of t
he upper echelon's stolen potion  to that VIP man this dog was truly hiding too deep Felix smiled Riley as he went to sit on  a couch alas just as his ass was about to touch the fiber he heard the VIP man say calmly  to Luby I never thought that I would need to buy a potion twice just to reach me chapter  254 once you go black you can never go back everyone on the second floor who heard the VIP  man say so knew that trouble was about to start after all his meaning was clear Luby  was selling his
own stolen potion he he interesting Felix grinned slightly  as he put one leg above the other he was anticipating how Luby was going to get  rid of this accusation I have looked far and wide in every black market shop since the moment  my subordinate spaceship got pirated two weeks ago the VIP man spoke casually while examining a  square-shaped brown potion in Focus who would have thought it would be in your hands Luby with all  due respect Mr Tom but if you are going to come in my shop and sta
rt throwing false accusations to  ruin my esteem reputation I won't have it Luby's squinted his eye and repeated I won't have it not  now not ever speechless Felix's eyebrows twitched at the sight of Luby lying through his toothless  mouth without a single change of expression hahaha upon hearing so Mr Tom let out a hearty  laugh as he placed the bottle on the table only his laugh was resounding on the second floor  as everyone went quiet to watch the juicy drama greedy dog I am not here to argu
e with you if  this potion is mine or not Mr Tom pointed at the shelves and said calmly I already noticed  that five items from my stolen shipment are here as well before Luby could start playing the  victim card and deny his accusation Mr Tom added coldly I don't know which Rat Hole you came up  from and I have no interest in hunting you down I only want two things from you Mr Tom extended  two fingers one send me my stolen items 2. give me the location of those pirate  everyone drew a d
eep breath at such a blatant threatening attempt just like Felix they didn't  know who this Mr Tom was but the fact that Luby didn't straight away kick him from the shop  was enough to show that he was a big shot what if I said no Looby sneered dropping all  pretense as well you can't afford to say no Mr Tom said nonchalantly you are still new in the  IL Queen please kick him out of my shop and ban him for life from stepping inside all of my shops  and buying my products Luby requested interrupt
ed him mid-sentence he knew that whatever was going  to come out of Mr Tom's mouth was simply going to disrespect him even further in front of his  clients thus why bother keeping him inside he already offended him by selling his items  seeing that his body was breaking down into white particles Mr Tom frowned his eyebrows as he  said one last time you will regret this decision mark my words we will see about that Luby merely  scoffed at his threat if he were easily frightened from just one thre
at he wouldn't have dared  to switch his business to the black market he knew that selling stolen items wasn't going to  be all rainbow and sunshine attracting a couple of offended real owners was going to be a daily  occurrence in his shop and if he didn't balls up and dealt with them properly his reputation would  get screwed even in the black market at that point he would truly be at his end rope greedy dog it  seems like you are in quite a pickle Felix said chuckling he spoke first to break
off the awkward  atmosphere after Mr Tom left everyone knew that they were purchasing stolen goods and meeting  the real owner left a bad taste in their mouths though they didn't still give a [ __ ] and carried  on browsing the shelves putting in their shopping cart whatever caught their interest it wasn't  their problem that Mr Tom got unlucky and had his cargo spaceship getting targeted by professional  Pirates they understood that it was tough to meet pirates in this wide universe even though
their  numbers were endless in space this false sense of security makes most cargo space.i.p.s not  waste money on hiring extra mercenary fleets to protect them as their prices weren't low in the  slightest there was no way they would be paying for this additional protection in each delivery  as the expenses would be quite hard to stomach especially when cargo space.i.p.s meet up with  pirates only once in three months if they were extremely unlucky he can't do anything to me Luby  smirked as h
e stood up let's talk in my office Felix nodded and followed after him the office was  at the back end of the second floor and it wasn't really that big as it was used mostly for private  meetups like those Luby never bothered to use it before since his shop was always empty after  sitting down Felix joked how is the view of space tisk if it weren't for the uvr I would have been  bored to the death by how stale it is Luby clicked his tongue in irritation Felix chuckled at hearing  him say so as
he knew that Luby was currently in a spaceship wandering in space aimlessly without a  place to call home the moment he switched to being a black market seller he gave up on the right  to land in any populated planet that was part of the alliance after all his ID was probably already  blacklisted making it impossible for his spaceship to pass through the check-in of technologically  advanced planets if he went and sneaked in planets like Earth which were in the process of catching  up to the res
t he would be found sooner or later since if he sent a sold product to its owner  crumbs leading to his location would be left behind thus as long as he continued operating  as a black Merchant the infinite Cosmos would be his greatest Ally Felix also knew that Luby's  spaceship was completely safe from Pirates attacks as now that he had a black Merchant status  he was going to receive total immunity and protection from any pirate crew although it was  merely an unofficial rule not binding anyon
e every pirate still honored it after all black  Merchants were the ones who sell their stolen goods and if they assaulted them it was the same  as lowering their chances of making a profit however the biggest reason would always be the  deterrence of being found out and hunted down by the rest of the Pirates there was a zero tolerance  policy on harming or stealing from black merchants that being said there were always some Black  Sheep who ignores this unofficial Rule and attack anything they
meet like rabid dogs hungry  for flesh Luby needed to be careful of those the most especially when he was carrying  all of his products in his spaceship I kind of feel bad I didn't think my place in  your black heart would be big enough to risk your life just to pay me back Felix suggested  with a half smile don't flatter yourself Luby scratched his ear in annoyance I was  already preparing to turn into a black Merchant I was just reluctant to leave my home planet since  I knew that once I go bl
ack I can never go back hahaha Felix exploded in laughter with his head  bent down after hearing the last words of Luby bastard what are you laughing at Luby  asked with a disturbed expression if only you knew what those words meant in  my home planet you will never repeat them Felix said while wiping his eye with his  finger once I go black I can never go back Luby repeated it with a confused expression seeing  nothing wrong with what he said haha don't mind it just a bit of cultural difference
Felix waved  his hand trying his best to hold back his laughter seeing that Felix wasn't planning on explaining it  Luby stopped bothering with it and said smugly I have your money prepared and if you have any other  bottles bring them all in it seems like you don't have troubles with liquidity anymore Felix said  with a pleasant smile I will need only three days to sell your bottles now with this kind of traffic  Luby nodded his head in agreement upon hearing so Felix immediately sent Luby the
four bottle serial  codes and told him to be dealing with bada die about the delivery details before Felix was giving  bada Dai Luby's real shop address to deliver those bottles.find authorized novels in Faster updates  better experience please click number underscore 51421610925675955 for visiting but now that Luby  was in the middle of nowhere bottadai needed new coordination and it was improper for Felix to  ask Luby about them T.I ring after receiving the serial codes Luby didn't hesitate t
o wire  Felix a whopping 1 billion and 500 million SC this was the total from Seven tier V epic  Bloodlines bottles with Felix already having 300 million or so in his bank account he  was getting closer to reach 2 billion SC for the first time Felix finally  neither had debt nor owned anyone he had his entire Capital back again with a couple  of hundred millions missing he he brother Felix how about you purchase something from the new  stock Luby rubbed his hands together with a slight Rin your
stuff might be great but it isn't what I  require at the moment Felix said shaking his head Felix would rather save his coins until the  series gets released and combine his capitals then found an investment firm that would spread  its roots in all fields and industries to achieve so he needed massive capital for investing  and also to keep buying bloodline bottles Felix was patient enough to carry on waiting and  waiting until the day his businesses in the uvr would be able to sustain his needs
without  even bothering to glance at his bank account tisk it's your loss Luby added while showing  him an empty screen write the items that you require so if my hands landed on them I would  inform you just like the rest and bid for them sure Felix agreed instantly and started  typing the materials for the elemental potion if he could buy them with coins he wouldn't waste  his hard-earned game points on them as he knew that the further he advanced in SG the harder  it would be to gather them a
fter he finished writing them down Felix stood up wanting to excuse  himself however he soon was reminded of something when are you going to lose your shop lease Felix  asked he knew that the moment Luby's Fame as a black Merchant started to spread the enforcers  in the androxa city would pay him a visit for breaking the rules first they would take his  shop lease then kick him out of the capital in worse cases even ban him from entering the  Alexander Kingdom's uvr territory probably in two day
s Luby replied with a gloomy look I  will really miss this place after you retire from being a black Merchant you can repurchase it  Felix comforted him my plan exactly Luby nodded his head in agreement before adding I will be  transforming my business mostly online while staying in other hidden shops that I leased months  ago I see Felix nodded his head in understanding he knew that most black Merchants used Luby's plan  first they make a bang in the network that their shop had gone black to at
tract as much traffic as  possible before getting their shops lease revoked however they would have already established a good  reputation by then making it easier for them to switch to dealing with their customers online and  in most dire situations face-to-face in their new hidden shops after all the items that Luby was  dealing with were extremely pricey and there was no way for someone to buy them without meeting the  seller face to face all right if I ever needed to meet you I will ask you
about the new shop address  Felix said one last time before leaving the office buy something before you leave you cheapskate  Luby cursed him in irritation next time Felix said as he closed the door behind  him chapter 255 toxic Bale Lion bloodline back in real life Felix was lying on the bed  while browsing through Cody's Shop website for new Bloodlines to buy he was eager to reach  15 and unlock the first passives of the Sphinx however he was a bit lazy as he decided to  check online instead o
f going out in person in a while Felix picked two eagle species bottles  and three bottles each from a different species he then called goatee informing him about the  purchase after paying for them up front he straightway received the serial codes however  he didn't send them to bottadai since tomorrow he would be heading to the venue with the team  for the Gathering after tomorrow they would be transported to the wildness and left there for  seven days without uvr or the Queen's assistance Fel
ix preferred waiting until he gets back from  the competition just as Felix planned to shake off the laziness by carrying on his inner manipulation  training he received a message from George the message entailed that the team will gather  tomorrow at 9am for breakfast at the hotel's restaurant you better behave tomorrow Felix  gave a threatening glare at his playful Tale knowing that a single harmless swing could cause  internal bleeding to Olivia and rest Felix was planning to keep his distanc
e as far as possible  from them until he gets full control of his tail tomorrow at 9am Felix was already up and currently  taking a morning shower Ah that's refreshing Felix exhaled in pleasure as he rolled a towel on his  nether region he got outside of the bathroom and went to get dressed obviously he wore the  main team's outfit soon he went to his VR pod and unplugged it then he beamed it inside  his spatial card before leaving his room.find authorized novels in Faster updates better  experi
ence please click number dot underscore 51438035954355147 for visiting T.I  ring after stepping outside of the elevator Felix walked with a straight back and  nonchalant expression towards the restaurant however with his new high-profiled mutations  he didn't Escape getting pointed at by the other bloodliners and the hotel staff crew on  his way here unbothered by their murmurs Felix entered the noisy restaurant packed to the brim  with Juniors wearing different colored uniforms most of them wer
e sitting as a full team with  their instructor by their side just like the national team sitting at the restaurant Center the  white and blue U.S uniform was pretty easy to spot noticing how crowded it was Felix smiled bitterly  while glancing at his Lethal Weapon waving left and right he knew that he couldn't pass through  without smacking someone into the wall or a window he didn't want to return to his room after already  making it here hence he was left with no other choice but to hold into
his tail with one hand  and walk forward appearing like he was walking his kid to school the moment he reached Olivia and the  rest who were sitting on a long Family Table their chatter died down as they kept looking at Felix  in days and bewilderment they weren't the only ones staring at Felix like that as he was standing  in the center of the restaurant under the public eyes of everyone his unique new appearance was  already an ieopener don't even mention him holding his tail like that good m
orning uncaring by the  attention he was receiving Felix found himself an empty chair and sat on it he took the menu off  the table and asked calmly what did you guys get hearing his voice Olivia and the rest broke  off their days as they realized that he was truly Felix this made it even more difficult to  believe it as his entire appearance was changed if someone came up to them and told them that  Felix wasn't a native Earthling they would believe it in a heartbeat that's how big of a change
Felix  received after his advancement incomparable to his Awakening did you replace your bloodline somewhat  shocked Walton asked what was on everyone's mind no I dyed my hair and wore new eye contacts heck  even this tale is a plush that I stuck to my back Felix replied sarcastically while  giving Walton a look meant for retards it's Felix all right damn had  me doubting my eyes for a second seeing his [ __ ] attitude in play everyone  let go of the last bit of doubt they had agitated George im
mediately started barraging  Felix with questions when did you replace it why did you do it without anyone's supervision  what percentage did you integrate with which beast and rank did can you relax Felix glanced in  his Direction and gestured with his head at the bloodliners watching their interaction private  matters should be discussed in private spaces George took a deep breath to calm down his  agitation after realizing that Felix was right this wasn't the place to  talk about the team's m
atters Olivia and the rest who were planning to  ask the same closed their mouth shut as well here I thought that my mutations  and Noah's are high profiled enough Adam smiled in self-mockery while touching his  ruby red scales which covered both of his arms Felix ignored him and looked at Noah who had a  single long icy horn protruding from his forehead the horn was pointy and kept emitting a bit of  cold air after Noah saw Felix staring at him he nodded his head in greeting and carried on eati
ng  his breakfast in silence hopefully he picked a bloodline that fits him Felix still didn't know  the name of Adam and Noah's two epic Bloodlines which were used to replace their previous ones  he didn't give a [ __ ] about Adams one but he was a bit curious about Noah's pick due to Felix's  interferences in the timeline Noah didn't replace his Bloodline with the known rare rank Beast which  Felix had a slight idea about after all the family was doing all right now due to Felix's hidden  donat
ions and Robert's effort in the uvr this meant they could afford to get Noah a tier 2 epic  bloodline without needing the country's assistance I gotta say that your eyes are truly the next  level of edginess Dale said enviously while inspecting Felix's triangle-like golden pupil  right I am dying to know which Beast he used to get those breathtaking mutations Sarah said in  eagerness hurry up and finish your breakfast then George rushed them while chewing faster  we will carry on the subject in
the bus upon hearing so no one brought the matter anymore  as they started focusing on their breakfast the details shouldn't be spoken out loud  when their Rivals were surrounding them meanwhile at the far end of the restaurant  two dark-haired Juniors were conversing with each other while focusing on the U.S team's table  brother Vladimir did you inform the captain about this yes she told me that it doesn't matter  if the captain of the U.S Advanced or not Vladimir scoffed as he spoke out loud
our  team has six first-stage bloodliners while they had only three now if we fought  them they wouldn't amount to anything his voice traveled quite far but  it didn't reach Felix and the rest however the tables next to him heard him loud  and clear some of them smirked in ridicule at his claim they knew that his team Russia might  possess the largest number of first-stage bloodliners in the competition but they also knew  that most of them didn't Advance with 10 percent there was even a rumor t
hat had been going around  entailing that the Russians had forced them into replacing their bloodlines and etching an ability  before the competition to get the enhancements this would make the team stronger which  translates into providing higher chances for Russia to get representative slots still those  Junior's future would be affected pretty heavily as they might have missed out on getting  a mutation that could remain permanently this was the perfect example of seeking  short-term gains wh
ile giving up on their future that being said this was merely based on a  rumor that might be right or utterly false ten minutes later inside a white minibus Felix  was sitting at the back seat while holding his tail with one hand and using the other to  push Olivia's face from getting closer to it stop being stingy and let me touch it it  looks fluffy Olivia said pouting no is a no Felix clarified for the second time to the  stubborn Olivia I still can't control it you can get hurt drop it Oliv
ia we still have many  concerns to deal with George said sternly fine Olivia slapped Felix's hand away from  her face and went back to her seat so Felix mind telling us the bloodline Rank and  name this time George asked sure I used toxic Bale Lion bloodline Felix replied casually  like lying was a daily occurrence to him well he already knew what he would say and  do to hide the fact that he was using a sand element bloodline instead of poison poison  manipulation was playing a huge role in his
plan George typed the beast's name  in the Network's search bar he wanted to check its details in his eyes there  was no reason for Felix to lie sure enough he soon found positive results about the bloodline he  read them out loud epic tier 2 bloodline known best for having venomous fangs toxic breaths and  super strength George lifted his head and glanced at Felix's mutations before comparing them  with the Golden Lion stripped with blue lines he could excuse the difference in color scheme  bu
t their eyes were completely different the lion had normal human-like eyes while Felix  had those peculiar looking eyes George was somewhat confused by this massive difference  as he never heard of it happening before Felix didn't wait until he asks him about it  as he Shrugged his shoulders while mentioning don't ask me about my eyes I am just as  confused as you are upon hearing him say so George frowned his eyebrows and asked  didn't you research the matter in the uvr of course I did Felix sc
ratched his chin as he  added but I only found bits and pieces suggesting that bloodliners had a minuscule chance of getting  mutations from the beast's older generation Felix wasn't bullshitting this time as what he mentioned  was indeed written in some research articles if George wanted to check on its validity he could  totally do so however George wasn't planning on interrogating Felix but simply get a clearer view  of his new bloodline thus after receiving his answer he could only nod his h
ead in understanding  and move on to other issues such as the percentage Felix used for replacing the bloodline and if  he had yet to Edge an ability in his 1 bloodline Felix didn't lie this time as he came clean and  told him that he used only 10 to advance as for etching ability he informed him that he edged his  Peak ability which he unlocked seven days before that's good I was worrying for a second that you  might have rushed it and used less than 10 Dot George nodded his head in satisfactio
n Felix  didn't mind telling the truth as he knew that George wouldn't be on his back at the notion  of using 10 instead of 15 like Noah and Adam after all the only reason bloodliners  keep daring to increase the percentage higher and higher in their Awakening  or replacement was due to mutations it was clear that Felix didn't get the  short stick even while using only 10 percent that being said George still had to ask if those  mutations weren't just cosmetics and not viable in fights Felix hel
d his tail before him and smiled  if you want to volunteer for a demonstration I can show you what my mutation can do cough no  need George dropped the matter immediately after noticing Felix's troublemaking smile chapter  256 the 10 Elites to hide his embarrassment at chickening out he swiftly changed the subject  to Noah and Adam did Olivia tell you about their bloodlines and their mutations usefulness yet  Felix shook his head in denial George pointed at Adam's red scales and said with a hint
of elation  he got those from The Inferno salamander bloodline they are capable of blocking a 2150 BF attack the  mutation was honestly quite good as it gave adam somewhat of an extra 400 BF strength buff in his  arms Nathan and Dale's envious gazes were enough to show so I see nonchalant Felix spared  a single glance at them before gesturing with his head at Noah's horn what does it do  besides making him look like a mute unicorn well he got it from the single-horned Raptor and  this BEAST's a
bilities rely mostly on its horn George said I hope the next abilities that he  unlocks are related to it single-horned Raptor um Felix tried to recall anything about the beast  but his memory was completely blank it was only natural as he barely knew most of the poison  element beasts don't even mention others.find authorized novels in Faster updates better  experience please click number dot underscore 51463501620765236 for visiting the first  passive that he got is called chilling breaths Geo
rge requested from Noah show it to him Noah  approached the minibus window without a complaint and exhaled a long breath through his mouth on  it Felix noticed that his breath was blue and somewhat foggy yet the biggest surprise was that  it actually froze the window after touching it Noah didn't want to break it so he returned  to his seat after this Swift demonstration not bad Felix said smiling the passive  was clearly limited as Noah's breaths might be cold and chilling they wouldn't actuall
y  affect the bloodliners at the same level as him unless he got them completely immobilized and  started breathing on them but for an epic tier 2 bloodline this passive was still above average  just as George wanted to ask Adam to show his passive he was interrupted by knocking sounds from  the minibus door that's the driver George notified them while going to the front of the minibus  returned to your seats and change the subject we are going to start moving now when they entered  the minibus
George requested the driver to wait 10 minutes outside before departure he knew that  a massive crowd of people was spread on the roads leading to the venue each team was given a  minibus died with their country colors and even had the country flag planted on its sides to let  the citizen notice their team and cheer for them on their way he didn't want for his team to be  seen gathered around Felix instead of sitting in their places waving their hands at the people  this minibus parade was being
live streamed worldwide and any tiny mistake made by a country  would be magnified to an unprecedented level the team ignoring the people to chat  with Felix would be beyond disrespectful it was definitely going to generate some hate for  the team in the country remember to smile and wave your hands George said one last time before the  minibus emerged from outside of the parking lot into the street the moment the sunlight penetrated  the glass of the windows Felix and the rest could be seen si
tting with varied Expressions as they  looked at the Sea of people standing at the sidewalk of the street they had their faces  painted with different countries flags and carried either cheering signs for their country's  teams or pictures of their supporting bloodliners the moment the U.S citizen noticed their  team minibus finally emerging after a long delay they started shouting at the top of their  voices while waving their hands in excitement USA USA USA since this was more of a  parade the
mini bus was going slowly this made Felix notice that the U.S  citizens were a minority in the crowd they were getting sandwiched by the thousands  of European citizens the Pilar of America they Pilar of America Adam my flower Olivia  that being said Felix and the rest still managed to hear their names or embarrassing  nicknames getting chanted all over the place Felix's expression couldn't help but get  unsightly at the sound of his messed up nickname getting chanted on live TV God damn intern
et he  cringed every time he heard it getting chanted he knew that the 10 strongest bloodliner on  Earth had gotten nicknamed based on their abilities bloodline element fighting style or the  talent demonstrated in the National tournaments after Felix won the U.S national tournament's  finals by a single-finger snap manifesting 10 large red pillars he couldn't escape  getting nicknamed as the pillar of America the connection was too glaring to pass by after 20  minutes the minibus finally made i
t to the venue it was the biggest football stadium in Berlin  Olympia stadian the football stadium was chosen instead of the Arenas due to the large influx of  participants reaching 2000 bloodliner or so there was no way for Arenas which could utmost hold 500  Bloodlines be a suitable venue for the Gathering shortly after the minibus parked at the stadium  site as there was no underground parking lot however Felix and the rest didn't need to  worry about getting stormed by the excited citizens s
ince the stadium was fortified  with Max security there were metal barriers placed around the stadium blocking the  citizen from approaching any further the soldiers and police officers standing in  front of those barriers were more than enough to let citizens recognize the consequence of Passing  Over The Line let's go we are already pretty late George said while looking at the packed parking  lot with many buses of all different colors most of the teams already made it to the venue  like 45 mi
