
Suthichai Live (English) If trump comes back...! David Rockwood 18-03-67

Suthichai Live (English) If trump comes back...! David Rockwood 18-03-67

suthichai live

Streamed 2 weeks ago

welcome to sudai life English and today  I have the honor of talking to my good friend David Rockwood who happens today to be  in America and he's very active there helping Thailand trying to sell Thailand's image  in the United States and I'm sure anyone who is interested in listening to our story  David can tell Thailand's story better than many many other people even Tha people  so hello David thank you for joining the program thank you very much good to see  you again but you know I watch yo
u every day thank you from America thank you and  as you said before we came on board that uh when you see a tie you suddenly your brain  suddenly turns to the Tha language right yes this is going to be very difficult for me  to talk to you in English because the last half dozen times we talk it's always in time I  know so I know my brain my brain sees that High face so today have yeah today you have to switch  your brain back to the English language exactly right okay now the S life English you
know started  last week and this is the second week so I'm very happy to have you as my guest to talk about I  think big issue in America and around the world now is the upcoming presidential election in the  USA you have two old men competing you have Joe Biden you have Donald Trump and a lot of people  I talk to are quite concerned about the possible return of Donal Trump in the white house now  you know we can talk about the worldwide uh Global reactions but IID like to concentrate  today on
what you think would happen to Assan to Thailand if Trump comes back to the White House  and what would be the difference between Joe Biden having his second term and Trump coming back well  number one um I think everybody was a little bit concerned M about the age of both of the people  running for president but if you look around the world uh somebody in their late 70s or early 80s  is actually quite normal yeah and and I want you to know that I think at the State of the Union  Address yes th
at was just you know a few days ago I think Biden did an excellent job of showing  that his experience and his skill set and he is as we say in English firing on all cylinders  ah firing all seven cylinders shooting from every possible direction that that the engine is  where all that's all all eight of the cylinders are working strong so there was there was really  very good content I believe in that state of the union and that he was first aggressive against  uh what Trump has been doing so I
I just wanted to make that statement that I think if you really  want to uh find out is Biden still viable just go on YouTube and watch the State of the Union  I think it was very good and he also gave a chance to talk about all the differences that  he has with Trump and with Trump policies but in regard to Thailand and Aion so just to remind  your audience I have been working as a trade representative between Thailand and the US for  over 20 years W I am a honorary member of the US Department
of Commerce District export Council  W so uh that is we are private businessmen who give feedback of the real world to our government  in regarding to trade policy so I've done that almost 20 years I've had an import export company  from Thailand for over 30 years wow helping to uh bring us quality products and Technology to  Thailand and Thailand the best of Thailand to America as well I also work with the World Trade  Center Utah which uh facilitates international trade and at the end of this
month April 1 I  will be part of a seminar presentation with the Tha consulate Los Angeles great on business  opportunities in Thailand and the last thing I'm going to mention is I did have the opportunity  to meet personally with prime minister SATA at the Apex Summit in San Francisco a few months ago  and had a great discussion with our mutual friend Punk oh who who did a very good presentation to  prime minister sat on what Thailand needs to do to get more business okay now back to Trump okay
  okay back to Trump I wanted to make sure people understood my background and now coming from  experience and you are now in Utah right as we talk yes this background that is in my my home  is here in Park City Utah Park City we are home of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games oh yeah and and  uh another interesting thing about Utah um we we have a very active tight Community it's not big  like in Southern California no but we have about 1.5 million people in the Urban Salt Lake Front  is what it's ca
lled we have 58 Thai restaurants 58 Thai restaurants so I was joking with the Thai  Ambassador at at Apex Summit I think Utah has the highest per per capita of Thai restaurants even  more than Los Angeles really why so why well I I think you know my language skills came because  I served as a Mormon latterday Saint missionary yeah in Thailand 45 years ago so I have that  language skill right so we have an alumni of the last 45 years of 3 4,000 people like me W  who speak Thai fluently love Thai
