
Taiwan election angers China: BBC News Review

Taiwan has elected William Lai as president, keeping the Democratic Progressive Party in power for a third term. The new president wants Taiwan to remain independent, which has angered China. Beijing wants a “peaceful reunification”, but has also not ruled out the use of force. Image credit: (Images: Annabelle Chih/Getty Images and An Rong Xu/Bloomberg via Getty Images) Key words and phrases: 🔎 status quo - the way things are - Employees should challenge the status quo if they want their company to change. - Some people love change, whereas others prefer sticking to the status quo. 🔎 fumes - expresses extreme anger or frustration - After some negative feedback, he left the room fuming with anger. - He called customer services and fumed over the failed delivery. 🔎 rock solid - very strong or unlikely to change - Their relationship was rock solid once they had repaired the trust. - After years of hard work, her professional reputation was rock solid. ✔️ 0:00 - Introduction ✔️ 0:24 - Story ✔️ 1:15 - Headline 1 ✔️ 2:40 - Headline 2 ✔️ 4:21 - Headline 3 ✔️ 5:57 - Language summary More popular videos to help you improve your English: ⭐ 6 Minute English: Addicted to sugar 👉 ⭐ Have done VS have been doing 👉 ⭐ News Review: Dog meat banned by South Korea 👉 🤩🤩🤩 SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more English videos and podcast English to help you improve your English 👉 ✔️ Visit our website 👉 ✔️ Follow us on Instagram 👉 ✔️ Find us on Facebook 👉 ✔️ Join us on TikTok 👉 We like receiving and reading your comments - please use English when you comment 😊 #learnenglish #bbclearningenglish #taiwan

BBC Learning English

2 months ago

Taiwan elects new president, angering Beijing. This is News Review from BBC Learning English, where we help you understand news headlines in English. I'm Beth. And I'm Georgie. Make sure you watch to the end to learn the vocabulary you need to talk about this story. And don't forget to subscribe to our channel to learn more English from the headlines. Now, the story. Taiwan has elected William Lai as president, keeping the Democratic Progressive Party in power for a third term. The new president
wants Taiwan to remain independent, which has angered China. Beijing wants a peaceful reunification, but has also not ruled out the use of force. You've been looking at the headlines, what's the vocabulary that people need to understand this news story in English? We have, 'status quo', 'fumes' and 'rock solid'. This is News Review from BBC Learning English. Let's have a look at our first headline. This one's from The Conversation. In re-electing its government, Taiwan has kept the status quo,
but the victory hides a transformed political landscape Now this headline explains that Taiwan has elected the same government again. That's 're-election'. So, they have a new president, but from the same party. We're looking at the phrase 'status quo' What can you tell us about it, Georgie? Well, 'status quo' is a Latin phrase which means the current state of things or how things are at the moment. You can either disrupt or change the status quo or keep and maintain it. So, Beth, what has Taiw
an decided to do in this election? Well, Taiwan has kept the status quo. They have stayed the same because the people have re-elected the same government. This election hasn't disrupted the status quo. Can you give us another example. Sure. For example, if we want to address the climate crisis, we have to challenge the status quo - change the way we do things. So, for example, we would have to make sure that our economies use less carbon, Yes, that's right. OK, let's look at that again. Let's ha
ve our next headline. This one's from Al Jazeera. Taiwan's Tsai and Lai welcome U S support as Beijing fumes over election. Now, this headline focuses on the reactions of other countries to the results - the new president. It seems like the US are in favour of the result. But what about China? This headline says that Beijing is fuming. And 'fuming' is the word that we are looking at. Now, Georgie, this reminds me of heat and smoke. Is that relevant here? Well, Beth, you're on the right track. 'F
ume' as a noun means something similar to smoke, but it's also used as a verb to mean, smoke or vapour coming out. So you can say that volcanoes fume, for example, when they erupt when smoke comes out. OK, but what about in this headline, because the city of Beijing doesn't actually have smoke coming out of it because of the presidential election? No, well that brings us to its other meaning. So if you think about anger or frustration, do you think these emotions feel hot or cold? When I'm angry
, I get a bit hot, so I would say a hot emotion. Right, so imagine you are so angry that you have smoke coming out of your ears. If you fume, you express extreme anger or annoyance. So, Beijing fumes over this election. It seems that China is not happy about the result, according to this headline. OK, let's look at that one more time. Let's have our next headline. This one's from Reuters. Former US official says commitment to Taiwan 'rock solid'. So, this headline is about the US's continued sup
port for Taiwan. We're looking at the phrase 'rock solid'. A rock is a stone - they're very hard, but what is solid, and what is 'rock solid'? OK, well, 'solid' is an adjective which means physically hard like a rock. A rock is solid. So when we use the adjective 'rock solid', we mean that something is very physically hard. Now, Beth, we're in London and it's freezing in the middle of winter. So when we walk round our parks, the ground is rock solid. It's very hard because it's frozen. That is v
ery true. But Georgie, like with many of these phrases, it feels like there's a metaphorical meaning with this as well because this headline says the US's commitment to Taiwan is rock solid. Yes, 'rock solid' in this metaphorical sense means that their support and commitment is very strong or unlikely to change. You could also say that a friendship is rock solid - means that it is a very strong relationship, or a football team's defence is rock solid. You can't get through to score. And our conf
idence in you is rock solid because we know that you will improve your English if you keep watching our videos. OK, let's look at that again. We've had 'status quo' - the way things are. 'fumes' - expresses extreme anger or frustration. 'rock solid' - strong or unlikely to change. Now, if you're interested in political stories, click here. And don't forget to subscribe by clicking here so you never miss another story. Thanks for joining us, bye. Bye.



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As a Taiwanese, I’m so glad to see my daily English learning platform selected Taiwan related news as a topic!💗🥹


As a Taiwanese, our determination to protect our democracy is definitely rock solid.


Congratulations Taiwan 🇹🇼 Respect from Denmark 🇩🇰👍


As a Taiwanese in the UK, we respect the results of the election, cherish the freedom of speech and the democratic system.❤


It’s really amazing that both Taiwan and Japan have adopted Japanese letters, which means once you learned Japanese language, you can read Taiwanese articles.


As a Taiwanese in Canada, I'm pleased that I don't have to fly back to Taiwan, and the people have elected the president I desired. (Thanks to my friends and family in Taiwan!)


I will always watch BBC Learning English videos. That is the status quo that will never change. This decision is rock solid!


Thank you. My support to this channel is rock solid.🎉 I am glad to see BBC talk about Taiwan.


#HumanRights This is the best way of teaching English with Current Important News . It teaches English and informs us the current news . Great job ! I am from INDIA . Thanks a lot !


Taiwanese here! I voted for William Lai, the current Vice President. ✌


My English learning journey has been rock solid bez i changed my status quo of my terrible procrastinating habits. As I have started to see some progressions, I don't feel fume like I used to be when I was last year.


I am from Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 but I have a friend from Taiwan 🇹🇼 I will visit Taiwan in Future.


My devotion to your learning channel is rock solid.


We should aggrandize the things that are endearing by us and should keep them status quo!


My support to Taiwan independency is rock solid


Thanks for your efforts in improving our English skills!


I'm rock solid at BBC Learning English as the channel always in positive status quo


I love both of you🥰 presenting in News Review!


I think you might be holding your script too high, Georgie! Also, don't be nervous! We're supporting you!