nutes earlier although the Gathering was set to start at 10 A.M it was always  better to reach before after a while damn how many countries decided to participate  Dale couldn't help but exclaim in shock at the site of hundreds upon hundreds of Juniors  standing in straight lines of twos in the field unsurprisingly the entire turf was covered by  smooth blue material while the Gold Bars were taken away this removed any signs that the field  was for football close your mouth shut and follow me Ge
orge said sternly while walking forward  we are live on TV so behave properly as George said camera operators were standing at the ends  of the field broadcasting and taking pictures other reporters were standing in front  of a massively built wooden stage lastly tens of drones hovering in the  air without making any loud noises it was evident that every corner and Edge in  the stadium was under the view of the world Felix and the rest who were walking towards the  field had most of the cameras
pointed at them since they were the newcomers the American team  has finally arrived wait a second what happened to Captain Felix the American broadcaster asked  in confusion at the site of Felix's new appearance if Felix didn't have his name written boldly on  the back of his team's outfit the broadcaster wouldn't have even known that he was Felix the  confusion was shared by most viewers in the world who saw Felix's previous appearance I believe  that he must have replaced his bloodline the se
cond broadcaster clarified it just quite rare  to change that much after a single replacement the American viewers got pretty excited after  hearing that their Captain had finally entered the first stage of replacement he was actually the  only Captain who was part of the 10 Elites while still being in the purification Realm if he didn't  have his legendary bloodline they knew that he would have gotten kicked out of it long ago as the  name suggested there were nine more bloodliners on this list
actually a team of analytics had  made this list after making an extra effort to watch all of the country's tournaments to see  who was the strongest bloodliner in the world so far only 10 bloodliners were placed in  it each a captain of a different country those bloodliners either had something unique  from the rest or they were just that better the list had circulated on the internet in such a  viral manner it was beginning to be considered the standard of eliteness this pushed every bloodlin
er  into attempting and putting their name in it their longing was understandable as the List's  reputation was massive to the point that even the broadcasters had no trouble putting it at the  screen's side they wanted to help the viewers know which bloodliners were noteworthy slash slash  rank 1 slavia Ivanov the ice queen of Russia Rank 2 zhongwei the Colossal of China  rank 3 Felix Maxwell the pillar of America Rank 4 William Bentley the Maestro of England  rank 5 Hina Suzuki the mermaid of
Japan rank 6 Maria Oliveira the demonis of Brazil  rank 7 Leo Bridges the Barbarian of Australia rank 8. edafatria the son of India rank 9 Sophia  Schmidt the protector of Germany Rank 10 arnongosi the strategist of South Africa slash slash a  team of analytics might have created this list but they did so with a clear understanding of each  bloodliner strengths and weaknesses heck the real list posted online had articles describing  those bloodliners abilities in full details showing what the co
mmoners were missing after  analyzing what Felix displayed in the National Tournament and comparing it with the rest it was  up to no surprise that he wouldn't be placed in the first rank after all Felix never showed  that he was capable of switching inducements the poison pillars which made him viral on the  internet had already been analyzed to a terrifying degree exposing all its weaknesses for example  the analytics mentioned that the only reason Felix managed to create that finger snap scen
e  was due to the lack of knowledge about his ability thus the Hiltons weren't expecting pillars to  rise under their feet ambushing them perfectly however now that the ability was in the open and  its range was also known this would greatly reduce its effectiveness mostly since the pillars were  just poisonous Mist that put one to sleep or force them to lose consciousness besides it was known  knowledge that most barriers blocked projectiles and Elemental abilities this meant those poison  pill
ars were actually useless in this competition where every team had one buffer responsible for  shielding his teammates this was seen as Felix's most potent ability since he never showed himself  after the tournament unlike some bloodliners in the list who were posting on the social media  bits of their daily training Ventures Felix not bothering to accept interviews or even open up  a social media account to address the internet inquiries made it only natural that he seemed  weaker than the rest
who were Loki bragging online alas If Only They knew that Felix was strong to  the point he could slap any of those Elites to death they would not have placed him in this list  as it was an embarrassment to those bloodliners chapter 257 granting permission to the queen ten  minutes later all of the teams had made it to the venue and lined in their designated space Felix's  team was standing on the right side of the field getting sandwiched by the Philippines team and  the Tunisian team no one w
as speaking as they were focused on a group of men and women wearing  formal suits walking towards the wooden stage they stood at the back after they climbed  it leaving only two men next to a podium without being asked the instructors started  applauding and greeting followed by the Juniors it seems like this Gathering is going to be  headed by Mr Jacob the current spokesperson of the World Council and Mr Rodriguez the first  elected president of the ESG organization the American broadcaster co
mmentated expectedly  Jacob was left to continue his term as the World Council spokesperson instead of electing a new  one from the glossy skin and extensive hair on jokab's head he clearly enjoyed the perks of  being in such a high authoritative position thank you for such a hardening welcome Jacob  smiled faintly and waited until the Applause died down seeing that the eyes of the bloodliners  and the cameras were on him Jacob fixed his tie a habit he did whenever he felt a bit tensed however 
even if billions of eyes were on him as a veteran politician he wouldn't get phased that easily  thus he brought the mic near his lips and started reading his speech out loud from an invisible  hologram making it seem like he was winging it the speech was mainly centered around thanking  the world leaders who were sitting in VIP rooms watching the Gathering and motivating the Juniors  into doing their utmost best for their country especially for the planet as a whole after  15 minutes Jacob wrap
ped his speech up under the heartful Applause of the listeners he  nodded his head at the Juniors one last time before saying I will let Mr Rodriguez  take it from here thank you sir Jacob Mr Rodriguez shook the hand of Jacob for a  second or two before moving into the podium he was a middle-aged man with a few wrinkles  on the side of his green eyes if Mr Rodriguez wasn't already known for being 70 years old he  would have fooled everyone about his real age it was clear that he consumed the lon
gevity potion  just like Jacob and most of the world leaders after all the supremacy coins earned from selling  Earth's data landed in their hands and there was no way they wouldn't pill for 1 million each  for the longevity potion from the budget given to their countries this obviously set outrage in  some countries as the coins were already few and limited instead of using them for projects such as  buying large amounts of substances for commoners medicine for cancer and other chronic diseases
  they were being spent selfishly on themselves alas their outrage resulted in nothing but venting  for a couple of months before new scandals and viral news replaced their interest now only a  few individuals kept shouting at their TV screen after seeing Mr Rodriguez's youthful image most of  them were seniors I will keep it simple and short Mr Rodriguez didn't seem that friendly as he  spoke with a strict tone tomorrow morning you will be sent to the black forest and remain  in it for the next
seven days after saying so noisy murmurs broke within the team's ranks as  some were still clueless about the format used not everyone managed to get their hands on  the competition leaks unruffled by the noise Mr Rodriguez gestured for a staff member to open  up a small box showing a triangle-shaped white piece of cloth it had a QR code in the center  of it and even a small chip next to that QR code the camera zoomed on the piece of cloth displaying  it up close for the viewers at home as well
in the big stadiums screen upon seeing that everyone  was looking at it Mr Rodriguez carried on inside the forest 100 of those flags will be hidden in  trees between rocks and even deep under the Lakes in this competition your task was to  find one secure it and hold it until the seven days period passed each Flag  represents a slot in the earthlings team aren't those flags a bit too small Olivia wondered  softly how can we find them only in seven days the majority shared Olivia's confusion as 
the flags were indeed quite hard to notice even in plain sight they were having  difficulty seeing the flag on the stage don't even mention inside a forest it  just seemed too difficult to pull off clearly Mr Rodriguez knew what they had in mind as  he soon clarified that every 24 hours there would ten planes passing over the forest with airdrops  inside those airdrops the bloodliners could find daily Necessities like food water spare tents  energy Stones healing substances and such however the
most significant value in those airdrops  would be a GPS tracker device capable of locating Flags in a one kilometer radius this changes  everything no wonder there was a chip on the flag the bloodliners understood that obtaining  those trackers were a must if they wanted to be competitive inside the forest a team with  a Tracker would give them so many benefits and options such as finding out the number of  flags each team was carrying and even using it to track teams with flags and defend the
mselves  from ambushes aiming at them from flag carriers there were so many other ways to use the  tracker effectively for such a must-have device it only led the bloodliners to conclude  that Bloodshed would arise for every airdrop however few bloodliners seemed disinterested  in those trackers as they believed that the AP bracelet scan feature was enough for their needs  alas those thoughts were removed instantly from their minds after Mr Rodriguez said sternly to  stop any cheating attempts w
e have taken Extreme Measures every flag has a unique QR code to set  those flags apart from each other and fake ones 2. the AP bracelet features will be  wholly deactivated without exceptions 3. the queen ai's assistants will be  offline for the entire duration except for her messaging feature Sai I guess I won't  be training my inner manipulation in the woods Felix scratched his cheek in annoyance he had a  sliver of hope that the features blocked will be specified instead of taking everything
at  once since the spatial card was a feature of the bracelet he wouldn't use the energy  stones to train or refill his energy tank Felix didn't want to waste a SNES purified energy  for just training while Felix was having thoughts only about the spatial card the rest were either  voicing their displeasure or sighing in dejection at the idea of spending an entire week without  the AP bracelet from the moment they got those bracelets they were pretty much relying on them  just like an old man r
elying on a cane to walk now that Kane was taken from them their days  in the forest weren't going to be pleasant well at least the Queen's messaging feature  being left Untouchable with some consolation news no one bothered to ask whether they would be  able to contact people outside of the forest or not as it was common sense that it would be  banned as well heck Mr Rodriguez took a step further and told them that communication between  teams was also banned this led them to conclude that a ly
ing with other teams was most likely not  allowed as they assumed Mr Rodriguez went on and explained that a lying to seek Flags or sharing  tracker would be strictly forbidden those are all of the competition's rules Mr Rodriguez looked  at them sternly and said there is no need for me to mention what's going to happen to you if  you decided to aim for an intentional kill right the Juniors gulped a mouthful as they nodded their  heads most of them saw the heavy punishment of breaking this rule i
n their National tournaments  they didn't dare to challenge the ESG organization since this time the punishment might even affect  the entire country in worse cases such as having their future bloodliner spanned from participating  in future International competitions there will be surrender option available and each individual or  a team who voiced their surrender will be marked with red X and be dispatched by helicopters Mr  Rodriguez explained you just need to confirm your decision with the q
ueen and we will take  it from there seeing that everyone understood those rules Mr Rodriguez tapped on his bracelet  and a hologram that was displaying his uvr ID emerged before the Juniors please send your uvr  ID Mr Rodriguez requested without explaining why however Felix and some bloodliners who knew what  he wanted to do sent their IDs without complaint just like sheep the rest followed their lead  and did the same after a couple of seconds Mr Rodriguez was notified by the queen that there 
were 100 missing uvr IDs from the one sent to him you have three seconds to stop wasting my time and  do what you were told Mr Rodriguez said unsmiling upon hearing so no one hesitated anymore  as the hundred missing IDs were all sent soon Mr Rodriguez displayed 2780 censored uvr  IDs on a humongous hologram the number almost reached 3000 only due to the substitutes  of each team were gathered here as well the queen is going to ask you to give  her your permission to monitor your words actions
and also to deactivate your  AP bracelets until the competition ends he looked at them sternly be sure to accept  the moment he finished the Queen's voice truly resounded in everyone's Minds requesting  permission to apply what was mentioned permission granted Felix accepted instantly as he had nothing  to worry about it might sound invasive to give the queen permission to relay his words and actions  to the Mr Rodriguez or other supervisors but he understood that the only thing that the queen w
as  going to send were matters related to the rules for example if Felix said that he wanted this  bloodliner dead at any cost the queen wouldn't hesitate to Rally this information to the  supervisors then it would be up to them to check whether he was truly aiming to do so or  he was just throwing a fit as for monitoring the actions it was merely to keep the bloodliners in  check from activating their AP bracelet features or doing something foolish like destroying the  GPS chi.p.s on the flags
as Felix expected Mr Rodriguez started mentioning the same points and  inquiries which were on the bloodliners minds after getting pacified the Juniors gave away  their permission as well everyone noticed so from the way those censored IDs on the Hologram  kept getting illuminated with a green light dot find authorized novels in Faster updates better  experience please click number dot underscore 5148327566972518 for visiting Mr  Rodriguez made everything seem transparent to avoid getting accuse
d of  giving a biased treatment above the others for example he had a Brazilian  nationality and if the Brazilian team had even a slight Advantage he wouldn't  Escape getting some accusations thrown at him neither Mr Rodriguez nor the ESG organization as  a whole wanted to deal with those kinds of matters thus they were trying their very best to  make the competition as Fair as possible shortly after the entire hologram was brightened  up showing that everyone had agreed on his terms now that we
finished dealing with the  c.u.merson rules let's move on to drawing Mr Rodriguez smiled for the first time as he  clapped his hands giving off some sort of a signal everyone got confused after hearing the term  drawing since this competition clearly didn't have anything to do with brackets and such  chapter 258 the three Transportation methods Felix's attention was soon brought back to the  stage looking at 12 staff members carrying a small box each when they made it to their positions they  p
laced the boxes on a perfectly sized platform and walked away everyone was inspecting those boxes  which were split into three different colors four boxes were colored blue four more were  colored green and the last four had a white color the camera is soon zoomed in and showed that each  of those boxes had three terms written on them airplanes helicopters and vehicles this made  the viewers pretty confused about the purpose of those boxes Mr Rodriguez didn't leave  them guessing for long as he
pointed his bracelet at those boxes and three Holograms were  created each on top of a different colored set he then started explaining due to the  large influx of participants we can't be taking Everyone by vehicles and  place them deep within the forest especially when it was challenging for the  vehicles to reach the heart of the forest find authorized novels in Faster updates better  experience please click number dot underscore 51507785166287969 for visiting he pointed his  finger at those
boxes and said thus we have decided to be transporting you from the air  as well as land everyone nodded their heads in understanding as it was indeed a massive  Improvement than just using vehicles everyone assumed that they would be placed in the edges of  the forest and left there to do what they wanted however since the number of participants was  massive they were bound to meet every second due to their close proximity but now with air  transportations added to the mix all of them would be
placed in different locations in a short span  of time to make it fair you won't be given the decision on which Transportation method you wanted  instead we will let the unbiased Queen decide composed Mr Rodriguez waved a hand in the air  and the large hologram with everyone's ID was brought closer to the three other Holograms then  he requested out loud Queen AI please split the captain's IDs from the rest and place them in  either of those Holograms the queen immediately split 195 IDs from the
2780 IDs and allocated  64 IDs on each of those three Holograms since all of them were censored for security reasons the  captains didn't know which boxes type they landed on Felix swiftly requested the queen to tell  him about his ID placement since he was asking for his own ID the queen didn't deny his request  your ID has been allocated in the third hologram um airplanes Felix scratched his chin at the site  of the third hologram being above the white boxes he didn't care if he was transport
ed  by air or land but he did realize that this method was actually the worst of  the three unlike going by vehicles or helicopters it was obvious that they would  be required to skydive into the black forest it was going to be extremely difficult to  land smoothly with the trees being in the way after Mr Rodriguez informed the captains to  ask the queen for their placements third of them had either unsightly expression or  a dejected one it was evident that they also landed on the airplane tran
sportation  method and realized the disadvantages of it alas they could only curse their shitty luck  and inform their teammates about their placement Felix what did we get George asked with a hopeful  tone after seeing Felix's easy-going smile airplanes why the hell are you smiling then  George sighed getting my hopes up for nothing meanwhile Olivia got stunned for a  second before wailing in despair new I don't want to skydive she never skydived before  and was scared shitless by the idea of i
t what's worse they were skydiving in a forest for a total  beginner like her that was demanding too much thankfully it seemed like the ESG organization  had put the Junior's lack of experience into consideration as Mr Rodriguez mentioned that  tandem skydiving with teammates was within the rules this news calmed Olivia a little bit now  she only needed to see who was willing to tandem skydive with her noticing Felix's honest smile  she immediately removed the thought of asking that devil she wa
sn't fooled by his innocent  look as she knew that they jerk was going to make the experience even worse than doing it  alone sadly she didn't have enough time to ask the others as Mr Rodrigo's carried on speaking  since we can't be delivering you all together at the same time there will be a cue for each  Transportation method Mr Rodriguez pointed at the boxes and clarified your team placement in the  queue will be decided by drawing Lots if you draw the number 10 in the helicopter transportati
on  your team will be delayed by utmost a minute however if you draw the last placement lot  your delay could reach up to 15 minutes although it seemed unfair for the late  comers no one really voiced their complaint they understood that the ESG organization was  doing its best to minimize those random elements while keeping the competition Integrity intact  after all it was too risky to drop 640 bloodliners from the air simultaneously and they didn't have  all the helicopters in the world to ca
rry such a large number at once 15 minutes maximum delay  wasn't even that bad as those bloodliners dropped at the start wouldn't manage to achieve much in  it besides setting up an early camp just like this 2000 Bloodlines would be transported in the  forest which would soon turn into a battlefield at almost the same time now can you please come  upstage after hearing your name getting called Mr Rodriguez requested while having a list  showing all of the captains names in front of him without f
urther delay he called the names of the  first 12 captains in the list the moment those captains heard their names they separated from  their teams and went to the wooden stage with a composed expression after climbing the stairs  every one of them chose a box and stood before it it looked like Mr Rodriguez wasn't calling  names randomly but choosing four captains for each Transportation method this meant captains  with airplane transportation couldn't pull a fast one by drawing from a box that
belonged to other  methods heck even if Mr Rodriguez didn't do so no one would have dared to cheat since the queen was  monitoring their actions up close she would expose them immediately when she notices that they broke  the rules hence the captains behaved properly by drawing a slip of paper showing the number on it  to the camera before going back to their places some were clearly excited while some were  shaking their heads in disappointment soon another 12 captains were called upon and  thi
s time the second ranker in the elite 10 list was part of them jongwei the captain  of the Chinese team is stepping on stage the American broadcaster informed while looking  at the giant man reaching two meters and a half in height toppling over everyone in this competition  his height wasn't all natural as it was known on the internet that he managed to grow a whole meter  after replacing his rare tier one Bloodline with an epic tier 2 bloodline unfortunately for  his foes he didn't just grow t
aller but also wider making him buffed out to the point his  nickname was replaced to the Colossal of China after he stepped onto the stage he went to  a green box and picked a white slit of paper he opened it up and smiled in Delight after  seeing number two he showed the number to the camera just like the rest of the bloodliners and  they received a short round of polite Applause then they stepped down and let Mr Rodrigo's  carry on his calling ten minutes later Maria Oliveira the captain of t
he Brazilian team please  step forth maloud to Luke the captain of the Moroccan team please step fourth Felix Maxwell the  captain of the American team please step fourth after hearing his name finally getting called  Felix pulled his hands from his jacket's pockets and started walking towards the stage a faint  smile was affixed on his face showing that he was cool-headed even under such a nerve-wracking  experience yet the camera wasn't even directed at him but at a breathtaking brunette who w
as walking  slowly while waving her hands in the air like she was receiving a standing ovation her proud  expression as she was doing so actually didn't offset an outrage or got her ridiculed instead the  majority of the male Juniors were staring at her soul-capturing smile with unfocused hazy gazes  like they were looking at a fine piece of art Maria Oliveira the demonis of Brazil is at it  again with her active ability enchantment field the broadcaster said while letting out a forced  laugh at
sight neither the broadcaster nor the viewers were affected by her ability but they  could see that the Junior's reaction was abnormal since the broadcasters were required to do  extensive homework on the bloodliners abilities he instantly figured out the cause turn it off  too bad for Maria Mr Rodriguez wasn't in the mood for jokes as he said this is your first and last  warning fine I was trying to make an entrance jeez Maria said while rolling her eyes in  annoyance chapter 259 bribes done r
ight without a second delay Maria snapped her  finger once and a field of pink flowers started to materialize under the eyes of everyone  the field was caught in the process of expanding further and further away from Maria putting  more bloodliners under her abilities effect but a moment later the pink flowers broke  into pinkish mist and drifted in the air feeling the bits of mist touch their faces  the Juniors felt Shivers coursing In Their Skin at the thought of being inside her  abilities ra
nge without anyone noticing it although everyone had their guards lowered making  them not use their Vision abilities they were still pretty scared by the notion of being under  someone's else Mercy without their knowledge unlike Felix who didn't bother to check on those  10 Elites abilities and bloodline the Juniors knew that Maria's flower field was just the basic setup  for the rest of her aggressive mental abilities anyone who got inside her  field was pretty much doomed however her fighting
style still made  her reach only the sixth rank in the list this makes one wonder how strong those above her  were Maria stop fooling around and draw a lot hearing this mind message which was sent to  her personally by Mr Rodriguez Maria didn't dare to continue her charade as she swiftly  went upstage and stood before a green box just as she wanted to draw a lot she saw Felix  opening up a folded slip of paper next to her then he started chuckling in derision as he  turned around and showed it
to the camera Maria titled her head and glanced at the content  of the paper the moment she noticed the number 65 on it she couldn't help but explode in laughter  while holding her waist it wasn't just her who laughed as the majority started ridiculing  Felix's garbage luck by landing on last placement in the airplane transportation method  literally not a single lot was worse than this I should have sent Noah instead George merely  sighed while looking at Felix spreading the paper widely withou
t a hint of embarrassment he  was already numbed by Felix's trash luck in Dross alas as they said someone's misery is  someone else's happiness Captain Felix thank you for the sacrifice Maria said as she  wiped her red and eyes do I get a reward for it Felix flicked the cursed slip of paper  behind him hitting a junior in the head he unbothered by the irritated call Felix just  Advanced next to Maria with an easy-going smile he stood a meter in front of her and  started inspecting her face with
his golden triangle-like pupil making her feel like  every pore of her face was under his surveillance alas that was exactly what was happening as with  Felix's enhanced eyesight her gorgeous face was no more as he could spot tiny blemishes  on her skin which were covered in makeup but in his eyes those blemishes appeared  like giant pimples zoomed in next to his face such a horrifying experience destroyed any tingle  of Desire that he felt for her and probably for most of the girls that he meet