food love Thai people and the an exciting thing is we now have  a new Mormon LDS temple at the um pepm and a so intersection which is very beautiful and I helped  to do some of the uh tours for that so there is a very strong Utah Thailand connection and uh the  small town I live in in Park City we are a ski resort and golf resort Town God uh we have maybe  9,000 people we have five Thai restaurants five and how did they survive uh commercially I mean  I they very very well really high food so I
know you like to joke about the Thai soft power yeah  but it is hard power in Utah it is hard soft it's not s at all huh know Thai food is very popular  here we have a lot of tourists and the tourists know that if they go to a new town that most of  the time the Thai food is good so so I wanted to let you know that Utah is actually very uh very  close to Thailand because we have a lot of speak Tha alumni ah so I need to ask you in the future  to you know just do live sessions with me from a from
Tha restaurant and talking to Tha people  fantastic yeah we have we have we have okay and and and it's interesting when I talk with some  of the owners of the restaurants and some of the chefs one of the chef that I work with is a  graduate of duani uh school yeah yeah yeah okay of culinary she has a festar Tha restaurant here  in Park City Utah wow white tablecloth the waiters with white shirt black TI it is five star and I  will let you know the Tha consulate thinks it's some of the best he e
ver had so this is real tie  soft power this is the the genuine one I mean it's it's natural and you didn't have to have uh any  political support it came naturally right well the business opportunity is here I will admit I've  helped many of these Thai restaurants get started great okay because I just need more places to eat  lunch that's for a very selfish reason but for good National interest okay back to Trump exactly  don't try to avoid the Trump issue it is important I'm not I'm not so so
but but I wanted to refer  back to the to the Biden State of the Union okay because I think he outlined a lot of those  differences yeah so Pro or anti-trump I think what we need to realize is the Trump followers  about 30% of the population will vote for Trump no matter what ah okay okay they just will support  Trump no matter what um and so the real election this year is getting that middle group okay that  are not 100% Trump not 100% Biden to go in either direction so I think that's going to
be the key  point is those middle States so if you watch the news on CNN or any other analysis of the new  upcoming presidential election the discussion is about the middle how who is going to win the  middle right right and uh right now those lines are being drawn and it it will be interesting  to see uh but again uh back to specific items I think one of the biggest differences between  Biden and Trump number one from my background in uh import export and uh uh foreign trade is the  trade polic
ies yeah uh president Trump has been known for his protectionist yes trade policies  imposing tariffs renegotiating trade agreements and these policies will definitely affect Thailand  and other oan countries uh with exports to the United States uh leading to potential disruption  in trade and economic growth I I know that the high people do not understand that America  is still a very big trade partner it is with Thailand yes and as far as technology I mean 90%  of the technology in Thailand is
from the US yeah so as a trade representative I export technology  and knoow and we import uh food raw materials uh automobile parts tires okay uh uh Road law uh  for for car the the second point to K would be Regional security yeah so president Trump is  very much an America first uh approach to foreign policy which will definitely be part of a reduced  us presence in engagements in aan right right and a lot of important aian issues are coming up  and if America becomes more protectionist I th
ink that that could negatively impa impact the  security in oan and the different security arrang alliances would create more uncertainty right in  uh oan if if uh the the the the the good friend so in Thailand we always we we in trade we call the  relationship with the eagle and the Elephant e and the elepant right and that's always been a very  good relationship yeah for hundreds of years sure okay sure and and so we need to maintain that  but with Trump even the first uh uh time with Trump Th
ailand was totally off the radar off the  radar off the radar if you look back you will see there was actually off the radar no no engagement  it it was not very good and I lived through that as a businessman and it was not good I don't think  Trump even knows where Thailand actually is well I there's a lot to be said about that but uh it  it it it would it would not improve the the trade security and other things and then as you know  I am the co-founder of a climate Tech climate stewardship co
