
Taskmaster NZ Series 1, Episode 10 - 'My Uncle John.' | Full Episode

In the final episode of Taskmaster NZ season 1 we find out who gets to take home Jeremy’s big gold head. ------------ Follow the show at Become a fan at Buy Taskmaster merch: ------------ In this Broadcast Award-winning, BAFTA and Emmy Award-nominated entertainment show, Taskmaster tyrant Greg Davies (Man Down, Cuckoo), with the help of his loyal assistant Alex Horne (The Horne Section and the show’s creator), sets out to test the wiles, wit and wisdom of five hyper-competitive comedians. Comedians that have risked life, limb, and dignity in the hope of making the Taskmaster proud so far include: Frank Skinner (The Frank Skinner Show), Mel Giedroyc (The Great British Bake Off), Romesh Ranganathan (Asian Provocateur), Hugh Dennis (Outnumbered), Sally Phillips (Bridget Jones’ Diary), Rose Matafeo (Edinburgh Comedy Award Winner 2018), and Russell Howard (The Russell Howard Hour). Unaware of what awaits them in each wax-sealed envelope, only one competitor can become the victorious owner of His Royal Task-ness’ golden head and be crowned the next Taskmaster Champion.


2 months ago

[Music] [Applause] [Music] Tada not [Music] s good evening welcome to the season finale of Taskmaster my name is Jeremy Wells and I am the Taskmaster for the last 10 weeks we have watched five comedians attempt a series of mindboggling tasks set by me tonight we'll do it again I will judge them and we'll finally be able to Crown our first Taskmaster Champion they will walk away with not only the respect of a Nation but with the most impressive Prize Package ever given away on New Zealand televis
ion a golden replica of my head and no money let's meet our comedians for the last time they are Angela DVID brenley St Guy Williams Lee hars and mine Samy to my left the bravest and most handsome man I know with a mind so sharp Ernest Rutherford is now officially the second most intelligent person from Nelson I promised him one introduction the season where I made him sound good it's Paul Williams thanks JY so uh you wearing a pair of sunglasses tonight yeah I just decided it was the season fin
ale and I wanted to to dress up but I was already wearing my finest clothes so I thought I'd Dawn some shades nice shades Dy dogs yes dirty dogs they're not a sponsor but shout out to dirty dogs going to wear them during the whole show ah I was planning to is that is that okay no sorry what's our prize task today Paul this week we asked our contestants to bring along their best DIY as the name suggests this could be anything that they have built made or done themselves the Taskmaster will choose
the best DIY and the person who did that iy gets Five Points gets Five Points that was the end of that sentence with the winner of tonight's show taking home all five DIYs wow exciting a prize task fit for a Grand Final where we're going to start first leeart sorry yeah sure look this is something I've been spending a bit of time on lately it's a DIY project in many ways it's it's a chip brand called um snacka Changi there pretty and uh they said it couldn't be done but we put the vinegar in fi
rst okay creating of course vinegar and salt snacky changy to be fair they are really good chips how much is he paying you m what did you bring in I bought a uh cute little um car I build a car a nice did you make all of that yourself yep I screwed the screws and I stuck the woods you stuck the woods yeah I stuck the woods and I made that car and she bloody goes mate oh bloody go how long did it take you uh 3 minutes Angela I can't wait to hear what you put it so this was um something I made uh
because we went into lockdown and it was kind of cold and I wanted wanted to make my mom a hat but we weren't able to order anything so I fashioned a crochet hook from a chopstick and crocheted a beanie for my mom wow very good really look like a beanie it looks like a be I don't actually know how to crochet a beanie so it's a doily it's a do yeah it's a doily is your mom pissed off that you took away a beanie to give it away on this show no cuz it's nearly summer guy what did you bring in uh I
bought my uncle John basically what happened is uh we wanted to save some money on a funeral so we crated the body DIY and our oven at home so your guy's brother do you know about this great uncle John he was having me stuff the body in the oven no yeah as a member of gu's family I can confirm that this is not real and on that note can I just talk about something that is real and that is the flavor of vinegar and salt on those on those chips I actually have guys DIY here John's ashes pretty good
DIY do you want to open them up I guess so you want to smell oh don't that's that's unsafe taste it taste tast taste it taste it Uncle John say if it's Uncle John or not it's hard to tell what does he taste like I mean I don't know what ashes would taste like but this is quite young that's Uncle John all right he was young when he was alive and he's Young when he's dead I just dark as hell no it's like malty molted I think it's if I would you guys would stop tasting that that's crushed up kitty
lter I didn't think people would start licking the ashes quite nice is it Kitty letter yes crushed up kitty letter yeah I went up to kro got a got a packet got the tape Googled how old and old man would be good effort Bry please what did you bring it well before this show I asked the producers what it would take for me to uh win the entire series and they said that I would have to win every task in this show and Angela would have to be disqualified from all of them so it doesn't look like I'm g