s up with in the  future it's not like having a goddess living in his Consciousness wasn't enough to ruin his  beauty standards now even his own eyesight was messing with him hat trying to flirt with  me he seems quite Young And even handsome should I play with him tonight Maria giggled at  his invasive eyes not bothered in the slightest by them she was experienced with being ogled on  daily basis alas if only she saw what Felix's eyes were showing she would have lowered  her confidence in her b
eauty down a notch never mind Felix pursed his lips in revulsion  as he turned around walking towards his team well that should do it all right as Maria  kept looking at his retreating back with parted lips not knowing how to respond what  the hell was he trying to flirt or provoke me she knitted her eyebrows and irritation at  the image of him pursing his lips in disgust she was merely irritated but not angered as she  experienced something like this before with other males trying to show your
lack of interest  in me to set yourself apart from the rest she scoffed as she looked at his wide back in  your dreams Maria draw a lot and get out of my stage already Mr Rodriguez whose patience ran dry  couldn't help but scold her out loud after seeing that her hand was still not in the box fine  Maria drew a slip of paper and opened it up soon her expression turned nasty after seeing  the number 59. after showing her number to the others the same mocking laughs directed at Felix  reigned on h
er without hesitation now go back to your team Mr Rodriguez showed her away with  his hand and started calling for the next 12. this process lasted for an extra five minutes  before all of the captains picked their cue number after so Mr Rodriguez informed them that tomorrow  they would be departing at 7am and the rest of the details would be given to their instructors  such as what was allowed to be taken the place where they would be meeting the rules about  eliminations and extraction and the
Zone in the Black Forest where the competition would be  held after all the black forest in Germany was a region that was roughly oblong in shape with a  length of 160 kilometers 100 miles and a breadth of up to 50 kilometers 30 miles occupying  an area of about 6009 square kilometers such a massive area was of course not just  pure Wilderness but had Urban cities and towns the competition needed to be held in a zone  that was further away from those places in order to preserve the Peace of tho
se urban  areas or the Integrity of the competition shortly after Mr Rodriguez told the Juniors to  remain for interviews if they wished or leave if they didn't want to he then stepped down the stage  and went away with Jacob leaving the reporters to assault the Juniors and especially the 10  Elites surprisingly there wasn't a single reward announced for securing a flag no one knew if the  ESG organization didn't plan to give anything for the juniors or they had something else in  mind tomorrow
morning at 8am inside a public airport within the city freibork 195 teams were  crowding the terminal all of the teams had taken flights from Berlin Brandenburg airport to this  beautiful city that was inside the black forest after all the distance separating Berlin and the  black forest was in the hundreds of kilometers thus they needed to bridge the distance as much  as possible before taking the three methods of transportation to the competition Zone which was  50 kilometers away from the air
port it could be seen that the airport was closed for business as  there were only the staff members and the teams the ESG originalization chose a public airport  instead of a private one due to the lack of space after all there were 2 000 Juniors all gathered in  one place and the terminal of the private airport wasn't designed to hold such a massive number  of Travelers at once soon two-thirds of the teams left the premises of the airport on buses  one-third was sent to the designated area for
helicopters while the other stayed in the buses  going straight into the competition Zone meanwhile the last third was left behind in the airport  where skydiving aircrafts were waiting for them number one two comma 3 10 in the queue please head  to the runway you will find your planes waiting for you a sudden feminine announcement resounded  in the terminal shushing down the Junior's chatter upon hearing the content the first 10 teams  did a secondary basic safety check on the parachute bags w
hich was given to them the  moment they stepped inside the terminal those safety checks were taught to them  yesterday by a professional skydiver he was hired to give them a quick lesson for  those who never experienced skydiving before Felix and the rest were also taught  the correct procedures and the body positioned to Aid a successful deployment  of the parachute but with all of those precautions taken it was still possible  for the parachute not to open successfully be it through error or s
imple chance typically  one in a thousand parachutes will fail to open that's why they were taught not to panic in  that situation and utilize the reserve parachute those instructions were given to the Juniors who  weren't scared of skydiving the rest were going to tandem skydive just like Olivia little only  are you sure you don't want to Tandem with me Felix asked again with an innocent look 100  percent Olivia humphed you think I am stupid to put myself under your mercy in the air that's  har
sh Felix chuckled mildly as he gestured with his head at Noah good luck with that ciscon  he probably never skydived in his life as well it can't be Olivia shivered at the thought she  realized that she never actually asked Noah about it as she was simply seeking a partner and Noah  was always the most reliable person on the team thus the moment she asked him yesterday  he didn't object to her request brother Noah did you ever Skydive before Olivia  asked while chewing her lips in anxiety alas t
he response she received sent her to the depth  of Despair as Noah shook his head firmly.find authorized novels in Faster updates better  experience please click number dot underscore 51532290-3-70-6-31416 for visiting she  knew that she would rather get bullied mid-air by Felix than jump with Noah  who was a total rookie just like her however she still didn't consider Felix as there  were seven others on the team Sarah and the rest of the substitutes sadly didn't come here with  them as they we
re asked to remain in the hotel their Journey with the team had ended after the  Gathering brother Johnson can I partner with you Olivia asked with puppy eyes making Johnson's  heart soften a bit alas a message sent to him by Felix hardened it again 10 000 SC to say  no sorry Olivia but I never skydived before Johnson denied her request politely while avoiding  eye contact with her he didn't want to disappoint the flower of the family but one zero KSC was  too hard to pass by for a broke Junior
like him it's okay Olivia solt as she went to Kenny  planning to ask the same however he gave her the same response while taking quick glances  at Felix he didn't think that he would actually receive a message from Felix personally when he  never bothered to spare him a glance however he still accepted the bribe quietly as he always went  with the flow not knowing where it would take him just as Olivia wanted to try her chances with  the rest Felix said in a lazy manner you can stop little only
no one knows how to skydive except  for me he asked while giving them a knowing look right guys Olivia was stupefied at the sight  of them all nodding their heads in agreement Adam didn't receive a message from Felix as he  was already going to tandem skydive with Lexi thus he was just as bewildered as Olivia by their  response seeing Olivia's distressed expression Felix started laughing while spreading His Arms  Wide Open let's have fun together new Olivia cried out loud in despair after knowin
g that her  fate was set in stone to partner up with Felix chapter 260 bullying Olivia ten minutes later  the last 10 teams in the queue please head to the Runaway after hearing the announcement Felix  stretched his arms behind his back as he stood up he picked a medium-sized camping bag that  was placed next to his feet and said let's go the rest picked up their bags as well and followed  after him as the announcer mentioned only them and nine other teams were left in the entire Airport  despit
e so they were glad that the delay was merely 10 minutes instead of 15 minutes after a  while follow me I will be taking you to your ride the moment the team stepped outside of the  terminal a staff member who was wearing an orange jacket informed them while walking towards  10 planes soon they reached them and the staff member sent a team by a team to their designated  plane after Felix's team turn came up the staff member gestured for them to follow him put your  camping bags next to the plane
we will put them all inside a package box and send it down near  your drop location as he said the instant they reached their plane they saw a medium-sized  chest that was attached to a closed parachute Felix went beside it and placed his backpack  then he climbed inside the blue-colored aircraft oh hello Felix greeted politely after noticing  that the pilot and another man were already inside since the plane wasn't really that big Felix  clutched his tail which was lying dormant outside of his
skydiving outfit and stepped inside  welcome aboard the pilot said smiling politely good morning sir Felix the man who  was wearing a red skydiving outfit and goggles on his forehead extended his  hand at Felix respectfully.find authorized novels in Faster updates better experience  please click number underscore 515369-399 Felix shook his hand and  asked are you going with us yes I will be here to make sure that you guys  don't miss your jump glad to have you after saying so Felix went to the
back of the aircraft  leaving space for the rest to come inside he sat on a foldable seat and put the seat  belt on a few moments later everyone was inside even the package box was placed in the middle of  the aircraft carrying their 10 camping backpacks after seeing that everyone was ready the pilot  didn't waste time as they were already behind by 10 minutes thus he swiftly drove the aircraft  to the runway and took off after reaching the required speed during mid-flight Felix could  see other
planes flying horizontally with them they were keeping a wide distance from each  other making Felix notice only three planes even with his enhanced vision we will  be reaching your drop spot in 10 minutes the pilot announced you will have a window of  two minutes to jump if you missed it you will land outside of the competition Zone and you  will be disqualified all right Felix looked at the instructor with them and notified  him we will be jumping in the first minute the instructor nodded his
head in understanding  and reminded them double check on your aad upon hearing so everyone swiftly checked yet again  if their automatic activation device was turned on they already checked three times and it  wouldn't hurt to check right before jumping after all aad was the last emergency solution  in case [ __ ] hit the fan during mid dive the device was installed in rigs to deploy their  Reserve parachute in the event that they couldn't deploy either their main or Reserve parachute  for exam
ple if for some reason they found themselves unconscious in free fall the aad  monitors their descent rate and altitude and if they were still falling at Free Fall speeds  by a certain height it would use an electrical charge to cut the loop that held their Reserve  parachute in thus saving them from certain death all good yes now who's going to be tandem  skydiving the instructor offered I will help you get strapped Felix straight away went to  the deadpan Olivia and removed her seat belt stand
up the instructor will strap you with  my rig soon Olivia did as she was told while chewing on her lips she knew that it wasn't time  to throw a tantrum as it was already too late Felix put Olivia in front of him and left  the instructor to strap them together after pulling the straps twice and feeling  their steadiness Felix nodded in satisfaction he wasn't worried about his weight causing  troubles as they were told that the rigs were purchased from the uvr and the parachutes inside  them wer
e capable of handling up to 400 kilograms in weight the materials they were made of were  leagues apart from the ones made here on Earth but just to make sure Felix did a quick search  on the brand of the rig in the network and found out that truly the details match the information  given to them thus after doing a simple checkup he moved out of the way dragging Olivia with him  like he was strapped to a baby Adam and Lexi moved forward and got strapped as well eight minutes  later all right put
your goggles on and get ready the instructor said while opening up the  aircraft's gate woosh rutle the moment it was opened the noise from the plane's engine  started resounding loudly within the aircraft after seeing the clouds and the Sun up close  Olivia's heart started beating out of her chest as fear started creeping up on her sensing that  she was quivering Felix decided to comfort her by whispering in her ears I have a Wings potion  so don't worry everyone can end up dead but us althoug
h his words were too insensitive for  others she did feel comforted by the idea of having a certain fourth emergency measure thus  she sighed in relief and put on her goggles I am ready alas if Olivia wasn't feeling out of it  due to her exhaustion she would have realized that Felix might have the wings potion but the spatial  card feature was disabled like the rest Felix couldn't hide the potion on his body as they were  searched thoroughly before entering the airport hence there was no way for
him to use the potion  he was simply trying to comfort her as it wouldn't be fun to bully her midair when she was scared  shitless from the dive in 30 seconds you will jump one by one after you we will send the package  the instructor informed them when you land lift your heads in the air and track the package as it  is going to land in close proximity to you guys upon seeing them nod their heads he moved away  from the door giving them enough space to stand on soon the 30 seconds passed by mak
ing everyone  feel pretty nervous but mostly excited I am going first ho ho thrilled Walton did a peace  sign with his hands as he jumped from the plane he didn't even hesitate as he already skydived  many times before for a rich Junior like him adrenaline-inducing Hobbies like those were  his favorite unlike Olivia or Noah the rest had experienced skydiving when the world was still  undiscovered by the Alexander Kingdom thus they didn't show any signs of fear as they jumped after  Walton soon f
elixes and Olivia's turn arrived you ready Felix asked while standing on the edge  of the door still holding his tail woosh way before Olivia could finish Felix laughed out  loud as he belly jumped outside of the plane while Felix was enjoying the wind caressing  his face Olivia had her eyes closed shut as she tightened her grip on straps Felix you  prick I hate you hearing Olivia curse at him using the queen's voice Felix switched his  focus on her instead of enjoying the Free Fall after all he
didn't bribe others just  to let go of this one-time opportunity say cheese Felix sent a message as  he took a selfie with his bracelet yet he wasn't Satisfied by just one as he soon  started needing Olivia's oval face into making funny faces while taking a picture after  another by the time Felix finished filling up an album Olivia was on the verge of breaking  down into tears by his bullying like it wasn't hard enough that she was skydiving for the first  time now she was even forced into tak
ing selfies which God knows how she would end up looking in  them stop it already my cheeks are aching Olivia whined she wanted to massage her red and cheeks  but she was too terrified to let go of the straps thus she could only voice her displeasure hoping  for Felix to have mercy on her thankfully Felix stopped at once after noticing that he reached  the right altitude to open the parachute the altimeter device attached to his wrist  made it easier open your eyes you will be the one who steers
the parachute Felix informed her  while having his finger placed on the rip cord he could already see that everyone had dispatched  their parachute successfully and were gliding in direction of the wind so they would land  in almost the same area as their package I can't Olivia shook her head vehemently while  tightening her grip even further on the straps woosh Felix didn't respond as he pulled the  ripcord at once forcing the container to open up and release the main canopy inside the moment 
the folded canopy was out it started flattering with the wind for a second or two before it was  inflated fully Felix and Olivia got tugged by the straps forcing them to change postures from  falling on their belly to be in a standing posture just as he was taught yesterday Felix lifted his  head to check if the parachute and the lines were all right after he didn't notice any problems he  gripped the two toggles and started steering the parachute in his teammate's Direction give me your  hands
Olivia Felix spoke out loud since the wind wasn't going to cause them any more troubles  with their slow speed feeling that they were gliding safely Olivia didn't feel that nervous  anymore as she toughened up and opened her eyes immediately after doing so she was left Amazed  by the breathtaking scenery of the Black Forest under the morning sunlight The Greenery of trees  the peacefulness of the lakes and rivers and lastly her teammates gliding in the air while  shouting out loud in enjoyment
having the best time of their lives everything hit differently  chapter 261 the 24 7th worldwide live stream Olivia stopped hesitating at once and  placed her hands above Felix's hands however Felix removed his hands and let  her be the one clutching the toggles he then placed his hands above hers and started  instructing her to turn left or right simply pull the correspondent control with your hand he  showed her by pulling the left control making them steer away from their teammates he then  t
old her all right you carry on from here on I will try focused Olivia pulled the right  control and steered back into their original path after seeing how easy it was her eyes brightened  in Delight as she kept chasing her teammates from behind if they went left she goes left they went  right she goes right she was too engrossed in steering she didn't notice that Felix had already  removed his hands above hers and started taking selfies with her again alas fun times always had a  time limit as t
hey were getting closer and closer to the trees Felix wasn't going to leave Olivia to  carry on such a difficult task of Landing thus he took control over the parachute and narrowed his  eyes in Focus looking for a smoother landing spot unfortunately no matter where he looked there were  only trees and trees blocking his sight in the end he just sighed and warned Olivia brace for impact  woosh cluck cluck being placed in front of Felix Olivia kept getting smacked first by the branches  and leave
s after they collided with a tree however she didn't win CE in pain as her skydiving suit  was more of a protection suit than just an outfit plus with her defenses being at origin Purity she  wouldn't be hurt even without it The Experience itself was annoying mostly when both were stuck in  the tree after their parachute got entangled with its branches you good Felix asked while glancing  Underneath Him yes Olivia nodded her head before asking how are we getting down though like this  Felix smil
ed playfully as he detached both of them from the parachute making Olivia scream  reflexively as she fell from on top of the tree thankfully Felix had no intentions of letting  her take the brunt of this 2. as he turned over making his back face the ground first and Olivia  faces the sky thud argh the moment Felix's back hit the ground Olivia was the one who groaned at  the feeling of discomfort of falling Felix didn't feel even an itch wasn't that fun Felix asked with  an honest look alas the o
nly response he got was Olivia holding her puffed out cheeks trying her  best to stop herself from vomiting her breakfast the sight scared Felix shitless as she was lying  right on top of him and if she was going to vomit she would reflexively turn around and do it on  him horrified by the idea of It Felix swiftly removed the straps and rolled away from Olivia who  looked like she was going to vomit at any moment however he waited and waited yet Olivia just kept  looking at him with her cheeks p
uffed out achin to a blowfish they kept staring at each other for a  few seconds before Olivia exploded into laughter while pointing her finger at him by now Felix  knew that she was faking it to prank him as well nevertheless Felix just chuckled in a miss.e.m DOT  e dot NT as he stood on his feet Captain where are we grouping soon Walton's message stopped the  two from fooling around and paying attention to their current state gather on Johnson then we  will head together to the package's landi
ng spot Felix said while looking at the package gliding  hundreds of meters above him heading east understanding what he wanted Johnson lifted  his head and started spewing a stream of fog from his mouth into the sky most of it spread  around him but still it had done its purpose by displaying his position for the rest of the  team since they were too close to each other it wasn't hard to notice the fog source shortly  after the entire team was grouped again inside a fog Cloud that was breaking
down into particles  exposing them in the open let's get our stuff not wasting time with needless chatter Felix ordered  while starting to Sprint with a moderate speed he didn't want to leave them behind all of them  chased after him while glancing from time to time at the package approaching the ground since they  skydived in the heart of the competition Zone they didn't worry about meeting up with other teams so  soon after all those transported by Vehicles would mostly be left at the edges of
the forest while  those in helicopters would toggle slightly inside this led to having the teams be spread  far from each other in the forest we are being streamed live already Walton grinned  at the site of two silver drones one coming from the left and the back both of them flew high  above in the sky appearing just like birds for those without a good vision however even those  without Vision wouldn't be able to notice them as the drones had gone invisible yet Felix and  the rest didn't show
any signs of surprise as everything about the competition was fed to  them by the instructor after the Gathering they were told that each team was going to  be streamed live 24 7 by two invisible drones obviously the ESG original wasn't wasting time  or Resources by not purchasing some low-end blueprints from the uvr those blueprints  might be old dated and cheap but they were still a hundred times more advanced than the  earthlings counterparts for example those drones were designed to 99 resem
ble Birds by flying  with wings instead of rotor blades the battery they had was able to last up to three months  without charging it again the resolution was at a minimum of 2 6K and could be adjusted to a lower  resolution for the earthlings outdated TV screens though for those with ap bracelets would have  no problems with it not to mention the ability to be invisible making it impossible for the  forest teams to use them for their own advantage like being able to spot a team hundreds of mete
rs  away just by seeing the drones above them although the ESG organization implemented those drones to  monitor the competition first and foremost they still decided to program them into streaming the  live feed in each country and internet streaming platforms.find authorized novels in Faster updates  better experience please click number underscore 51557834134963326 for visiting they did So  to avoid the broadcasting companies from flooding the competition Zone with their own  drones however s
ince there was no commentary most TV channels and streamers decided to  take advantage of such a freebie and start doing their own commentary on the streams  this led to having streaming platforms like twitch to be flooding with wannabe MCS who knew  absolutely no idea what they were talking about that being said some streams belong to former  National Tournament participants who had enough knowledge and speaking skills to entertain  the viewers and give them proper explanations currently a stre
am co-host by Michael the vice  captain of the Walton team and Janna the Hilton team's Vice Captain was at the lead when it comes  to the number of concurrent viewers their views tally had already surpassed 20 million concurrent  viewers while the competition had just begun this number might seem small as this was the stream  for World competition but one shouldn't forget the time difference between the U.S and Germany which  was six hours this meant it might be in the early morning for Felix an
d the rest but the stream was  in the middle of the night for the U.S citizen the majority of interested viewers didn't want to ruin  their sleep scheduled to watch the competition start as they knew that it would last for seven  days in this Marathon they were bound to miss some good Moments by their team this applied to the  rest of the teams and their countrymen supporters the team has secured their camping gear without  hiccups a good start I would say Jenna offered a charming smile to Micha
el before asking is  there any teams near them Michael was sitting right next to her while having tens of many  Holograms linked together akin to a honeycomb every screen was showing a different team and  the position they were placed at in the forest in this way Michael noticed that the nearest teams  were still at least three kilometers away from them so far they are in the clear Michael gave out  his own opinion I doubt any fights will break out today as no one would seek to provoke others an
d  waste their limited Elemental energy for needless fights he coughed I think that the smartest move  to do currently is to locate a good camping spot and secure it at all cost I guess Captain Felix  shares the same views as you Janna nodded her head in agreement as the stream showed Felix giving off  instructions for Walton Kenny and Johnson to check for a good camping spot up north that's where one  of the many lakes was located at least skydiving wasn't that bad as it gave Felix and his team
a  good overview of the premise they were landing on however since they were actually the last ones  to be sent down some of the first skydivers must have already scouted the lake or even placed down  their camps and created a territory that belonged to them thus Felix sent those three all at once  as they had the best abilities for survival if [ __ ] hit the fan they could always Retreat  to safety after a while those three came back with good news entailing that they found an  empty area a hu
ndred meters away from the lake as for other teams they didn't see anyone on  their way there to do a double check Felix turned on his infrared vision to the limit for a  second before turning it off in that second he saw only humanoid Wildlife like birds deers boars  and such all right let's place our camp there Felix jumped down from a branch he was sitting on  and reminded them keep your eyes open for Flags they might be placed in your Plain  Sight and you wouldn't even notice it they nodded
their heads and  wore their camping backpacks then they started marching in a well-paced manner  not too slow and not too fast just enough to reach their destination while still having the ability  to survey the trees rocks and even the dirt alas even with Felix's enhanced Vision added to  the mix they didn't see any flag in their Journey they didn't know if they were just hidden  too deeply or this area didn't have one whatever it was Finding Flags without trackers  was the same as finding a ne
