
Taiwan 🇹🇼 - An Underrated Travel Destination and Why You SHOULD Visit! | Taiwan Travel Guide

Taiwan is an island nation deeply rooted with Chinese culture and heritage. In present day, it is in a geopolitical struggle to maintain its democracy from being part of China. Despite its small size, Taiwan has a dynamic and resilient society, with a thriving democracy and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability. The island's political status is a subject of ongoing debate, with China claiming Taiwan as part of its territory, while Taiwan operates as a separate, self-governing entity. It was a country I never really intended to visit but have since fallen in love with the people, the landscape, the food, and the customs. In this video, I travel around Taiwan and showcase a few places to go and what it's like visiting this small island nation. #Taiwan #Kaohsiung #Taipei #LeoDoesLife Please check out some of my previous travel videos and subscribe for more future content as I travel to the Philippines and Palau. Journey on.

Leo Does Life

5 months ago

台湾是太平洋岛国,拥有丰富的历史、文化 和美丽的风景。 它不是特别适合旅游,也不在我要去的国家名单上,但我很 高兴我努力飞往并发现它所提供的一切。跟我一起探索 这个国家,了解为什么它应该成为旅行者必去的目的地。 我四处走走并熟悉这个国家,主要依靠 遍布全岛的铁路系统。它出人意料地实惠、 精简、准时,并且有各种基本列车、特快列车和高速列车可供选择。 这些快速列车需要单独购买车票,但可以 在短短几个小时内带您游遍全国。 台北的地铁系统也非常简单高效。 它从来没有真正拥挤过,让我毫无问题地游览城镇。 夜幕降临,台湾的街道变成了小吃摊的挂毯,被 五颜六色的灯笼和霓虹灯照亮。这些夜市 散发着铁板街头美食的香气,提供独特的购物体验。从臭豆腐到美味的 蚵仔煎,烹饪选择无穷无尽。 岛上有很多老城区,我建议你也去看看, 即使有时你会得到完全不同的东西。 我最喜欢的当地美食是牛肉面、 脆皮鸭炒饭和空心菜,还有 红烧猪肘,这是一种微甜但非常 美味的舒适食物。台北是台湾繁华的首都,是标志性的台北 101 大楼的所在地,它是世界 上最高的摩天大楼之一。市内还有一个支线机场 ,您可以在那里搭乘飞机起降。这座城市的
艺术景观也在不断发展 ,主要集中在年轻一代的社区, 我总是喜欢在色彩缤纷的小巷里漫步。 端午节在台湾也是一件大事。 这是一年一度的活动 ,于六月举行, 全岛都会以极大的热情庆祝。 参赛者来自各行各业,目的是为了测试他们的实力和团队合作, 通常都是为了好的理由。这个节日是家人团聚、 祭奠祖先、享受台湾文化遗产的时刻。 台北周边有很多地方可以让您沉浸在大自然中, 其中一些可以欣赏到城市的壮丽景色。 有些历史遗迹比较难到达,但回报却是无限的。事实上, 大多数台湾人都喜欢户外活动,并且一有机会就把户外活动作为首要任务。 我被推荐尝试的另一项活动是河流追踪。这需要 穿上干衣,逆流穿越河流,基本上 到达终点,休息,然后跳入水中,最终沿着急流漂回。 我发现了很多瀑布汇聚的地方, 很高兴看到有多少水道受到 保护和保留用于娱乐和水库。 在首都呆了几天后,我自驾前往 该国东海岸,探索 花莲小镇附近的山峰和令人惊叹的海滨悬崖。 我入住了旅馆,然后去探索这座城市。总体而言,这是一个悠闲的 沿海城市,市中心有很多活动, 还有一个吸引大量当地人和游客的大型夜市。我 强烈建议您选择一份蒜蓉葱油饼,因为它的味道绝对会
让您大吃一惊。 第二天,我驱车前往自然仙境太鲁阁国家公园, 距市区仅 40 分钟路程。该公园以其 巨大的大理石峡谷和远足小径网络而闻名。 这是一个绝佳的机会,您可以骑上摩托车,享受一场壮观的 骑行,穿越峡谷入口附近的许多岩石隧道。 道路布局完美,这是我 今年迄今为止最难忘的摩托车驾驶经历之一。各个方向的风景都令人惊叹。 沿途停下来前往更高的海拔,欣赏风景,欣赏 这个保存了数百万年的地方的美丽。 公园内还蕴藏着文化元素,其中有几座寺庙、 神社和历史古迹,让您了解台湾丰富的遗产。 旅行结束时, 我笑得合不拢嘴,因为这个地方真的让我想起了我在科罗拉多州的家。 东海岸还有其他较小的城市,均由山间 隧道公路和铁路连接。我建议停下来,了解当地人, 多吃葱油饼,参观美丽的寺庙。 虽然在这个国家的这个农村地区还有很多事情要做,但我决定继续向南 穿过山间隧道,参观可能是全台湾我最喜欢的城市。 高雄是台湾第三大城市,从视觉上来说,是 我去过的最具未来感的城市。它是一个主要港口城市,拥有现代化的 摩天大楼和遍布整个城市的高效交通系统。高雄 对艺术的承诺是显而易见的, 它是一座建立在古老传统和现代基础设施之上
的多彩城市。 这里有一个大型码头,可以让人们聚集在一起, 拥有优雅的海滨设施,也是台湾海岸警卫队的枢纽。它是 该国巨大的经济贸易中心,为众多市场带来所有商品。 我们也不要忘记那些日落...... 我们一定要品尝一下爱河沿岸的一些当地美食, 然后乘坐双体船进行一小时的旅程 ,前往附近一个名为小琉球的小岛。 这座珊瑚岛拥有悠闲的氛围和友善的当地人, 为游客创造了一个温暖而热情的环境。 这里有很多海滩,可以和友好的海龟一起浮潜。 柳基岛拥有一些非常美丽的水晶般清澈的海水, 许多游客在花瓶岩附近跳水。 岛上还散布着许多其他岩层。 总的来说,六奎岛是一颗隐藏的宝石,是那些 寻求台湾不寻常旅行体验的 人必去的目的地 。 我们回到大陆,前往台湾的尾端 垦丁。在这里,您会发现几个白色沙滩、小型 度假村和显示台湾最南端的灯塔。 这里的价格相当合理,住在恒春镇很不错,在那里 你可以坐在前排欣赏蔚蓝的海水。 还有另一个大型夜市可供参观,那里供应大量海鲜和其他 当地美食。 再往北一点,您会发现鹿的天堂, 可以近距离接触这些温柔的动物。 还有一个水豚围栏,我真的很喜欢。这些是 我见过的最友好、最温顺的动物。与他
们互动超级有趣,挠他们的 肚子,他们发出的声音最终会让你的心融化。 我强烈建议您来台湾体验它所提供的一切。 这是一个经济实惠的国家,拥有热情好客的人民、 一些最好的美食选择,以及一个 展望繁荣未来的和平国家。 在我的下一个视频中,我将前往菲律宾旅行几周,了解 马尼拉及周边地区的生活方式。之后是帕劳, 在那里我实现了住在船上并进行为期一周的水肺潜水的梦想。这是 您不想错过的最史诗般的水下遭遇之一。 如果您想看到更多内容,请订阅并喜欢这个视频。下次见。