oing to win so um I made my own Taskmaster trophy um and um I've made a few embellishments uh namely the eyes it possible to do a side by side comparison of brinley's one and the actual Taskmaster trophy uncanny I'm it looks like your dad brother all right time to judge uh these fantastic items uh lee yes ma'am one point for you have you tried them though have you tried them the chips I I've tried them oh you're very good yeah absolutely wonderful chips tell them Jeremy s two points for you a I'
m just kind of sick of the sick of fantic Taskmaster stuff we've had Angela bringing in stuff for the last couple besides now we've got this I'm over all that sort of stuff you can understand that surely Angela the beanie for me was disappointing but still three points for you guy your fake ashes everybody ate them so they provided some kind of entertainment so four points for you and uh that means that meline you win with Five Points because making toys for kids is great thank you let's update
the overall Series scoreboard shall we Paul with a nine and a half point lead Angela dard pouring my way back well it looks like it's anyone's game apart from guy and Lee and Brinley it's not their game but we'll Soldier on anyway task me up again please Paul sure thing Jeremy Wells a task like this is almost criminal [Music] almost hi Paul hi Paul hello Bley what Tina did is she did Danny say that hello Angela hello no no I'm still doing that task master show yeah that's yeah I'm pretty much wi
nning I think yeah hey Paul how's it going you good I'm good thank you I'm well I I didn't ask I know it's my favorite part of this commit a crime you cannot break the law uh what commit a crime you can't break the law you have 10 minutes to plan your crime then 10 minutes to commit it best crime wins your time starts now technically I've committed a crime in there already and then the um guest bathroom you don't want to see that it's good thing they WR and you cannot break the law there cuz oth
erwise it just be go outside and throw a rock at a car or something that was my first thought okay let's think of crimes that I can commit stealing public fornication are you down if the best crime is the best of the worst then I think it's murder is murder against the law yeah murd is against the law I'm pretty sure taking someone's life 20 things that you think are illegal but aren't having a monkey for a pit marrying your cousin that's good what maybe I can make up a law and break it you got
one minute all right crime ready to go brenley you wanted to fornicate with Paul yeah public fornication is a crime yeah I guess so don't know never tried it you're down not publicly okay wow feel like my points are going to go up feel like something's going to go up let's uh damper it all down a little bit and talk to guy guy all great season finales have a wedding scene in them but I just didn't think that our season finale was going to have a wedding Fe feing you and a cousin guy attempted to
marry his cousin but the cousin was still mad from the time guy cremated our uncle would you like to see some legal crimes absolutely I'd love to uh which criminal mastermind do you want to show me first here's the dastardly Brinley stin do you think I could break into the neighbor's house what if I hopped into their property and hang out with some Sheep No that's not a crime or is it that's trespassing yeah I love that trespassing isn't breaking the law is it oh well o you know it doesn't feel
as cool as I thought it would what's it feel like just feels like I'm standing on a field they running away from me don't run away from me don't run away oh no no come back I need you for my crime I know this has nothing to do with the task but look I found a skeleton maybe I can steal this technically a multitude of crimes here today trespassing endangering and worrying animals and stealing wow cuz she's a bad [ __ ] and she knows she's a bad [ __ ] she steals and all the things okay that's an
other crime breaking someone else's equipment I think it's still filming no it's not it's broken no I've got your camera I think there's laws against that cuz she's a bad [ __ ] so tell me Paul uh was brenley actually trespassing there at all no she did not leave the property that fence was very much just to keep the sheep in rather than signal a change of land she also did not do any damage to the famously durable GoPro the closest she got to a crime was worrying animals let's see Guy Angela an
d meline attempt to make sense of it in M law putting my feet on the table it's tapoo it's going be Pub I might make it a bit bigger than that just go over it again I'm going to put a trademark on the Taskmaster logo yeah okay it doesn't really make sense but crime doesn't really make much sense either another crime show how the Sound Works it's a television crime Paul come over here and help your old Uncle guy assemble the G string mate oh here's another crime shaved my legs how long has it tak
ing you to type a g string mate how was your weekend it was good thank you haven't you ever made a homemade gstring before with your brother it's normal it's a Crim making you film back here that doesn't exist there's a wall there producers will hate this this isn't going on TV I hate this show ladies and gentlemen I present to you the ultimate crime and fashion accessories the visible g string with shorts jandals and a crop top I'm sorry to our younger viewers and to our older viewers any viewe
r should not have to watch me wear a homemade g string but this is where we're at I don't know what I'm doing go your hand up yep put that on yeah that tape press that down oh I can't reach it my li I walk away with digy I'm not proud of myself I've been as naughty without going to jail as I want to be thank you Angela please explain to me your crime um I tried to trademark the TM logo cuz I don't think you can do it that way you have to apply for it Angela owns the franchise now what did mine d
