
Teens TROLL vegan activist in beach debate

Why should YOU be vegan? Watch this to find out: If you wish to support my animal rights activism, you can subscribe or donate here: 🐷 Patreon: 🐮 PayPal: 🔞 All links & fans only: ♻️ Vegan tees: 📧 Contact me: 🐄 This video will CHANGE your life: 🌱 How to go VEGAN: 🥛 Dairy is SCARY: 🔪 Slaughterhouses EXPOSED: 🚨 IMPORTANT: ⚠️ Watch DOMINION MOVEMENT (YouTube) & SEASPIRACY (Netflix) ❗️If you’re not vegan, you’re an animal abuser ❗️Veganism is an ethical view against slavery, r*pe, torture, abuse & murder of non-human animals. Every moment you choose NOT to be vegan, non-human animals are abused & murdered on YOUR behalf ❗️Animals are forced into slaughterhouses, brutally murdered & their flesh chopped into pieces for you to consume their body parts ❗️Dairy cows are r*ped & forcibly impregnated to produce milk for humans to profit from, steal & consume (dairy). When mother dairy cows give birth, their babies are KIDNAPPED from them & murdered if they’re born male ❗️The egg industry enslaves chickens & murders egg laying hens once they don’t produce enough eggs. The baby male chicks are macerated ALIVE the moment they’re born ❗️ The flesh (meat), dairy, egg, honey, skin (leather), wool, fur, down (feathers), scales, silk, non-human animal breeding (pets), captivity (zoos & aquariums), entertainment (circuses), racing (horse & greyhounds) & testing (beauty products etc.) industries are exploitative, abusive & UNETHICAL ❗️SPECIESISM = RACISM = SEXISM: ALL are forms of OPPRESSION & VIOLENCE ❗️Do YOU choose violence, abuse & murder OR veganism? ⚠️ Other YouTube channels to follow: ➡️ EDUCATIONAL: & ➡️ DEBATES: & 🎥 Content filmed by Jack Higgs: About Tash Peterson: Tash is an animal rights activist based in Perth, Western Australia. She has been featured and interviewed on various media outlets across the world including UniLad, New York Post, Sky News Australia & Piers Morgan Uncensored UK. The Project and Flashpoint Australia have also aired featured stories about her activism on national TV. Tash is known for her unique and controversial style of activism, which she states is essential for social awareness and change, because civil disobedience generates attention to animal rights through media exposure.

Tash Peterson

7 months ago

yeah and why do you think it's okay we're part of the food chain food chain yeah are you in a survival situation are you straight up yeah so so you don't go to the supermarkets all the time all the time all the time so then you're not in a survival situation because you go to the supermarkets right you start fishing rod that's what you have to use you know surely you could just eat plants instead of murdering someone right what do you live on lots of different plant-based Foods so plant-based Me
ats yeah yeah exactly everywhere has a vegan option now uh I think I tried it once not really a fan of that yeah it has a bit of meat in it I I didn't like those places when I wasn't vegan that's just my personal preference but don't you wouldn't you agree that it's easy to choose the vegan option rather than paying someone to murder an animal since you're not in a survival situation and you go to hj's what if you don't pay something well that that's still inactive murderer wouldn't you agree no
why not because like I said food chain we we need to eat something you know yeah but we've just kind of come to the conclusion that you're not actually in a survival situation therefore it's unnecessary to take someone's life whether you're paying someone to do it by buying meat dairy or eggs producing them then it's chill because it will never like extinct them you know you care about animals going extinct so you pay people to murder them is that right we're producing them then we're never goi
ng to extinct them you know why do you care about that because they're murdered they're bred into existence to be enslaved abused and murdered so you can eat meat Dairy and eggs protein so they so they shouldn't be bred into existence in the first place right yeah but we're eating them so we can exist did you not know that you can Thrive and survive as a vegan from like besides chicken protein like where do you get your protein from a question lots of plant just a moment lots of plant-based Food
s so legumes so chickpeas I've never heard of it beans you've never heard of beans so you can get protein have you ever have a chicken and cheese from McDonald's no I haven't well then that's why you're vegan yourself I used to eat mappers all the time mate I didn't eat that but I what's good about eating a six week old baby who had their throats so when it's younger and cheese from a cow who was raped and had her babies taken away from her that's right have you ever asked an animal do you not l
ike being milked it because that's their milk for their baby and their babies are shot in the head and kidnapped from them so you can have her breast milk did you guys know that's what happens in the dairy industry they rape the cows to impregnate them and then they take her baby away from her they kidnap them so you can drink her breast milk yeah lifestyle you breastfeed from cows the best food for my mom too you like that yeah that's cool even even just becoming aware of the cruelty that I jus