mpany Spyro carbon we have a strong  office there in Thailand where our technology helps enable Thai farmer rice Farmers to receive  Global quality carbon credits oh yeah that so that to me is very important and I think with your  work in this field is a big contribution to Thailand's Agricultural and general economic we're  able we're able to pay that farmer to adopt more climate friendly agricultural practice when they  go from fully flooded rice which is traditional to a better method of alte
rnative wet dry sure when  because rice is a big producer of methane which is 20 to 30 times more damaging than CO2 so if we  can get that Rice farmer to still have a good crop high yields and improv soil but he drop when he  does wet and dry alternative he cut his methane emission by 50% sure so that qualifies them for  a high standard un quality carbon offset that we have buyers already around the world on un  standard yes and we can help pay that farmer to have positive climate action now I'm
not here to  promote my company but what I'm here to talk about is the problem if Trump was to become president  M his views on climate change and environment are not good no he is the one who pulled us  from the Paris agreements and uh uh it could hinder International efforts to combat climate  change and may impact asan's climate goals and initiatives including those related to sustainable  development and I know that my company and many uh active Thai politicians understand that Thailand  is
at huge risk on climate change for many reasons and it is a top priority for Thailand so under a  trump Administration this would not get better it won another issue that I that I wanted to  bring up is immigration policy oh so again in that America First Trump uh has initiated many  stricter immig ation projects uh in travel banss visa restrictions and this affects the movement of  people including tourists students professionals between Thailand and other oan countries and  the United States
so this could imp this could have a negative effect on the positive cultural  exchange that we get from tourism from students studying abroad Etc and other economic ties so  that is at risk as well mhm mhm so immigration Economic Policy geopolitics these are areas that  we should be concerned about if Trump comes back to the White House the the when you talked  about geopolitics the the biggest problem if there if Trump was to be reelected is he is very  unpredictable yes yes yes okay and and co
untries and business we like predictability sure and you  and I have had previous discussions one of the good things about prime minister SATA yes in  being salesman yes is he is very predictable and has added much more credibility yeah to  foreign investment into Thailand yes and with Trump I think we could have more problems with  those 15 alliances and will not have the same importance I think that it does under a current  Biden Administration yeah mhm so you see some worrying signs on the ho
rizon in American politics  what can we do about it well hold on and watch I mean it's gonna yes hold on this one is going to  be very exciting I think yes uh but but now after uh I mean Trump is going to be Trump yes yes  okay always no matter what and Trump you know the the Maga Red Hat will always be the Maga Red  Hat no matter what right right but Su chai some other interesting components yes with the Trump  appointed Supreme Court I don't want to get too technical here right but with the Tr
ump appointed  Supreme Court roow versus Wade was overturned a and that is about female reproductive rights  uhhuh more women in America vote than men ah uh and so this issue I think the closer we get to  the actual election yes I think you will see a drop in the Trump support yeah because of in of  Reproductive Rights I see R versus disuade and that this has been a very hot topic to stimulate  more action uh with female electors um and I I think that you'll you'll see that I I think that  again
uh not to be too repetitive but the State of the Union addressed by Biden yeah showed that  he is strong that he is smart he is capable yeah there is no way Trump could have ever given that  same talk I see so so women votes uh probably will decide as well be a big import decisive exactly  but another issue that I think is interesting to discuss with your audience is the problem we have  is that with our the way we elect our president with the Electoral College yeah the college I'm  not going t
o be a John David today but but each state yeah besides the actual popular vote they  they have their own group of votes that go into the Electoral College yes and so the problem  is the Democrats have won the popular vote for 10 to 20 years right right right but not  had the president every time because of the way the electoral college right Trump on his last  election did not win the popular vote no I know no he barely won with the Electoral College so again  we'll we'll hold on to our seat ku