o exactly mine committed eight crimes none of which were illegal but all of which were annoying yeah she broke some M law to be fair we not sure if that house was built with the intentions of respecting moldy land anyway yeah yeah I felt like that house had a very Colonial mindset so I don't know I don't know if any of that sort of stuff applied guy your fashion crime was commendable it was horrific he I'm so desensitized to guy Williams's body on national television now that no it was just a ga
p between the string and his butt cheeks there was a little gap which gave you the depth perception of what his ass looked like yeah which we have seen we've seen his eyes like I feel like now you got there like you felt the string touch the tank everything have we got anyone left out of all our contestants this man has served the most time on planet Earth because he's the oldest it's lehart all the sensations the smells The Sounds the visual aspect all important when making a good cheese toasty
bow now time for the cheese your favorite cheese well I'm personally a tasty man I don't think there should be any other cheeses other than tasty must not everybody's cover of tea but why not oh now we wait it's a waiting game you been busy no no just this good again yeah cool cool is that a two is that out there a twoy you got 40 seconds now there you go look at that that's what' you think of this or of the crime the task was to commit a crime amount of crimes I've committed doing this that yo
u didn't even pick up on while we're doing was unbelievable beautiful toasty on the surface not tasty cheese is it some sort of half house Colby or eat them for me that's a crime I wouldn't put mustard on a tasty actually not too bad actually take it back about the mustard is actually quite good cheese isn't bad either so I think I failed this one I don't think we committed any crimes with that's beautiful you know what I don't mind losing this particular competition if we get to enjoy this the
biggest crime I think is you didn't cook more I think we should cook [Laughter] more really good toasty not even just saying that genuinely one of the best Toasties I've ever had at what point did you forget what the task was I I don't think I forgot I I was I was expecting that toasty to be less awesome than it was and I really thought the mustard would be wrong and the cheese was all wrong but it actually tasted all right it it was possibly the best toasty I've ever eaten yeah and I think we t
he crew ended up enjoying it as well it was actually quite a good moment wasn't it there were no crimes committed at all on Reflections no crimes whatsoever I feel like I'm really looking forward to the launch of snacker Samy this just some scoring for me uh brenley one point for you there's just some low level offending there I am so mad yeah well two points to Angela uh we cuz I'm not even sure what she actually did at first I was amazed that she came last and Lee didn't come last but then I f
ound out Lee hasn't come second to last either well mine still some uh cultural indiscretions from you so uh so you get three points y it on good guy I liked your G string I thought that was a great fashion crime and seeing your ass that was a crime didn't like that either and then I think five points for Lee in this situation because look not doing the task is the ultimate [Laughter] crime should we head down to the scoreboard now and see how it's all look why do that when the scoreboard can co
me to us in first equal with eight points each it's mine Samy and Guy Williams yeah yeah some bad news Jeremy what's that it's time for our last team task of the [Music] season C Sports oh you're good at basketball you're good at basketball yeah I'm good at basketball I'm very tall good at basketball yeah all right hello Lee hello Angela hello hell Paul how are you good thank you complimentary mints oh I don't want to eat it cuz I feel like it's going to be a trick yeah I feel like we should jus
t open the task there's so much weird stuff here I'm confused yeah I'm confused too handcuff yourselves together at the rest then score 10 points for Fest of 10 points wins your time starts now this is like last night all over again how do you open a handcuff put that one on I like how you tried to get into the same handcuff I how do you open the Handcuff oh you push it through push it through oh push it all the way through push it all the way through oh are you a right-hander or a left-hander I
don't care really um when it comes to handcuffs okay now what do we do score 10 points how do we score 10 points how do we score 10 points how indeed do they score 10 points Paul any insights each team was provided with a basketball a hoop a 100 piece puzzle a mini trampoline and of course an array of comical costumes well they had to do was score 10 points probably our most straightforward task yet which team do we have first this team is known to their fans by their nickname guy Brinley and m
eline it's guy Brinley and meline got 10 points try and throw it and then Paul will show us if we've made a point okay no that didn't give a point okay I don't think any of these is scoring us points really why not why not go go Bard yes boy is that a point ni maybe we've got to start here through the puzzle hey guys this is not how long have we gone am I rose on the Titanic just so D do we just eat a mint you've eaten a mint okay it's it's going to be something stupid something like saying some