edle in a haystack making the task almost impossible was probably  intended by the ESG organization to force the teams to meet and fight for The Trackers they  created the problem and also the solution for it chapter 262 the first airdrop 15 minutes later  Felix and the rest had reached the open area that was just a field of ferns wildflowers and  other herbaceous plants on the forest floor the area was big enough for the team to set up  their tents in a circular shape around its Center with the
fir trees surrounding them the  camp would be getting some protection this will do it for now Felix removed his  backpack and unstrapped his black tent he then went near the center and plucked  those herbaceous plants to clear up his spot he threw them to the side as they weren't edible  after doing so he started setting up his tent alone while glancing from time to time at Olivia  and the others doing the same this time no one brought a bigger tent as they learned their lesson  from their prac
tice it was better to take only a one-person tent as it would be less exposed to  damages if they got attacked besides in this competition they expected to move a lot due to  searching for Flags or escaping from other teams this meant they would have a temporary Camp  once in a while it was much faster to set up a single-person tent than the rest after a while ten  different colored tents could be seen placed down around a star-shaped campfire that wasn't turned  on the woods were just prepared
and left there they didn't want to start a fire when they weren't  planning on cooking or the visibility wasn't hindered after all the last thing they wanted  was to give away their hiding spot for no reason inside the black tent Felix was changing his  clothes he took off the skydiving suit and wore his team's uniform he then folded the skydiving  suit and placed it in his backpack for emergencies next he opened the tent zipper and went to sit  next to the boys who were gathering around the cam
pfire just like him all of them had changed  into their team's outfit since the girls were nowhere to be seen it was expected that they were  still changing what's today's plan Johnson looked at Felix as he asked are we going to carry out the  same plan we made yesterday yes no need to change Felix agreed with a head nod I guess we need to  be moving then Kenny dusted his ass as he stood up let's go Walton if you get lost just notify me  and I will start a fire to give you our position Felix sai
d upon hearing so they gave him a  swift thump up before beginning to sprint in the direction where they came from their  target the parachutes that's right their mission wasn't to scout for camps or such but  to bring as many parachutes as they could after all the cloth was a well-needed material in the  wilderness and it could be used on many occasions plus they would have nothing to lose by  having it within their set of limited items meanwhile the rest of the boys didn't remain in  the camp
but went hunting for their lunch leaving only Felix behind with the girls however the girls  didn't just sit still like dolls but actually searched together for wild plants to enrich their  food although Felix didn't accompany them he used his infrared vision once in a while to scout  500 meters around him for anything peculiar he didn't worry about having his infrared vision  getting found out as the red Shimmer's intensity was lowered to barely noticeable due to his  golden pupil Asana you up
Felix said eagerly it's time for my daily enhancement every time he  wakes up he looks forward the most to starting his day with his Affinity getting enhanced due to the  euphoric feeling he receives alas his excitement was soon diminished after remembering that he was  almost about to reach a 100 sand Affinity rating he was currently sitting at 76 and needed only  24 which meant he would stop taking them in eight days give me a minute asna said in Delight  I am kicking the old snake's ass in ch
ess oh intrigued Felix asked you guys switched to chess  how can I play royalty with this cheating bastard asna boasted in chess there is no dice or  [ __ ] just pure skill and intelligence he clearly lacks compared to m Checkmate little  asna the moment Felix heard the J ramungandra say so silence abruptly descended in his mind forcing  the boastful asna to shush down good game the J ramungandra lifted a small notebook placed on the  table they were playing on and opened it up it was showing a
long string of Victories and losses  he flipped to a middle page and wrote today's date down to the second and next to it he wrote  chess's Game J ramungandra's win number underscore 51574457822665848 for visiting although it  was just a Checkmate she could see clearly that her King had only one move to make and it was  useless again or you want to play a different game the J ramungandra asked while placing Down The  Notebook again you just got lucky in the last match as were a bit bloodshot as
she started  to set up her pieces on the board she tried her best to hold her anger this time instead of  exploding with curses and insults like always Felix didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the  way she conflicts her own words to her advantage she just said that chess required only skill  and intelligence when she was in the lead but after she lost it was due to luck now alas  he didn't find it surprising anymore as a sinus personality was really more Shameless than  his how about my dail
y enhancement Felix asked F asterisk c k off unless I win a  match I am not standing from this table asna snapped at Felix and closed the  connection between them to focus on the match I guess I am going to be stuck in 76 forever  Felix side in dejection thankfully the connection was closed otherwise Felix could forget  about receiving his enhancement for the day four hours later the entire team was gathered  around the campfire waiting for lunch to be cooked it was grilled deer meat from the hu
nt with some  vegetables at the side Kenny and Walton were back in one piece two hours ago bringing with them four  parachutes they were folded messily and placed next to tents to avoid having them taken by the  wind at night they put a couple of rocks on them so we are just going to chill today Lena asked  calmly well it's just a waste of energy to try and locate Flags without the tracker Adam said  it's better to play it slow today and hope that an airdrop land near us this was the plan origin
ally  made yesterday in their hotel with George on the first day they secure a camp and prepare enough  food and water for at least two or three days then they just lay low until 24 hours passed by  and the first 10 air drops get sent down in the competition Zone if an airdrop landed near their  Camp they would attempt to secure it at all cost however if it was Miles and Miles Away they could  only give up on it and wait for another airdrop unsurprisingly this plan wasn't unique to just  them as
most of the teams took this approach it might be the smartest thing to do but it  couldn't get any more boring watching them doing nothing for the viewers after the MCS  explained why so some of the viewers decided to sleep now to wake up when the excitement is on  the verge of starting the next morning 8AM vrrr vrr the booming sound of the plane's engines  resounded in the entire Forest Felix and the rest put down the spoon from their mouths and raised  their heads looking at three planes high
up in the sky those were actually the ones in their field  of view as the rest were way further than them finish up quick Felix said while gulping  down the hot vegetable soup in two mouthfuls he then placed down the bowl and  focused on the nearest upcoming plane luckily it was approaching them  while still holding into the package they hoped that it could release it somewhat  close to them but not right on top of them after all the last thing they wanted was for their  newly erected Camp to t
urn into a war zone for the package alas the plane was getting closer and  closer yet the airdrop was still not in sight everyone stopped eating at once and just kept  staring in nervousness at the plane that was right above their heads just as they thought that  luck was going to f asterisk CK them up the plane went past them and carried on its Journey a few  seconds later a small dot could be seen dropping from the tail of the plane it didn't take long for  the parachute to inflate and let eve
ryone in the area notice the airdrop ah thank God Johnson wiped  his sweaty for it and said I really thought it was going land in our camp alas the moment Johnson  mentioned this the wind speed increased noticeably and started pushing the airdrop in their Direction  instead of landing near its position everyone's eyes widened in panic at the side of the  airdrop getting closer and closer to their camp they didn't know what the hell happened for their  luck to switch to horrible in a single momen
t but after remembering who spoke last they all  turned to the dumbfounded Johnson and glared at him in irritation thank you for jinxing it again  chapter 263 William Bentley the Maestro of England Johnson didn't dare to retort as he truly  started to believe that his mouth was cursed the last time in the camping mock  practice he also ended up jinxing them thus he merely scratched the back of his head with  an abashed expression how are we going to play this the stoiclina saved him by saying wi
th her  eyebrows knitted based on the current distance and speed of the package it will touch the ground or  a tree near us in the next 5 minutes to 10 minutes if we act now we still have a chance to  relocate before everyone collapses on us however Felix had a different take than hers  take only the tents and leave the rest untouched Felix clapped both of his hands and informed  we are not going anywhere we need to reduce the size of teams in the area otherwise no matter  where we locate they w
ill always be near us and if we managed to get the tracker they  won't stop from hunting us down for it before they could ask how were they supposed  to achieve so Felix cracked his knuckles and said with a hidden glint we will use synergy  tfd everyone's eyes brighten up as they begin to notice the feasibility of the Synergy  in their current state however soon Nathan shook his head and said it won't work no one  is dumb enough to enter by their own will Felix chuckled and pointed at Walton the
n we  just have to give them no choice but to enter Walton scratched his red beard in bewilderment  as he had no idea what Felix was trying to imply however the quick-witted ones instantly saw  through Felix's intentions and all of their doubts about the plan succeeding went up to  smoke not to waste time Felix ordered everyone to take care of their tent and for Johnson  to split from the team and start puffing fog while doing those two tasks they were discussing  the plan and their roles in it
telepathically although they had only five minutes tops it  was more than enough to understand their roles the preparation Camp wasn't utterly useless as  everyone was already familiar with each other's abilities just like their own it seems like  our national team has an ace up their sleeves however Janna's excited tone soon died down after  being shown by Michael that there were at least 10 teams aiming for the package that was about  to land 20 meters North from the U.S team's camp worst of a
ll the England team was also rushing  swiftly towards the camp this team wasn't like any other as it was being led personally  by the fourth ranker in the 10 Elites list William Bentley the Maestro of  England after a short while the hell is that smoke or fog a stout man wearing a white  and red uniform with an England flag in its chest exclaimed in bewilderment as he pointed his  finger at a humongous cloud of fog he ought to be feel startled as the cloud was encasing at least a  200-meter radi
us and still spreading like a plague they could see that the package fell right into  the center of this cloud and disappeared out of sight he wasn't the only one surprised by the  sudden rise of the fog as all of the approaching teams had stopped at once and began revisiting  their plans after the emergence of this variable there was no f asterisking Way for anyone to step  forth into the fog without making sure to scout first Sandra please tell me the names of the fog  elementalists participat
ing in the competition a Slender Man with a pretty face and long ash  gray hair voiced his request with a gentle tone on it a delicate girl with a small mole next to  her upper lip closed her eyes shut while leaning against a tree a few moments later she started  murmuring there are only three users One belongs to the Cuban team another to the Mozambique  team and lastly one in the American team she opened her eyes and asked Captain William  should I dive deeper and find more information Willian
waved his hand and said  no need you will be just harming your mind and we still need your  mental abilities in the next battle obedient Santa deactivated her active ability  panmenzia which allows her to enhance her memory for a limited time and gain access to the  memories that were stored deep within her mind in normal cases she wouldn't have been able  to recall them unless there was a stimulus this ability had no relation to the element as  she had unlocked it from the memory eater octopus
a water Elemental Beast known for consuming the  memories of its prey since the bloodliners were able to unlock both the elemental abilities gotten  from the primogenitors and The evolutionary traits she lucked out on this ability the American team  um this is going to be troublesome thoughtful William rested his chin on his hand as he  recalled the videos of the American team's battles especially the finals he might not know much  about the other two teams as it was impossible to know every bl
oodliner participating in this  competition but for Felix and his team-mates his memory was still Vivid about them thus  he knew if the fog had any relation to the American team they needed to be at their tiptoes  in every step they take especially when they know that Felix could erupt those red pillars under  their feet without even seeing him due to the fog what's the plan captain the Stout man asked  should we wait until the fog clears out I doubt it will last for more than 10 minutes  his me
aning was clear Johnson's energy wouldn't be able to sustain such a large amount of fog  released if they played it slow they wouldn't need to think of anything as the fog would Disappear  by itself in the next five minutes to 10 minutes depending on Johnson's energy tank alas those  thoughts were removed from his mind after hearing thrilled shouts and Furious ones being emitted  from within the fog I got the tracker split up and run F asterisk CK he stabbed me in the thigh  and stole the tracke
r chase him down it's in the hand of the Cuban team's captain I can't see  [ __ ] someone block him boom boom Rumble the moment the noises of explosions were added  to the voices of bloodliners fighting a scene of complete chaos was painted vaguely in the minds of  the bloodliner standing outside of the Fog some of them clearly heard the noises like they were just  next to them while some only heard far-off echoes however all of them shared expressions of  agitation of anxiety they were planning
before on staying outside until the fog clears out just like  the Burly man thought but now they weren't so sure anyone especially when it was clear as Crystal  that some teams had already entered the fog before them and started battling with each other  if the unique voices hadn't exceeded already 10 they would have assumed that a team was trying to  bait them into entering the fog however the voices were so distinct from each other even a Layman  would know that it was impossible to fake them
stop him he is trying to dig a tunnel and Escape  alas the teams weren't given that much time to consider all options as the moment they heard the  term tunnel the captains immediately ordered for their team to rush inside the fog and secure the  tracker they were hoping before for the holder of the tracker to exit the fog and pin him  down without the need to endanger themselves but digging a tunnel they understood  that allowing it to happen was the same as giving up know the tracker God know
s when  the next airdrop would land in this area again boom boom Rumble Captain should we make a move  as well feverish and stirred by the sounds of the battles the Stout man covered himself in a suit  made of clay making him resemble a brown Golem give me a second Roger focused Willian extended  a finger in Roger's Direction while having his eyes closed shut upon seeing so everyone went as  quiet as Mouse they knew that Willian was using one of his abilities and a sound Elementalist  absolute s
ilence was needed on those occasions otherwise his abilities wouldn't  reach their full potential a couple of seconds later Willian started chuckling while  covering his mouth with the side of his fist he looked at the fog that was getting affected  by the chaos and mused to actually possess an ability that allows the user to change his  voice as he pleased what a lucky individual his teammates got shocked at hearing him say so  they didn't think that in the end AF asterisking team was still try
ing to bait them they didn't  doubt their Captain's Insight since they knew that he must have used his passive ability sound  recognition that let him study the sounds that he heard and noticed the tiniest differentiation  in them therefore everyone could be fooled but William Bentley hide yourselves deeply Willian  ordered while climbing a tree we will wait until that team exposes themselves and Ambush them  dutiful the Stout man deactivated his Golem morphing ability and hid in a tree just lik
e the  rest of his teammates although they knew that the fog was a trap they had absolutely no intentions  of informing the rest of the teams in their eyes the fog was doing them a favor as well by reducing  the number of contestants without lifting even a finger they hoped that by the time the chaos  inside of it ends only a team or two get left behind.find authorized novels in Faster updates  better experience please click number underscore 5157930-4-9-4-4-910847 for visiting at that  point th
e tracker would be Theirs to grasp chapter 264 the fog of despair meanwhile  within the fog Felix and the rest were being led by Johnson while firing off destructive  abilities at the trees Adam was using his magma abilities while Noah straightaway raptured  trees by single swing with his ice mace the rest were also doing their part by screaming  and shouting provocative sentences however they soon stopped after Johnson informed them that he  had felt 90 unique new presents entering the fog with
out needing Felix's orders everyone caught  each other's hands and started getting led by Johnson into a fir tree that resembled a Cree  sma's tree they were forced to hold hands since they were barely able to see one meter in front of  them meanwhile Johnson's Vision wasn't affected in the slightest by his fog thus he took over  the leadership of the team inside the fog we are here he said as he knocked on the  tree making everyone notice its position he then watched them climb the tree one by 
one before each branch was holding a member I am going now upon seeing that no one had  fallen or something like that Johnson turned around and sprinted away he had other  tasks to achieve are you guys ready Kenny asked while lying on top of a branch yes yes  the moment he received positive confirmation from everyone he activated his second active ability  Darkness shroud everyone abruptly froze stiffly in their position after getting engulfed in a sphere  of Darkness no one dared to move even
slightly as they knew that Kenny's ability would be  deactivated instantly they couldn't afford to be without it as this ability would be their Guardian  Angel against bloodliners with vision abilities as long as they remain motionless inside of  it their existence would completely disappear however since it was only a rare tier  one ability it had glaring weaknesses the first and foremost would be the inability to  move or speak otherwise the Shroud would break and reveal those within it the se
cond one would  be the fact that the darkness shroud was visible if this ability were used in daylight the Shroud  would appear just like a medium-sized black sphere however inside the fog where everyone's Vision  was reduced to the bare minimum they wouldn't be noticed at all the last weakness would be  those inside the Shroud couldn't see what was going on outside they were utterly blinded  just like they were placed in a pitch black room this was the reason why Johnson didn't hide with  them
in his fog he could feel see and also avoid any detection ability on him due to his fog  camouflage this meant he was almost Untouchable inside his fog it was better to use him as their  eyes in the fog instead of keeping him near them he stopped digging the tunnel chase him  down two abrupt unique voices resounded loudly in the area and echoed further away upon  hearing so Felix informed Walton that's enough most of the teams have been lured inside all right  I was getting tired anyway my throa
t had gone dry from screaming all by myself Walton replied  nicely done good work everyone started praising him for his efforts as they knew that no one would  have gotten baited inside the fog without Walton all of this due to a combination of his  two abilities voice mimicry and Echo orb voice mimicry was a passive ability that let him  mimic precisely the people's voices that he heard since he knew that he would be fighting against  bloodliners he didn't mind listening carefully to a couple o
f them and mimic exactly their voices  and accents now he used this library of voices that he learned to lure in those teams however  since the fog had at least a 200 meter radius his voice couldn't reach every bloodliner outside  the fog thus he relied on his Peak active ability Echo orb which creates small orbs of wines that  held voices inside and even wind abilities inside he created many orbs which were holding  different sentences with different voices he then planted them in different pla
ces and  exploded them periodically creating Flawless chaotic battle scenes that managed to fool  everyone well almost everyone since William wasn't fooled but that was an exception as he  was the perfect counter for Walton's abilities with that being said Walton was currently away  from the team to take care of those orbs and avoid attracting a group near Felix and the rest  after two minutes or so Johnson noticed that the teams were finally getting closer to each other  soon boom boom ARG ARG
that's it keep fighting Johnson grinned at the site of tens of  bloodliners throwing Elemental abilities at random some used many tornadoes to get rid of the  fog while some tried to evaporate it with fire after all they didn't dare to toggle deep  without attempting to clear out their vision alas some of those abilities ended up hitting  others who didn't see them coming this offset a war inside the fog where every team moved with  their backs against each other and hit anyone who wasn't part o
f them in their eyes it was better  to strike first than wait until they get bombarded however the tracker was still their main target  and most of the teams were moving towards the last place where the package was dropped since  they couldn't see the holder of the tracker yet it was much better to secure the package first  and start from there otherwise they would be roaming inside the fog without a purpose and they  couldn't afford to win every second in Elemental ability get hurled in their D
irection thankfully  the trees were taking the brunt of most abilities even if some abilities unluckily landed on a team  there was always a shield placed by the buffer if the shield didn't manage to handle the power  of abilities A Healer was always placed in the middle of the team's formation this made it  somewhat tough to kill each other since the Healer was always there to get back in  shape Johnson who was looking at all of this happening didn't seem bothered by it he just  kept moving ins
ide the fog like he owned the place Johnson update Felix asked three teams are  on their way to the package while the others are getting held back by constant fights so far I  only noticed three Corpses Johnson sent a message to everyone as expected everyone is on their  tiptoes making them take a tight defensive stance Adam gave out his own input I think we need to be  proactive before Johnson's energy runs out find authorized novels in Faster updates better  experience please click number unde
rscore 51598145087397388 for visiting everyone agreed  with this notion as their main plan was to wait until the teams killed each other or at least  get forced into retreating due to heavy injuries but it was evident that all of the teams took a  defensive stance to the next level retaliating only when provoked instead of entering a  free-for-all battle if they kept waiting the package would be taken from them which  was left untouched due to time constraints even the tracker was still inside w
orst of all  Johnson's energy was getting drained rapidly by trying his best to sustain this humongous cloud of  fog and also keep releasing more from time to time to recover the lost moisture due to the battles  all right Johnson please lead us to the biggest clu.s.terror of teams Felix ordered as he jumped  from the tree revealing himself and the others to the bloodliners with vision abilities let's  try and get rid of them in under two minutes the moment Felix said so everyone jumped from  th
e tree and entered a tight battle formation they put the girls in the center  while the rest encircled them however they didn't move as they  were waiting for Johnson to arrive I am here the instant Johnson reached the team he  retook the lead five teams are in my nine o'clock the nearest one is only 50 to 60 meters away from  us move out Felix could clearly see those five teams moving as slow as a snail while throwing  abilities once in a while to check around them it was clear that those teams
didn't have a  bloodliner with a good Vision ability for this situation if they did they would have been part  of those three teams which were about to reach the package this made Felix know that his team  was currently invisible in their eyes activate your abilities Felix ordered as he snapped  his finger creating two bloodish red bombs he then swiftly made one absorb the other making it  double its size he wasn't done yet as he repeated this process twice under one second creating  a three ti
mes bigger bomb than his usual one however instead of throwing it out he waited for  Adam to use his molten rocks on the nearest team this was a basic Synergy between them which they  trained in the preparation camp Johnson help me aim Adam requested while standing still with a  reign of molten rocks gathered above his head since he was blind he didn't want to throw  his ability to hit the trees instead they are currently standing 10 meters in your 11 o'clock  if you threw your ability in that d
irection 30 or so will probably be blocked by the two trees  next to them Johnson informed swiftly thank you polite as always Adam showed his appreciation  by showing full trust in Johnson's aim he swiftly faced 11 o'clock and hurled  those molten rocks with all of his strength woosh whoosh the fog was getting evaporated in the  air due to the heat emitted by those molten rocks however before the targeted team could  comprehend the approaching tense of bright red rocks they smashed  into their g
lass-like barriers boom boom alas their tight formation made it  easier to get all of them reigned upon without exceptions even though some of the molten  rocks had collided with the trees shatter the shields weren't strong enough to tank the  destructiveness of Adam's ability as they got busted into tiny fragments instantly  we are under attack from five o'clock the captain of the assaulted team was a  brown-skinned tall man with bushy eyebrows right now those eyebrows were knitted in  nervousn
ess and alarm he didn't expect an attack to arrive so fast and hard leaving the  men.a.k.e.d like this without single protection on just as the buffer in their team tried to recreate  the shields again one bloodish red bomb that had a basketball size came out of nowhere and  exploded within their tight formation proof immediately after a cloud of Red Mist engulfed  the entire team putting them under its effect since no one expected to be hit by poison they  weren't holding their breaths thud thu