t told you about that doesn't bother you yes Tom why not I like drinking what if that was happening to dogs would your perspective be a bit different if I just told you dogs yeah he knows all about that I love eating bugs all the time you know you go down to Chin's noodle house no I'm not interested in eating any animal because you don't need to eat animals for your nutrients this chicken you know personal favorite taste justify murder well you're saying it tastes good so you're insinuating that
because it tastes good it's okay to starve an animal in the throat so it just taste justify murdering yeah like the taste of humans so he likes it yeah so does that apply to all species including human beings if someone said I like the taste of human beings so therefore it's okay to chop them do you think that's okay too yeah do you vegetables have lives too especially wait no but answer my question do you think it's okay if someone says the taste of humans taste good yes even if you were the v
ictim you have to survive you have to protect yourself yeah but we're not talking about survival situations you just said that you go to hj's in the supermarket so you're not in a survival situation right do you think it's tough to murder animals they're kind of giving off that yeah I'm an alpha male because I pay people to rape dairy cows and kidnap their babies from them and stab babies in the throat yeah do you think that's really Alpha yeah I'd actually say that's sweet voice actually there'
s nothing stronger there's nothing first there's nothing there's nothing stronger than protecting the most defenseless individuals on this planet so if there was a puppy dog right here or a calf or a baby chicken stabbing them in the throat is the manly thing to do right or protecting them no you know that's the manly thing to do to stab the puppy in the throat yeah no no not something you shouldn't but I feel endless come on oh so so slitting throats is not okay but shooting in the head that's
okay you know slitting is just a bit more painful you just feel it for a bit and then okay exactly and if you were the victim that's okay so someone just did a quick slip yeah as a trial before I think you're bullshitting yeah I'm terrified I think you're bullshitting if there's a puppy here or a car or a little chicken baby chick yeah it's pretty cute I'll join them it's hot you think it's cute yeah what's cute about it just just the sound of it is just hot someone's screaming for their life wh
at are you talking about so you find animal abuse funny yeah so does that justify you murdering babies because they taste good because yeah but you pay people to do it yeah but every time you eat it you're putting in the supply and demand it's more animals to be abused and murdered so technically you're supporting oh yeah there's Andrew Tate over there you know you can go well just over there no I'm all good so because what because a lion murders other animals that's okay for you to murder other
animals is that what you're saying we don't murder them so Lions also rape one another and murder their own species so do you think that's okay to do too yeah it's not do you really base your morality and what a lion does out in the Wilds so you're okay with raping and murdering other species that's what Lions do they rape and murder their own species I don't think a lion would go up to like a random like chipmunk and robot no I'm saying their own species they rape and murder their own species
same thing I know they do but surely you think that's immoral right surely you think that's wrong for someone to commit an act of rape and murder right yeah yeah so that's wrong so there's no there's no difference between murdering animals yeah like that's tough for the animals one may be illegal this eating animals is currently legal some species but that doesn't take away the fact that it is wrong and there's no difference between it how can we make a stop to it by going vegan well I don't wan
t to be vegan because every moment you to be vegan animals are going to be enslaved raped tortured abused and murdered at your expense so if you say today I'm going vegan and I'm not going to support these industries do you know what supply and demand is though what does it mean so supply and demand means if there is if you're buying and consuming animal products right you're putting in a demand for more animals to be bred into existence to be abused and murdered so if you say I'm not going to d
o that anymore then there's going to be less animals bred into existence and collectively hilarious mate collectively as a society more people are going vegan less animals being abused and murdered so it might not stop overnight which I'm not saying that it would it's a gradual process it has more protein what free will to murder humans and anyone we want to reduce my own choices make my own decisions in life so your choice to abuse and murder animals you think that's okay but wouldn't you agree