nu chai I think you and I will have many discussions for the next  six months right about what's going on and but I I I think for Aion a a Biden Administration is much  more positive and and not not being too part as a partisan person but for aan you do not want  Trump back again no that that is a very clear statement for Assan you don't want Trump back  again MH yeah exactly and also the economy is doing very well in America these days huh it it  has been excellent so and I know and so I'm GNA
this is a little bit of a comment back to you yeah  and our good friend k w w you guys always like to point out the American foreign debt yeah yeah  it's a big issue right but look at the percentage of foreign debt yes Japan America all these other  countries America has a high debt yes but the big but a very high economy okay so the percentage  of foreign debt versus GDP and other economic indicators America is doing quite well we are  lucky we came through Co better than most uhhuh I think the
stimulus check and my business I I was  able to stay in business because of government support and if we look at Thailand I think the  co recovery has been very slow because I don't think the Thai government did enough no to help  with the financial recovery and Thailand is now one a very high Consumer Debt because you did not  have lot of government programs everybody just had a bigger credit card yeah yeah we have this big  debt issue and most uh households are in debt and N national debt uh
ratio is at 91% of the GDP so  that that is a serious issue that the government the bank of Thailand everyone is talking about  and that's why I think it's important and one of the roles that I have bringing more foreign  direct investment into Thailand to help stimulate that economy with my company how we help a small  Thai farmer yeah to have a greater income yes uh with our program they can improve their income by  almost 15 uh 15 to 18% so uh uh that's important another issue that I don't wa
nt to beat up on the  Thai economy but uh the the income disparity in Thailand I think is also a problem and I also  think that the education quality yeah has gone backwards Yeah Yeah from where you live now  looking at Thailand Vietnam Indonesia the two countries that are becoming our competitors in  terms of drawing foreign investments and also exports how do you see Thailand's position visis  Vietnam and IND so so because of sat it's better okay okay okay so people are telling the Tai story 
better I also want to compliment the department of export promotion in Thailand yes uh Thai foreign  ministry under this government is much better uh Boi is very good I see all of the foreign  consulate and foreign Ministry workers yeah are some of the best I've ever worked with so Thailand  has a strong team I just think we needed a better leader yeah and I think with Kun you have that but  in comparison as we always you always discuss with Kun as well yes we we we do a lot of business in  Viet
nam we also do business in Indonesia yeah VI Vietnam when they say they're going to to help  you it happens and happens fast ah in Thailand don't C youo you have to get in line and and  you have you with have joked the whole One Stop service well yeah many stops too many too many  stops yeah and and Indonesia what is intriguing to Indonesia they're going through quite a bit  of change yes they have much more raw material you know than the rest of and they are a strong  growing economy yes of con
sumers so in my opinion the ti economy for Consumer is stagnant yeah okay  except for technology digitization modernization yeah uh Thailand's Advantage though is um the the  infrastructure if I'm going to have a factory in Thailand and Export the infrastructure in Thailand  is much better than Vietnam or Indonesia and 50 times better than the Philippines so so so  Thailand does have a lot of benefits I think with the automotive industry migrating to um  uh EV EV it should be a higher priority f
or the government to be more supportive of some of  the support Industries and Thailand has the skill set to produce batteries and other support for  Ev I I've noticed this last year so I go back to Thailand every four to six weeks okay to work  with my my my my team there right and the increase of EVS in Thailand has been very impressive but  I think you need a bit more infrastructure sure more charging stations and my hometown so here in  a ski town did you know 90% of our buses mhm are electr
ic 90% electric 90% wow and our bus is free  oh free and your bus is is paid for it is paid for by the nightly room tax when you rent a hotel or  a condo so that tax is put upon the tourists who added that added burden of Transport okay so they  they are taxed and that tax money goes to help the local people for electric to to pay for electric  bus because we are selling high mountain beautiful air yeah we cannot have smog okay that's a so  9 90% of our city bus is EV ah you see that's interesti