d thud one by one they fell to the ground losing  Consciousness at once since they would be out for only five seconds Noah and Nathan  stepped in and knocked them clean in the head this would leave them unconscious for at  least five minutes making them automatically disqualified by the queen and marked  by her so others wouldn't attack them if they did decide to do so they would be punished  by the ESG organization obviously the disqualified bloodliners would be punished if they decided to  att
ack someone during their wait for extraction hence Felix and the rest didn't remain in  waste time finishing them off but went for the next team in line which was the closest  to them they repeated the same strategy on all of the remaining four teams Johnson giving  off Direction and helping them aim Adam uses his ability to break off the barriers  or Shields Felix followed it with his hypotension bomb which was enlarged by his poison  absorption passive to force them unconscious then Noah Natha
n and Kenny take it from there team  after a team had fallen to this Synergy without seeing even the outfits of their assailants all  of this because they didn't have abilities related to senses which would have made them notice  Felix's team the moment they stepped near them this meant besides having those abilities there  was absolutely no other counter to the fog of Despair synergy it was a Synergy created in the  preparation Camp solely to put the team in a favorable environment where their
abilities  thrive chapter 265 a spiteful retaliation the U.S team has successfully eliminated five  teams at once without losing a single hair strand Janna commentated in excitement what  a marvelous strategy and synergy her excitement was being shared by the millions  of live viewers who were spamming in the Stream chat POG and wow emojis in a frenzy making it  impossible to read the actual written sentences if only the drone's vision wasn't hindered  as well by the fog the battles would be mor
e thrilling to watch dejected Michael's side while  looking at the stream screen showing everything in black and green giving them a somewhat clear  overview of what's happening within the fog alas they could forget about seeing the thrill  of abilities clashing together and such as they couldn't even differentiate between the teams if  the two drones weren't programmed to follow only the U.S team they would have already lost them and  started watching another team unbeknownst to them thus the v
iewers never actually saw  the abilities used by Felix's team this left them guessing if they used anything  new in their battles or not meanwhile Felix and the rest immediately started moving towards the  package position following Johnson who started showing exhaustion signs John energy Felix  asked 30 and declining rapidly Johnson replied all right don't puff out any more fog just try  to sustain the created one for five minutes or so Felix said while gazing at two teams one  to his left and
the other to his right they were walking slowly in the same direction  as them he decided to ignore them for now since the three nearest teams to the package had already  made it to the center of the fog where the package was stuck on a tree before long one of them would  climb the tree and find it then he could open it up right there and see that the tracker was still  inside Felix was certain that they would take it and Escape instead of securing the entire package  since it was heavy and bulk
y he didn't want to be forced into chasing them down as more variables  would come up the further they stray from the plan but in reality he was just lazy to put in  such an extra effort we are here Johnson sent a message while narrowing his eyes at  three bloodliners climbing up a tree each meanwhile their teammates were guarding them  underneath turning their heads back and forth akin to radars since his vision was left intact  he watched them from 20 meters or so behind a tree he wasn't about
getting found out by bloodliners  with vision abilities since the known range for the best rare tier one Vision ability was merely  10 meters damn it it's the Canadian team John knitted his eyebrows in annoyance after seeing  the red maple flag of Canada in their outfits he knew that it would be problematic for them to  make a move since the U.S and Canada were close allies and they were explicitly given orders  by George to avoid battles with them since it wouldn't bore suitable for the countr
y to have  its team eliminating its oldest and closest Ally obviously this applied to only  close allies and not everyone that being said Johnson didn't give a [ __ ] as  it was the captain's problem to handle not his he gave out his report and tried his best to  hold himself from sitting due to exhaustion Canada so bothersome Felix scratched his nose in  vexation he wanted to send a message by the queen warning them to leave but communication between  teams was blocked he didn't want to shout h
is threat out loud since it was stupid as he would be  giving off the team's position plus their identity besides shouting would be disrespectful and  humiliating as the Canadian team would absolutely not Retreat while under their Citizens watch  by Felix shouting threat he would be actually giving them no choice but to battle him if they  did he would F asterisk CK them up pretty badly this would embarrass the country even more  he truly wanted to avoid the political storm that would rise after
so he could  already Envision the shitty news about it F asterisk c k at just go around them Felix  waved his hand dismissively after we take care of the other two and the fog clears out both the  team and their countrymen will see the aftermath and they are not stupid to not  realize the price of fighting us upon hearing so Johnson turned left and carried on  moving thoroughly ignoring the Canadian team who were wasting time searching empty trees boom bam  argh however just as he took the firs
t step the sounds of explosions and people groaning resounded  thunderously from the direction he was heading to the team didn't need to ask Johnson to see  what's going on as the wind produced from those massive explosions had hurled the fog  in every direction clearing out an entire area this led the team to sea with their  own eyes two teams going at it the ones on the left had an infuriated expression  while the others on the right were either shaking their heads in disappointment or had an 
annoyed expression and in the middle of their battle there was a silver metallic box  that was at least a one meter cubic size its surface was still l.u.s dot trues and unaffected  by the fire ice and acidic Mist surrounding it if it wasn't for the parachute burning next to it  anyone would have assumed that this chest was a bank safe and not the package Felix and the rest  instantly hid behind the closest thing to them they started watching the battle and intrigue  they had not a single though
t of intervening before they understood the entire situation  should I hold the fog to keep the area visible Johnson asked swiftly after seeing that his  fog was coming back again do it Felix agreed after he received a confirmation Johnson manually  forced the fog to freeze alas before Olivia and the rest could appreciate having their visibility  back the battle had ended just as it began no one was attacking any more as both teams retreated  further from each other leaving the package all alone
in the center of the area appearing like a  trophy begging to be taken however those two teams merely sent two bloodliners in the direction  of the package the moment they reached five meters away from it they stopped and started  staring at each other with opposite expressions the man on the right side of the package had  an afro-like hairstyle and was wearing a red and black outfit he was looking nonchalantly at  a petite girl with short braided caramel hair upon seeing that she was giving hi
m an unfriendly  Vibe he clicked his tongue in irritation I guess we can only split the package now I apologize  on behalf of the team for striking first unlike his hidden irritation the afro man bowed  his head politely and added but the moment my teammate noticed the noisy footsteps of your  team approaching us rapidly we had no choice but to send a warning shot warning shot the  girl snorted in derision at the man's apology she glanced at four of her teammates who were  passed out with scorch
ed black skin or frozen in ice and gritted her teeth in resentment Angola  Captain do you take me for a fool she yelled who the f asterisk CK fires a warning shot with tens  of Elemental abilities all at once if my Shields weren't strong enough to handle your warning  shot my entire team would have been wiped out she was not mad that he was aiming for the kill  since that was to be expected in this competition but from the fact that he tried to play  it differently after his attempt failed she k
new that he wanted to silence them by one  single attack and escape with the entire package under cover of what remained from the fog however  now that he failed he clearly didn't want to enter a battle with them anymore he knew that other  teams wouldn't take long before reaching here and collapse on both of their teams after they  noticed the sealed package the Angola Captain merely scratched his cheek carelessly didn't I  already apologize it was an honest mistake now how about we talk this o
ut peaceful F asterisk  C chaos the braided girl didn't wait for him to finish off his [ __ ] as she flipped him the  finger and retreated to her teammates then she did the unexpected as she shouted at the top of her  voice the package is here with the Angola captain her voice was loud enough it traveled far and  Beyond reaching even the disqualified teams who regained their Consciousness and retreated outside  of the Fog good luck sending warning shots to all of the teams at once UF asterisker
spitful and  somewhat frustrated she glared at him one last time before turning around and bolting with her  team in the opposite direction it was clear that she already informed her team about her sudden  Outburst as her teammates piggybacked those four heavily injured bloodliners meanwhile the Angola  Captain just kept looking at them retreating into the fog with mouth a gape not knowing how did  things derail from his expectations so fast he knew that any smart and reliable Captain  would nev
er do what she did even if they were offended and insulted why simple actually they  were F asterisking representing their entire country and given massive responsibility to  bring them as many flags as possible those flags translate to representative slots which  translate to having votes in the world Council having those votes meant actually influencing  the decision-making yet the girl under the public watch of her country had just given up  on a chance to get the tracker to spite him he didn
't think for a second that was even possible  he wasn't the only one shocked by the girl's irresponsible retaliation as even the viewers  from each country's stream were left in disbelief Michael swiftly broke out of his days and swiped  his finger at the Malaysian stream wanting to check if the citizen of Malaysia were barraging  their Captain with insults or not however when he looked at the chat and saw that the viewers were  actually spamming Applause Emoji for their Captain he was left bewi
ldered since this was a foreign  stream the Malaysian team's language and the viewers sounded like gibberish to him therefore he  requested from the all-knowing queen to translate after reading the chat this time his confusion  was cleared out instantly he couldn't help but commentated out loud for the American viewers  their healer was part of the four heavily wounded bloodliners the moment Janna and the viewers  heard this they immediately recognized that the Malaysian Captain did the right th
ing after all if  their healer was unconscious and heavily wounded there was no way that the captain was going to  carry on remaining next to the Angola captain he was bound to see that her teammates weren't  getting healed back in shape and figure out that he had luckily managed to take down the Healer in  the previous Elemental Salvo by then he wouldn't bother to waste his time talking as he would  straightway carry on the battle thus the package was already lost for the Malaysian team which 
explains the girl's frustration however instead of just running away she wanted to ruin the Angola  team's chances of getting the package alas she made it difficult for all of the teams Felix is  included so bothersome his annoyed expression as he looked at the fast approaching two teams from  the back said it all chapter 266 well hello there however his eyes soon brightened up after noticing  that the shields of the Angola team were turned off due to the buffer probably wanting to  save up on e
nergy for any upcoming battles after all no one was inside and they couldn't  keep the shields active forever the Buffer's energy wasn't infinite despite so Felix noticed  that a shield was left on a man in the middle of the formation he guessed that was probably the  Healer change of plans we are striking first Felix informed his team while manifesting red  bombs in his hand meanwhile the Angola Captain had ordered his team to prepare for a retreat  with a livid expression after so he swiftly w
ent to the silver package and keyed in a password  on a screen that was on the top of the chest the password was given to him by the instructor  after the Gathering just like everyone else peeb the moment he heard the sound and saw that  the small screen had turned green he clasped on the grip of the door and opened it wide poof  however just as he wanted to look inside he was smacked in the face with a bloodish red Bomb  making him blink his eyes once in confusion before they rolled at the back
of his head third captain  his teammate shouted in worry after seeing their Captain fall to the ground unexpectedly alas  they weren't given a single chance to think things through as one massive bloodish red Bomb  was sent in their Direction with Felix's Behemoth strength that could slap a first-stage bloodliner  to death the bomb thrown by him traveled so fast it neither appeared in the eyes of the bloodliners  nor the Stream poof just like their Captain their faces were packed with raw confu
sion before their  eyelids closed shut after getting engulfed inside a humongous cloud of Red Mist third third the  body's lying randomly on the ground just showed the viewers the true horror of getting ambushed  by Felix without having protection shields on there was no resistance no back and forth  fight just two bombs were all it took for an entire team-mate of the elites of Angola to  be sent packing home upon seeing that everyone was already on the ground Felix and his teammates  dashed fro
m the woods and split up in their way Felix went for the package and the captain  while the rest went to disqualify the passed out team and take care of the dumbfounded  healer the only Survivor from the ambush alas being a Healer meant that he was a Sitting  Duck for Noah and the rest only after seeing Noah knocking the scared healer out cold did the  viewers from the stream regain their wits back what what was that Michael stuttered with widened  eyes the Angola team was done for just like tha
t he didn't dare to believe his eyes neither did the  viewers they knew that Felix had poison bombs and poison pillars but the Ambush happened so fast  they didn't even know what ability Felix used the fact that the inducement was changed from  paralyzed to hypotension made their thoughts get disarrayed even further after all they still had  no idea that Felix was able to switch to multiple inducements this made them assume first that Felix  had just used his Peak active ability instead of poiso
n bombs especially when the last bomb's  explosion was big enough to cover the entire team however this didn't explain to them why was the  first bomb red and small just like his paralyzed bombs it wasn't just them who were left in utter  bewilderment and shock as the Canadian team who were planning to make a move at the Angola  Captain froze in their positions with cold sweat running down their spine they never thought  that another team was lying this close to them worst of all they were stron
g enough to take  care of an entire team in less than five seconds CA Captain he is taking the tracker a smart  looking girl wearing circular glasses stuttered in fear and anxiety at the site of Felix  playing with a black device in his hand the ripped open package of the  tracker was lying next to his feet the captain's expression turned ugly instantly  after seeing the American flag in Felix's jacket he realized that his team had been screwed big  time by not making the first move after all if
the U.S team were given orders to not harm them  the Canadian team were also given the same orders if they ambushed Felix and his teammates under  the public view of the world the political storm would whirl in their Direction he didn't know  if Felix made the first move intentionally or it was merely a stroke of bad luck on their  side but what he did know was that as long as the tracker was in the hands of Felix they  could forget about getting it by using Force the other teams are coming her
e the Canadian  Captain ordered hide deeply and wait until the tracker lands in the hands of another team then  we might have a chance to get it back although his teammates were still frightened by Felix's ability  they still didn't cower and run away just because of it.find authorized novels in Faster updates  better experience please click number underscore 516218-24869483958 for visiting unless there was  absolutely zero chance of getting the tracker not a single team would dare to withdraw 
under the observation of their citizen so far the Canadian team still had a  chance since they noticed that the only reason Felix's Ambush worked so well was due  to the Angola team's shields were turned off they weren't [ __ ] to repeat the same mistake not  leaving Felix glanced in their Direction with a faint playful smile making the Canadian team  shiver at the thought that he could see them however soon they sighed in relief after  seeing that he was glancing in every direction they assumed
that he was worried about  getting collapsed on by the other teams Captain they are all out cold Johnson said  loudly as he approached Felix with the rest meanwhile he sent a mental message the two teams  are here one in front and the other to my right all right start part two of the improvised plan  Felix notified them in secret while speaking out loud carry whatever you can and Escape into the  fog ARG captain my energy is about to run out Johnson clasped into his heart dramatically  making F
elix's eyebrows twitch but he still played along and shouted while holding a black  box on his shoulder just hold for 30 seconds I can't ARG Johnson let out one last grown  before dropping into the ground with his eyes closed shut and limbs spread further apart the  posture he chose truly appeared like a starfish the moment he dropped the fog encasing the entire  area disappeared immediately like it was never there promptly the entire Forest brightened up by  the sunlight again exposing everythi
ng within it the viewers were speechless after noticing from  above two teams were in the process of preparing an elemental Salvo from both directions of  the package aiming at Felix and the others now with the fog gone they were exposed red-handed  to everyone the colorful effects of the abilities were too hard to miss well hello there Felix  addressed the dumbstruck teams casually with a hand wave seeing that he didn't receive a response  he coughed and asked are you going to carry on with you
r ambush should we turn our backs and act  like we didn't see you at this moment both the teams knew that a lifelong embarrassment was going  to stick with them until their death they couldn't imagine how they looked in the eyes of the world  after this shitty Ambush and they didn't dare to imagine it it was already embarrassing enough to  get caught like this with their abilities prepared yet they had to end up Landing in this situation  next to Felix who wouldn't hesitate to make fun of them f
or it fortunately Felix's aim wasn't on  them but on the Canadian team who were hiding on branches and using leaves as cover when the fog  was still around the visibility was impaired since there wasn't much sunlight to work with thus  although the Canadian team wasn't exactly in the fog they weren't worried about being noticed  especially when they were keeping quite a distance from the package but now the sunlight exposed  some bits of their outfits and they couldn't do anything about it since
the moment they moved  it would just get worse for them just as they were feeling thankful about those two teams  attracting the attention of the U.S team they were horrified to see that every member of the U.S  team turned in their Direction with cunning grins chills coursed in their back after seeing their  grins as they knew that whatever was about to come wasn't going to please them one bit friends  from Canada Felix scratched his nose with a polite Smile as he asked how about you do us  a
favor by helping us take care of those too God F asterisking dammit the Canadian Captain's  expression turned unsightly the instant he heard so he knew that he had fallen into an unenviable  situation chapter 267 forcing out an alliance the Canadian Captain guessed that his team's  position was already compromised while they were still within the fog after all he understood  that it was impossible to know which country they were representing without seeing the flag  on their chest or know someon
e in their team they were hidden almost perfectly on the  trees giving off only bits of their clothes thus it was impossible to rely on  that and figure out their identity now their plan of waiting until the tracker  lands in others hands wasn't even an available option since they were requested help from their  country's Ally if they rejected the request under the world's eyes it would look neither pretty  for them nor for their country he didn't have the thought of acting deaf to Felix's reque
st since  they were bound to show themselves sooner or later left with no options the Canadian Captain  jumped from the tree followed by his teammates they immediately gathered and entered a battle  formation everyone's eyes were on the Canadian Captain wondering what would be his response even  the two teams withdrew their abilities at once since they already lost most of the advantage if  they attacked now Felix and the rest would be able to dodge the abilities Salvo while letting a few  hit t
he water spheres that were protecting them 20 meters distance or so was more than enough  for even a bloodliner with trash reflexes to react in time plus they had no intention of  helping the Canadian Captain out of his plight they were happy enough to have their embarrassing  scene replaced with another unrelated to them after a couple of seconds of Silence the Canadian  Captain coughed and replied in dejection as much as I want to offer my assistance to my dear  American friends I am afraid th
at we can't he swiftly clarified the competition rules forbid  the teams from helping each other and I don't want my team and my country to be punished by the  organization alas his excuse didn't even take root in the mind of the listeners before Felix exposed  him nonchalantly we are banned from assisting each other in collecting Flags or sharing the tracker  not fighting if you don't want to help just say so Felix shook his head in disappointment as he  placed down the tracker back on the pack
age and closed it again he didn't want the items  inside to be damaged by the upcoming battle he turned to his teammates and ordered prepare  for battle it's going to be just us Johnson who was acting dead for a while immediately stood  up and scoffed if we knew that our country's relationship meant so little to you we wouldn't  have stopped ambushing you in the fog earlier forget it Johnson Kenny smiled bitterly as  his body turned invisible it is what it is the more the Canadian team heard the
uglier  their expression got their country's image was literally getting ruined live especially  after what Johnson had just mentioned they didn't know if that was true or not but they  were inclining to believe it as they discerned that the U.S team wouldn't dare to lie to them  after all they might not know but the viewers sure did this meant the U.S team truly showed  them Mercy when they could have ambushed them from the end result of Felix's Ambush on the  Angola team they knew that the ou
tcome of their team wouldn't be any different in the eyes  of both countries it would seem that the U.S team had honored their close Alliance while  the Canadian team didn't that was the last thing that the Canadian Captain wanted to see F  asterisking politics ruining everything as always he cursed in his mind while showing a different  attitude on the outside you got it all wrong my team will gladly support our dear  friends if it was just about battles he walked forward with his chest pushed 
out let us handle the Philippine team they are all yours Felix smiled faintly  while turning his head back in front then he started sizing up the other team who was  wearing a white outfit stripped with blue lines he looked at their flag and noticed that it belonged  to the Argentinian team not that it matters much to him as even with five teams ganging up on him  he would be able to demolish them all at once however he didn't want to use any abnormal brute  force in this competition unless he
was pushed into doing so F asterisking prick the Canadian  cursed Felix in his mind while giving him a polite head nod he then focused on the Philippine team  who were also facing them with a solemn expression the situation turned into two against two  which was to the liking of everyone except for the Canadian team who were forced into this  Captain we need to be careful of those red pillars a lanky man with long thin arms reaching  his knees warned with a nervous expression his teammates flinc
hed after remembering  the video they watched of those red pillars destroying the Hilton team that was close to  their strength back then however their Captain merely cracked his knuckles and ordered the  moment you notice that your barrier was broken hold your breaths and withdrew at the back of  the formation until Santiago Shield you again upon seeing that his teammates nodded their  heads in resolution he smirked one last time before snapping both of his fingers activating his  morphing abil
ity two abrupt huge lumps started to emerge from both sides of his waist alas those  lumps didn't come out peacefully as the pain of having his skin wrapped like that made the  argentian team take quick and short breaths like a woman having contractions before birth the  pain he was experiencing was understandable as those two huge lamps continued to extend forward  slowly while shaping up into two beastial arms they appeared like they belonged to reptile  species with their thick blue skin and
white bent claws the instant the transformation was over  the Argentinian Captain loosened up his tightened fists and started opening and closing his bestial  hands until he was doing it at a faster speed than his real hands look and behold at those two bad  boys the Argentinian straightened up his back in Pride as he kept Loki flaunting those two arms  by moving them around his teammates completely ignored this site as they simply focused  on activating their abilities as well.find authorized n
ovels in Faster updates better  experience please click number dot underscore 51628713997040057 for visiting two of them morphed  like their captain and another disappeared out of sight after leaning against a tree meanwhile  the rest either had Elemental abilities fully prepared for launch or were buffing out the front  liners yet they still didn't attack as they were waiting for the Captain's Order currently their  Captain was paying close attention to Noah's and Nathan's transformation that w
as on the verge of  finishing for Noah his arms morphed into Yeti's giant arms which were laced with a thick white fur  on the other hand Nathan's morphing ability which he got after reaching the greater Purity turned  his legs into a furless Brown kangaroo's ones he was hopping on his place while having his  hands situated in front of him in a boxing posture with his bronze metallic Shimmer on his entire  skin it was clear that his fighting style was going to be up close tisk not bad a bit salt
