
प्राचीन Technology जो आपके होश उड़ा देगा | Ancient Proofs of Advance Civilizations or Aliens

प्राचीन Technology जो आपके होश उड़ा देगा | Ancient Proofs of Advance Civilizations or Aliens Vaimanika Shastra translated in early 20th century covers definitions of airplane, pilot, aerial routes, and planes are described in great detail. In 1991, a book by David Hatcher Childress, ‘Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis’ covered the secrets of constructing aero planes that will not break, will not catch fire, and cannot be destroyed. There are hundreds of ancient artifacts discovered and we modern human don't have any answer for them. Antikythera Mechanism scientists believe that this was a computer that was able to calculate the sun and moon motion with complete precession. Ica stones that were found in Peru that have carvings of ancient dinosaurs But how these are possible is there any advance civilization or Aliens lived before us? Subscribe to our new channel: fb page: Instagram: Written, Edited and Voice by: [Shubham Jain, Sujit Kumar & Kaushik]

अंतरिक्ष TV

11 months ago

Vimana.. In ancient Indian history, you may have often heard its mention. But do you know what it means? “Vega-Saamyaat Vimaano Andajaanaam” Means which have the speed like a Bird is called Vimana You must remember the Pushpak Vimana from the Ramayana, which Ravana had stolen from Kubera. After Ravana's death, Lord Shri Ram rode on that flying chariot and returned to Ayodhya. In the Mahabharata, there was also King Salva's Saubha Vimana, which he used to launch an aerial attack on Dwaraka. Even
the Rig Veda, which is considered the oldest text in human history, contains descriptions of flying chariots. Such as the 'Trichakra Ratha', which was a chariot with three wheels that could fly in the air, and the 'Tritala', which was a three-storied flying chariot. The Yajurveda describes such skilled engineers who were highly proficient in building flying chariots and vehicles. The Agastya Samhita, written by the sage Agastya, mentions a flying chariot named 'Vimanadvigunam', which was similar
to today's parachutes. And then comes the Vaimanika Shastra, which was written by Rishi Bharadwaja. The Vaimanika Shastra describes different types of aircraft, such as what metals and alloys they were made of, what energy sources were used to operate them, etc. Not only that, but detailed information is also given about what dress the pilots operating them should wear and what they should eat. Some planes used to move due to the attainment of Ast-Siddhi, while some were driven by Tantra-Vidya.
But the question arises, how did our ancestors have so much knowledge about flying vehicles? The machines that we cannot even imagine today were being used in ancient times. However, this technology no longer exists. UFO means Unidentified Flying Objects which we associate with aliens today, were actually the flying vehicles that our ancestors used. Not only in India but also in different civilizations of the world, we find mention of such advanced technologies. “Helm of Hadis”, according to Gr
eek Mythology, it used to be a helmet type instrument, which was possessed by the God of the Underworld “Hadith”. Anyone who wore it on their head would become invisible and no one could see them. Now let's take a look at these mysterious stones that were discovered in the Ica province of Peru. It is believed that they were carved nearly 1500 years ago. More than 50,000 such stones have been found here to date. But the most mysterious thing about them is the carvings made on them, which appear t
o be more advanced than the knowledge of the people of that time. Extinct ancient creatures, even dinosaurs, have been depicted on them. The interesting thing is that humans and dinosaurs have been shown together on them, as if both existed at the same time. Talking about modern history, in the year 1677, Robert Plot of Britain discovered the first dinosaur fossil. Before this, humans had no idea that such creatures as dinosaurs had also existed on this earth at one time. So where did the carvin
gs of dinosaurs on the Ica Stones come from after all? Now friends, the mystery of these stones is not solved here... Many of these stones have images on them depicting activities such as heart transplants and brain surgeries being performed. Some images depict humans observing the sky through telescopes, while others show spaceships, time machines, and aircrafts. Now, friends, scientists claim that these stones are not ancient at all, rather they were created by someone to manipulate history. H
owever, the research done on them tells a different story altogether. The carvings on the Ica Stones were not made with any known metal or material Moreover, microorganisms have been found in them, which is only possible when something has been buried in the earth for hundreds of years. Friends, you must have heard of the Antikythera mechanism. It was discovered in 1901 in Antikythera, Greece. And it is believed to be from the 2nd century BC. The Antikythera mechanism is a hand-powered analog co
mputer that could calculate the astronomical positions of objects in the solar system I have already provided a detailed video about it earlier, if you haven't watched it yet, be sure to watch it after this video. Now, my friends, take a look at this painting... It was made in 1350 and is called "Crucifixion of Christ". Here you will see two strange objects flying in the sky, inside which someone is also sitting. The painting "The Madonna with Saint Giovannino" created by Archangelo Del Sellaio
also shows us a flying object. And in the painting "The Baptism of Christ" created in 1710, a UFO-like object can clearly be seen. Now I am going to take you to Skinwalker Ranch, a 512-acre place located in Utah state of America. This place is full of many mysteries. a French missionary named Silvestre Vélez de Escalante wrote that in the year 1776, when they were making a campfire here, they saw many strange fireballs in the sky. The claims of seeing such strange objects in the sky were not mad
e for the first time here, but such claims are also found in the accounts of the local Ute Tribe who reside here. In the 1970s, Skinwalker Ranch witnessed several strange incidents. Mysterious crop circles appeared in people's fields, and the sky would suddenly light up, and cows to vanish without a trace. Some cows were found with surgical scars, but the precision of the surgery was beyond human capability. Farmer Terry Sherman claimed to have seen two blue orbs in the sky, and he even followed
them for a while, but they disappeared suddenly. Now, let me take you to Florida where a family found a strange metallic sphere near their house one day. This sphere was quite heavy, and as they looked at it, they thought it might be some kind of a canon ball, but it was not. As soon as they brought it inside their house, the sphere started spinning on its own. The family tried to place it in one spot, but it kept moving on its own, as if it was tracing the information of its surroundings and s
ending it somewhere else. When scientists tested the sphere, they claimed that it was emitting radio signals and that it was an object that came from outside the Earth. Later, the sphere was returned to the family, but a few days later, both the sphere and the family mysteriously disappeared, and no evidence has been found to this day. A few years ago, a report emerged claiming that an alien spacecraft was spotted underwater by a Russian submarine. The sonar of the submarine detected 6 unknown o
bjects moving towards them at an unbelievable speed of 425 kilometers per hour. However, as soon as the submarine approached them, these unknown objects emerged from the water and disappeared. Recently, the Pentagon released a report discussing various unknown phenomena witnessed by the American military. Many incidents in the report show clear evidence of aliens and UFOs, but the Pentagon has labelled them as UAP or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Not just one or two incidents, but hundreds and
thousands of incidents have been reported worldwide where people have claimed to have seen aliens and UFOs. In the year 1947, what happened in Roswell is something that all space lovers are well aware of. That incident was proof that our government is hiding evidence of the existence of aliens from us. Now, the question here is not what our governments are hiding from us and what they are not hiding. The question is that many artifacts have been found from our ancient past to the present day tha
t contain countless secrets within them. If our ancestors had such advanced technology, then why does it not exist today? How were structures like the pyramids built thousands of years ago, and where have the vimanas mentioned in ancient Indian texts disappeared to? Major wars are mentioned in the religious texts of ancient civilizations around the world, where one god fought against another god or a demon. But today, we cannot find any evidence of the destruction caused by these wars. The more
we think about these things, the more perplexed we become. Every day, something or the other is being discovered that questions our historical knowledge. Anyway, what do you think about this? Was there Any advance civilization lived in the ancient Earth? Or is there any living today? Who are hiding from us? Let us know by commenting below. I hope you loved the video If you did then do give a Like I will meet you in a next video Until then Bye Jai Hind