ng yeah which changai can adopt can adopt  puket p and my favorite place gotami got please add EV bus or EV song Yes uh to preserve the so no  PM 2.5 from vehicle no but can we tax the tourists though and who come to some so I will explain to  you that added tax is about $1 per night okay okay sounds reasonable typical hotel is $100 to $300  per night if you explain that to the tourist to some they will understand they will be willing  to pay exactly because you get this nature you get this fres
h air you get this nice smiling type  people and you just pay $1 per night yes the the other thing too is we get a lot of US government  support H so under the recent Biden infrastructure Bill uh they help with the finance of the EV bus  yeah because governments are good at supporting capital expenditure yes so an EV bus is not  cheap no no but if the government helps with the finance yes and you add a special tax yes  for for to retire that debt it's a winwin win uhhuh yeah yeah winwin win trip
le win not only  double huh exactly and that's why that picture behind me jide is very clear and because we have  EV bus yeah yeah beautiful now back to uh Trump and Biden what if Biden comes back then there is  the possibility of a trade war between America and China again how would that affect Thailand and  asan so the trade war is already happening it's already there and but what I'm seeing and another  Advantage for Tha when Kun came to the ape meeting yes more and more American companies ar
e pulling  production from China yeah yeah yeah for many reasons not necessarily political the economy in  China is not good yeah okay and there are a lot of inefficiencies I'm trying to work right now with  a bioplastic company from here in the Utah area yes to do bioplastic factory in Thailand and we  are looking for a good Thai partner to take the American Technology the Thai casava starch to  make bioplastic in Thailand to ship to the EU ah kasav so so the China the you you ask me  about a C
hina war it's already happening and and and I think that under uh um and it's because  of business issues not necessarily politics under trump it was politics but now it's business case  so we still want good trade with China yes because they are very good consumers of American Goods  yeah yeah and a huge Market exactly so so when you asked about the trade War sui it's already  happening is already here and it cannot get worse because it's already bad right right I yeah I mean  I think you're go
ing to see more political issues in China as more of the Chinese people feel the  economic pain we're already starting to see that a bit now if you look at Thailand trade to China  it's mostly Agricultural Product yeah yeah right and so that will always happen so when I work  with my investors in my climate Tech climate stewardship company yes we talk about everybody  has to eat every day of course and three times a day at least in agriculture is a good thing yeah  yeah yeah now we are facing uh
huge problem from China that is uh cheap Chinese goods are flooding  Thai market and elephant pants elephant pants elephant pants yes yes and very soon par I think  also exactly but not this yeah from Conan Conan make sure it's from Conan uh so I yeah so I think  we are facing a huge uh issue of how do we handle China in this sense that even you know online  shopping a lot of Chinese Goods on uh all this shopping uh applications and payments you know  you pay directly to into China you know and
local people do not benefit that much from Trading with  China that I think is one of the things that we are trying to work out even the big retailers in  Thailand are complaining that combined the sales combined uh are now smaller than Chinese Goods  being sold in Thailand it's important if you'll notice too so the biggest uh online seller in  America Amazon Amazon even though you buy online yeah they add the local vat tax ah yeah yeah uh  and that is technically very easy to do one of my brot
hers works at a high-tech company and they  trace they track yeah Sales Online yeah and it's it's so it's technically easy to do I don't know  if shappi or Lazada I think this is something that the Thai government can force so that's basically  what happened in the US is yes you buy online but you still have to pay tax yeah yeah yeah yeah  talking about China and America Tick Tock what is happening there's a law coming and I think it's  important because uh it it's a it's become a Hot Topic it i
s and notice Trump back and forth yeah  yeah yeah where do where do the two candidates stand on Tik Tok Biden and Trump well Biden I so  here's the funny thing yeah after the last Biden uh Speech yes he actually did an ad on Tik Tok  after the speech so I I I'm one of those that's I've been involved with technology for over 25  years yeah I know and it's going to be here so you need to learn to work with it to deal with  it yes there are many ways that you can uh work on how how much of that inf