y  by The Dashing appearance of his foe's morphing abilities the Argentinian Captain clicked his  tongue while stepping forward with his team as one advancing in a slow and careful manner  they had their Shields up their abilities up they were set for battle Walton where are you at  unburied about the approaching team Felix asked while snapping both of his fingers creating two  bloodish red bombs inside his jacket's pockets his teammates were already ready and  waiting simply for his order to mo
ve I am already here Walton responded while lying  between Bush's 30 meters or so away from the team peeking at the current situation with only one eye  before the fog cleared out he was given orders by Felix to head straight for the package area but  since his vision was hindered by the fog he was going even slower than the others thankfully  after the fog went away he was able to cast up Surge and fly here making it just in time good go  flank them with Kenny we will be holding them down woosh
phew before Felix could finish up his orders  the sound of abilities clashing against each other or landing on the pitiful trees rumbled from  behind him he took a quick glance and noticed that the Canadian team was using abilities as  cover for their four front liners to close up the distance while the Philippine team was doing  its best to foil their advancement by barraging them with tens of abilities at once as they fired  those abilities they kept retreating one step at a time in a single
formation like an ordered  Army fire one step back fire one step back rinse and repeat since the elemental abilities  fired were just Fireballs ice lances wind blades and those kinds of low tide abilities they were  able to keep spamming them without worrying too much about their energy consumption they  might be small and low-tiered but those abilities sure pack a punch if they directly  landed on a bloodliner this led the Canadian frontliners to struggle into advancing as their  entire Focus w
as put on dodging those abilities they might be shielded and protected but they knew  that if the shield took too much damage it would end up breaking and they would be required to  return next to their buffer to get shielded again upon seeing their struggle Felix chuckled in  a miss.e.m.e.nt as he thought I should be nice and give them five percent of the package's  content Felix Focus chapter 268 against the Argentinian team hearing Olivia's voice Felix  turned around and saw that the Argentin
ian Captain was rushing towards them with clear  fervor and excitement written all over his face to his sides he had those two morphed  bloodliners one had wooden-like drills instead of arms and the other kept slithering  on the ground akin to a serpent not one of them was carrying an external weapon as everything  was banned besides using one's own abilities thus those three bloodliners had to fight against  Noah's ice mace that weighed almost a ton find authorized novels in Faster updates bett
er  experience please click number dot underscore 51645711313322122 for visiting that's only if they  managed to make it in one piece as the moment Adam felt confident in his aim to land his Hellfire  Salvo at them without losing most of the molten rocks to the trees in his way he waved both of  his hands down and sent those molten rocks flying rapidly at those three boom boom Dodge at all  cost the Argentinian Captain screamed loudly while rolling out of those molten rocks path which were  rain
ing down on the make into a mini meteor shower his teammates didn't want to test the limit of  their Shields by playing around with fire so they gave up on their advancement and hid behind  trees using them as cover however they didn't just hide there and wait to get bombarded again as the  elemental Rangers decided to return the favor by throwing their abilities altogether aiming at the  backlins where Felix was standing with Olivia Lexi and Lena woosh whoosh seeing a bunch of Elemental  abilit
ies falling in their Direction Felix and the girls gave up on their positioning as they spread  out swiftly and took cover behind the nearest tree boom bam frightened Olivia sat behind a tree with  her hands covering her ears trying to block the loud noise of explosions happening near her  anyone in her position would feel like they were thrown in the middle of an active war zone  where grenades were exploding each second Non-Stop Felix who was feeling Satisfied by Olivia  dodging by herself for
the first time ever side in vexation at the site of her closing her  ears and eyes with a scared expression appearing like a kitten in the rain well at least her feet  moved this time instead of freezing as always in the end Felix was still a bit content with her  small Improvement a few seconds later the barrage had ended taking with it two innocent trees as  they were utterly scorched black not hearing any more Noise Olivia opened her eyes and peaked  with one eye wearily soon she noticed tha
t Noah and Nathan were already moving up in direction of  the Argentinian captain and those two frontliners while Noah just kept running forward recklessly  while dragging the ice mace behind him Nathan was using his kangaroo's legs to hop from a tree  branch to another since the distance was already quite close between the front lines it didn't take  even a couple of seconds before Noah and Nathan met up with their foes brother Noah take care of  those two while I am holding the captain Nathan
informed while bending his knees to limit on a  branch appearing like he was building momentum the moment he noticed Noah's head nod he hurled  himself with his bronze metallic fist glazing forward fiercely his Target the Argentinian  Captain who noticed his attack beforehand and was currently using a tree to block Nathan's  attempt boom Crush alas the Argentinian Captain didn't expect Nathan's punch to be powerful and  forceful enough to rupture the thick stem of the tree from half and Landing
a straight punch in his  chest it might have lost most of its force due to the tree taking the brunt of it but a straight  punch from Nathan's metallic bronze skin which enhanced his physical strength by at least 400  BF was enough to make the captain groan in pain F asterisk CK that hurts still clasping into  his bruised area which was sending waves of pain constantly the Argentinian Captain back  rolled with his human hands and stood back up the instant he noticed that Nathan was rubbing  his
bloodied fist with a pained expression he knew that he didn't get out of this scuffle unscratched  hat that was totally not worth it for you the Argentinian Captain sneered as he pointed  at his exposed bruised area that was in the process of recovering its healthy tan skin  based on the speed of the process Nathan figured out easily that the passive which  was doing so must be from a tier 2 bloodline this meant the captain was already first stage  bloodliner with one passive while he was still
not even in the origin Purity yet but he didn't feel  worried in the slightest as he had full confidence in Noah's strength to brutalize those two income  assist him he was just tasked withholding the captain down not defeating him Oli please Heal Me  Up he requested while entering a boxing posture again hopping on his place like a kangaroo alas  if it wasn't for the lily flower on top of his head he would have appeared quite dashing instead  of comical but he was already numb to the feeling of
embarrassment and simply enjoyed having his  fist getting caressed by gentle green energy not in my watch the Argentinian Captain shouted  as he charged forward in a ferocious manner seeing so Nathan was left with no choice but  to combat him although his bloodied knuckles were still not healed yet bam bam slice punches  kicks and even those beastial claws got into the action as everything those two possessed was  being used to get an advantage over the other bruises and bloodied Flesh Wounds we
re being  stacked on their bodies as those two kept going at it wildly without using any techniques it  wasn't like Nathan didn't learn any boxing techniques to facilitate his combat experience  but the Argentinian Captain was fighting savagely not bothering with defending at all he just went  full Ham on Nathan forcing him into his own pace Nathan knew that he couldn't afford to fight him  in such fast-paced combat as the wounds which were building up underneath his metallic skin were  not heal
ing faster than the argentinia captain after all Olivia's external healing would  never beat recovering using one's own ability hence Nathan's situation could be seen by everyone  that he was losing the fight and pretty fast if it wasn't for his metallic skin somewhat  protecting him he would have already been done for by a single hack from those sharp  claws upon noticing Nathan's deteriorating situation Noah tightened his grip on the ice mace  as he whipped it from the side at one of his foes
wanting to end this battle quickly and go assist  him alas just like before the bloodliner smirked with an unworried expression while twisting his  body from his waist this action resulted in his upper body leaning 90 degrees backward dodging the  ice mace effortlessly from Noah's expression which was showing signs of irritation and impatience  it was clear that he was being played like this since the moment he started fighting those two  bloodliners what's wrong slowpoke you tired yet the flexi
ble man laughed in ridicule while  gesturing for Noah to come at him with his finger alas Noah wasn't provoked into doing so but turned  around and dashed towards the other bloodliner who was trying his best to look for an opening an  ambush Noah with his Dreadful drill-like arms seeing that Noah was coming at him the bloodliner  pointed his wooden drill at a branch on top of him and said with a smile don't you learn as he spoke  the wooden drill unrolled on itself rapidly before extending upwar
d and started rolling on the branch  feeling the tightened grip the bloodliner waved his other hand mockingly at Noah and was dragged  upward alas just as the flexible man wanted to laugh again Noah did a semi-turn to build up  momentum and through the ice mace in direction of the man who was still being dragged in the  air woosh scared shitless by the fast approaching ice mace that could explode his headache into  watermelon the man guarded his face reflexively with the remaining arm though he
didn't have to  as the transparent Shield was still active on him boom both the ice mace and the barrier  exploded immediately after contact making both the bloodliners and their  Argentinian teammates sigh in relief they completely forgot that by Noah throwing  his ice mace it was considered as an elemental projectile and those transparent barriers  were able to block only projectiles but not up close and physical abilities that's why they  appear transparent like they weren't even there howeve
r Noah didn't look bothered in the  slightest by his failure as he knew that a teammate who was always watching their battles  was going to take advantage of that slight opening poof as he expected a bloodish red Bomb exploded  immediately on the chest of the bloodliner who lost his barrier making him look with a dumbstruck  expression at the Red Mist encasing him alas by the time that image was sent to his brain the  poison was already inhaled by him and took effect thud the instant he lost Con
sciousness his  morphing ability withdrew back forcing him to drop on the ground quite badly Noah gave Felix a  thump up with his back facing him he then dashed towards the motionless body and grabbed him  by his back collar without a single ounce of emotion in his face Noah lifted him in front of  his face and head butted him right in the forehead the viewers the Argentinian team and even his  teammates soon started looking at him massaging his forward speechlessly if you can't handle  head-but
ting someone why do it in the first place chapter 269 Noah taking matter into his own hands  however they didn't hang into it for long as they could see that Nathan was being forced into  retreating while focusing entirely on defense before long his defense would crumble and  those claws would ruin his face or Worse take his life away the Argentinian Captain seemed  like he didn't even notice that his teammate was caught as his bloodshot eyes were focusing  only on Nathan while striking him in a
frenzy upon seeing that sight Noah did the unexpected  as he placed the passed out bloodliner on his shoulder and rushed towards the Argentinian  Captain with a new manifested ice mace in his hand oh no Shivers coursed at the back of  the Argentinian teammates at this site they foresaw an ugly outcome that wouldn't  please their Captain one bit F asterisk CK come back here and fight me the flexible  man yelled in worry as he chased after Noah too bad he was a tad too slow as the moment  Noah re
ached behind the Argentinian Captain he clutched the collar of the passed out  bloodliner and used him as a human shield then he swung his ice mace at the back of the  Argentinian captain woosh with uncanny beastial reflexes the captain narrowly dodged the strike  after hearing the sound of the wind produced by the mace Captain stop the felixable man who knew  what was about to come next screamed in his mind alas the queen merely delivered his voice with her  monotonous voice removing any source
of agitation thus he watched in utter horrification his captain  retaliating instantly by swiping his right claw behind his back without even looking slice the  claw ripped the bloodliner stomach without a single ounce of resistance appearing Like a  Knife passing through butter TST buckets of blood gushed from a deep long cut the viewers  managed to notice the gross looking guts some viewers even vomited on their screens in revulsion  however the ones closest to this scene weren't affected in
the slightest as Noah merely let go  of the bloodliner while putting his ice mace on top of the stunned Captain's head the bloodliner  was caught in the arms of the stupefied captain he ought to feel that way as his face was stained  with the blood of his teammate and best friend not in his wildest dreams would he have thought  that his claws would be spelling such a disaster upon his best friend whom he spent months and  months training with from a camp to another his rationality was coming bac
k  akin to a tide removing all of those bloodthirsty thoughts that were  caused by his passive blood Frenzy he wasn't fighting with a deranged expression  and giving up on defense for no reason it was due to this passive that forced him into  that state the more wounds his claws had caused he never bothered to stop himself from entering  that state because he couldn't feel pain in it that was always a bonus in battles but now  he regretted unlocking such a cursed passive that robbed him of his r
ationality if he were  awake he would have heard his allies message if he had his rationality he would have retreated  and regrouped with the flexible man instead of instantaneously counter-attacking without even  F asterisking turning his back so many ifs were coursing in his mind in such a short amount  of time he didn't even feel Noah's mace placed on his head Noah simply moved his mace back and  forth once and the chillness of ice was more than enough to awaken the Argentinian captain from h
is  stupor after raising his head and noticing Noah's expressionless face towering over him he knew that  his life had just been spared he wasn't stupid to not understand that Noah had more than enough  time to Splinter his head into fragments during his two seconds days as the captain of the team  the moment he was put in this situation surrender was the only way forward unless he was begging  for an international embarrassment or death plus his teammate's life wasn't completely  lost as he was
still worth trying to save him hence the Argentinian Captain shouted while  carrying his teammate in his arms we give up Alicia come heal John fast upon hearing so the  argentinians dashed towards their Captain with a worried expression clouding their faces Kenny who  was standing behind the backlins waiting for the perfect opportunity to Ambush the Healer or the  buffer didn't know what to do anymore after seeing them getting marked with red X Walton who just  made it in time behind them was a
lso left stunned like them no one anticipated this twist that  ended the battle just when it was getting heated heck Felix was just about to pop off his fourth  active ability to save Nathan since he didn't see any other solution his poison abilities were  useless against their barriers and he didn't dare to leave the girls side since he noticed that the  Argentinian assassin was hiding quite far behind their back since Johnson was out of gas Kenny  leaving the team to assassinate and Walton aim
ing for a flank Felix was literally left with only  Adam and the girls Adam was already busy being the only Elemental Ranger in the team and Felix didn't  want to leave him the job to protect the girls as well yet who would have thought that Noah didn't  bother to wait for Felix's interference as he took matters into his own hands forget about saving  Nathan he even forced the battle to end all alone Felix knew that Noah didn't do it by luck but  it was a planned out move he realized that Noah m
ight have noticed the frenzied state of  the captain and took advantage of it after all Noah didn't need the bloodliner to Shield him  from the attack as he could Dodge independently regardless he did so to make the captain lose  focus after he sees that he had actually put his own teammate on the verge of death by then  Noah didn't even need to voice his threat as the mace lying on top of the captain's head  was more than enough to get the job done everything was planned out by Noah and played
out  perfectly even better than what Felix had in mind good [ __ ] Noah well done nice one Felix and  the rest started sending Noah messages praising him with thumbs up alas Noah didn't seem like  he cared as he went to Nathan who was beaten black and blue and supported him to stand up thank  you you cough Nathan said while coughing up small amounts of blood from his lips it looked like his  internal organs were damaged pretty badly as well upon seeing the disastrous situation Nathan was  in Oli
via bolted towards him with a frantic look the rest followed after her  put him down on the ground impatient Olivia said while plucking a petal  from her lily flower seeing that Nathan was lying on his back she placed the flower on his  bare chest and said softly restoration cocoon the moment she activated her Peak active ability  The Petal on Nathan's chest started to emit a greenish aura that kept spreading wider and  wider until his entire body was encased in it then the greenish Aura did its
Wonders by  entering Nathan's body in each inhale and healing his damaged internal organs from within he kept  inhaling green particles while exhaling gray ones yet Olivia didn't stop just there as she activated  her Lily's blessing as well which made her heal Noah's and Nathan's Flesh Wounds however Noah  swiftly unplucked the lily flower from his head since he wasn't hurt as badly as Nathan he didn't  want Olivia to waste energy on him lest she ends up exhausted while Nathan was still not ful
ly back  in shape after seeing that Nathan's wounds were healing and his pained expression was relieved  somewhat Felix turned to the Argentinian team's Direction and noticed that they were having some  difficulty closing up the cut it was too deep for their healer to close it fast and he could  see that the girl was trying her best.find authorized novels in Faster updates better  experience please click number dot underscore 51650340-2-3-1108568 for visiting if he could  see so it meant that Ol
ivia was also noticed it however since her teammates were her priority  she merely pushed the guilty feeling that was eating her heart up and focused on Nathan's  treatment her Peak ability restoration cocoon was the perfect healing ability from a lower  tiered bloodline since it could restore a man on the verge of death to Peak form again however  the energy consumption was monstrous and in her current state she couldn't take care of  two at the same time sorry sorry sorry Olivia merely chewed
on her lips while looking at  the other side trying her best to avoid the sight of John's suffering meanwhile the American Steam  Chat didn't appear as excited and thrilled after the Argentinian team surrendered they didn't even  get to enjoy the feeling of winning or the plays happening in The Battle Before the atmosphere  turned gloomy intense quickly it just didn't seem proper for the MCS to try and hype it up while  there was literally a man struggling to survive from the hints of Despair wr
itten on the  Argentinian Captain's face they realized that Juan was most likely not to make it  in time before the extraction crew arrives our dearest condolences are sent to the  Argentinian team and their countrymen Kenny go unlock the chest and  try to find Healing substances Janna's saddened Proclamation was interrupted  by Felix's order as he pointed his finger at the dying man and said give them enough to sustain  him until the extraction crew makes it up here Kenny nodded his head and ru
shed rapidly towards  the package that was positioned tens of meters behind them after reaching its side and opening  it up he rummaged through the boxes which had different element logos food logos and such until  he spotted a needle logo on it he took the box out and rushed towards the argentinians team after  they saw what he was carrying they opened the path for him to pass through and reach Alicia and Juan  who were currently surrounded by light particles use this Kenny said as he opened th
e box and  showed her 10 needles filled with a green substance since there wasn't enough time to act  politely Alicia straightaway picked a needle and injected the content into John's bloodstream she  then injected two more near the area of the wound only after so did she start feeling Jon's shallow  heartbeat stabilizing and even increase slightly the green substance might be a cheap product  and mostly used on commoners but it was good enough to deal with Jon's condition  temporarily if the qu
antity increased after his condition had stabilized Elation now had  the time to focus on closing the wound properly her teammates and the Argentinian  citizen both sighed in relief at sight they knew that Jon would be all right until the  extraction team arrives thank you for the help truly the Argentinian Captain went to Kenny and  clutched his hand tightly with clear appreciation and relief in his eyes chapter 270 they just keep  coming Noah might be the one who made him put his friend on the
verge of death but the Argentinian  Captain understood that this was a competition and he would have done the same if he ended  in Noah's situation so he neither blamed the U.S team nor felt any Goodwill towards them but  after receiving their timely help his respect for them had increased tenfolds he understood that by  surrendering his team was out of the competition thus even if he knew that the package had  healing substances he wasn't allowed to get them hence he was extremely grateful tha
t the U.S team  didn't just stand there and watch their teammate die just to hold into those healing substances  which were extremely important in this competition one stabilizing situation was more than enough  proof alas what he didn't know was that Felix had helped them not out of his kindness and Goodwill  but simply because he didn't want to see Olivia's guilty expression he knew that if Jon ended up  dead she would blame it on herself and he didn't want to hear her moping about it for the
next six  days plus his assistants was going to make him and his team get extra points from the supervisors  who were watching everything in the competition Felix knew that getting the flag was merely a  requirement that was put in the open to Gaslight everyone the real requirement for making it in  the earthlings team were the actions behaviors interactions and everything a bloodliner  did before getting the flag and was going to do after getting it those were the real hidden  requirements whic
h weren't told to the bloodliners in order to stay true to their personality instead  of Faking it to fool the supervisors for points since Felix was aiming for the captainship of  the earthlings team everything that he did was going to count in the final result don't thank  me Kenny Shrugged his shoulders while pointing at Felix I am just following orders upon hearing  so the Argentinian Captain turned in direction of Felix wanting to show him his appreciation but he  noticed that Felix was not
even looking at them instead he was staring at the empty woods behind  him so annoying they just keep coming and coming Felix scratched his chin in irritation at the site  of 10 humanoid red auras approaching them rapidly before he did notice that 11  teams had made it to the fog however only 10 entered it and the remaining one  stood outside Felix believed that they were going to retreat since it was pretty normal that not  everyone was going to get baited inside the fog however it turned out
that the team was merely  waiting for the perfect chance to make their move upon noticing that they were about to arrive  under 30 seconds Felix ordered Noah to bring the package next to Nathan as long as the Cocoon was  active he shouldn't be touched in the slightest if someone did so the green energy would spread  and turn him into a cocoon as well that would further increase the energy consumption of Olivia  Felix preferred fighting the next battle with both Nathan and the package next to eac
h other without  questions asked Noah went and lifted the silver metallic package which was probably weighing half  a ton at a bare minimum making it seem quite easy thud after Noah placed it down Felix  looked with his infrared vision at the Canadian team and the Philippines team who  were fighting quite a far distance from them they were still moving further and further due  to the Philippines team strategy of retreating back while using Elemental Salvo as their main  Firepower thus none of th
em knew what happened here and the never-ending noise of the Philippines  team's Elemental barrage made it almost impossible for them to hear anything else guess it's just  us Felix sighed while looking at his teammates Nathan was in nowhere shape to fight Johnson  was as useless as Nathan without energy this meant they were already down by two  without adding the fact that everyone's energy was probably at 50 or so they couldn't even  use the energy stones to recover it even if they found some
stones related to their element in the  package that's due to their low Affinity rating find authorized novels in Faster updates better  experience please click number dot underscore 5167230-5-2-30-7-36729 for visiting with Felix's 100 Affinity rating the  absorption is almost instantaneous however for them it will take a couple of  seconds to minutes based on their Affinity rating for example Johnson had a 48 Affinity rating  which meant he would take at minimum a full minute to absorb fully ju
st one medium-grade stone this  would utmost give him an extra five percent energy Felix didn't bother ordering them to check the  package for energy Stones as he could see that the 10 humanoid auras were already here they were  merely hiding 30 meters or so away from his team just like he saw them the American viewers also  did and they couldn't help but curse at their screen after seeing that the England team was the  one sneaking up to their team meanwhile behind a medium-sized rock that grow
ing green moss on it  Sandra was lying on her stomach while glancing from the corner of the Rock at the site of the U.S  team gathering around Nathan waiting for him to heal up just as she tried to look at her teammates  who were each hiding in a different position near him she quivered in fried after her eye landed  straight on Felix's Golden Triangle pupil she gulped a mouthful as she swiftly withdrew  her head back not daring to peek again Sandra what's wrong William asked telepathically  aft
er noticing her peculiar Behavior I think that I have just made eye contact with the U.S captain  she informed him with her chest beating wildly that's impossible the Stout man interjected  in their conversation we are hiding pretty skillfully and outside of even a legendary tier  one Vision ability range alas by the time his mind message was sent to everyone he saw that Felix was  walking in their Direction with a weary expression after Willian noticed this he swiftly ordered them  to withdraw