thing nice to each other guy you look lovely thank you thank you brenley you look fantastic too wow that's good that was a random guess melon you um your suit is Ravishing guy you are tall and strong thank you brenley you are bright and fresh and friendly brenley um I I must say that you one of the most positive people I know a thank you guy you're really funny thank you meline you are creative and talented I like this brenley you are better than Michael Jordan at basketball that's not true but
thank you really genuinely could be a basketball player in the NBL I for one am also wondering how we're going to get out of these yeah I have keys oh cool that's good okay Sports yeah that trash the pl no please don't we've learned nothing we've learned no lessons Paul you suck thank you meline thank you brenley bye Paul thank you guy thank you a not only did they finish the task in record time but that was actually the first proper warm moment of the whole series you guys complimenting each ot
her was lovely I realize now compliment man yeah this is not good this is good can't wait to say this is exceptional actually this next team compliment each other well but will they compliment each other it's Lee and Angela complimentary Ms you're supposed to eat it okay look got his face you doing well with this we got one point not really thing people do nowadays is it the old jigs puzzle since internet porn and stuff came you never really a lot of time doing this anymore yeah that looks good
that means his hand is down there yep oh we got two points yep yes [Music] done are you left-handed or right- handed I'm right-handed have another crank yep I don't see the points changing let's do this together three together what yeah so there's two points we missing something here yeah I think there's a puzzle here Min complimentary the complimentary Min am I supposed to compliment compliment is he is that the four square guy is it I think it's a four square guy Four Square Four Square Four S
quare square perhaps we've got to do it with both us with the hands one two oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] do that again oh that really hurt I did it quite tight oh [ __ ] no there's a birth mark you did off for your left hand yeah you have another crack what are we getting points for complimenting okay three points there yeah can I know the basball you got in didn't you try that one again not bad not bad if this goes in we go to four we're on the right track we're on four y wait when did we get the other
point I don't know let's just keep going with this not bad not bad the basb again he's on five just keep going the basketball yes great teamwork yeah fol sorry ni this is good beautiful one more so easy when you know how isn't it oh that was as good as my best 10 thank you stopped the clock didn't make any sense whatsoever but uh we're here oh boy oh boy you I tell you you guys must have been so confused can I urgently interject um we you saw us do the task successfully and then we watched that
segment and Lee's team was on three points and Lee went over to madin and goes what are we getting points for he still didn't know and at this point I'm still not sure if he knows Lee what were you getting points for about 5 seconds ago I worked it up C I think I might have worked it out if I kept going on my train of thought like close you were so close close you were so close and then the next thing you know both of you were standing on a mini [ __ ] together trying to do something with the sa
me lasting time thinking so I was like I'll just go I'll just keep going and maybe it'll make sense I was quite lenient with some of the compliments as well like not bad uh and they took 47 minutes yeah 47 minutes uh it took them 4 minutes to get their first point the other team did the task in three minutes Lee and Angela one point each for that one and um I think you guys deserve Four Points I think Ms guy and Bley Four Points just two tasks remain and The elusive trophy I should say we were s
aying nice things to each other for encouragement instead of trying to score points yeah exactly so they compliments it was real for us it was real it meant something yeah what have we got next Paul it's our last task proper and we've saved the sweet stuff until the [Music] end well well well well Whoa We hello Angela hello what a delicious smaller sport of treats this looks good we're enjoying this make the best dessert you have 10 minutes your time starts now how lovely is this [Music] oo okay
10 minutes is nothing for me um I could do this in an a minute and a half but let's get it right so the problem here which is going to be quickly exposed is that I have no talent to be fair guy I think that that was exposed long before we started this task this was hard just like every other task I've done in the past also hard so talk me through this task Paul not really much to talk through he me uh all the info was on the task do the task your best ability very simple anyway here's Angela an
d guy and Lee and meline for tasty desserts okay well you got to start with an impressive presentation that looks pretty cool God that's hard isn't it I know what fondant is so what are you going for um a layered kind of not a trifle more like a sweet lasagna little bit of choco something 10 minutes okay don't stop [ __ ] around mans I'm going to make an aquarium with the jelly and what's that that's a mistake I can make the grossest dessert just putting that in there that's disgusting and some
pickles is a real red hearring why the gens you might want to use them is this some sort of trick here well I don't really understand what's going on this seems too simple why is it too shits that's weird I don't know what this is going to be this is a bad St cuz it looks quite feal so I'm not sure that's actually anything oh burget was s it in there it stuck to the plate some people were just born for greatness other people have greatness thrust upon them which one were you neither I'm a oh oh