that you're paying for it because you're eating someone's murdered body oh really I don't ask any questions yeah but we've just established supply and demand you're paying people to do it it's no different to a Hitman paying someone to murder a human just because the Hitman didn't do it doesn't mean that he's a part of that active murder right legs that eats grass and one's a person who can talk and everything else all all animals are people you ever saw plants plants a cow is a person communic
ate to the cows you're raping and killing no a person isn't exclusive to the human species it just means a sentient individual who has self-awareness and who is conscious so wouldn't you agree that a pig or a cow or even a fish is a conscious individual it doesn't it doesn't sound like you're listening to me I can't really talk to a calendar it's not about communication it's about the fact that they're sentient individuals they have a brain and a central nervous system they have their own langua
ges and they are because they're an individual they are people wouldn't you agree yeah you just said it didn't exist off you agree now yeah you're great yeah so what's stopping again this is making going vegan you know Ben he's going home eating his mushrooms his beef um my pork you can get vegan pork vegan what about eggs what about eggs you know yeah cool industry too do you know what happens in the egg industry do you know what happens they [ __ ] out an egg okay so they only want females in
the egg industry so what do you think they do with the males um they don't lay eggs what do you think they do with them they kill the they kill them they put them in a macerator on their first day of life baby male chicks and they're ground up alive so that's in the market so is that in the Macy's chicken nuggets like chicken nuggets probably probably macerated baby chicks not bad when did you turn vegan six years ago six years and four days how old would you have been six years ago 23. do Jim y
eah what's your next bench I don't do that you need the chicken you need the chicken do you know one of the World's Strongest Man is vegan he's in Germany liver King Olivia Kings on steroids and he eats testicles he's a big horse there are plenty of plant-based athletes and if you don't believe me you can go on Netflix and watch the game changes which shows a number of plant-based athletes who are breaking World Records since going vegan so plant-based means that they don't eat any animal produc
ts whatsoever so you can get more than enough protein as a vegan so not as a one-man band what's your like aim you know no to get this whole world to turn vegan is that the destiny it is yeah I'm out here all the time trying to educate people and disrupt do you have your action Mark ever changed anyone from your you know talk oh yeah I actually get messages from people all around the world every single day saying that I inspired them to go vegan not as follows you got um on Facebook 70 000 YouTu
be 20 000. I'll double that Instagram continuously gets deleted so only 11 000. why does it keep learning you've deleted um because people don't like vegans and I get Mass recorded especially For Animals I've said it once yeah so you could be vegan so you don't make life tough for them you don't need to pay people to stab babies in the throat I don't want to kill plants though they're living creatures do they have a central nervous system are they sentient the trees make us breathe I know they'r
e important too but you cared about plants you'd be vegan because animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation for you to get your steak huge amounts of forests are destroyed to create land for cows no but that doesn't make sense and that's 80 billion land animals that are bred into Wisconsin every year Farmers have to kill animals to make sure that their crops don't get [ __ ] on by other animals like the piss like the fox and all those wild pigs yeah but a majority of crops growing
are fed to fund animals because there's 80 million animals I can get any hot water for this baked noodles uh no is there animal products in it yeah I think so yeah I think you should Chuck them away and say Vegan do you know what have you seen slaughterhouse footage fun have you seen this footage yeah what do you think of it I don't really like it but like beef tastes good so it just tastes justify murder yeah what's the difference what's the moral difference because beef tastes good and I don'
t taste good exactly how do you know someone might think you taste good and you've just said that they can murder you because tastes Justice that's what you just said I'm just going by your opinions that means never wait go on ask your head where do you get all your party from which vegetable or yeah which vegetable has the most protein so all legumes are quite high in protein so that's beans chickpeas and trust me you can make them taste good like all plant-based meats you can actually get the
same taste and texture how much do you have to consume of that to get the amount of protein in a piece of chicken how about we ask my filma nutritionist Jack do you want to come and tell them he's a nutritionist come on you take over here what's the question yeah but I'm vegan we're vegan the same amount of time they're asking the protein questions so oh yeah who asked the question how much amount of like greens would you have to eat to get like the amount of protein in chicken of One Piece
