
Teaching Strategies - Gaining Children's Attention

Preschool teacher Nereida Diaz describes a strategy she uses in her classroom to focus children's attention, particularly after a period of active play. She puts her hands to her eyes to resemble a pair of glasses and says the phrase, "Hocus Pocus; everybody focus." The children respond with the same gesture and repeat the word, "focus." This video is part of a series of Teaching Strategies videos - see more at Copyright 2016 by the Center for Early Childhood Education at Eastern Connecticut State University. This video may only be used for educational purposes. It may not be used for commercial purposes and may not be edited or adapted without written permission from the Center for Early Childhood Education. For more information, visit

CECE Early Childhood Videos at Eastern CT State U.

7 years ago

Nereida Diaz: Well we learned, my assistant and I, we learned something that we call “Hocus Pocus, everybody focus,” and I go like that. “Hocus Pocus, everybody focus,” so they just look at me and go like that. Nereida: Hocus Pocus, everybody… Children: Focus! Nereida Diaz: And even, they finish the sentence, and they focus on me. Nereida: Hocus Pocus, everybody… Children: Focus! Nereida: Focus; everybody focus. Nereida Diaz: After they do some exercise, they get so active that we want to calm t
hem. If they’re like, too overactive, we just say “Hocus Pocus, everybody focus,” and that helps a lot.