oh how much longer left 6 seconds [ __ ] that's something how do you think that's gone I think it's gone pretty good obviously the subtle flavor of the sponge I didn't want to sort of drown that um with too much color or or taste I'll take that but thank you meline m sponge [Music] right those really were some delicious looking desserts can we just have another look at what it says on the T I just want to double check the spelling on what it says there make the best desert is that me does that s
ay desert or dessert uh it definitely says desert I don't know why anyone would make a dessert um yeah very clearly says desert would you like to judge the desserts anyway no um because they've completely ignored the task so no I don't did anyone actually make a desert I can't remember shall we take a look love to make the best dessert you have 10 minutes your time starts now what do they mean by b are you going to eat it no okay how do you know it will be the best the Taskmaster will decide by
looking at photos Okay make the best desert wait dessert does dessert have two s's well can you search the word dessert for me can you spell out what I need to search d e s e r t and tell me what pictures come yes okay great I'm stuck with that it's a lot of sand that's very trixy of you to do that Paul that's why there's sperman leaves and this is the sand oh my God that's the Oasis do you want to eat one of these no what else would be good here so what I'm imagining surely at least one person
has just made a good dessert surely oh let have all done [Applause] other congratulations Bley not only did you make the best desert you made the only desert but to be fair you could have actually just taken a big dump on that desert it's would have been the best desert and and someone still had to taste it right no oh okay yeah you could have just done a big [ __ ] well we got to score that one Brinley Five Points I mean well on Bley and everyone else zero fear that's will you tell us how the s
coreboard is looking it's a three-way tie currently all on 12 points Brinley meline and Guy okay everyone knows what they have to do let's head to the stage for our last task of the season this is sure to be a task fitting of the occasion Paul who's going to tell us what it is Lee Hart will you please read this task love to Paul karate chop the thickest spaghetti log you have 20 seconds to construct your log you you will then each have one crate chop attempt if you do not cleanly Chop through yo
ur whole log you'll be disqualified the log with the most spaghetti successfully chopped wins pretty straightforward are you ready ready you have 20 [Applause] seconds timer place your logs down please just place your logs down yeah cool it's been a while since I've seen a good oldfashioned karate chop who's going to start up first Paul we're going to start with Angela D really I've always started these tasks and I'd like the last one to just not go first please Taskmaster Angela dver are you se
rious I'm taking my [Laughter] sto a go 29.6 wow not yet not yet no I just wanted to can I can I feel how thick it is okay you can do that oh I'm [ __ ] someone is going to break their hand on this concrete just I'm sorry just don't hit the concrete just don't hit the concrete you'll be fine go go an we believe in [Music] you let's do it oh [ __ ] I'm so sorry sports sports sports it's a clean break it's a clean break it's amazing Bley St mine's very thin I'll be the judge of that 26.6 all right
brenley believe in yourself it's a clean break it's a clean break okay it's so much easier than I thought guy you're up he going he's going th you me big boys it's big time baby it's slightly more Angela's was 29.6 guys is 29.8 okay here's for the lead can I get a clap yeah yeah clean break right clean break leeart all right here we go do you want help carrying the log it's a twers job this one oh that's got a bit of girth on it Lee 75.8 wow good luck Le good luck Lee let's go Le I don't want t
o put pressure on but last place rides on this it's a clean break is one in the middle mine good luck mads all right you can do it going after Lee you kind of look piss poor yeah I do 41.3 wow should I make a noise or something like make a big noise it's a clean break clean break say all right let's head back down here for some points and the episode winner and announce the winner of the entire series come on down welcome back everybody all right Paul who is our thickest chopper leeart with 75.8
mm so that means 1 point for Brinley two points for Angela three points for guy four points for meline and Five Points for the wickedly talented leea okay so who does that mean takes out episode 10 it was a nailbiter but with 16 points the winner of episode 10 is meline Sami congratulations a gorgeously curated selection of DIY prizes awaits you h on up there meline enjoy those and now we've enjoyed and sometimes endured 10 weeks of tasks for this moment all the vegetables leaf blowers cigarett
es frisbees pinatas g-strings wheelchairs vases and moms have been for this the Taskmaster New Zealand series 1 Champion what are the final overall scores Paul in fifth place with 131 Guy Williams in fourth place just three points ahead on 134 it's leea the bronze medalist with 142 points Brinley stance I the I'm the people's princes in second place with 154 and a half it's medelyn Sami which means that the winner of Taskmaster is Angela d a huge congratulations Angela it's been a pleasure to br
ing you Task Master Series 1 thank you to our contestants to Paul Williams my assistant and if you've watched the whole thing thanks for not deserting us sorry deserting us with any luck I'll see you again soon thanks so much for watching that [Applause] night for more Taskmaster subscribe [Music] now



