
Tarsus Valorum Saved The Republic But Doomed The Galactic Senate - Star Wars Legends #Shorts

Did Supreme Chancellor Tarsus Valorum’s quest to reunite the galaxy ultimately bring about the fall of the Galactic Republic? #shorts #starwars #oldrepublic 👉 NEW MERCH: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe and click the notification bell for daily Star Wars content. Subscribe ► Business Inquiries ► Welcome to the Star Wars Apprentice channel. I make videos on Star Wars lore and history in both the canon and Legends universes. If you’re looking for Star Wars explained in shorts videos, longform videos or both, make sure to hit that subscribe button. May the Force be with you! Artwork and images in this video fall under the purview of Fair Use. It is not my intent to infringe on content ownership. If you happen to find your art or images in the video, please let me know and I will be happy to credit you. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ The New Sith Wars ended in 1,000 BBY with the destruction of the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness. But the Republic paid a high price for its victory and required major changes in order to survive. Tarsus Valorum, the Chancellor at this time, embraced a radical approach to prevent the once-mighty Republic from fracturing. He declared that the Republic, as its citizens had known it, was no more, and he ushered in a new era through the Ruusan Reformations. These reforms diminished the chancellor’s authority, entrusting power to the planetary systems and sectors while endowing the Senate with unprecedented levels of control. While the Ruusan Reformations may have saved the Republic from immediate collapse, these decisions granted every senator a powerful voice that unleashed a storm of gridlock and greed in the Senate. Over the centuries, the galactic populace became disillusioned with the government, losing faith in the Republic itself.

Star Wars Apprentice

8 months ago

Did Supreme Chancellor Tarsus  Valorum’s quest to reunite the galaxy ultimately bring about the  fall of the Galactic Republic? The New Sith Wars ended in 1,000 BBY with the  destruction of the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness. But the Republic paid a high price for its victory  and required major changes in order to survive. Tarsus Valorum, the Chancellor at this time,  embraced a radical approach to prevent the once-mighty Republic from fracturing. He declared  that the Republic, as its citizens h
ad known it, was no more, and he ushered in a new  era through the Ruusan Reformations. These reforms diminished the chancellor’s  authority, entrusting power to the planetary systems and sectors while endowing the  Senate with unprecedented levels of control. While the Ruusan Reformations may have  saved the Republic from immediate collapse, these decisions granted every senator a powerful voice that unleashed a storm of  gridlock and greed in the Senate. Over the centuries, the galactic popula
ce  became disillusioned with the government, losing faith in the Republic itself.



Valorum: bad cause he didn't do a dictatorship Palpatine: bad cause he did a dictatorship


really poetic how the first and the last chancellor(before Palpatine) of the galactic republic were from the same family. I know he wasn’t the first of the republic as a whole but he was the first in the age of the galactic republic when the republic was the only power in the galaxy


There wasnt much else the chancellor could've done to be fair. By this time the Jedi had been in charge for centuries and many were Lord protectors of chosen systems. Even if the military was disarmed the Jedi would've still maintained significant power over these worlds. By delegating this power to the senators it did cause gridlock, but allowed the jedi to transition into peacekeepers, which was a role far better suited to the Order. The complete disillusion of the Galaxy Military is ridiculous though, sure the sith were "extinct" but betwen the Hutts, pirate gangs, mandalorians, and slavers such as the Zygerians the notion of transitioning to planetary defense forces was hopelessly naive. In conclusion short term it was a great decision but long term it played right into the Sith's hands.


If one idea u make can hold a literal galaxy together for 10000 years while literal magic men try to destroy it, then the idea is really good. Even more so when u don't even live long enough to make sure. Sure some part of it was bad but other parts drove the sith plan to a really long time.


No Republic in all human history (discounting city-states along the lines of Venice and the sort) has lasted even half the time that the Rusaan Reformation Republic lasted. If it takes that long for a system to fall apart, it's a pretty damn good system. I mean, if you look at all the governments that exist today, we don't even have one older than 450 years (and if we go back to the city state rule, none are much more than 300 years old). So yeah, 1,000 relatively peaceful years is pretty good


I want supreme chancellor Vallorom as a minifigure


Always happy to learn more about Star Wars Legends


I think the ruusan reformations got a few things right but most of these reforms would Doom the Republic in the long run


It sounds like he did what was necessary to slow the death of the republic. No government is eternal, and eventually everything will end. He revitalized the government and allowed the breathing room for local governments to take care of their citizens actual needs which in turn kept them happy enough to not leave the republic itself. That is a victory.


Wasn't the chancellor before Palpatine also named Valorum?


Damn 2 different chancellor Valorums over a 1000 years apart that ended up ushering the age of the Sith in each time with the downfall of the Republic each time as well.


Just another reason why Dooku's change of allegiance made sense.


I think this man meant well. But the road to tragedy is often paved with the best of intentions.


Strong resemblance to Willem Dafoe actor who plays Green Goblin. Yeah the senate was screwed


Too much power for either sides breeds corruption


Had Palpatine held UNLIMITED POWEEEER in the senate,the result would be same or worse and possibly sooner. That being said,there is no guarantee he would come to power in that case or indeed being born.


In a long run he doomed the Republic But I also see that he did do something that would require at the time but there are better ways than disassembling the whole Republic as we've seen in the new Republic and even the galactic alliance and it's predecessor you can have a strong military presence and still have plants that have their independence so there's a good way to balance it and he took the first steps in doing that but never followed through because he left avoid word corrupt senators could fall in greedy corporations and too much Greed could funnel in this week point


The thing about desperate measures by those who lack the imagination and the foresight to realize the future repercussions from such actions, they end up being the catalyst for the plans of those with ill and evil intentions.


Giving power to individual planets? Based as hell, sucks they didn’t get the ships they would need to protect themselves though 🙁


Republic or Empire , what's your desire. Freed from desire is purifier.