
Team Fortress 2: Director's Cut Reel #shorts #gaming #teamfortress2 #tf2 #crate #lofi

An overview of the Director's Cut Reel that I open up 25 of in Disclaimer: This video is for entertainment purposes only and is not financial advice. Earnings from unboxing are not guaranteed. Data on probabilities and contents are sourced from the Team Fortress 2 Wiki. Pricing information is obtained from and as of October 19, 2023 and may be out of date. by NintenDubs


5 months ago

hi welcome back to crat with zed the standard addition reel we're looking at an expected value of only 1.17 Keys you're not going to get a lot of value out of it the superior version is the director's cut reel what this lets you do is use the best code for the top four taunt you get an expected value of 2.27 keys and the cost is about the same profits not guaranteed here we have two profitable options Conga worth 2.85 keys and rock paper scissors worth 2.3 create Keys which we'll get about half
the time the other two are worth less than what we PID for let me give you a tour of how the scrambling works if you type in a random code here and you Shuffle it you'll see we get a possibility that's not the four best options my favorite code is Dad we get Rancho relaxo Square Dance Conga and rock paper scissors you can see those are the four best options here



Can you do Crate #91?