ormation is going back  yes you know to Mothership you know as we say and and and so it's it's a it's not a technical hurdle  no but I think it's just popular uh rhetoric yeah right now yes to be you know because here's here's  what I feel is my information is out there anyway yeah okay I just need to have very good software  to blocking to make sure that I don't get hacked yes and and just you know pay the extra money  for a good VPN I'm talking to you right now on an American VPN all right oka
y okay and and  adding this cyber security uh to all of the different shopping to grab to uh uh food panda  is very possible but also adding a small vat tax to pay for it right so with my 30 40 years  experience in Thailand the biggest problem is collection of tax is not very good yeah I know  I know I know we're not enforcing our tax law strictly enough and that's and with modernization  it's actually quite easy it is so you notice when you go to any International Company sure okay  you go to M
cDonald's you go to Starbucks the tax is always there right right now the debate in  America now about Tik Tok is I think there's this new law being introduced to split up to split up  Tik Tok it will it will be interesting to see what happened but I think it's just hot for the moment  yeah you know um and uh from the technology person I think it's a bit of an overreaction there are  ways to do filter there are ways to do protection yeah and uh you you just need to do that but uh  you know ask a
sk the your Tha friends yes if they were to take the Tik Tock application off their  children's cell phone what would happen there would be a a w at home a riot and and we would not  have mango and scky rice I know I know I know she is a tick Tik Tock star I know now okay we talk  about if Trump is reelected what about if Biden is reelected what's going to happen to assian and  Thailand uh it will and and again not because of my political feeling but you look no you look at  actual data okay aan
the Biden Administration is paying much more attention to aan yes than any  other Administration mhhh we know that aan is important we know that strong relationships in  Assan are important and with the Trump with the Biden Administration we will support Taiwan 100%  uhhuh Taiwan 100% sure and that is here's the other thing too and you know I love Thailand  you know I love Ty people yeah but every now and again there's this anti-American sentiment a  little bit yes yes but but if Thailand was e
ver to go on a war with Burma who would be the first  country to help Thailand America America I see yeah of course okay so so we're kind of that that  and I it's a overused term we're the big brother but we love you and we you do your thing yeah  we're there if you need us yeah does that make sense we are there when you need us that's very  important yes but we'll let you do whatever you want even uh give us help criticize us exactly  it's it's like it's like it's like that it's like that annoy
ing younger brother yeah that we  We Love sometimes he's against us sometimes he's for us yeah but uh but we like we like his food  so we will help you all the time I know and and if you look at what we do with uh all of the joint  military joint cooperation with FBI uh Cobra gold is still very big thing and you're trying to help  rescue the exactly exactly so so I like I said how I like to say it is we're that older brother that  that loves you but you can do your own thing but every now and we
may give you some advice but we  also have a pretty big pocketbook ah I see yeah yeah and you know we have our ups and downs just  like you know Brothers but uh in the end you will know that despite all the arum we are we're in  the same boat here we are in this together right and and another interesting historical point so  I first came to Thailand in 19 77 77 yeah excuse me 75 I'm getting old every 75 75 there was a  very turbulent time for Tha politics well I I was living in r ah wow right t
here right there  oh my God I had to run into my apartment oh no as the fighting was going on so so I am in America  we say uh OG Original Gangster OG so so I'm a Tha expat OG yeah but it was the end of the Vietnam  American Vietnam soldier economy and the new Tai Thai economy it was a very difficult shift but  if you remember one of the advantages we talked about infrastructure in Thailand yeah but one  of the advantages was all of the highway between udub yeah okay it's called the infrastructu
re  from the Vietnam War helped Thailand be competitive in business friendship Highway yes  okay so so that was one of the Legacy benefits that Thailand received is that infrastructure  another thing a lot of Tai don't know is uh in the four in the 50s when Japan started doing  much more in Thailand yes remember Maro was the very first was the very first department  store I remember buying things at taaro right it was part of a US government program  to help Japan improve its economy wow by intr