Those toasties had to be incredible given how much it made Paul break character. That could've probably easily won "most surprisingly pleasant thing" as well


Lee unknowingly getting points for hyping up Angela shooting the ball was super cute. They may have lost, but it was still great to watch.


It’s been said before but Leigh really gives off the “asked to participate at his daughters birthday party” vibe.


How the cast supported Angela in the live task was really wholesome!


Guy: 'Everyone should probably stop eating that, it's just crushed kitty litter.' Brynly: licks dust off finger 'That's pretty nice.'


The toastie was so good Paul broke character. I've never seen him so happy. 😂


The desert task was evil, I loved it.


Words cannot explain how happy I was to see the initially awkward Angela become more confident and comfortable and win Taskmaster, I always thought she was so funny!


I was kind of dubious about Leigh at the beginning of the season, but damn, has he unhinged his way into my heart.


I dont know why everyone is hating on Guy, i think clearly he is being silly and playing a character. He's not genuinely that hype about himself. I can understand people just not enjoying that kind of humor but i think he brought a lot of energy to the show, a lot of scenes benefited from him being so lively and often times butting heads with Jeremy or Paul.


since they've been rushing out season 1, I hope we'll get season 2, 3 and 4 imminently! I love Taskmaster NZ so much!


I love that Angela really seemed to enjoy the show more as it went on.


Brynley's hysterical trophy was criminally underscored! One of the top prize task entries.


I liked it when Paul started actually laughing when Lee said the crime was not making more of them.


Jeremy’s judgement on the crime task was genuinely genius


I lost it when Guy told everyone to stop eating kitty litter. I lost it again when Paul made the witty callback by saying their cousin wouldn't marry Guy because he cremated their uncle (and presumably this cousin's father).


When they started passing John around like a bottle at a campfire I about died.


I love how much both Paul and the Taskmaster have grown into their role in the second half of this season. In the very first episodes i could still see them "trying on" the lines and figuring out the dynamic, but man do i love this different version of the show by the time i got to the finale. Paul is doing a wonderful job of being always a bit bedraggled yet adorable. Like a long-suffering intern who technically knows most things, but would never speak up about it because nobody would listen to him anyways. I'm so glad they didn't decide to try to replicate the in-character hostility towards Alex which has developed in the UK version. With Paul being quite a bit younger i think it wouldn't work as well, especially not if it hasn't organically developed. I also love the way we can see the Taskmaster relaxing and beginning to enjoy his role. He hit a good balance of strict and playful. I absolutely adored Angela once i realised she wasn't actually clue- and helpless. She's hilarious yet sweet, and watching her and Paul interact melted my heart. Seeing the entire cast celebrate at the end of this season made me so happy. I cannot wait for the next season to get uploaded!


"Not doing the task is the ultimate crime". I was all ready to hate on Jeremy again for his terrible judgement, but he brought be right back with this line. 10/10 perfect judgement


U could see Angella was genuinely nervous for the live task so it was really sweet that everyone encouraged her!