Brought my mom there last May, it is absolutely hidden gem. People are very kind and polite, more chilling comparing to the neighborhood. Love from Thailand




I am Canadian and I have visited Taiwan 6 times. It's absolutely my number 1 travel destination, not just in Asia, but in the entire world. The greatest attraction of Taiwan? Its PEOPLE. (Its food a close second.) The Taiwanese are the kindest people ON THIS PLANET. I am not just talking about politeness, something that the Japanese do slightly better than the Taiwanese. I am talking about genuine kindness. Because Taiwan is a rich country, so no one will try to cheat you there (unlike many developing countries, I regret to say). The Taiwanese - old and young, urban and rural, English-speaking or not - will always try their best to help you when they see you in need of help or when you ask for help. In this regard, no citizens of any country can rival the Taiwanese, and I have travelled all over the world.




We also just visited Taiwan. I was born there but moved away at a young age. I am impressed by how friendly the people are, and how safe we felt walking at night. We drank 2-3 bubble tea a day because it was so much cheap there (half the price of what we pay in North America). I would rank Taiwan as the No.1 place for tea related drinks ranging from a massive selection of Chinese tea, milk tea, to mixture of juices and anything in between. Taiwan is a hot and humid island (especially Taipei), so cold drinks can be found everywhere. Bring your USD, CAD, AUD and Euros to visit Taiwan, your money will go a long way there.




Taiwan is not just underrated. It's Asia's best-kept secret.😊




I'm a local living in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Thank you for this great video showing the best of my country and my city Kaohsiung. Come again and I'm sure you'll be amazed by what else we have to offer that you've not seen yet.




Your voice is really calming. You show that you do not have to be loud and over the top to educate people about travelling. Thank you




Taiwan is a country that has been bullied by China for a long time and needs the support of friends from many countries. Taiwan welcomes you


I like the way you introduce Taiwan, and your voice is wonderful and awesome to listen to.


Truely enjoy watching your video! Taiwan is definitely an underrated travel destination and hope more travelers will experience the beauty of taiwan themselves!


What a beautiful country, Taiwan. Thank you for making a great video.


Wow! You have made the best travel video of Taiwan that I have seen on YouTube. I am a Taiwanese who have been living in US for many years. Although I have been to many of the Taiwanese cities, I did not go to many of the urban places, like those mountains, springs, and oceans. Thank you for bringing me such beautiful pictures of my home to me.


Taiwan is one of the best countries in the world.




Going to Taiwan next month. I'm excited. My last travel abroad was 16 years ago.