oducing if you remember after World War II  sure America gave tremendous amount of Aid to Japan yes to rebuild into a peaceful economy  part of that expansion was helping Japanese products moved to Thailand yeah yeah yeah an  unknown historical point a lot of T don't know about this so the so the reason Japan was one of  the biggest investors in the 50s and 60s was at the assistance of the American government that  wanted to rebuild the Japanese economy so they would be a good Ally and not be a
fascist uh you  know government anymore so yeah yeah so all these historical facts you know especially for the new  generation would not have recognized or would not have access to and you know people like you should  write history as well about that particular period of time and when you came plenty of History I know  important point because we were talking about food right each yes did you know that Thailand yes  has some especially Bangkok yes has some of the highest percentage per capita yea
h of Japanese  restaurant I know I know so we talk about Utah high percentage of tha restaurant Bangkok has  a high percentage of Japanese Resturant lot of Japanese rest and that's the Affinity between  Thailand and Japan too MH right so again what I wanted to hook to is it was part of the American  Financial support to grow the Japanese economy postwar and Thailand was chosen as one of the  places yes yes it was it was a perfect place you know I met some old Japanese friend who lived  through W
orld War II and he told me that I always remember Tha rice the smell of tha rice it is it  is so true and that's why we're I'm so happy to be involved with Tha rice Farmers selling the best  product in the world and now we can help the Tha rice farmer have another symbol low carbon rice  yeah low carbon rice I think is the key word now from now on because I see Vietnam is promoting low  carbon r as well so we better St my customer too but I I I want to help this I want to help Thai  Farmers more
yeah yeah we don't we cannot lack behind we cannot La behind but what yeah go ahead  when I talk about the Japanese friend and Ty rise he was talking about thaise being donated by the  Thai government to Japanese people during after second world war when they were starving they  said we were we had nothing to eat and Ty rise was donated to us and we will always remember  the rest of our Liv we'll never forget Ty rise exactly exactly and and and it's you know so  that intercooperation the growth
and development another so I'm going to give you another  historical point that is related to America and related to our relationship yeah is Thailand  was also viewed very special by America after World War II because of s Tha s Thai of course  of course so if you look at other countries that join the side of Japan and I always say Thailand  was a soft supporter of Japan sof no because you were occupied we were you were occupied right  so but because of the Tha the Americans did a lot of promo
tion and Aid to Thailand in post uh  World War II and then of course the tremendous help that Thailand was during the Vietnam war yeah  and uh you know uh the famous Thai American Tiger Woods Tiger Woods is result of an American GI who  met a wonderful Thai woman yeah and they produced the greatest golfer in the world so uh we have a  lot of guys H power ah yeah great okay we started with Donald Trump and we end up with Tha American  uh relationship I think that's great and then we should remind
a lot of people about history and  history decides the future as well so I think thank you very much David for this very nice chat  about if Trump is reelected what's going to happen to us so at least we have some analysis from David  who is close to Thailand and he was close Observer of America amican politics and he has the right  to vote and you know he's a Democrat but you know he tries to be objective in this analysis I'm  a businessman that is the Democrat okay okay so thank you David aga
in for joining sudai live  English for today and now of course I'll you very much thank you and I'll be asking you to come  back to talk about the election that the campaigns and of course from Utah if we can get some Ty  people talking to us live about their life in Utah how they I will do that I will do that let's  let's arrange for that I think it would be useful and and and next and next time at my office  okay okay okay give me a call thank you thank you faceb YouTube [Music] subscribe TI T
ok TI to life anywhere anytime



Thanks for your help to Thailand in every way, Mr. Rockwood.


He is so nice, look at his shirt ❤


Lovely talk, feel good 😊


Hi david nice to see you Again I remember you spoke Thai excellent pretty much


Yes Good program .


Thailand off a radar😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




Very happy to hear real Americans language.👍


พวกpro จีนสุดโต่ง โปรดฟังฟังไว้ก็ดีนะคะทุกวันนี้มีแต่สีเทาเต็มไปหมด


#Anti Trump?😂😂😂😂




You felt happy and spoke few words of Thai language very clear.


Next time please interview Republican too.


Thailand is Thightland for Trump


Trump will come back


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