their heads and avoid getting found too bad the noise Felix kept making as he walked  on burnt down trees cracked branches and leaves kept resounding in their ears thunderously  especially William who was sensitive to sounds step by step meter by meter he was getting  nearer they didn't know what to do else besides hiding and hope that his wariness towards  this place gets seated soon and leave them alone unfortunately he didn't stop Captain what do we do  our Ambush Chance is going to get ruine
d the Stout man asked an agitation new plan William closed his  eyes making his Ash Gray eyelashes quiver slightly he listened to the sound of Felix's footsteps  carefully and soon informed he is 20 meters away from us if he stepped into 10 meters we  will take him down and force out a surrender by then both the tracker and the package  will be ours after hearing so his teammate's eyes brightened up as they realized that they  were looking through things with tunnel vision they planned for a whi
le now to make their Ambush  as perfect as possible which led them to forget that as long as Felix walked up to them by himself  they didn't even need to make an elaborated plan they could just collapse on him as 10 and  overpower him in their minds he was literally handing them a free win without putting in an  effort Felix where are you going Olivia asked out loud with a hint of worry in her tone I think  I saw something here Felix knitted his eyebrows in wariness and shouted back it might be
just  an animal but it won't hurt to check although he was speaking his feet never stopped advancing  towards the rock where Sandra was hiding behind you deserve an Oscar for this crappy act you  trying to pull asna suddenly chuckled in his mind well it's not like I can tell everyone that I saw  a team hiding 30 meters from us Felix chuckled in his mind while looking at the 10 humanoids auras  crouching akin to Panthers rearing to prey on him let's bully them for a bit Felix smirked faintly  at
the site just when his feet finally landed on the 10 meters mark immediately after Felix  backrolled instinctively evading a water whip that emerged from the dirt and wanted to latch into his  feet alas that whip was merely one of the tense of abilities thrown in his Direction simultaneously  woosh boom boom lighting Spears icy bullets water Warehouse i.p.s flaming weapons and to top  it all gray sound waves in the shape of bats everything assaulted Felix at the same time ending  up raising a hu
mongous cloud of dirt and dust the viewers held their breath with their eyes  widened feeling a bit difficult to process the sight before them their tremulous emotions were  understandable as Felix was literally bombarded with an elemental Salvo without Lena's water  bubble on him chapter 271 one-sided beat down the viewers were feeling edgy the entire  time Felix was getting closer and closer to the England team and no matter how loud they  screamed at their screen for him to back off and group
up with his team nothing changed now  they looked within aghast expression and hands clasped on top of their heads at The Cloud of  dirt Rising after the successful bombardment Felix Olivia yelled in Fright as she bolted  from her position alas before she moved a couple of steps forward her back collar was  latched into bileena stopping her in her place let me go Olivia spoke with a bit of difficulty  as the collar of her jacket was choking her calm down Ollie he is fine Lena sent a message  wi
th an imperturbable expression don't forget that he still got his Peak ability upon remembering  Felix showing it to them after the Gathering and how busted it was Olivia regained her  wits back and stopped struggling to escape instead she looked at the cloud of dust that  was settling down just like everyone in the area soon the wind carried the Dust Away exposing  slowly a shadow that was a bit hunched down Aiken to an old man supported by his Cane  the moment the sunlight touched the shadow e
veryone was left slack-jawed at the sight  of a Felix with his clothes slightly ripped apart exposing dark green scales which were  reflecting the sunlight achin to smooth mirrors those dark green scales were covering his entire  skin even his face making him resemble a humanoid serpent yet that wasn't all as his nails were  transformed into long sharp dark purple claws while his fangs got longer and were protruding  from his closed shut mouth the only resembles that was left to the old Felix we
re his eyes  hair and tail the rest completely morphed I can't believe it Michael screamed in shock is  that AF asterisking semi-morphing ability the viewers who knew what he meant all reacted in that  same manner however the majority of the viewers were clueless about the difficulty of unlocking  this ability or the implication of getting it Michael didn't hesitate to Enlighten them with an  agitated voice semi-morphing is the best morphing ability a bloodliner could unlock in the active  abili
ties pool not a single morphing ability could topple over it although Michael told them that  it was the best morphing ability the viewers were still having difficulty gauging how much strength  it was going to provide Felix and in what manner in Noah's case anyone could guess what his Yeti's  arms could do and could not do however in Felix's case they could clearly see through his ripped  apart clothes that his entire body was affected by morphing so how much boost did he receive exactly  this
question coursed every viewer's mind while looking at Felix cracking his neck casually like  he didn't just get bombarded by tens of abilities soon Felix brought down his clawed hand while  grinning slightly at the looks of disbelief affixed on the faces of the England team he  could see their red hearts beating out of their chest and he had a feeling that if he wanted their  hearts would be in his hand in less than a second however Felix removed that thought from his  mind as he used his fourth
active ability to give himself an excuse for his abnormal strength  after all he was already strong enough to beat the crap of everyone in the competition  without even the need for the tremendous enhancement that he received after morphing I  guess five percent strength will do the trick whoosh the moment Felix thought so he  took a step forward then there was no then he disappeared from his place leaving only the  sound of wind careful Santa alarmed William yelled in his mind immediately afte
r noticing the chaotic  air vibration heading in Sandra's Direction alas Sandra's reflexes weren't fast enough to  move instantaneously after hearing the warning she merely managed to Blink her eyes once before  she felt a slight pain in the back of her neck then Darkness She fainted immediately  since she was already in a lying position her head merely touched the dirt  unmoving like the rest of her body prepare your abilities I will put him to sleep  before the England team could start to worr
y about her William sent a mind message while activating  his Peak ability he extended his arm straight and watched four long thin strings manifesting  from his shoulder to his five fingers each gray string was attached to a finger this made  it appear like he turned his arm into a violin third third four more dropped into the ground  by the time those strings were fully connected throughout all of this no one managed to  spot even Felix's shadow he was moving so fast even first stage bloodliner
s were having  difficulty following his movement with their eyes don't even mention the commoners watching  the Stream they only saw the aftermath of his speed as the branches kept snapping and leaves  flying in the air aching to a whirlwind passing by thank God that William was a sound delay  Mentalist since no matter how fast Felix moved as long as he didn't surpass the speed of  sound William was able to locate his position and his Direction by the air vibrations [ __ ]  he is aiming at me up
on hearing the chaotic air vibration heading towards him William knew  that he didn't have a split second to overthink thus he swiftly placed his fingers on the strings  and started playing them with his eyes closed shut a soothing tone immediately began to resonate in  the area resembling a lullaby tone played to put children to sleep the England viewers and the  commentators who saw Slumber tone in play many times before couldn't help but sigh in relief  they knew that Felix would straight awa
y be put to sleep after hearing this tone since it was  apparent that he neither had his ears plugged in like the England team or had a mental Shield  the best part as long as William kept playing the tone Felix wouldn't wake up this was just  the first tone if it wasn't for this unique fighting style he wouldn't have been nicknamed the  Maestro of England what in the world impossible how too bad their confidence was shattered  immediately after noticing that Felix had suddenly popped out one me
ter in front of William without  any signs of sleepiness in his face heck he was nodding his head to the beat with his arms crossed  on his chest showing an expression of enjoyment impossible why isn't he getting affected William  couldn't help but lose his gentleman composure as his expression turned quite unsightly even with  his eyes closed shut he could sense Felix standing right in front of him however he still didn't  give up and stop playing in fact he changed the tone from soothing to A
Wild One releasing  visible gray sound waves from his strings few few the gray sound waves passed through  Felix's upper body ripping his clothes up even more and slicing the branches behind him with a  clean line yet Felix the abilities main target wasn't even scratched the green scales remained  as gleaming as ever you pass your element and abilities are quite useful for the earthlings team  deciding that he showed more than enough Felix placed a hand on William's shoulder and patted  him with
a satisfied smile before William could comprehend what he meant Felix hit him swiftly  in his back neck making his eyes roll instantly seeing that he was about to fall in the other  direction Felix caught him by his collar and dragged him to the dumbfounded Stout man who  had just finished morphing into a clay Golem take him and scram From My Sight before I change  my mind about keeping you in the competition Felix threw Willam casually towards  the Stout man and turned around then he started w
alking at a normal Pace from  within the England team's formation utterly nonchalant to their active Elemental abilities  they also didn't dare to fire at him after seeing their captain and other teammates fate Felix  made it pretty clear by his actions that he had more than enough strength to brutalize them and  send them packing home but he showed them Mercy since he wanted William to still have a chance  at joining the earthlings team after all sound elementalits were useful in team-based bat
tles  and the planetary games were nothing but that thank you in the end the Stout man broke off his  days and nodded his head in appreciation at Felix he then carried William and ordered  his teammate to carry the rest Felix left exactly five of them so they  could carry the other passed out five he didn't straightaway aim for William as  he wanted to show them first the disparity in strength so they wouldn't have any second  thoughts about getting close to his team again in addition he already
popped out his  fourth active ability and he wanted to give the supervisors a tiny Taste of his hidden  strength he had to do so otherwise slivia would always be considered the first candidate  for the captainship of the earthlings team Felix had no issues giving off the captainship  of the Maxwell team or even the national team however for the earthlings team that was  a different story as Felix walks step by step the dark green scales fangs and even the  unused claws were withdrawing back in
his body by the time he reached the package he was back  to normal showing his trademark easy-going smile upon seeing him come from a one vs 10 without a  scratch on his teammates couldn't help but show him double thumbs up for the effort they were  pretty cool-headed about the situation as they were expecting nothing less from Felix especially  when they already saw his semi-morphing after the Gathering and tasted some of it however others  reactions weren't even close to that as both the Ameri
can and the England viewers just kept  staring at their screens in an utter stupor they were having difficulty comprehending  how one could be so fast so strong immune to mental abilities and Elemental  abilities at the same F asterisking time how could others fight him how could the  England team even have a shot at taking him down he was literally a god-walking  among men in this competition how the F asterisk CK could others live after  meeting him before they were slightly questioning Michae
l's hype on the semi-morphing ability but  after this clear demonstration of bullying find authorized novels in Faster updates better  experience please click number dot underscore 51675663089846204 for visiting they felt like he  didn't hype it enough chapter 272 the supervisors back in Berlin on the top floor of a modern  10-story building hundreds of Supervisors sat each in front of holographic screens showing A  Team Stream some streams were showing battles for the package while some were sh
owing teams getting  extracted by helicopters What mattered was that the entire competition was under the supervision  of those people and any slight movement was being watched studied and noted in front of those  supervisors Mr Rodriguez and the organization's vice president were standing with their hands  folded behind their backs their attention was fully captured by a giant screen displaying the  Russian team against the Chinese team in the middle of their battle a silver package could  be s
een implanted in the ground zhongwei might need to walk away from this package if he can't  find a method to reach slavia Mr Rodriguez said solemnly I doubt any Junior in the competition is  capable of touching slivia while she is in the air the vice president said indeed those butterfly  wings mutation are truly a game breaker in this competition sir you have to see this a sudden  loud request interrupted their conversation Mr Rodriguez turned around and saw a stirred  supervisor pointing his f
inger at his small screen Mr Rodriguez waved his hand as he  ordered play it on the big screen the moment the supervisor received permission  he sent his hologram to the giant screen the slavia image fluttering in the air as she  evaded projectiles thrown at her was replaced with the U.S team's image they were shown carrying the  package while walking away from the destroyed area only the Argentinian team and the Angola  team could be seen from the stream's corner waiting in their places for ext
raction  oh the U.S team has secured the package the vice president praised not bad  however the supervisor didn't want to show this as he swiftly replayed the scene  of Felix's battle against the England team sirs please watch and give me your personal  evaluation as I can't pinpoint how many points I should reward Captain Felix after his  battle he requested with an agitated voice I see Mr Rodriguez nodded his head and ordered  with his back facing the supervisor play it the supervisor immedia
tely unpaused the replay and  started watching with a thrilled expression even though he already saw the fight live boom boom  the replay started right when Felix had received a direct bombardment from the England team the  site made the two middle-aged men raise an eyebrow in Surprise as they clearly saw before that Felix  couldn't be healthier anymore this made it easy to conclude that Felix had survived the bombardment  upon seeing how deadly it was they began to wonder about the method used
to survive it they didn't  have to wait long as Felix soon emerged with dark green scales covering his body shocking them  greatly he actually unlocked a semi-morphing ability while having a legendary bloodline the  vice president exclaimed in shock and excitement how strong will it be before the other two could  respond the answer to the vice president was shown in high resolution as the instant Felix made  a move the battle had turned one-sided without any way for the England team to resist or
fight  back Elemental abilities useless mental abilities also useless and there wasn't a need to talk about  physical abilities as the England team was barely capable of seeing Felix's movement one ability  had solely brought a team led by the fourth ranker in the elites list down to their knees  that's what appeared in their eyes If Only They knew that Felix was merely using five percent of  his strength so as to not end up killing William and the rest with a single slap after a couple  of sec
onds they saw Felix letting the England team walk away without removing them from the  competition simply because of William's element then he deactivated his morphing and went to group  up with his teammates the other team's supervisors swiftly lowered their heads and focused on their  work after noticing that the replay was over it was merely a few seconds long so they didn't  miss anything crucial in their team's stream now that's AF asterisking proper show of a  legendary bloodline's strengt
h thrilled the vice president let out a booming laugh his excitement  was understandable as Felix being stronger only meant that the earthlings team would have more  chances of gaining Victory against their peers barriers were always his Achilles heel  since his poison can't reach inside even his pillar's ability was utterly useless  against them Mr Rodriguez smiled widely for the first time but with this semi-morphing ability  this changes everything the vice president nodded his head in agreem
ent while watching Felix order  Kenny to send one box of healing substance and one box of food to the Canadian team then he went with  everyone to pick up their hidden camping bags from A Marked Tree the supervisor suddenly paused the  replay and asked should I play the replays before the U.S team had taken care of a team solo the  England team was merely the last one upon hearing so the two middle-aged men each showed a sign  of surprise when they saw only a few teams were next to the package t
hey thought that was mostly  everyone who participated in the packages battle however it turned out that the other teams  got eliminated way earlier than the rest but after seeing Felix's semi-morphing ability  they didn't think that would be hard to achieve play them from the start alas the moment  they saw that Felix actually never used more than his poison bombs and that  the eliminations were actually due to teamwork and synergies they were  left in astonishment and admiration they were asto
nished by the team as a whole and  admired Felix's leadership and conservative nature after all they saw that he could have morphed and  Gone full Ham on everyone due to his heightened defenses which made him resistant to possibly  everything yet he decided to save it as a last resort and let the team shine instead in  their eyes that decision was the best to make since in this competition everyone was  marked individually based on his performance you see every supervisor here was responsible  f
or evaluating a team's performance by rewarding points or reducing them since every supervisor  had signed a strict contract for bidding them from being biased and unfair in their evaluations every  bloodliner's total points were affected purely by his performance Felix knew this all along he  remembered the shock it brought to the viewers and the participants when Mr Rodriguez had revealed  after the competition that the top hundred bloodliner with the most points would be chosen  as a represen
tative instead of the flag holders of course getting a flag wasn't all useless  as every flag was worth a hundred points this meant if a flag holder went and performed well  his position was secured in the earthlings team however the same couldn't be applied for the  ones who got a flag and decided to lay low or stopped bothering to put their full strength into  helping their team getting their own flags as well those bloodliners would have their points reduced  which meant they would get surpas
sed by those without Flags Felix wanted to give his teammates a  shot to perform and get as many points as possible they sure shined as Johnson Noah and Olivia made  Mr Rodriguez and the rest nod their heads in satisfaction and appreciation for their talents  especially Johnson he truly shown over the rest within the fog before long the scene was back to  when the England team was sneaking on the U.S team the supervisor paused it and said I believe  that I have given proper points to the rest ho
wever for Captain Felix I didn't dare to mark  his performance especially after showing his Peak active ability Mr Rodriguez extended one finger in  his Direction implying that he needs a minute of Silence looking at his closed eyes as he rested  his hand on his bearded chin no one dared to interrupt his thought process they knew that Mr  Rodriguez already had in mind to make Sylvia the captain of the earthlings team and no one was  actually complaining since there was truly no one that could co
ntest with her for the position  even Felix with his legendary bloodline had been taken into careful consideration before still he  didn't change Mr Rodriguez's favoritism at slivia however after this new display Mr rodirigassa's  belief was shaken Felix had shown exactly that he had what slivia possessed whether in planning  leadership looking at the bigger picture and more he even went and showed that he was strong enough  to take care of an elite team all by himself something that no one was
capable of doing in the  competition even slivia was far from reaching that level this tipped the balance to Felix's favor  and everyone could see it not just Mr Rodriguez the supervisor responsible for the U.S team  didn't dare to rate Felix's performance and give it appropriate points because he believed  that it would be way higher than Sylvia's it was evident to all that the president of the ESG  organization was looking favorably to her hence he would rather let Mr Rodrigo's Mark Felix's  p
erformance personally it wasn't against the rules to do so since Mr Rodriguez was the organization's  president and signed the same strict contract as them after waiting for a while Mr rodrigass opened  his eyes and informed calmly reward him 100 points for everything he had done since the instant the  package had landed just as the vice president wanted to advise Mr Rodriguez to increase it  since it was pretty underwhelming compared to Felix's performance he heard him carry on and  100 more fo
r his battle against the England team everyone drew a cold breath in shock at such a  large amount given all at once for a single battle they ought to feel shocked as the supervisors  never rewarded more than 5-0ps to a junior he is strong enough to go against one of the  best teams in the competition all by himself Mr Rodriguez said any Junior who could do the  same will be rewarded with the same amount upon hearing so the U.S team supervisor swiftly  clicked on Felix's name written at the side
of the screen and typed Plus 200ps after doing so  Felix's name jumped from 19th on a list that included all of the team's bloodliners to number  one wanting to see how the new list looked like Mr Rodriguez requested in his mind Queen please  put the list on the side of the large screen rank 1 Felix Maxwell total points 220ps Rank 2  slavia Ivanov total points 9 9 PS rank 3 Hina Suzuki total points 8 7ps Rank 4 Leo Bridges total  points 5 1ps rank 5 jongwei total points 5 1ps rank 6 Maria Olive
ira total points 4 5ps  rank 21 edaphatria total points 4-3ps rank 22 Johnson Maxwell total points 4 1ps  rank 23 Sophia Schmidt total points 31ps.find authorized novels in Faster updates better  experience please click number underscore 51723442990-399755 for visiting rank  24 Noah Maxwell total points 2 5ps rank 1987 Tom Jackson total points 10ps slash  the list was long enough it included even the last bloodliners who had minus points this just  showed the effort and time those supervisors we
re currently putting in to make those ranks as Fair  as possible since the competition was seven days straight it only meant that each team actually  had two supervisors monitoring their actions one at daylight and the other at night nothing happens  in the competition that goes unnoticed inside this floor if slivia wants to catch up she needs to  put extra effort the vice president said chuckling catch up Mr Rodriguez shook his head as he looked  at Felix ordering his team to erect their tents
in the same spot as yesterday he snapped his finger  and changed the image back to the Russian team against the Chinese team and said she can't catch  up in this competition and if she is still aiming for the captainship she could only hope that  she meets with Felix and fight it out with him hat that would be fun to watch the vice president  grinned slightly as he rubbed his goji chapter 273 securing the first flag meanwhile back in the  forest Felix was leaning against a tree while playing wit
h a black square-like device in his  hand the device was just a thin screen resembling a smartphone this was the tracker for the flags  the most important item in this competition Felix might know that the competition was based on  points in secret but he also knew that the flags were worth something he just didn't recall their  exact worth and Asana was too busy playing games with the J ramungandra to bother addressing  any request of his T.I ring after pressing on a button that was at the side
the tracker  was turned on after 10 seconds delay dot find authorized novels in Faster updates better  experience please click number dot underscore 517420-3-9645149807 for visiting the moment it  was on the screen was turned into a blue radar that was scanning one kilometer around Felix  oh there is one South Felix scratched his cheek in boredom while looking at a Red Dot that was  blinking approximately 700 meters away from him the one kilometer was split into lines and  between each line the
re was a 100 meter distance so it was pretty easy to calculate it  after noticing that there weren't any other dots besides this one Felix turned  off the tracker to save up the battery he searched the package before and didn't  find any extra batteries or a charger soon he stood up and went to his teammates  who were currently cleaning up the messy camp although it was engulfed within the fog  some teams must have fought near it before while the process might be c.u.mbursome but at  least they
retained this camping spot plus they kicked out a lot of teams in the area currently  only the Canadian team the Philippines team the Malaysian team and lastly the England  team were still left somewhat near them the rest were already extracted by helicopters  immediately after the final battle was concluded it was obvious that the supervisors waited  until no more fights were happening before sending an extraction crew right now Olivia and  the rest were chatting with a LAX attitude while clean
ing as they knew that no one in the area was  going to pose a threat to them unless a new team had decided to venture away from their Camp to  come here they're a flag 700 meters away from us Felix informed them while shaking the tracker  in his hand nice Walton exclaimed in delight and carried on by asking when are we moving  let's move after lunch Felix said on a log next to a turned off campfire and said we are left  with only six days so we can't be wasting them Kenny nodded his head and ask
ed are we going to  stick to the plan or we should change it a bit everyone wondered about this as well since the  original plan which they made with George entailed that if they secured a Tracker they must cover at  least five kilometers diameter around their camp they must look South North West and East for  Flags only after they find not a single flag should they move their Camp to another Zone that's  why Felix didn't want to aim for the nearest flag currently as he wanted to carry on search
