
Technology brings fall colors to life for people who live with color blindness in Metro Detroit

Humans are pretty darn clever. If you give them a problem, they’ll often figure out how to fix it. A new example is the magic of modern technology that is bringing fall colors alive for people who live with color blindness.

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1 year ago

well humans they're pretty darn clever don't you think if you give them a problem they'll very often figure out a way to fix it well we found a new example today as the magic of modern technology is bringing fall colors alive for people who live with color blindness Paula Topman joins us from one of the most scenic spots in the city to explain you got my interest on this one Bala all right that I did my job so let me give you your bearings so right over here that is Atwater and then you see the
Outdoor Adventure Center right there you walk up the berm and you're at this really really beautiful high point there's a Detroit River there's Canada and Karen this is way cool being able to see colors especially in early fall in Michigan that's when you get the gifts of vibrant Reds outlandish yellows cool blue hues and everything in between and if you Trek to the top of the berm across from the Outdoor Adventure Center in Milliken State Park along the riverfront newly installed binoculars bri
ng everything closer greens Reds whites of the barge the green the grass the different brick colors on the houses a little bit of everything beautiful it looks beautiful everything looks beautiful but here's the other cool thing with these brand new mounted binoculars while you're enjoying colors so crisp you can almost taste them consider this for millions of people like our own Hank Winchester who is colorblind the world looks different I have trouble distinguishing between the colors red and
green but I've got the whole traffic light thing figured out so don't worry except these aren't just any old mounted binoculars well that's half my problem these are specially equipped in chroma color accessible binoculars they are actually designed to make color accessible to people who are colorblind it's helpful for those with color blindness because it makes it pop right and it makes it way more vibrant that area it's it's a group of trees leaves grass was a little bit dull when I started lo
oking through it it's getting a lot sharper really yeah it's like how when you go to get your eyes tested and they flip the thing until your eyes get more clear it's doing that with the color these are just some of the differences and chroma provides to show how different things can look you don't have to be colorblind to enjoy the view but if you just happen to be oh I really see it now wait oh yeah can you see that or no am I only gonna am I the only one that's gonna see it like that I see bea
utiful colors I don't I don't right here I do here okay so expedited science lesson this is how this works so there are special filters inside these lenses now if you're not colorblind it doesn't change the color it'll enhance the color but if you are colorblind these filters will actually fill in the blanks with your brain for the colors that they that the brain cannot process which is why you've got to look you can't just go like this you actually have to look for about a minute or two so that
the brain can do a reset and then you'll be able to see the difference cool stuff and listen Hank you know he he's suspicious of everything we all are we're journalists but he was sold I know you know that about your buddy well I do know because I many times have to tell him his socks don't match and it's just always a hot mess so this is this is some good news for anyone dealing with color blindness and tank if you like it thank you Paula appreciate it



Amazing !