So once again here is our ancient history,, rocking & world is shocking 🤩⚡⚡


The world need to thank us for these great ancient structures...😎🔥


Our indian history is full of science high level science Thanks to give us this types of information ⭐⭐🙏🙏


Indian ancient history ❤


My favorite astronomy channel ❤


Make video on books to learn astrophysics, physics and quantum physics from zero level. (Not for any exam)


Science is one of the most important sources of information. It serves a specific purpose and a variety of functions for the benefit of our society, including the generation of new knowledge, the improvement of education, and the enhancement of our quality of life. Science must address societal needs as well as global challenges.


Antariksh tv ❤️ science teacher ❤️


जब तक मैं आपका कोई एक वीडियो देख ना लूं जबतक तो तुम मुझे नींद भी नहीं आती बैसे सर आपकी आवाज बहुत अच्छी


Kaushik bhaiya can you make more such videos on ancient India keep it up


Aise hi unique content upload karte rahiye sir. 👍


In 1977, a BBC team visited Ica as part of the filming of the Horizon episode "The Case of the Ancient Astronauts". Cabrera provided the team with one of the small stones, which was later analyzed in London. The stone itself was found to possibly be Mesozoic in age but the engravings were determined to be recent since the clean edges of the incisions were unlikely to stay that way for long due to erosion. The engraving was thus determined to have been carried out after the oxidation process.[5] In 1993 and 1994, some Ica stones were examined in Barcelona and evidence was found for the engravings having been made recently with tools such as saws, acids, and sandpaper.


Good to watch ancient indian knowledge by you😊😊


Beleive me or not , Ancient Indians were more skillfull and knowledgeable than today humans , and we call us most advance 😑😑😏


Amazing and informative video sir. 👍 ❤⭐💯🔥🎉💪


Mza aa gya as always My favorite topic ancient aliens ❤


Please make vod on 64 dimensions of vedas


Bharat is mahaan😊


Really in old time all things be like "ye to alien 👽 ne banayi h 😂😂 First comment


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