ing  after getting it instead of just sending Kenny or Walton to bring it let's keep it as it is for  now Felix said casually if we don't find a flag for each member in the next day or two we will  expand to 10 kilometers for the remaining days what if we don't find them even then Olivia  asked with a hint of worry in her tone she was scared of the idea that some of them  would have flags and some won't she didn't want to imagine how the team would turn like on the  last day of the competition w
hen that happened are they going to fight for Flags leave Felix  to decide who will take one and who won't or just be gracious and give away the flag to  another voluntary every option was bound to make some upset and she didn't want to see that  if they reached that point and Felix gave her a flag she wouldn't hesitate to give it to another  her guilt would eat her up if she didn't do so thankfully Felix also didn't want to place himself  in that position as he was too lazy to deal with such dr
amatic issues he still remembered the chaos  that Rose in some team streams due to those flags he raised his head and looked at Olivia with  a kind-hearted smile we will simply Rob others haha my thoughts exactly Johnson laughed as he  said with the tracker in our hands we can easily spot the flags in other teams hands Kenny shook  his head just like we can see their Flags they can also see ours thus we can never Ambush other teams  with trackers unless we don't carry our flags we will think abo
ut those matters when we first  fail to locate Flags in the region Felix pointed at the deer's meat that was hanged on a tree by  a rope and said prepare lunch for now and don't forget to use the spices from the package after  saying so Felix stood up and dusted his rear he went to the silver package that was placed in  the middle of the camp and picked a medium-sized box that had a poison logo in it he then went  to his black tent and closed the entrance on him damn he didn't spend much energy
and lucked out  on refilling Johnson complained softly while looking at the cursed package that didn't  have a single energy stone for his element well it was pretty normal as the package  couldn't have energy stones for every element after searching through it carefully they found  10 medium boxes each contained 20 medium grade stones for a different element most of them  were common elements like fire water Earth Etc since it was common knowledge that  healing abilities mostly originated from
plant element and Light Element those  energy Stones were in abundance as well however for elements like darkness and fog  it was all depended on luck to find them in the package they found Stones only for  Olivia Felix Lena Walton Lexi and Nathan the rest were left to use the emergency energy  Stones which they were allowed to bring with them the amount allowed was barely enough to refill 50  of their energy there was no way that was enough to sustain them for seven days straight alas  Johnson
could only whine about it softly while heading to his tent to use those backup stones one  hour later the team had seated their hunger and filled their energy tank with as much energy their  Capital allowed to currently they were preparing to kick off their search for Flags by putting only  the necessary items in their backpacks since they were going to search for hours and hours there  was no way they would be leaving behind someone to protect the camp or carry everything at once  with them tha
nkfully they already took care of most teams near them thus there was a pretty  low chance that their Camp would be found out all set Felix asked after receiving a confirmation  he took off in direction of the Red Dot while followed by the rest in a defensive formation the  girls were placed in the middle of the pack while Kenny and Walton were walking hundreds of meters  ahead of them acting as Scouts since 700 meters wasn't really that far they managed to reach their  destination in a couple o
f minutes by jogging Felix brought the tracker from his backpack  and turned it on babe beep beep immediately after the screen brightened up the tracker  started making sounds like a metal detector the beeps weren't rushed which meant that the flag  was around but they weren't that close to it yet on the radar Felix could see that they  were standing exactly on the Red Dot split up and search this area thoroughly the  flag is just around the corner he ordered while inspecting the trees branches
leaves and  anything that met his penetrative eyesight he never stopped walking as he was doing so  before long Felix managed to spot a piece of yellow cloth hanged between leaves making  it almost impossible to notice it if it wasn't for his enhanced eyesight and the tracker  making those rushed beeping sounds while near it found it he sent a mental message while jumping  upward clasping into the flag in the first attempt after landing he started inspecting the  flag which appeared the same as
the one Mr Rodriguez showed them in the Gathering a  triangle-like piece of cloth that had a QR code in the center of it plus a tiny electronic  chip Felix avoided the chip at all costs since if he somehow destroyed it intentionally the queen  wouldn't hesitate to rat on him to the supervisor by then the supervisor would have no choice  but to disqualify him due to breaking the rules the moment a team gets a flag it becomes  their responsibility to protect it at all cost if somehow the flag was
ruined in the fights  the holder wouldn't receive any punishment but he wouldn't be considered as a flag holder anymore  damn did they really have to make the color yellow Johnson complained the moment  he saw the flag in Felix's hand you should feel glad it wasn't green Felix  folded the flag and placed it in his backpack let's carry on searching we got nine more to  cover no one made a sound at the fact that Felix kept the flag to himself instead of giving  it to one of them it was already dec
ided that Felix would be holding all of the collected  Flags until the last day of the competition for a simple reason actually who the  f asterisk CK could get them from him chapter 274 three days left after six hours  of being on the move and covering more than 12 kilometers in circular pathing the tracker had  finally shown Felix a new Red Dot that was at the tip of the blue radar Felix informed the rest  about the discovery managing to enliven them again the constant negative search results 
in the hours had brought down they realized that even with the tracker it was  going to be extremely difficult to find all of the required Flags in the next five days today was  pretty much over and they still had only one flag after a while the team reached the  destination and split up again for a search shortly after Lexi managed to find the  flag hidden between two moss-covered rocks thankfully the glaring flag color to the  environment made it easier for her to spot it even when the withdr
awing sunlight wasn't  helping much all right that should be it for today Felix said while looking at the sun that was  about to set off they started the search pretty late so it was only natural to end it early in a  short while they made it back to the camp without trouble after all they might have walked for  more than 10 kilometers but they never went outside the five kilometer region they were merely  walking around the camp and making sure to place marks in their path in case they got lost
after  noticing that the camp was the same as they left it Felix turned on his infrared vision to limit  and did quick scouting soon he noticed that only wild animals were on his scoop tomorrow we will  head in a different direction at first light Felix turned off his infrared vision and sat  on his usual spot if we don't manage to get at least four more Flags in the next two days we  will straight away start hunting the teams with the most flags doing so was actually a hundred  times better th
an searching for ones by themselves since the teams with the trackers would have at  most gotten two flags or three in those three days combined the more days passed by the higher  the chances of finding a team with multiple Flags however since Felix wasn't the only one who  thought like this the team should be expecting ambushes on their way in heavy resistance from  the targeted teams even worse a complete avoidance are we going to hide our flags before making  a move Adam suggested I think it
's better if we dug them deep underground so even if someone  with a Tracker knew the location he wouldn't be able of finding it Felix didn't even need to  respond as Kenny rejected the notion firmly if we dug them both in one place it will be  quite obvious that they are deep in the ground if we dug them in different locations we wouldn't  have the time to come back and start looking for them one after the other Lena went on and shared  her own opinion about the matter it's too risky to put Fla
gs away from us as the tracker could get  damaged in battles or the battery run out when that happens we can forget about getting them back  Psy your points are all valid but how are we going to Ambush other teams when the flags are going to  give us away Adam said while smiling Riley upon hearing so everyone went quiet as each was trying  their best to find out a solution after a couple of seconds Olivia tilted her head in confusion  as she asked why do we need to Ambush them she pointed her fi
nger at Felix who was yawning  in boredom and said with Felix's strength can't we just overpower them the moment the rest heard so  their thought process was stopped on its rail they looked at Olivia's genuine confusion and suddenly  felt like they were overthinking everything Olivia was right they had Felix who clearly demonstrated  that he was strong enough to deal with teams all by himself so why the F asterisk CK did they  need to Ambush anyone they could literally just Swagger into the team
's camps and take their Flags  forcefully without worrying about a single thing with Felix's overpower strength any sophisticated  plan wasn't necessary in the slightest took them long enough to figure it out Felix  yawned one last time before standing up prepare dinner and try to sleep early he then went  deep into the woods to take care of his bowels however before doing so he gave out a signal  to the supervisor so he could put the drone's focus elsewhere after all they needed privacy  for su
ch matters it seemed like a few viewers were disappointed by the site as they were  expressing their frustrations in the chat F asterisking perverts Janna cursed them  in her mind while expressing her views with Michael about the Bold plan of the U.S  team or in this case having no plan at all three days before the competition's end 40  packages had been dropped all over the competition Zone making every team get a shot at obtaining the  tracker of course not a single team had decided to chicken
out on fighting for one even when the  odds were placed against them the eyes of their countrymen and the expectations placed on their  shoulders made it almost impossible to sleep in their tents peacefully when they had not a single  flag in their possession this resulted in a war raging for every package and flag that was in  sight those who succeeded in getting a Tracker straight away started hunting Flags without  giving a damn about rest or having a fixed camp meanwhile those who failed to
get it but still  remained in the competition had it the hardest after all they neither managed to get  emergency energy Stones nor the tracker being in that condition made it almost impossible  for them to be competitive and get flags since the moment they made a team  only elimination awaited them however those kinds of hopeless teams still  ventured outside of their camps deciding to try and find the flags by mere eyesight as last  resort after all they had nothing else to lose at least they
could show their country that they  were trying their best Felix and the rest had met with a few of those teams during their journey of  locating the flags since they were pretty useless in the competition Felix didn't bother to waste  energy on dealing with them plus their time was already tight and they were still missing Seven  Flags that's right they managed to locate only one flag in the past two days even when they had  expanded their search perimeter to 10 kilometers by now they already
gave up on manually trying  to find them and hoped on meeting up with other teams with trackers to Rob them so far they have  been on the move for straight nine hours traveling in a straight line up north without stop they had  no intentions of going back to their camping spot inside the hotel's Suite where Felix and the rest  stayed in before Sarah Isabella Dale and George were currently watching the stream together Amelia  didn't bother to hang out with the team after the Gathering they are re
ally unlucky serocide in  frustration at the site of Felix and the rest stop for a quick break it's not luck which is affecting  their chances of meeting with flagholders it's the wariness of the captains with trackers  George shook his head as he clarified they are not stupid to remain in their place after  seeing our team advancing in their Direction in such confident manner while carrying three  flags he looked at Sarah and reminded her did you forget what I advised you guys to do after  secu
ring Five Flags Sarah thought for a second before exclaiming you said that we must avoid  other teams at all cost and just focus on protecting our flags until the competition ends  George nodded his head and said that's right I believed that with our team's strength securing  Five Flags should be an optimal goal on the other hand other teams must have gotten orders to play  it safe after getting merely two flags or even one Dale interjected in shock doesn't that mean  our team had absolutely no
way of reaching them he understood that when both teams had trackers  active they could spot each other from a kilometer this signified that Felix and the rest had no way  of approaching other teams who were satisfied with only a flag or two for those teams I doubt it but  George added another hologram that was showing the stream of the Brazilian team and said if they  kept moving forward they will soon meet up with the Brazilian team and there was absolutely  no way that Maria is going to order
a retreat he smirked her team has only three flags as well  and she is as desperate as our team for more looking at the Brazilian team treading South  with clear frustration written in the faces Sarah giggled while covering her mouth she knew  that the moment their tracker picked up the three flags in Felix's possession they wouldn't hesitate  to storm them off this exactly what she wanted to see find authorized novels in Faster updates  better experience please click number underscore 51760088
456681733 for visiting five  minutes later let's Carry On Moving Felix took a small sip from a bottle of water  and stood back up again he placed the bottle at the side pocket of the backpack and turned  on the tracker while the majority of the teams were forced to keep it turned on to avoid  getting ambushed Felix used it only on the move thus he was quite startled when he saw three  red dots advancing rapidly in their Direction only 700 meters was between them and it kept  shrinking quickly sp
eechless Felix showed the tracker to his teammates and said three at once  who prayed during our break just as Johnson wanted to exclaim in Delight he got glared on by everyone  at once tisk I can't be jinxing this as well he clicked his tongue in irritation at their  overreaction all right we don't have time to waste Felix removed his backpack and threw it on top of  the tree the rest did the same as they couldn't be fighting with backpacks holding them back  plus Flags needed to be kept away f
rom battles let's go we will meet up with the Midway Felix  ordered as he dashed forward with his infrared vision showing him the approaching 10 humanoid  auras he knew that it was better to stay put and try to counter Ambush but he didn't want  the battle to be anywhere near his backpacks plan Kenny asked while sprinting next to him  formation B Felix smiled faintly I will be the main frontliner this time chapter 275 against  the Brazilian team upon hearing so Noah and Nathan nodded their heads
and withdrew back into  the formation making Felix be the head of it this time they would be guarding the girls  meanwhile Kenny and Walton split up from the team one went upward and the other entered his stealth  Johnson wasn't planning on going anywhere as he couldn't afford to waste his energy on needless  fog spewing after a minute or so Felix noticed Maria and her teammates from hundreds of meters  away without even the need for his infrared vision he could clearly see their agitation and
alarmed  Expressions as they sprinted in his Direction he guessed that they were alarmed by the fact  that the red dots in their tracker weren't moving in the slightest obviously Felix left the  flags in his backpack since the battle wasn't going to take long and he didn't notice any other  bloodliners in the area beside the Brazilian team let's get this over with Felix thought to  himself as he activated his morphing ability while Durning mid Sprint this time there wasn't  any cloud of dust to
hide Felix's transformation thus the viewers reveled in seeing Felix's  facial skin turning dark green while two fangs started growing out of his upper lips since  he was fully clothed they only managed to see his face beginning to crack into multiple  lines connecting into each other in Exquisite square-like formations the moment this process  ended Felix lifted his head to check on Walton and the sunlight couldn't help but reflect on his face  Walton don't let them see you Felix said calmly al
l right Walton slowed down his speed and lowered  the height of his upsurge down to 10 meters however what both of them didn't expect was that  a member of the Brazilian team had already spotted Walton with his eagle-like eyes and informed  Maria about it the second she received the info she smiled playfully as she waved her hands in  every direction projecting streams of pinkish Mist in the area upon seeing so her teammates didn't  need her orders to know what they needed to do they swiftly spl
it up into three groups the first  one activated their morphing abilities and stood at the back the second group went next to Maria  and buffed her surprisingly with two Shields one was spherical and milky white and the other  was a red skin tightened barrier that flew with the curves of her body the rest of the team  stood in front of the morphed bloodliners while having Elemental abilities active and ready  to fire their formation couldn't get any weirder as Maria and the buffers were actually
standing  at the front while the front liners at the back Michael who was watching the Brazilian  stream was left befuddled by their formation even his Walton team's formation from  the National Tournament wasn't this bold to place the captain and the  buffers in a front-line position however after hearing the Brazilian commentator  explain the reason for the formation to the newcomers viewers Michael couldn't help  but gasp out loud at how terrifying it was it turned out the pinkish energy was
her active  ability enchantment field which was still in the process of spreading when it covers tens of meters  around her pink flowers would materialize and start to emit invisible mental waves those waves  would make straight males who were affected by them to be enchanted by Maria's Beauty and the  other two girls who were standing next to her so far this trap worked 100 on all the males Maria  had met with the only weaknesses it had were its ineffectiveness on anyone who wasn't scx.u.a.l.y
  attracted to females and mental barriers after Michael received this information he swiftly  switched to the American stream and relate as much as he could while looking at the pinkish fog  that was being absorbed by every tree Rock Pebble and leaf nothing was spared from being  contaminated by it however Maria soon snapped her finger and made the pinkish fog disappear as  she didn't want to alarm the newcomers this made the forest appear exactly like before untouched or  tainted which unlucky
prey has that many flags she mused while tapping her finger slowly on her elbow  waiting patiently for Felix and the rest to arrive since the distance left between them wasn't that  far Maria managed to spot Felix sprinting towards her while being followed tightly by his teammates  upon seeing his Dreadful morphed appearance her gut feeling screamed at her to back off as fast as  possible however she merely took deep breaths to remove those feelings and focused on Felix and  the rest who stood
exactly 40 meters away from her team looking at her pinkish fog that had just  covered 25 meters she knew that it was game over for them if they waited the fog will reach them  eventually if they stepped forward that exactly what was hoping for the only worry she had was  their Retreat after seeing her team formation just like she was sizing them up they also  started inspecting her and the weird formation her team had who was responsible for scouting the  Brazilian team's members in the prepara
tion camp Adam asked while popping off his molten rocks  above his head it was on me Lexi raised her hand and said I only remember their Captain's  abilities and she showed only two active abilities in the Brazilian tournament one is called  enchantment field and the other elusive suggestion Lexi soon carried on by explaining at a faster  Pace each abilities effect and how it was applied by Maria to her advantage after hearing her  out they realized that the enchantment field was already laid ou
t and probably spreading  in their Direction without their knowledge however just as they wanted to take a step back  they saw Felix moving forward indifferently they didn't know if his semi-morphing ability was  going to provide the required resistance to her ability but from Felix's confident approach they  assumed that it was highly likely they didn't dare to move with him since most of the team were  males and the girls were mostly for support they didn't have a mental barrier thus Lena  mer
ely placed a water bubble on him and they left him to handle the situation Captain Felix  abruptly Maria placed her Palms on her cheeks as she exclaimed with a cheerful smile is that a  morphing ability you look quite dashing can't be saying the same for you Felix chuckled as he  focused on her pale face which had its makeup completely gone after spending this many days in  the forest FSS does he have to be AF asterisking D dot i.c.k every time he speaks Maria might have  been cursing in her min
d but on the outside she was giggling while waving her hand at Felix  how can you say that when you are that far she gestured with her finger for him to approach  while smiling charmingly come closer to get a better look I will take you on that offer Felix  smiled faintly as he continued to walk towards her 35 M 32m 26 M gotcha Maria smirked in Glee at  the site of pinkish waves bypassing the barrier and assaulting Felix's head yet instead  of freezing with a dazed expression as he should Felix
merely kept marching forward  without a single change of expression however Maria wasn't showing any signs  of worry since she believed that for a strong bloodliner like Felix he needed few  more seconds for the effect to take root however seconds went by and nothing much changed  but the distance that was being bridged slowly Maria was beginning to feel like something  was off but she was still trusting in her ability that never failed her before it's normal  that he needed even more seconds th
an the rest he is a legendary bloodliner after all she  reached a solid conclusion that was quite logical but did it change anything nope Felix's steps  weren't slowed for even a second and by the time he made it to 10 meters Maria was starting to lose  her composure impossible she didn't know why was her ability failing her and she had no intentions  to remain in her position until she figures it out Felix was getting too close and without her  enchantment field she was as useless as a Healer w
ithout a team alas just as she blinked her eyes  she found Felix merely an inch next to her face her heart skipped a beat in  Fright at such sudden assault not in her wildest dreams would she have thought  that Felix's speed was monstrous to the point he could Bridge 10 meters in a single blink of  an eye she wasn't the only one shocked as her teammate's hidden confident smirks were  frozen stiffly as they kept watching Felix lay his hand on Maria's chin before turning her  head left and right d
umb found it and somewhat scared Maria didn't move as she let him do  as he pleased but Felix had no dirty motives he simply examined her face before lying out his  verdict nonchalantly you need to take care of your skin more often regaining her wits back Maria  touched her cheek and said with an embarrassed expression I will take brother Felix's suggestion  to Heart while she was saying so the orders she was sending to her teammates were nothing  but brutal we need a distraction to retreat bomb
ard both of us with elemental abilities the  plan might sound crazy but her teammates didn't hesitate to fire their abilities as they knew  that her two shields were enough to protect her whoosh whoosh board Felix glanced at the upcoming  Salvo and placed his hand on Maria's shoulder that's all it took for Maria's plans of escaping  using the Salvo to evaporate into thin air.find authorized novels in Faster updates better  experience please click number dot underscore 51768664969-508492 for visi
ting she felt like  she was being implanted into the ground not able to even lean backward or forward before  a new fear set in the Salvo had arrived boom boom all four of them weren't spared from  being showered by those Elemental abilities the only difference was that after the dust  settled the two supports had withdrawn back to their teammates while having both  of their Shields utterly destroyed meanwhile Felix and Maria didn't budge from their  places I guess you don't appreciate my advice
Felix brushed some dirt from Maria's shoulder  like a caring person but the words coming out of his lips were nothing but that if you don't want  to beat down give me the flags and your tracker although Felix had removed his hand from  her shoulder Maria didn't dare to attempt an escape as she could see that Felix  was done joking with her after the Salvo she didn't want to test his patience lest  he smashes her into a tree the sight of his undamaged dark green scales was enough to let  her rea
lize that his strength was too abnormal however she still didn't plan to give up yet as  she requested pitifully if I give them to you can we please leave I promise we won't cross  paths again Felix looked at her fake tearful eyes and smiled warmly you have only two choices  hand them over by your own will and voice Your Surrender or I will take them from your backpack  and beat you up after you have three seconds to consider Felix said before starting to count for  real sending Shivers coursing
at Maria's spine the instant she heard him say one she cursed him  loudly as she voiced her surrender to the queen looking at her getting marked by a red X Felix  extended his hand forward and waited for her to open up her backpack and give him what he wanted  after she placed them on his hand she huffed an irritation while cursing him under her breath what  AF asterisking prick I wish you get robbed by Sly ivia's team unbothered Felix turned around and  walked back to his teammates while withd
rawing his morphing ability while the American viewers  were cheering on him for such a clean win the Brazilian viewers were losing it in the chat  they were spamming curses and insults at him forcing their team to get eliminated while  still taking their tracker and flags away it was clear that they weren't pleased by Felix's  decision unlike the England viewers well Felix had nothing against Brazil he simply eliminated Maria  because he didn't like her personality one bit she somewhat resemble
d isna and he didn't want  another one hanging around him he Asin flipped a middle finger at the sky after hearing him  curse her indirectly with those thoughts





So the first step is to basically replace 99% of your DNA with beasts and then you basically add another beast and replace that beast DNA with the new beast after edging an ability into your human 1% to keep the ability since you'll lose the ability as you integrate the other bloodline


Poison manipulation isn't an ability so it won't disappear when he gets the other bloodline to 99%